

#80 Report | Quote[en] 

This would be quite challenging to answer word-for-word, so instead I'll just cover the general ideas:

I know talking about it in the forums won't change things, due to the team's tiny size. But at the very least, I'd prefer if we called the issues by their proper names. If one won't acknowledge something is potentially an issue, it won't really get a fix anytime soon...

1.  Season Restricted Mobs:  Yes they do exists ... I have yet to encounter one in DMs.  if this occurs, I think we can agree that it would need to be fixed.  That will only happen however if players rport tham.  There are forum threads to do this:


2.  Learning Curve: I understand the point ... but how did you experience diugging ?  I hated it, I didn't understand it ... in starter island I went loooking for wood in areas where there were trees ... logical but not IG reality based.  Getting started like most things in Ryzom will involve showing new guildies / players the ropes.   I do see an issue with new players in that at most they are leveling 1 or 2 craft trees and harvesting in only one region .  But then again, how many of these folks were doing occupations when they came out.  This will no doubt need some attention as time goes on.

3.  Kill a Spawn Thing:  yes this exists, but I have yet to encounter in doing DMs.  If it appears, it should be addressed.   I expect it will be if reported.

4.  Expectations:  I don't really "get" why there was an expactaion of spawns being anything other than what golks observe.  I notived it when using BM tool and electing a mob to grind on, ater i killed 3 of the targeted level ... they wouldn't respawn till we killed their little brothers and sisters. Ask the question; remeber the answer.

5.  Above and Beyond:  Im a bit thrown off by the expectation that eveythiung must be accomplishable on any given day.  I initially raised the issue that I can't be expected to kill a plod, but when I got the answer.  I ahd no answer to that question .  is  it wrong that sometimes I can dig a mat in PR sometimes and other times I can't ?  Is it wrong that sometimes I can solo or trek in a team of 3 to any region sometimes and sometimes i can't ?  I certainly have the desire to complete every mission I am assigned, but when devs answer that a player should not expect to be able to complete ever mission solo, I can accept that.  I'd like for every one ofr crafts not to agreed, but devs decided Im only going toi succeed 85% of the time.  However as time has gone on and more folks take up DMs, I find myself helping others and they help me in return.  Especially true with crafting ... dig your mats together with another player v... then you craft the tings they can't and they craft the things you can'r ... yeah teaming ... not a popular concept of late.  But id this helps great.

6.  Frustration / Dubious content:  I am having trouble seeing the point here.   here's my take.

a)  Doing Level 2 WC and MC occupations over and over and over again, never varying , never using the products, never advancing to higher level skills and never getting better rewards by advancing and just handing them in to "get stuff"  was our lot in life.

b)  Doing mostly different stuff every day for more rewards + secondary rewards (from the mission and from the DM Bonus) and wherby the more you advance and the more diversify the bigger the rewards is a bad thing.

7.  Calling the Issues / Issues:  If ya notice... there's a series of threads on the forums for the issues to be reported.  But what if an issue is not an issue ?

a)  A player reports that they took a mission to take a largen parcel somehwere.  They get thee anmd they can't hand in ... wait it's not there to hand in.   Is the mission broken or did they not notice that the parcel was too big for the little space they had available in bag as was stated in sysinfo  ?  two perfecty viable answers.   But if we say that yes, the should hav ebeen a more onbious warning .... doesn't that also mean that when fighting an NPC bpss... should there be a more obvious warnng that if ya 20m away, you see your spell fire, you see it hit, but because you aree soi far away, you are doing 0 damage.  I never heard anyone complain ... you were told about it, do you still need the warning ?

b)  Can't find NPC:   I made the fame table you see here in February 2017 ...

https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/25037/2 5

I have been looking for Lookaash since then.  had missions to deliver stuffm to them and, as you likely know... no blue flags for green missions so I dropped them.  Then I get a craft mission to deliver to him and there's the blue flag.  yeah, now i gote him.  Why had I not found before ?  BM and Silenda had his name spelled wrong.

Again the % of broken mission is very low.  Yes we should expect missions to be fixed.   More so we should try and help eathr other to determine from other's experiences whether they in fact need to be fixed.  And report them so this can happen.  Since DMs began, like 12 missions have been reported.

With 11,000 missioins in game ... while I see that as a rather small thing, yes each one should be fixed .  I have yet to see where anyone has said othrwise.


#81 Report | Quote[fr] 

A new feature is being tested:
The localization of objectives for hunting/fighting missions.

Flag Thing: 150m ? ... so get mission, port, walk to flag, /tar "the thing" and kill it.

While I have hated running north to south on Loria and east to west in Scorched Corridor looking for things ... being guided to /tar range hat small seems a bit formulaic ... not far from popping it in front of me and let me kill it while it's chained to a stake :). Exaggerating of course but O think there should be a little challenge .. say somewhere between 1/4 of the region and 2 or 3 x /tar range

You mentioned in earlier post as to the reason a mission might not being done, one of which wad "not wanting to do it" ... will there be a means to prevent just repeatedly abanondoning the mission till we get ... deliver this package to the dude 4m away"

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 years ago)


#82 Report | Quote[en] 

My first go at the Daily Missions. I set Fight, Craft, Forage and Craft filters for 200-250. I took seven Forage Missions (it gave me no options for other types of mission). I set all fames except Kami to not go down. I lost Kara fame. Each mission in Sys Info said I got 40,000 Dappers but I only got just over 1 million total for the seven missions. Is everything working as it should, and I have misunderstood?


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#83 Report | Quote[en] 

I really wish I could adjust the foraging missions more to my levels as they are quite different. Using the lowest possible one of course works but is a bit sad :)

Probably one could argue similar for crafting.


#84 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Okay... Is there someone who could tell me why, instead of the homina's head, I now get a full view of her hips, in the daily missions window, please?

It's not that bad, as such things go. But, you know, Krill would prefer homin hips. Or, where she given a real choice, the rounds of a beer barrel...



Peu importe que la chope soit à moitié vide ou à moitié pleine, tant qu'on a le tonneau.

#85 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
So yes, now I can explain why :)

I may have pushed the concept a bit far, but during an update I added the following feature:
When you own a guild island, the face of the guild island steward is displayed and when you don't own a guild or no steward it's a random face.

So where does this homine in panties come from?
Well from the particular case where the player has the guild, the steward but in its basic version (without being dressed like a player).
In this case I didn't have the information about the steward's outfit and face and so the display was as it is on your screenshot :)

Is it solved ? Yes, for the moment the basic stewards will not be displayed in the daily missions.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Margote (4 years ago) | Reason: Fixing some fr typos

#86 Report | Quote[fr] 

So in other words .... No "Hoochie Coochi" bars on Guild Island.   For the curious, my recollection of the term comes from my youth and was used by my "Nana" to warn us against playing in the industrial section of our neighborhood where one of these was supposed to exist.  That makes me feel really old as the term is described as:

The "hoochie coochie" is a catch-all term to describe several provocative belly dance-like dances from the mid-to late 1800s.

If you're wondering ... yes, that warning only made us go looking for it and it we never found ... My guess it was a recollection of "Nana's" youth where her "Nana" who musta lived in that era told her the same thing.


#87 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English] | Español | Français | Русский

Corrections of Daily Missions

We have fixed some bugs concerning daily missions, especially when you ask for a new mission.
Also, rewards are now integrated directly in the daily missions window and not as missions anymore.

Last edited by Tamarea (4 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#88 Report | Quote[en] 

Not sure if this is just one occurrence, but:

Taking mission C006V001_2540 pointed my compass to the mission giver, not the actual target of the delivery.

I'm fine with not being told where the target is, but then at least please leave my compass alone?


#89 Report | Quote[en] 

@Mjollren: Missions display only the mission giver for the moment, which allows for missions where you have to go back to him to find him easily. The objectives are not yet on the radar, but adding them is not impossible.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ulukyn (3 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#90 Report | Quote[en] 

Boy I have so neglected following the threads I was particpating in.
Not sure if this is just one occurrence, but:

Taking mission C006V001_2540 pointed my compass to the mission giver, not the actual target of the delivery.

I'm fine with not being told where the target is, but then at least please leave my compass alone?

I always assumed that was the whole idea..... the amount of handholding that has been inserted in the game over the years seems to have increased exponentially. These explore delivery missions would appear to be intended to encourage the player to explore ..... A reward system is supposed to present a challenge ... the bigger the challenge, the bigger the reward should be. Of all the categories, the explore / deliver missions have the biggest fame reward.... a guaranteed +3 untll ya get up over 75 - 80 range. Given the big reward, Silan like handholding seems inappropriate.

To quote a phrase ... "It's the journey not the destination, grasshopper".


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