

#16 Report | Quote[en] 

I would agree but my objection of this type is that these information being kept secret between internal teams a lot.

I see no reason to spoil any additional information on public before release, join Ryzom Forge and one of involved teams and you will have more information. Or you should, at least some...

I see no need for secrecy. Ryzom has no competition because Ryzom is no competition to anyone. The only ones affected by the changes are the (paying) players.

You don't want to spoil us? I can take that fear away. We are ready. Because we are adults and can decide what content we are interested in and when we want to get this information.

I believe, and unfortunately I have to believe because I can't get enough information to know... that secrecy is a means of keeping information from the players because it's more convenient for the staff.

But please don't tell me that this has any benefit.

So the next time I'm in the RF meeting - and oh yes, I will - then I get all the information - because I ask for it there - cool.

The whole thing is like a political debate. A lot of bubbling and nothing comes of it. How about a specific statement:

"We will provide you with the information we want when we feel it is appropriate, and we don't care if you disagree".

"Topic closed" (Spoiler: it's not)

#17 Report | Quote[en] 

So the next time I'm in the RF meeting - and oh yes, I will - then I get all the information - because I ask for it there - cool.

I don't think you will get the information you need if the topic is not on the agenda. I can understand that, meeting are already very long in term of times and talking about topics that are not planned would make them longer (or you will get: "I will ask for this information and let you know" as an answer).

#18 Report | Quote[en] 

I don't think you will get the information you need if the topic is not on the agenda. I can understand that, meeting are already very long in term of times and talking about topics that are not planned would make them longer (or you will get: "I will ask for this information and let you know" as an answer).

I also do not believe in getting details when it is on the agenda.

#19 Report | Quote[en] 

@Moniq - It has been made abundantly clear over the years that the Forge has no interest in input from anyone, especially not from those of us more than a time zone or two from the server, so telling us to join a group that seems to go out of their way to exclude us is not a viable option.

If you want to know why it's hard to get volunteers, think about the factors that have made me act the way I do, then realize that many others who even started to feel the way I do left Ryzom before they got to the level of jaded cynicism of myself or (apparently) Sinvaders.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#20 Report | Quote[en] 

Seeing Op battles and range weapons as one central pillar of the late game / end game content, they should be changed in small steps and balanced with extra care and caution. I'm curious to see the upcoming changes and the impact on the game and community.


#21 Report | Quote[en] 

I tried this a few months ago to join the translation team, and since I knew that there were imminent changes in the battle, I also asked for the test team.

No response.

I'm afraid I have received no application of yours... Please could you contact me (again) on chat.ryzom.com or by email to tamarea@ryzom.com?

I've been playing very active again since the summer and I haven't heard anything about it. Until a week ago when I was informed by a player about the December test run. Doesn't have to mean anything, but maybe a live chat is not the right choice to reach as many people as possible.

We currently use a dynamic channel (available ingame and on chat.ryzom.com) for Ryzom Forge meetings. The topic and report are published on the forum, where players can also add comments and suggestions.
For a while I created a specific topic for each project, with news and updates, asking players to give feedbacks and suggestions. As it was long to do and we had very few answers, I stopped. Do you think it would be interesting to restart it?
We could also add more details on the Roadmap.
Your opinion?

A test if the implementation works does not say anything about the effects of the actual change in the game. Why don't you just share your plan and use all those who are willing to do so to have the best chance of success. You can still ignore us.

Bulk of launcher ammo is to be reduced by 30%.
Range is to become an ability of the ammunition.
Range is generally increased: Launcher ammunition 70 meters.
The damage of ranged weapon will be the damage of combat action.
The attack speed of the launcher will be increased by 60%.

I don't need to test this to know that the launcher will be completely overdriven and that it is just not advisable.

I advocate changes to the combat system. I have been begging for it for so many years. But testing in a live system. This cannot be the way.
The more testers we'll have for Range weapons, the best it will be to all test on test servers. Our current main issue is the lack of testers specialists in range weapons.

These testers have two roles:
-Report bugs and possible exploits;
-Give their feedbacks and suggestions about the proposed changes. Because they are specialists so are the best ones for it.

I take advantage of this message to renew my call for volunteers to join the test team! Including, of course, specialists in range weapons to specifically test the current modifications.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#22 Report | Quote[en] 

they should be changed in small steps and balanced with extra care and caution
You got it right.

Shooting weapons have so far always been balanced and few people have complained about it, I assume.
It seems logical to me that we should keep the same total damage, attack speed and maximum range based on the new best recipes that can be found with the changes.

#23 Report | Quote[en] 

I'm afraid I have received no application of yours... Please could you contact me (again) on chat.ryzom.com or by email to tamarea@ryzom.com?
For a while I created a specific topic for each project, with news and updates, asking players to give feedbacks and suggestions. As it was long to do and we had very few answers, I stopped. Do you think it would be interesting to restart it?
We could also add more details on the Roadmap.
Your opinion?

Sometimes one piece of information is enough, sometimes you have to talk about the things that are coming. The Ranged Patch is definitely one of the latter. I don't think you can make a generalized statement about this.

Changes of this weighting don't come often.

The important thing is that information is easily accessible. Keeping the roadmap up to date would probably be even more valuable internally than for the external view - but I can't estimate that. One topic in the forum per development would probably be sufficient. That linked in the roadmap would be perfect. If it changes the game sustainably. Atysmas, for example, can remain a nice surprise.

What I do not fully understand, however, is the following: You mean, it is very time-consuming to inform the community about the upcoming project steps. But shouldn't this information be available internally for a long time, so that the person who implements it knows what to do? Aren't these decisions backed up with arguments? For me, this is part of a project and could be published in a slightly modified copy&paste format. Otherwise there seem to be completely different problems than the information flow towards the players.
Last visit Sunday, 16 February 16:40:55 UTC

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