
#24 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español

2614 is coming to an end. Kyriann can't imagine letting a year of Jena go by without a Market. They have to hurry up and organize it.
Poster placarded in all cities, as well as the Ranger and Marauder camps

Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

We invite all homins to the twelfth edition of the “Fairhaven Market for Little ones”.
This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.

It will propose, at very reasonable prices, high quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.
You could find a wide range of equipment up to the 11th circle (50 to 110 quality) useful for training purposes in all skills.

To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an izam*.
If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Kyriann, we can arrange treks** to allow you to get the teleport pact to the city.

You will have the opportunity to enjoy the bar during the fireworks and while looking for your equipment among the vendors.

We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 0h - Dua, Medis 14, 4th AC 2614*** on Fairhaven beach.

Don't forget to empty your bags before joining, you'll leave well loaded!

Ashgan, Kyriann and all the Collectif du Marché des Petits.

* In-game email to Kyriann, who is responsible for centralizing requests, or on the forum in response to this post.
** Big journeys throughout Atys, during the days before the market. To benefit from it, contact us in the same way through the forum or in-game email.
*** From Saturday, 21 August 2021 19:00:00 UTC (3 years ago).



Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#25 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español
Woha Kyriann and Ashgan! A few years ago, when I came from Silan, I equipped myself at the market. In memory of that, I would like to know when the next market will be so that I can come and equip the young people coming from Silan, in my turn.

Yo-Vung Tin

How to resist such a demand?
So, Kyriann picked up the posters again, put aside her worries and went to post the announcements for the Market for Little Ones everywhere. 2617 will not remain without a market.
Poster placarded in all cities, as well as the Ranger and Marauder camps

Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

We invite all homins to the 13th edition of the “Fairhaven Market for Little ones”.
This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.

It will propose, at very reasonable prices, high quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.
You could find a wide range of equipment up to the 11th circle (50 to 110 quality) useful for training purposes in all skills.

To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an izam*.
If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Kyriann, we can arrange treks** to allow you to get the teleport pact to the city.

We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 0h - Holeth, Pluvia 24, 4th AC 2617*** on Fairhaven beach.

Don't forget to empty your bags before joining, you'll leave well loaded!

Ashgan, Kyriann and all the Collectif du Marché des Petits.

* In-game email to Kyriann, who is responsible for centralizing requests, or on the forum in response to this post.
** Big journeys throughout Atys, during the days before the market. To benefit from it, contact us in the same way through the forum or in-game email.
*** From Saturday, 2 April 2022 19:00:00 UTC (3 years ago).



Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#26 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español | Русский

Fairhaven is buzzing with the passage of young people from Silan.
It's time to offer them a new Market for Little Ones.
Poster placarded in all cities, as well as the Ranger and Marauder camps

Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

We invite all homins to the 14th edition of the “Fairhaven Market for Little ones”.
This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.

It will propose, at very reasonable prices, high quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.
You could find a wide range of equipment up to the 11th circle (50 to 110 quality) useful for training purposes in all skills.

To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an izam*.
If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Kyriann, we can arrange treks** to allow you to get the teleport pact to the city.

We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 0h - Dua, Fallenor 14, 4th AC 2618*** on Fairhaven beach.

Don't forget to empty your bags before joining, you'll leave well loaded!

Ashgan, Kyriann and all the Collectif du Marché des Petits.

* In-game email to Kyriann, who is responsible for centralizing requests, or on the forum in response to this post.
** Big journeys throughout Atys, during the days before the market. To benefit from it, contact us in the same way through the forum or in-game email.
*** From Saturday, 11 June 2022 19:00:00 UTC (3 years ago).


Last edited by Jadeyn (3 years ago)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#27 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
With the wedding of Karin Aniro and vague rumors about a Zorai-tryker wedding, there should be no shortage of opportunities to show off your elegance in the weeks to come.
That's why we'll be happy to welcome for this market the great fashion designer Eleanide.
She will be there to take your orders for the upcoming festivities.

Stand out from the crowd!
Wear an ensemble made by Eleanide!

From Saturday, 11 June 2022 19:00:00 UTC (3 years ago).


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#28 [fr] 

*voit l'annonce sur la tableau d'affichage de FH et commence à gromeler*

"grande couturière eh oh bah voilà je n' vais pu rentrer dans mes bottes..."sortez du lot ... portez du Éléanide ? ah oui je me souviens ? Nilstilar et son pyjama avait fait fureur ... outch! J'ai intérêt à me préparer à faire des choses particulières Il serait plus sage que j'apporte une précision ou deux"

*Raye les mots "la grande", rajoute après Éléanide "à la retraite" et après "réalisée par Éléanide" colle une carte de visite du plus célèbre dressing room de l'Écorce : BallisticMystix

"Bon ça ! c'est fait , suivant "

*Colle des lucioles de tenue d'homin. Éléanide sait très bien qu'à un mariage matis, on doit porter du vert mais elle n'a jamais trop aimé rentrer dans les cases. Une fois cette tâche finie, elle s'en retourna voir Pecus à Thesos pour tenter de faire dégonfler ses fichus cheville*

*Elea passa une nuit affreuse. Au réveil, matin du marché qu'Elea avait complètement oublié, omnibulée par de vieux souvenirs, elle se versa un verre de shooki puis deux... Elle s'allongea. espérant que le sommeil emporterait avec lui sa mémoire*

pyjama de Nilstilar:
quelques lucioles de tenues pour homines et pour homins

Si je suis absente, Kyriann prendra vos commandes que je ferai dans la semaine, merci à elle
Je serai bien absente pour ce soir, désolé mais entre un barbecue au bord d'une piscine et la magie d atys, mon corps a dit apéro ????. Pour les commandes rp je fais confiance à Kyriann. Vous pouvez aussi me faire un mail ig qui parviendra à Elea en yzam ????
Soit vous précisez les skin soit vous me donnez le lien de la tenue sur ballistic
Et q10 à 250
Et bonus (stam vie,...)
Pour le tarif, c'est très simple :
10= 10.000
Pour les pauvres, faudra negocier avec Elea
Bon marché à tous

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Eleanide (3 years ago)


FB: Eleanide Ryzom

#29 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español

Fairhaven is buzzing with the passage of young people from Silan.
It's time to offer them a new Market for Little Ones.
Poster placarded in all cities, as well as the Ranger and Marauder camps

Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

We invite all homins to the 15th edition of the “Fairhaven Market for Little ones”.
This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.

It will propose, at very reasonable prices, high quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.
You could find a wide range of equipment up to the 11th circle (50 to 110 quality) useful for training purposes in all skills.

To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an izam*.
If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Kyriann, we can arrange treks** to allow you to get the teleport pact to the city.

We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 0h - Quarta, Pluvia 4, 1st AC 2620*** on Fairhaven beach.

Don't forget to empty your bags before joining, you'll leave well loaded!

Ashgan, Kyriann and all the Collectif du Marché des Petits.

* In-game email to Kyriann, who is responsible for centralizing requests, or on the forum in response to this post.
** Big journeys throughout Atys, during the days before the market. To benefit from it, contact us in the same way through the forum or in-game email.
*** From Saturday, 10 September 2022 19:00:00 UTC (2 years ago).



Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#30 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español

Fairhaven is buzzing with the passage of young people from Silan.
It's time to offer them a new Market for Little Ones.
Poster placarded in all cities, as well as the Ranger and Marauder camps

Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

We invite all homins to the 16th edition of the “Fairhaven Market for Little ones”.
This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.

It will propose, at very reasonable prices, high quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.
You could find a wide range of equipment up to the 11th circle (50 to 110 quality) useful for training purposes in all skills.
To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an izam*.

The market will offer also a tutorial by an independent expert to help you to make the right choice for your equipment.
This year, we will learn everything about OP materials with Nizyros, leader of « La Lune éternelle ».

If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Kyriann, we can arrange treks** to allow you to get the teleport pact to the city.

We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 20h - Dua, Mystia 14, 3rd AC 2621*** on Fairhaven beach.

Don't forget to empty your bags before joining, you'll leave well loaded!

Ashgan, Kyriann and all the Collectif du Marché des Petits.

* In-game email to Kyriann, who is responsible for centralizing requests, or on the forum in response to this post.
** Big journeys throughout Atys, during the days before the market. To benefit from it, contact us in the same way through the forum or in-game email.
*** From Thursday, 29 December 2022 20:00:00 UTC (2 years ago).



Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#31 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español

Fairhaven is buzzing with the passage of young people from Silan.
It's time to offer them a new Market for Little Ones.
Poster placarded in all cities, as well as the Ranger and Marauder camps

Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

We invite all homins to the 17th edition of the “Fairhaven Market for Little ones”.
This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.

It will propose, at very reasonable prices, high quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.
You could find a wide range of equipment up to the 11th circle (50 to 110 quality) useful for training purposes in all skills.
To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an izam*.

The market will offer also a tutorial by an independent expert to help you to make the right choice for your equipment.
This year, we will learn everything about OP materials.

If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Kyriann, we can arrange treks** to allow you to get the teleport pact to the city.

We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 0h - Holeth, Nivia 24, 2nd AC 2623*** on Fairhaven beach.

Don't forget to empty your bags before joining, you'll leave well loaded!

Ashgan, Kyriann and all the Collectif du Marché des Petits.

* In-game email to Kyriann, who is responsible for centralizing requests, or on the forum in response to this post.
** Big journeys throughout Atys, during the days before the market. To benefit from it, contact us in the same way through the forum or in-game email.
*** From Saturday, 6 May 2023 19:00:00 UTC (2 years ago).



Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#32 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español

Fairhaven is buzzing with the passage of young people from Silan.
It's time to offer them a new Market for Little Ones.
Poster placarded in all cities, as well as the Ranger and Marauder camps

Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

We invite all homins to the 18th edition of the “Fairhaven Market for Little ones”.
This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.

It will propose, at very reasonable prices, high quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.
You could find a wide range of equipment up to the 11th circle (50 to 110 quality) useful for training purposes in all skills.
To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an izam*.

If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Kyriann, we can arrange treks** to allow you to get the teleport pact to the city.

We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 0h - Quarta, Thermis 4, 4th AC 2624*** on Fairhaven beach.

Don't forget to empty your bags before joining, you'll leave well loaded!

Ashgan, Kyriann and all the Collectif du Marché des Petits.

* In-game email to Kyriann, who is responsible for centralizing requests, or on the forum in response to this post.
** Big journeys throughout Atys, during the days before the market. To benefit from it, contact us in the same way through the forum or in-game email.
*** From Saturday, 12 August 2023 19:00:00 UTC (1 year ago).



Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#33 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français] | Deutsch | Español

Fairhaven bruisse du passage des jeunes venus de Silan.
Il est temps de leur proposer un nouveau marché des petits.
Affiche placardée dans toutes les cités, au Campement Ranger et au Camp Maraudeur

Lordoy ad toll, Woren Siloy !

Nous convions tous les homins à la dix-neuvième édition du « Marché des Petits de Fairhaven ».
Ce marché est avant tout destiné aux jeunes réfugiés arrivés depuis peu de Silan et ayant besoin de renouveler leur équipement.

Il proposera à des prix vraiment très raisonnables du matériel de qualité pour les aider à progresser et découvrir les Nouvelles Terres.
Nous offrirons tout un choix d’équipements jusqu’au onzième cercle (qualité 50 à 110), utiles à l'entraînement de toutes les compétences.
Pour être sûr de trouver ce qu’il vous faut, vous pouvez aussi passer commande en nous envoyant un izam*.

Si vous ne pouvez pas rejoindre Fairhaven par vos propres moyens, n’hésitez pas à contacter Kyriann : le Collectif pourra organiser des treks** vous permettant d'obtenir des pactes de téléportation vers la cité.

Nous vous attendons donc à partir de 0h - Holeth, Floris 24, 4th AC 2625*** sur la plage de Fairhaven.

N’oubliez pas de vider votre sac avant de nous rejoindre, vous repartirez bien chargé !!!

Ashgan, Kyriann et tout le Collectif du Marché des Petits.

* Courriel en jeu, à l'adresse de Kyriann, chargée de centraliser les demandes ou, sur le forum, en réponse au présent post.
** Grands voyages escortés à travers Atys, durant les jours précédant le marché. Pour en bénéficier, contactez-nous de la même manière, par le forum ou courriel en jeu.
*** À partir de Saturday, 21 October 2023 19:00:00 UTC (1 year ago).



Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#34 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español

Fairhaven is buzzing with the passage of young people from Silan.
It's time to offer them a new Market for Little Ones.
Poster placarded in all cities, as well as the Ranger and Marauder camps

Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

We invite all homins to the 20th edition of the “Fairhaven Market for Little ones”.
This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.

It will propose, at very reasonable prices, high quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.
You could find a wide range of equipment up to the 15th circle (50 to 150 quality) useful for training purposes in all skills.
To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an izam*.
Azazor Eridlo Mirhus, drawing on his experience in the Old Lands, will talk about relationships between Homins and how to take an active part in Atysian life.

If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Kyriann, we can arrange treks** to allow you to get the teleport pact to the city.

We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 20h - Quarta, Frutor 4, 4th AC 2626*** on Fairhaven beach.

Don't forget to empty your bags before joining, you'll leave well loaded!

Ashgan, Kyriann and all the Collectif du Marché des Petits.

* In-game email to Kyriann, who is responsible for centralizing requests, or on the forum in response to this post.
** Big journeys throughout Atys, during the days before the market. To benefit from it, contact us in the same way through the forum or in-game email.
*** From Saturday, 6 January 2024 20:00:00 UTC (1 year ago).



Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#35 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español

Fairhaven is buzzing with the passage of young people from Silan.
It's time to offer them a new Market for Little Ones.
Poster placarded in all cities, as well as the Ranger and Marauder camps

Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

We invite all homins to the 21th edition of the “Fairhaven Market for Little ones”.
This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.

It will propose, at very reasonable prices, high quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.
You could find a wide range of equipment up to the 15th circle (50 to 150 quality) useful for training purposes in all skills.
To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an izam*.

If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Kyriann, we can arrange treks** to allow you to get the teleport pact to the city.

We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 20h - Quarta, Germinally 4, 4th AC 2627*** on Fairhaven beach.

Don't forget to empty your bags before joining, you'll leave well loaded!

Ashgan, Kyriann and all the Collectif du Marché des Petits.

* In-game email to Kyriann, who is responsible for centralizing requests, or on the forum in response to this post.
** Big journeys throughout Atys, during the days before the market. To benefit from it, contact us in the same way through the forum or in-game email.
*** From Saturday, 9 March 2024 20:00:00 UTC (11 months ago).


Last edited by Kyriann (11 months ago)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#36 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español

Kyriann looks at the calendar: 2628 ... the 22st market and 60 years of Jena on her shoulders.
But no matter! Fairhaven is still a welcoming place for young people from Silan.
It's time to offer them a new Market for Little Ones.
Poster placarded in all cities, as well as the Ranger and Marauder camps

Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

We invite all homins to the 22nd edition of the “Fairhaven Market for Little ones”.
This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.

It will propose, at very reasonable prices, high quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.
You could find a wide range of equipment up to the 15th circle (50 to 150 quality) useful for training purposes in all skills.
To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an izam*.

If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Kyriann, we can arrange treks** to allow you to get the teleport pact to the city.

We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 0h - Dua, Medis 14, 4th AC 2628*** on Fairhaven beach.

Don't forget to empty your bags before joining, you'll leave well loaded!

Ashgan, Kyriann and all the Collectif du Marché des Petits.

* In-game email to Kyriann, who is responsible for centralizing requests, or on the forum in response to this post.
** Big journeys throughout Atys, during the days before the market. To benefit from it, contact us in the same way through the forum or in-game email.
*** From Saturday, 25 May 2024 19:00:00 UTC (8 months ago).



Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#37 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español

Caught up in life, Kyriann didn't see 2629 go by. A year without a market? Ashamed, she rushes to prepare the 23rd market for the first days of 2630.
Fairhaven is still a welcoming place for young people from Silan.
It's time to offer them a new Market for Little Ones.
Poster placarded in all cities, as well as the Ranger and Marauder camps

Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

We invite all homins to the 23th edition of the “Fairhaven Market for Little ones”.
This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.

It will propose, at very reasonable prices, high quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.
You could find a wide range of equipment up to the 15th circle (50 to 150 quality) useful for training purposes in all skills.
To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an izam*.

If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Kyriann, we can arrange treks** to allow you to get the teleport pact to the city.

We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 0h - Quarta, Thermis 4, 1st AC 2630*** on Fairhaven beach.

Don't forget to empty your bags before joining, you'll leave well loaded!

Ashgan, Kyriann and all the Collectif du Marché des Petits.

* In-game email to Kyriann, who is responsible for centralizing requests, or on the forum in response to this post.
** Big journeys throughout Atys, during the days before the market. To benefit from it, contact us in the same way through the forum or in-game email.
*** From Saturday, 24 August 2024 19:00:00 UTC (5 months ago).



Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#38 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español

The Sagass' arrival has drawn a considerable crowd to Fairhaven, including many young people from Silan.
It's time to offer them a new Market for Little Ones.

Poster placarded in all cities, as well as the Ranger and Marauder camps

Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

We invite all homins to the 24th edition of the “Fairhaven Market for Little ones”.
This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.

It will propose, at very reasonable prices, high quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.
You could find a wide range of equipment up to the 15th circle (50 to 150 quality) useful for training purposes in all skills.
To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an izam*.

If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Kyriann, we can arrange treks** to allow you to get the teleport pact to the city.

We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 0h - Holeth, Germinally 24, 4th AC 2630*** on Fairhaven beach.

Don't forget to empty your bags before joining, you'll leave well loaded!

Ashgan, Kyriann and all the Collectif du Marché des Petits.

* In-game email to Kyriann, who is responsible for centralizing requests, or on the forum in response to this post.
** Big journeys throughout Atys, during the days before the market. To benefit from it, contact us in the same way through the forum or in-game email.
*** From Saturday, 12 October 2024 19:00:00 UTC (4 months ago).



Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille
Last visit Tuesday, 28 January 15:44:30 UTC

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