#1 Added by Kyriann 5 years ago
Nair Mac'Keeley,On 30 Thermis CA2 2592, we presented ourselves in front of you and all our friends for you to marry Jamaridoi and me.Since now 2593, I have no news of Jamaridoi, who has never returned from an expedition through the Prime Roots.I no longer believe he will return. The Powers won't give him back to me.So I would like to organize a celebration of regained freedom so that I no longer live in the past.Eolinius who was my best man and Jazzy who was my foster father will be there too.Can you give me a date for the ceremony?Tryka, Meer, Sella!Kyriann Ba'Zephy RieTaliarHead of Bai Nhori Drakani Guild
Last edited by Kyriann (5 years ago)
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