#61 Added by Tryroamer 5 years ago
Maybe an electoral college is needed to push it over the edge :)Curious ... what's giving you headaches ? mat storage ... regular every day gear storage ?
#62 Added by Khalaoden 5 years ago
Imagine, however, that storage rental be available ingame (however ingame economically and lore fittingly realized) 8) One could then pay to have just the capacity needed for one‘s needs of the moment, go then about the business of gathering up the needed ingredients and eventually close up the day‘s efforts with a session of crafting and stowing of the crafted items, the which to in the end so therewith dispose as one deems fitting.
#63 Added by Tryroamer 5 years ago
#64 Added by Fyrosfreddy 5 years ago
As to mat storage ... while digging or looting in the field by way of gathering enough to meaningfully begin crafting as intended, the storage capacity on location often consists of some mere fraction of one‘s own inventory,
You say perhaps: ‚because ryzom‘ and ‚so is the game
Imagine, however, that storage rental be available ingame ....
And how much more alluring that would make the paying for a subscription in the view of routinely only F2P players! After all, such an arrangement would surely prove to be much more convenient and much less of a hassle for the F2P player then the creation and the subsequent handling of multiple F2P player accounts and its player characters needed to approach the same level of capacity and playability.
For this purpose you could maybe borrow additional packers from local tribes.
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 years ago)
#65 Added by Talkirc 4 years ago
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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