
#16 Report | Quote[fr] 

@Azazor c'est surement une traduction un peu trop litteral de: Roleplay for the win.

#17 Report | Quote[en] 

Give choice of language though, I saw French page, but we need English, French, Spanish, Russian, German mainly. Probably other languages that can join too.

There is a language button to the right of the top banner. The website is translated in English, German, French, Russian, Spanish.We have in project to translate it in other languages (maybe using DeepL as a start, if we do not have volunteers to help).


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#18 Report | Quote[fr] 

Personally, I'm more of a guy who favors function over form and not enamored with the trend in web page design which fills the home page with pictures and large typefaces, thereby reducing the amount of information on the home page.

I would suggest reducing the font sizes down to 2 (one for headers / one for body and having descriptions for very header. For example:

"A real community" - what about it ?

"Patchnotes" - mention the frequency of updates and what they do ... events, new content, etc

Put the info in the left column and use the right column with an image like a roll of film, where the scroll bar takes you thru a series of smaller pics ... without scrolling you down the page.

Getting back to fonts and formatting, my view is that it would benefit from a bit more consistency of formatting for a cleaner, more organized look. To take an analogy to the extreme, I think of a resume with 4 font sizes, mix of bold - underlined - italicized text, 3 bullet styles and 4 different fonts.

Like I said, intentionally took that example to the extreme to illustrate the point, but I still found it hard to focus on the information because my eyes were wandering around the page and I found myself scrolling up and down, up and down while looking for information.


#19 Report | Quote[en] 

There is a language button to the right of the top banner. The website is translated in English, German, French, Russian, Spanish.We have in project to translate it in other languages (maybe using DeepL as a start, if we do not have volunteers to help).

I was also looking for where to change language for longer than people usually have patience (or at least longer than I have patience when not proof-reading). I suggest to replace the globe symbol by the flag of the currently-used language and use that as drop-down (and indicate it possibly by an adjacent downward-pointing arrow) to choose another.

As to the German translation:
On https://web.stage.ryzom.com/de/universe the structure of the planet is explained, core, roots, bark and canopee. canopee should be in German translated (in this universe's context) as "Krone" or "Laubkrone" or probably best "Blätterdach". We are not talking about the cover of a balkony here after all but something organic

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Elke (5 years ago)


#20 Report | Quote[fr] 

Il faudrait en effet afficher les drapeaux des langues en haut à droite, directement visibles, au lieu d'avoir à cliquer sur le logo pour faire afficher EN, FR, ES etc.


Ranger éradicateur de kitins

#21 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Topic moved

Last edited by Tamarea (5 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

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