
#28 [en] 

Are you one of the biggest crafter who makes equipment for all Atys on a regular basis ? For those who don't want to join a guild, those who don't know how to dig in Prime Roots ?
No, but I would be more inclined to master more Craft skills if I had the storage for more than a couple levels worth of mats between too-short craft binges. The storage issue is part of why I haven't.
Guys stop comparing everything with real life it is absolutely irrelevant in a MMORPG fantasy based .. Even more if we talk about gameplay and QoL (Quality of Life for the one in the back)

So long as some seek to bring some of the bad parts of RL into Ryzom, RL will be quite relevant. If resources are artificially limited for arbitrary reasons (like inability to store them) and takes far more effort than it should to get meager rewards, then Ryzom is close enough to RL that comparisons will be made... and not flattering ones either. Also, a bit of RL is even less avoidable simply because all of the homins on Atys are controlled by humans in the real world. If the humans find Ryzom no longer fun because it has the sort of problems some folks have IRL and thus no longer serves as any sort of escape, then there will be fewer homins running around.

In any event, what ideas do you ahve for storage? Or are you just here to do some gaslighting, as usual? Seriously, I'm curious what sort of solutions you have in mind.

Last edited by Gidget (5 years ago)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#29 [en] 


To come back on the main topic: increasing storage. I will talk about guild here so it will exclude alone homins on purpose. But why not providing guild activity (some kinds of mission) to improve the guild infrastructure? I'm thinking maybe missions done overtime inside the guild could increase the guild hall capacity. Or training mission for mektoubs than could increase the capacity of the packers (like leveling up the strength of your toubs).

I could get behind this idea, maybe "Guild Dailies" since we are introducing dailies now. But actually, I was thinking of something a lot simpler, maybe like a 'Rent a Mek,' or two maybe. I have this problem of not being able to hold enough of my equipment. I got stuff, but not everything, I can't even hope to have one nice thing of each thing, let alone ever think of digging mats to make gear, or not to mention either, of trying to make boosted gear where you need a lot of mats. :(
As for renting meks, make them forbidden to take into a war zone because the 'fortunate gubani' (or whoever runs the rentals) will not allow their meks to get killed. Make them stop once you get to a OP war zone and not enter, or something like that. It is also a good dapper sink for us. :) These are just thoughts....

#30 [en] 


wow! what a super idea! Rent a mek!! fantastic that would be. I might add that general goods stores (next door to or integrated into therefore needed stables) could be therefore strategically placed along well traveled routes in outback areas to support the weary trapper / excavator also with basic needs articles and with sale/resale possibilities. (that happened in RW in usa in support of the Pony Express in its heyday; such outposts eventually even became core installations sometimes around which new settlements / outposts arose over time) 8))

Please notice, that such would also elegantly answer to objections about transporting or teleporting mek mount or packers between Atys Lands. Thus my own such could remain all or in part as i have them now placed, some in zora, some in other lands, while such rented storage and transport animals would cover my need to have increased storage available with which to gather and accumulate enough mats or loot to actually accomplish more ambitious crafting goals then have thus far been feasible.

I was thinking of something a lot simpler, maybe like a 'Rent a Mek,' or two maybe. I have this problem of not being able to hold enough of my equipment. I got stuff, but not everything, I can't even hope to have one nice thing of each thing, let alone ever think of digging mats to make gear, or not to mention either, of trying to make boosted gear where you need a lot of mats. :(
As for renting meks, make them forbidden to take into a war zone because the 'fortunate gubani' (or whoever runs the rentals) will not allow their meks to get killed. Make them stop once you get to a OP war zone and not enter, or something like that. It is also a good dapper sink for us. :) These are just thoughts....

#31 [en] 

You are salty like usual, and you spite on the wrong target; like usual ;)

But to answer.
Create good stories, form competent events creators, create solid currencies, make players play the events at all hours for everyone -> buy storage expansion with Elyps shit :P

Otherwise, make a real use of GUILD POINTs omg we all forgot this right? common :P

You don't like it? Create a storage expansion rite, allowing you to get +100 bulk in your bag or pet.

Add interesting dynamics missions for each expansion you want to get to your apartment.

Like helping the forager or lumberjack of your city; doing carriage, learning architecture plan, etc.
This should take minimum 30mn to 1h, should be fun with randomness in it (attack of mobs for x or y reasons), repeatable every months.

Allow player to have a dedicated mount choice with more bulk.
Time to introduce Arma and Shalla species, slow but efficient to carry things.

Exotic but fun, introduce marriage between 2 players.
Sharing inventories apartment.

You know.. Ideas is not what we miss atm - we just need a competent Ryzom team.

Last edited by Revvy (5 years ago)


#32 [en] 

I might add that general goods stores (next door to or integrated into therefore needed stables) could be therefore strategically placed along well traveled routes in outback areas to support the weary trapper / excavator also with basic needs articles and with sale/resale possibilities.

And they'll be strategically placed at all the event managers' pet areas. And the merchants will pay tokens instead of dappers, and there will be a casino along each merchant. And a pet Yubo.



#33 [en] 

@Revvy - I need a lot of salt to balance my natural sweetness ;) And no, I was not going after you, just your assertion that RL is irrelevant.

You're right about the problem not being a lack of ideas, though I do question whether or not some ideas remain unspoken and unshared out of cynical resignation. Most of the ideas you present are ones I think are worth considering.

The one exception from your list is toon marriage. Not only would you have a lot of folks marrying their alts, there would also be a lot of folks pushing for polygamy, both for legitimate RP reasons and for the usual exploitative ones. In short, I think it would cause more issues than it solves, so I feel it best to leave marriage as strictly RP.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#34 [en] 

I might add that general goods stores (next door to or integrated into therefore needed stables) could be therefore strategically placed along well traveled routes in outback areas to support the weary trapper / excavator also with basic needs articles and with sale/resale possibilities.

People will meet less and less and we will have the feeling of an even emptier game ...

#35 [en] 

I might add that general goods stores (next door to or integrated into therefore needed stables) could be therefore strategically placed along well traveled routes in outback areas

People will meet less and less and we will have the feeling of an even emptier game ...

I have an idea. We remove Fyros/Matis/Tryker/Zorai mainland, and replace it with a single Ranger Paradise Land.



#36 [en] 

I have an idea. We remove Fyros/Matis/Tryker/Zorai mainland, and replace it with a single Ranger Paradise Land.

All right, I admit it : nice one ! :D

#37 [en] 

The one exception from your list is toon marriage. Not only would you have a lot of folks marrying their alts, there would also be a lot of folks pushing for polygamy, both for legitimate RP reasons and for the usual exploitative ones. In short, I think it would cause more issues than it solves, so I feel it best to leave marriage as strictly RP.

haha could be yeah xD but was worth mentioning imho


#38 [en] 

I might add that general goods stores (next door to or integrated into therefore needed stables) could be therefore strategically placed along well traveled routes in outback areas

People will meet less and less and we will have the feeling of an even emptier game ...

I have an idea. We remove Fyros/Matis/Tryker/Zorai mainland, and replace it with a single Ranger Paradise Land.

Actually, reducing the number of zone available to the player might be a good idea... there is place where nobody goes anyway ...

#39 [en] 

@Naemi: As for your below cited assertion, "People will meet less and less and we will have a feeling of an even emptier game..." <-- au contraire! which was my point to start with, namely: that people would meet more and more and that the game would less and less often appear to be empty and for sure not appear emptier then it does now.

Especially in combo with my other suggestion, that upon logging in, automatically a msg be received about who be also within the same region / land as oneself (as in /who but applied to entire land not just the same region preferably.. or even just amount of those presently active without listing their names).

@Kataemi: there is no need to get offensively abusive nor to ridicule my suggestion; "replacing all with a paradies land just for rangers...""??

Please let us remain civilly earnest when giving input of ideas for ryzom if no where else. Otherwise the criticism now and again made that any and all contrary to established ideas be wholly unwelcome and often not made at all out of previous experience of such ridicule have been self-evidently factually correct.

I continue to hope, however, that a bit of room for such other ideas still remain within the context of this game, at least in the opinion of some of the old-timers and of the creators / owners of the game.
I might add that general goods stores (next door to or integrated into therefore needed stables) could be therefore strategically placed along well traveled routes in outback areas to support the weary trapper / excavator also with basic needs articles and with sale/resale possibilities.

People will meet less and less and we will have the feeling of an even emptier game ...

#40 [en] 

@Kataemi: there is no need to get offensively abusive nor to ridicule my suggestion; "replacing all with a paradies land just for rangers...""??
I'm mocking Silan. And WG team behaviour.

And responding to Balkhog's dismissal of your suggestion, not to you. :)
If you design the game for a low population, then you will get... a low population.
Same with Ring, they were afraid that everyone would end up playing in Ring, and not on mainland, so they nerfed the whole thing with that Knowledge Points system. Result, not many people playing the Ring, just as intended.
Fear of success.

Merchant camps on the road are a good idea for revitalizing things. :)

(The problem is, that if the current team adds this, it will become some gimmick with casino tokens, and biased towards the story event management team's pet projects.)

Edited 9 times | Last edited by Kaetemi (5 years ago)



#41 [en] 

(The problem is, that if the current team adds this, it will become some gimmick with casino tokens, and biased towards the story event management team's pet projects.)

This point is a real issue ....

#42 [en] 

ty Kataemi andSinvaders for correcting my mistaken impressions. 8)

As i have commented more than once: I do not give up hope that this game get more enticing and welcoming to newcomers and returning oldtimers alike over time. It is in hope of aiding in there coming into being such further development that i now and again offer a suggestion or two to you all.
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