#16 Added by Ascarod 5 years ago Report | Quote
Lol.. Have some respect for the OP boi, you are terrible and aggressive.Not everyone can have more than 30mn to relax a day, if you live at your mother home and don't have a job - don't push it on the OP ;)
#17 Added by Ascarod 5 years ago Report | Quote
This is something I've struggled with lately: what can one player do for fun, if they only have 15-30 minutes at their disposal? And it's not an idle question, but literally my scenario lately.
Last edited by Ascarod (5 years ago)
#18 Added by Gidget 5 years ago Report | Quote
Triple lol. I don't know what you are doing in 16 hours every day (8hrs counted for sleep). I have a full time job, a family (3 kids), a dog that has to go out 3 times a day and I am into sports 2-3 times a week. And still I have lots of free time to play, if I decide to do so. Or for any other activity. Maybe not everyone can play for several hours each day, but I think that was not the point.I assume you just wanted to be offensive to Balkhog. If you would ask me whom I would call delusional, my decision is made :P
Last edited by Gidget (5 years ago)
#19 Added by Mjollren 5 years ago Report | Quote
First of all : if you only play video games for 15-30 minutes a day, it's because you're tired of playing video games, it has nothing to do with Ryzom. Like your real life takes over your virtual life, doesn't it make sense ?Ryzom is not designed to play only 15 minutes a day, just like most video games.
Ryzom, like most other comparable games (I know, Ryzom is not comparable to any other game :-) ) is not designed to really make fun with only little time to play.
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Mjollren (5 years ago)
#20 Added by Mjollren 5 years ago Report | Quote
If I have 20-30 mins solo time I will often do a delivery run - well worn paths, some agro danger and a pile of dappers at the end.
#21 Added by Balkhog 5 years ago Report | Quote
Even if I had an empty three-hour slot in front of me, I'd still rather game for half an hour, and then go do something IRL; never said I'm a "gamer".
Edited 9 times | Last edited by Balkhog (5 years ago)
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