
#31 [en] 

Remember, the invasion adjusts by the number of participants so even one team can defeat it alone in some time.

On the other hand, when many refugees joins for whatever reason, it will make it harder for those who can actually fight those kitins.

#32 [en] 

... others call it a challenge. Bring it!



#33 [en] 

With all due respect: I sincerely doubt that the problems i described not have materialized. More likely imho is that they did, but that no notice were taken of that by the established players.

Speaking as someone who participated in them dozens of times from Beta thru being a noob to a master .... and speaking to the fact that never heard such complaints being voiced either in chats or forums at the time, I'd say there's no evidence supporting that position.

In addition, lets say there's an invasion of Min Cho .... the walls provide much of the defense requiring only a few pints to be "manned". Also, these refugees, if not up to participating, can simply choose not to go to Min Cho for two hours .... all NPC trainers, merchants, mission givers etc will still be available at the other 3 cities. They are by no means put upon by having this happen no more than anyone is during an OP Battle ... don't want to participate, avoid the area fir two hours. It's not like they are being denied access all the time.


#34 [en] 

Surely, though, you will now agree that you heard such a complaint made in the forum as well as in the chats.... namely from me (amogn others) 8)
never heard such complaints being voiced either in chats or forums at the time,

#35 [en] 

Surely, though, you will now agree that you heard such a complaint made in the forum as well as in the chats.... namely from me (amogn others) 8)

Actually, I'm afraid I can't agree ... not *in context* ayway.   As I understood it, your complaint was about something you never experienced and feared **might** happen.   When I say I never heard a complaint .... the implied contextual qualifications was:

a)  the complaint is from one who witnessed / experienced the event.   Kinda like how much credence can one give to a Yelp review of a restuarant that starts with "I never ate there but .... and they serve Lima Beans."

b)  the complaintant was forced / compelled to particiate in the event.

While the 1st should need no explantion, I'll focus on the 2nd.  Let's say there is an invasion of Crystabell.

a)  No one is being compelled to particiate

b)  All gaming resources ... trainers, merchants, etc are still available in the other 3 cities.  You can choose to be active in lakes ... you can partake in all of it's resources .... but you don't have to eat the Lima Beans if you choose not to.

c)  If they do participate, they do not have to be on the front lines.... they can stay behind the lines of higher level players and city guards ... and even run inside buildings to hide.  Usually teams agree on a strategy and loot sharing system such that the focus is on the defense rather than who can loot the most.

Now if you participated in a city invasion and didn't enjoy it, then I could validate your opinion in this regard.  However I can not support a position that others should be denied the opportunity to participate, especially after having read the various posts in this thread where, having expereinced it, they have an expressed a desire to do just that.

On  a side note, I visited the invasion in WoM a few days ago.... observed for about 15 minutes and left.   There was no organization ... high level mages were drawing all the kitin's attention being drawn to "the bigger damage source" and dying.  Lower level players were then running over their dead bods to loot and then running off most often leaving those players to respawn.  If that the battle strategy, then yes I would expect the kitin to maintain the upper hand.


#36 [en] 

Surely, though, you will now agree that you heard such a complaint made in the forum as well as in the chats.... namely from me (amogn others) 8)

Actually, I'm afraid I can't agree ... not *in context* ayway.   As I understood it, your complaint was about something you never experienced and feared **might** happen.   When I say I never heard a complaint .... the implied contextual qualifications was:

a)  the complaint is from one who witnessed / experienced the event.   Kinda like how much credence can one give to a Yelp review of a restuarant that starts with "I never ate there but .... and they serve Lima Beans."

b)  the complaintant was forced / compelled to particiate in the event.

While the 1st should need no explantion, I'll focus on the 2nd.  Let's say there is an invasion of Crystabell.

a)  No one is being compelled to particiate

b)  All gaming resources ... trainers, merchants, etc are still available in the other 3 cities.  You can choose to be active in lakes ... you can partake in all of it's resources .... but you don't have to eat the Lima Beans if you choose not to.

c)  If they do participate, they do not have to be on the front lines.... they can stay behind the lines of higher level players and city guards ... and even run inside buildings to hide.  Usually teams agree on a strategy and loot sharing system such that the focus is on the defense rather than who can loot the most.

Now if you participated in a city invasion and didn't enjoy it, then I could validate your opinion in this regard.  However I can not support a position that others should be denied the opportunity to participate, especially after having read the various posts in this thread where, having expereinced it, they have an expressed a desire to do just that.

<-- still only taking into consideration the highest level exp players (such as at your level for example) who so enjoy themselves... but what about the Crystabel being for example the city where the lower level player character happens to have its apartment, for example? So then they have 'decided to participate' ? Might not at least provision be made for them to reach their apartment and deposit and retieve mats and other items from there normally despite the urban invasion and the fighting there?? What harm would be done the participants by allowing such continued access ??

#37 [en] 

This is what I mean by having had the experience.   My alts had no problem getting to their GHs or my apartment ... and my highest level alt is level 20 and the other 3 are Level 1.  In most cases, if it's your city being defended, the TP is well within the gates and the battles are taking places at the entrances.  But I might access either a GH or apartment less than once a week ... my every day stuff (and a spare) is on  packers.

The invasions in the past consisted of a series of waves ... with short breaks in between.  Each wave came mostly at just 1 or 2 of the town entrances.   When you arrive at the TP, you are  protected, you can not be attacked.  Now lakes is a bit different as their cities are floating and TPs are on land. 

When you arrive, wait till that wave has passed and do the 100 yard dash.   The kitin are drawn to damage so they wiill focus on the folks hitting them rather than go after you.

This really is no different than a OP battle where for 2 hours you can't access your OP.   Or even if you have no OP, and don't PvP you can't really use the area for 2 hours w/o getting aggro dragged on.

There's 4 towns in each region and 4 regions.   So if there were city invasion twice a month, with 16 towns, you'd have to exercise care in getting to uour apartment for 2 hours every 8 months.  Accees to that apartment would require a bit of planning and care 0.03% of the time.

As person who digs in regions which contaon the most contested Ops, I either schedule my day not to be in game or I plan my day to be elsewhere for 2 hours.  Still worried about accessing something in apartment ... plan ahead.  Put it on a packer, and leave in water.  Its one day ... 1/12th of a day once every 8 months


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