
#1 [en] 

Hello everyone, I made a similar post that was just placed in "General Forums" but I have spoken with sveral toons over the last few weeks and I seriously hope that this can happen. I am not a programmar, I baring understand email but I would think that a "name change" would be easy to do.

We know that there are 3 roaming KP's in certain areas in PR. I would like to have the Great Kipesta actually numbered because when we target "great" we can only target one at a time and yet we can clearly see 2 patrols. If we rename to Great #1, Great #2 and Great #3, that would show-up in the system window.

I spent a ton of time tracking all of their movements and sometimes, i cannot tell if it a new partol or if they have made their full cycle heading back....

#2 [en] 

Original discussions is here: 1

I think changing the names would make it too easy to exploit via macro, but it would be cool if each patrol had unique appearances.

#3 [en] 

Instead of numbering them, rename the leader of the patrol like the named ones we already know. Every patrol would have a special name then. That should do the trick. ;-)

I would suggest these names:

Stinging Darling
Heartless Beast
Lurking Snake
Unforgotten Bitch
Hugging Death



Nicht klicken!

#4 [en] 

Either suggestion would be great :P -- Thanks

#5 [en] 

+1 for Placio. Making KP targetable is a terrible idea.

#6 [en] 

The KP's are already targetable - but changing the appearance of either the Great Kipesta or the entire group is fine... I really only care about the actual timing. I spent a very long time, tracking all of them and at times, there are 2 partols within the same pathway coming from opposite directions. Hard to time my digs when I do not know if my 10 minutes is truly up or that is the other patrol eating my armor...

#7 [en] 

Yes, they are already too easily identifiable, there is no need for making this more easy than it is.

#8 [en] 

Instead of numbering them, rename the leader of the patrol like the named ones we already know. Every patrol would have a special name then. That should do the trick. ;-)

I would suggest these names:

Stinging Darling
Heartless Beast
Lurking Snake
Unforgotten Bitch
Hugging Death


That could be good with special KP's that spawn once a week or so!
Escorting eggs or some valuable from one kittin nest to another :)
Homins could hunt them to seek challenge and rare/important resources ! (supreme mats to dig aren't important anymore)


#9 [en] 


That could be good with special KP's that spawn once a week or so!
Escorting eggs or some valuable from one kittin nest to another :)
Homins could hunt them to seek challenge and rare/important resources ! (supreme mats to dig aren't important anymore)

If supreme foraged mats aren't important any more, may I have yours?


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#10 [en] 

Regarding the ridiculous amount of supreme mats available each seasons ... yes they are not that important anynore (you miss a bit of mats ? just wait next season change and you will gather them).
If you miss supreme mats, it's just because you don't go dig in PR at season change (don't say it's because of PvP ... there is traditional spot in 250 PR (and apart for few spot you can go dig solo)).

#11 [en] 

May I have some as well?

#12 [en] 

Then, just go dig.

#13 [en] 

This discussion was here before in some other thread. On one side there is plenty of supreme mats for those who hoard it each season start (no matter if they need it) and on the other side usually none for those who visit Prime Roots randomly.

I agree that (we) players are pampered by pleny (of everything), but I am also afraid we will never solve (not just) this by any reasonable rules along whith so few respect. Respect we anonymously (should) have to all others.
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