
#1 Multilingual 

On Ryzom, time flies faster than in our reality. Yet, even after several decades, governments and tribes do not forget us: our reputations do not move a muscle.

I think it would be more relevant that the reputations of our avatars slowly approach 0 over time, and that this decrease / increase would be weighted by the reputations of the guild in which we are.

This would allow players to be able to be forgotten (in a RP point a view), and would also require them to maintain actively their reputation.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Belenor (5 years ago)


Bélénor Nebius, compagnon de vie de Pü Fu-Tao et auteur des Chroniques de la Première Croisade. Grâce à lui, le Culte Noir de Ma-Duk ne fut jamais oublié, et les Rôdeurs d'Atys purent reprendre le flambeau depuis les Nouvelles Terres.

#2 [en] 

It makes sens, but it should not slowly go back to 0 but to initial values, depending of your avatar's race.


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#3 [en] 




#4 [en] 

While I like the concept and agree with the logic, I can see one flaw that would've been minor not long ago but would be huge if this last patch doesn't get some serious reworking. Simply put, I fear that it would make Ryzom revolve around fame management to such an extent that it would be less RPG and more spreadsheet. Now, if Neutral characters were not so heavily penalized, I might feel different.

Or maybe not. Should a person be penalized because they took a month off to get and recover from open heart surgery? Having a child, or working a job that doesn't limit itself to eight-hour days can also can limit one's ability to play. Do we feel those who have less-than-perfect lives should be hurt?

Maybe if it's implemented correctly... but I see it as having too high a risk of causing anger and resentment that I cannot support it. Not so long as players have lives, fame management is tediously uninteresting, and neutrality is penalized.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#5 [en] 

Total no here.

Lets never modify anything related to Atys please, it will cause anger and resentment on people.

Also, lets change the header from "Enter a unique science fantasy MMORPG and dive into a unique organic living world !" to

"Enter a unique science fantasy MMORPG and dive into a unique organic static world where nobody has time to play!

Last edited by Victoriacamper (5 years ago)

#6 [fr] 

I don't know if I agree with it being influenced by guild fame, but otherwise I think this is a really cool idea.



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#7 [en] 

Hm, aside from the nicely-put "right to be forgotten", what actual benefit would be obtained for the players if the fames were to drop when you don't play enough? I feel like the initial post is lacking a selling point for this idea.

Would the change make the game more .. challenging, more fun? I doubt it. Sure, it would be more "dynamic", but as Gidget said, it's an Excel-kind-of-dynamic, making people keep track of their fame, making sure it doesn't slip, while not providing much in terms of content or entertainment.

Right now, Ryzom caters to the long haul players, those that come and stay for years; they are not required to be highly active, logging in for one hour or for four hours will still yield some sort of linear progress. So, in this sense, such a change would be at best irksome, having to work again and again for stuff you already achieved.(.. continued below ..)

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Laoviel (5 years ago)


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..

#8 [en] 

Nevertheless, the idea is cool, and might work if we can find a sort of balance for it.

For example, my take would be: let there be a "checkpoint" every 10 fame points. So, if one starts with fame 0 in a nation, and they manage to get fame 100, then the decay should be:
  • To 90, within two months of no log-in or fame-gaining activity
  • To 80, within six months, and it stops there
Same idea if you stop playing at fame 48, after 6 months you would drop to 28 but no lower. The idea is not to discourage people altogether.

Another problem is regaining rewards. Kami/kara max fame will give you the nice teleporting effect, and I believe people would literally unsubscribe rather than have to redo fame missions -- just to regain what they already "won" once. So, on top of the checkpoint system above ...

If a player is in such a cooling-off period, I would give them a 10x boost to the fame gained, only until they reach the fame they used to have. So, you were on vacation for two weeks and lost your TP effect because your fame is now 97.5? You can do some 5 kami/kara missions, and you're back on track.

But if such a change isn't balanced and modeled right, it has the potential to massively backfire....

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Laoviel (5 years ago)


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..

#9 [en] 

In an ideal Ryzom sure, main issue here is the fame system (missions, points etc) are not interesting to work on at all.
Unless we base a new project of quests re-work like stated previously in different posts.

So there is little to no interest for players to loose fame and need to rework it (or gain for marauders).
In the actual state of the game i don't think it is a good way to go.

If we imagine a better Ryzom with interesting missions and weekly Lore quests that give you good fame points while entertaining you...
Then the timer to loose fame should apply ingame and not offline.

Like Gidget stated, been away from the game for x or y reasons should not impact your character.
While the world is alive when offline is normal, acting on avatar stats offline is a total different playground.

If we follow this concept, then a veteran will see their master skill degraded after a while because of been old :)


#10 [en] 

If we follow this concept, then a veteran will see their master skill degraded after a while because of been old :)

...yes, that as well, please...

Last edited by Moniq (5 years ago)

#11 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
I think it would be a bad idea... you can create an other toon for that


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#12 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
I am for a concept of things slowly going modified with the In-game time, reputation but also physical abilities and even the ability to be rez.
This immutable aspect is illogical in my opinion.
On the other hand, some significant actions, written in Atys lore (some RP events) could not disappear from memories.


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#13 [en] 

I'd be in favour if it was based on IN game time, not OUT of game time. If you do go on holiday and don't log on for a month why should you be punished by your fame being lowered? I'd prefer it to only reduce when your toon 'exists' on Atys. Only when you are logged in does a timer run and gradually reduce your fame.


Elder Of Atys

Chasing the DING!
You can't "complete" the mainland. If one thinks one has seen or done everything there, one is kidding oneself. But be prepared to "get out what you put in," because the mainland does not coddle or hold hands.
Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.

#14 [en] 

Well, the more you play, the more your toon get older and forgotten ?

No, if it has to be done, it must be related to IG calendar, which continue to run even while offline.

Could be game option you choose, in counterpart of tiny new RP reward (implication) over time.

Last edited by Zendae (5 years ago)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#15 [en] 

Well, the more you play, the more your toon get older and forgotten ?

No, if it has to be done, it must be related to IG calendar, which continue to run even while offline.

Could be game option you choose, in counterpart of tiny new RP reward (implication) over time.

The question is, do we want Ryzom to be a simulator?


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