#36 Added by Kyriann 8 months ago
Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!We invite all homins to the 22nd edition of the “Fairhaven Market for Little ones”.This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.It will propose, at very reasonable prices, high quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.You could find a wide range of equipment up to the 15th circle (50 to 150 quality) useful for training purposes in all skills.To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an izam*.If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Kyriann, we can arrange treks** to allow you to get the teleport pact to the city.We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 5h - Dua, Medis 14, 4th AC 2628*** on Fairhaven beach.Don't forget to empty your bags before joining, you'll leave well loaded!Ashgan, Kyriann and all the Collectif du Marché des Petits.
#37 Added by Kyriann 5 months ago
Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!We invite all homins to the 23th edition of the “Fairhaven Market for Little ones”.This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.It will propose, at very reasonable prices, high quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.You could find a wide range of equipment up to the 15th circle (50 to 150 quality) useful for training purposes in all skills.To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an izam*.If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Kyriann, we can arrange treks** to allow you to get the teleport pact to the city.We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 5h - Quarta, Thermis 4, 1st AC 2630*** on Fairhaven beach.Don't forget to empty your bags before joining, you'll leave well loaded!Ashgan, Kyriann and all the Collectif du Marché des Petits.
#38 Added by Kyriann 3 months ago
Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!We invite all homins to the 24th edition of the “Fairhaven Market for Little ones”.This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.It will propose, at very reasonable prices, high quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.You could find a wide range of equipment up to the 15th circle (50 to 150 quality) useful for training purposes in all skills.To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an izam*.If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Kyriann, we can arrange treks** to allow you to get the teleport pact to the city.We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 5h - Holeth, Germinally 24, 4th AC 2630*** on Fairhaven beach.Don't forget to empty your bags before joining, you'll leave well loaded!Ashgan, Kyriann and all the Collectif du Marché des Petits.
#39 Added by Kyriann 3 weeks ago
Lordoy ad toll, Woren Siloy !Nous convions tous les homins à la vingt-cinquième édition du « Marché des Petits de Fairhaven ».Ce marché est avant tout destiné aux jeunes réfugiés arrivés depuis peu de Silan et ayant besoin de renouveler leur équipement.Il proposera à des prix vraiment très raisonnables du matériel de qualité pour les aider à progresser et découvrir les Nouvelles Terres. Nous offrirons tout un choix d’équipements jusqu’au quinzième cercle (qualité 50 à 150), utiles à l'entraînement de toutes les compétences.Pour être sûr de trouver ce qu’il vous faut, vous pouvez aussi passer commande en nous envoyant un izam*.Si vous ne pouvez pas rejoindre Fairhaven par vos propres moyens, n’hésitez pas à contacter Kyriann : le Collectif pourra organiser des treks** vous permettant d'obtenir des pactes de téléportation vers la cité.Nous vous attendons donc à partir de 1h - Tria, Winderly 15, 4th AC 2631*** sur la plage de Fairhaven.N’oubliez pas de vider votre sac avant de nous rejoindre, vous repartirez bien chargé !!!Ashgan, Kyriann et tout le Collectif du Marché des Petits.
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