
#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]

Nouveau site web: vos impressions ?

La sortie du nouveau site web est imminente.
Vous pouvez consulter celui-ci à cette adresse temporaire : https://web.stage.ryzom.com/
Nous attendons vos retours ci-dessous.

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-Support Team-

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (5 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#2 Report | Quote[en] 

Very nice!

And the trailer looks amazing. Keep up the good work :)



#3 Report | Quote[en] 

It looks great :) maybe it could use a link to chat.ryzom.com in the menu or something


#4 Report | Quote[fr] 

It looks lovely. I love the prominent server status. And the event information automatically detecting my time zone. So helpful. Kudos to the design team :)


Homin Reaper Karavan

#5 Report | Quote[fr] 

Site agréable, simple et efficace. Une vidéo accueillante, bien.

Je suis juste perplexe quant à la phrase "un jeu de rôle pour vaincre" ("Roleplay for the win"). Je ne suis pas sûre du sens que c'est supposé avoir ? quelle est l'idée ? Parce que le paragraphe qui suit ne parle pas trop de "victoire".

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

I think it's important to tell people why they should play Ryzom instead of one of the numerous other MMORPGs out there. So I ask myself: why did I choose Ryzom? It wasn't because Ryzom has pretty graphics and a huge living world full of magic and myth - every game has that. It was, to a large degree, because in Ryzom PvP is consensual and when you die other players can't steal your stuff. What that means is that experienced players can't gank newbies, and even if they could they have little incentive to do so.  **DEL**

Bad Langage

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Heli (5 years ago)

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

Very nice update compared to the current website!
Trailer right when we connect on the website, download links, we can see upcoming events on the front page too...

In the Universe section, I'd personally prefer if the Nations were presented side-by-side in a grid, instead of a column, then present another grid with the fauna and flora (but that's just me :') )

Great work!

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

Very nice update compared to the current website!
Trailer right when we connect on the website, download links, we can see upcoming events on the front page too...

In the Universe section, I'd personally prefer if the Nations were presented side-by-side in a grid, instead of a column, then present another grid with the fauna and flora (but that's just me :') )

Great work!

Ohh yes! I feel like that bit is a little clunky feeling. I like the grid idea, the flow would be better that way.


Homin Reaper Karavan

#9 Report | Quote[fr] 

je le trouve cool , simple, j'espère qu'il porteras du fruit !

#10 Report | Quote[fr] 

Yes, looks very nice.
Kepp up the good work! :D



Lylanea Vicciona
Bard of the Four Lands

#11 Report | Quote[fr] 

genial comme site

#12 Report | Quote[fr] 

I like it too.
Give choice of language though, I saw French page, but we need English, French, Spanish, Russian, German mainly. Probably other languages that can join too.
Next, it is nice to NOT see old advertisements featuring NEVRAX either as the owners or copywriters of certain videos. That really irritates me. It's nice to see new stuff.

Also, We need to target our audience. Steam invited tons of new people, but they were quickies that moved on. Not people who would stay with one game, well, some did, but most did not.
It should maybe be advertised as a game for stable people, who would stay and enjoy it. Maybe older people. Maybe target it as the oldest MMORPG with decent graphics, good roleplay, and great story which you can add to!

Lastly, it is a great game with still decent graphics, kitins act great, all animals act great! And there is a few improvements to be made, which can be discussed in other forums, but I am mainly saying:

This page is great, but we must advertise the game more! And continue to advertise it, target the audience! And don't stop it!

#13 Report | Quote[fr] 

C'est un site très agréable à priori. Il faudrait avoir la réaction de quelqu'un qui ne connait pas déjà le jeu peut-être, pour savoir si il est assez clair.

Par contre je n'aime pas trop cette phrase dans la section sur les habitants : "La plupart des Matis vivent dans de la Forêt". J'aurais plutôt écrit "La plupart des Matis vivent dans la Forêt". (D'ailleurs je n'aime pas non plus le choix de l'ordre alphabétique qui place les fyros devant les Matis :p )

Sur la description des trytonistes, il est écrit "la Karavane" avec un "e" alors que partout ailleurs j'ai lu "la Karavan" sans "e". Il faudrait choisir.

Bravo à l'équipe pour son travail.

Last edited by Dukenono (5 years ago)


Ducocinnio Nono, dit Duke Nono
Noble Matis, artisan de la maison noble La Firme
Gardien du Royaume et Béni de Jena

#14 Report | Quote[fr] 

Ouais bof une pâle copie du premier ...
mais ça reste les mêmes images et une vidéo trop courte qui ne représente que une sur les 3 cultes
qu'en est- il du PvP? bah là on ne voit pas dans la vidéo dommage...
Mais ça reste propre visuellement

#15 Report | Quote[fr] 

Quelques remarques en vrac:
- la photo sous la section kitin montre un kincher, des vorax et des armas. Une photo avec uniquement des kitins serait plus adaptée.
- Pour la photo sous la section faune, on n'y voit que des lumper et des timari. C'est un peu pauvre. N'y a t il pas une photo montage avec 4-5 mob différents?
- Comme Arkh, "un jeu de rôle pour vaincre", je n'ai pas compris le sens de cette phrase.
- Dans la section "pourquoi payer", Linux est écrit LInux (I majuscule à la place d'un minuscule).


Ranger éradicateur de kitins
Last visit Sunday, 16 February 15:09:59 UTC

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