
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

While trying to update the list of Webapps on wikis, I thought we could have a post on the forum that "centralizes" this list, with links to posts about the app.

What do you think about that? It could be like:

App (currently ok)


bunny 7



Book of Guilds


Blabla game and Blablator 6

Level Tracker

Bag App

Ryzom Bosses /appzone 1976
* RyzomTracker (/appzone 800)

Cookie Clicker

Molly's Mansion

Molly's Materials

Molly's Recipes



World Clock

KO or not updated (why)

* Sluha, the merchant (Abandoned for now due lack of time: it has no thread, the application was supplement to events)
* The Greedy Crafter Guide (Not updated since JY 2603 patches and mission's reward changes)
* ??? Crafting Missions, by Hellen and maybe Daomei ?


Note: I updated stuff in here, I don't know why other can't see it (see FyrrosFreedy comment)

Edited 9 times | Last edited by Amosys (5 years ago)

#2 [en] 

Should work:

RygReg -
+ Book of Guilds

Langapp -
+ Blabla game and Blablator - 6

Level Tracker -

Bag App -

Abandoned for now due lack of time:

Sluha, the merchant (it has no thread, the application was supplement to events)

#3 [en] 

* RyzomTracker (/appzone 800)

fixed and working again



#4 [en] 

Good idea, my apps are as follow:

Cookie Clicker

Molly's Mansion

Molly's Materials

Molly's Recipes





#5 [en] 

Abandoned due to changed Mission Data:

The Greedy Crafter Guide

I'm assuming the other mission listing app (called Crafting Missions, by Hellen and I think Daomei) will suffer the same fate as well :(

Last edited by Placio (6 years ago)

#6 [en] 

I miss Book of SKA here -

Last edited by Moniq (6 years ago)

#7 [en] 

Prolly should add the web app Home page

All the current active app links w/o all the cut and paste

Last edited by Maupas (5 years ago) | Reason: Flag fix


#8 [en] 

Prolly should add the web app Home page

All the current active app links w/o all the cut and paste

That does not tell you if an application is maintained. I would say thats why this thread...

#9 [en] 

That does not tell you if an application is maintained. I would say thats why this thread...
the best would to create on webapp page, a zone named "BROKEN" or ANY other better title :) - and clean the page (for ex, I think /appzone 1513 is an error ? we could moove it to OUTDATED/BROKEN APPS with some text?)

Last edited by Craftjenn (5 years ago)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#10 [en] 

As to "why this thread", we don't have to guess ... the OP clearly stated this in the original post.

"I thought we could have a ** post ** on the forum that "centralizes" this list [of IG apps]"

It's a great idea, but the stated goal above can not be met unless this 1st  "central" **post** be updated with new / added information from subsequent posts.  I'd also like to point out that the OP doesn't make any mention of "maintained" or what that definition might be.

Here's what made me read this topic.  One of the most frequent questions I get from folks new to the game, new to the guild or new to the NPC Hunts relates to the fact that all home page notices and other event notices are provided in UTC Time.  When asked "How to I convert UTC Time to my time ?"

I would like respond:

There is an In Game App called "World Clock", which will do this for you.  You can see the links to this and all the other IG Apps that you might find useful at this link:"

So when I sawe a thread entitle "Web Apps Current List" I expected it would contain the urrent list of all (working) IG Apps" suitable to be linked above my above statement.   But this list" of IG Apps is neither "centralized" nor "current.  It doesn't have World Clock,  It doesn't have Ryzom Bosses.  I'm not sure what qualifies as "maintained' but Bonny's app is certainly being updated (new version released in last week) and dates are updated whenever the schedule is changed.

When subsequent posts suggest another app be included, the relevant info needs to be copy / pasted to the 1st post so that the ** single  post  ** which contains all the information is in that one "centralized" location.

In summary, while I can not comment on the usefullness of a list of "maintained apps" as I don't know how that is being defined, to my eyes, the list does not meet OPs stated intent ... at least not in its present state:

a)  The stated goal of a providing a "one stop shopping" centralized location for this info has not been met.  Coming here thinking I could find everything I need .... or would want to recommend in one place, it became immediately apparent I would have to consult additional sources.

b)  The 1st post is not being updated to include later additional information.  It's relevance therefore fades quickly over time.  It's not a centralized location if you have to scroll thru other posts wondering which ones are added and which are dupes from other posts.

c)  I don't understand the criteria which makes an app on the list at ineligible to be listed here for the pupose of  "centrallization".  What is it about World Clock and Ryzom Bosses for example that makes them "not allowed here".   If it's intended to be a  "one stop shopping" source, you shouldn't have to go elsewhere.

The intent of my initial post was to assist in providing missing information such that at some point "All *working* IG Apps" could all be found in one place".  If there were some set of criteria which would be rasons to exclude other apps, they should be stated in the 1st post.

I think Asmosys had a great idea, but it would seem life has grabbed a hold of him (her ?) such that he / she is unable to keep this going as a living document.   Hopefully he can get back soon, we can get an inkling of his intent and then the community can assist in fleshing the list out such that it fills the needs of the widest audience.

Last edited by Maupas (5 years ago) | Reason: Flag fix


#11 [fr] 


I updated stuff in here (3 moths ago) but I don't know why other can't see it (reading Fyrosfreddy comment)

The list is pasted on too.App (currently ok)


bunny 7



Book of Guilds


Blabla game and Blablator 6

Level Tracker

Bag App

Ryzom Bosses /appzone 1976
* RyzomTracker (/appzone 800)

Cookie Clicker

Molly's Mansion

Molly's Materials

Molly's Recipes



World Clock

KO or not updated (why)

* Sluha, the merchant (Abandoned for now due lack of time: it has no thread, the application was supplement to events)
* The Greedy Crafter Guide (Not updated since JY 2603 patches and mission's reward changes)
* ??? Crafting Missions, by Hellen and maybe Daomei ?


Last edited by Amosys (5 years ago)

#12 [en] 


I updated stuff in here (3 moths ago) but I don't know why other can't see it (reading Fyrosfreddy comment)

The list is pasted on too.App (currently ok)

I think i see where the confusion lies.   Apps are applications associated with Ryzom that work either as Browser Based Tools or In Game Tools.   Not all of them have a specific forum post associated with them, most do not.  I wuld be great if they did.  When we created Bunny Tools all of them previously existed as spreadsheet or 3rd party tools.

Bunny tools has two forum threads ... one serves as a "Manual" and location for the remaining Spreadsheet Based Tools; the other is for bug reporting and comments.

However the list here is primarily apps that have forum ythreads ... many do not.

I checked the link that Asmo provided and it has 27 apps.   I had 60 apps on my list (not including the individual sub modules in apps like BM) ... some that I don't see anymore are listed below so we are down to 24:

Cookie Clicker

So there's at last twice as many individual apps as that list of 24.  Taking out the 22 broken or partially broken ones and 2 scary ones, we're down to 33.  So at least 9 missing from the wiki list.

We have 15 in this thread so about half of the available working applications.

For apps that contain several modules (BM for example), I listed the various modules that are available from the IG app and the additional ones that are only web accessible.  Silenda works fine on the web site, I have had less success using the IG Version.

Some I shouldn't see as they don't work or links are dead.  I have checked all the apps thru their web sites ... I have not as yet checked all Apps In Game.  It's a work in progress ... don't expect it will take too long.  Right now it's spreadsheet based as that's how avery Bunny Tool began its life.

1.  Ya can't click the URLs as they go past the cell width and wanted it to be viewable on screen.  If I ever get around to doing a final version, these will be clickable.

2.  Background colors indicate an issue with the web app ... yellow means it didn't work, red means I got a pop up warning indicating that the site was a threat ... I have not verified.

3.  Many sites auto-detect languages and if they don't have those national flags on them allowing visitor to change them, I dunno how many languages are available; I just know what I was able to see.  I know for example that Moniq's apps are, generally, multi-lingual

4.  Would appreciate any additions / error listings / contributions.  Asmo ...  Let me know if ya want to keep a copy here and when finished I will pass on the end product to whomever wants to maintain it.  Feel free to send a PM with any of the above.  As to whether OP wants that info cluttering their thread, that I will leave to the Amosys.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Maupas (5 years ago) | Reason: Flag fix


#13 [en] 

FyrosFreddy... for all your posts here, there's NO translate link.... I think you posted them with French language (I see a French flag instead of Translate)...

I know that "Le chat est sur la chaise" LOL

but, would you please change your posts, and change to English? We could then, perhaps get teh Translate link...

"Le singe est sur la branche" :p

(For the French sentences, it's about a humorist's joke: Eddie Izzard)


A French homina :p

Last edited by Craftjenn (5 years ago)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#14 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Hello Fyrosfreddy

I'd love you to send me your excel file via RC... I could convert it to .ODS and put it on the wiki.

Besides, it's easily send new versions, keeping the same address...

We would just add on here the address of the file on the wiki - and everyone could easily download it (and get all updated informations) ... D

(by the way, we are sorely lacking in native English-speaking proofreaders/editors... If you would like to create an wiki account, I'm sure you'll be very welcome there. LOL)





Last edited by Craftjenn (5 years ago)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#15 [en] 


FyrosFreddy... for all your posts here, there's NO translate link.... I think you posted them with French language (I see a French flag instead of Translate)...

I see an English flag so Im a bit confused.   The only French I speak I got from Eddie Izzard.  So much for what 3 years of high scholl french taught me.

Also don't speak html but of you wanted to send me stuff, be glad to help

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 years ago)


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