Technical Support


#1 [en] 

My system (Win7) has beegun throwing out extensive Schannel errors when logged into Ryzom web site(s).  AFAIK, no other sites are causing this.   Notice it more now since experimenting with smartone access to a point where I was experiencing PW type freeze as we see IG like when server backups occur.  Any ideas ?

Source: Schannel
Event ID:  36887
Level:  Error
The following fatal alert was received: 70.
The following fatal alert was received: 80.

Usually get them in pairs with 70 preceding 80

Could this be associated with accessing the web site twice at the same time from different devices ?


#2 [en] 

What you mean by "Ryzom web site(s)" please?

#3 [en] 

This one
Rocket Chat


#4 [en] 

Could this be associated with accessing the web site twice at the same time from different devices ? el-Microsoft-Secure-Channel

Last edited by Bubbason (5 years ago)


Everone has an opinion, and of course are entitled to have one, but others are equally entitled to decide whether they choose to agree or disagree. Acting like a complete Muppet isn't likely going to change minds or win support :)

#5 [en] 

I can only say that I didn't experience any problem with Windows 7 Pro x86 nor x64 version while using latest Firefox or latest Chrome.

Anyone else has anny troubles with ryzom chat?

Last edited by Moniq (5 years ago)

#6 [en] 

Thx Bubba ... so far I have seen several causes.

a) Running a server w/ more connections than non server OSs provide for.

b) Accessing a https web site while the site is stored locally under old http.

c) having an old version of ccleaner installed.

d) Not real. just spitting out error for no reason (from MS)


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