

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

I truly hate to complain. I know those who do events work so hard behind the scenes to make our Ryzom experience the best it can be. I am grateful for those individuals, truly. Sadly, I find myself disappointed. I feel much of the joy I got from running around killing eggs at Refugee Days event has been taken away. I like tokens. I like playing the wheel. But getting only tokens in eggs is more than a little disappointing. It's not so much what was in the eggs but that I never knew what I was going to get and every one was a little present and so much fun to discover. The experience of the wheel is not the same at all. I am sure I am not saying this as well as others might. I hope others will chime in and say it more eloquently.

#2 Report | Quote[en] 


#3 Report | Quote[ru] 

Let alone the fact that there is absolutely no information about this change.

All you hear is someone complained that there were dappers as rewards and then they got changed. Dappers were one of the rewards and I'm sure they gave a lot of motivation for newbies and oldies who are just too lazy to grind a craft skill to make their dappers.

It is also worth pointing out, the fact that this change was done at all is very disbalancing, why did they spawn them in the first place? Why did some people get the chance to make huge amounts of dappers and all the rest get is tokens for the wheel?

Honestly Ryzom, get it together.

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Thank you for your feedback.

We apologize for the inconveniences and the lack of communication.
An official news about this topic will be published soon.

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

Sure, shame no 10 million dappers prices from eggs, but still tons of tokens that might get you the same dappers from wheel ;)

Cheer up guys and come to whack some eggs!


#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Sure, shame no 10 million dappers prices from eggs, but still tons of tokens that might get you the same dappers from wheel ;)

Cheer up guys and come to whack some eggs!

hmm, i dont recall seeing dappers from the new wheel, maybe i missed it among all the random prices.

Last edited by Magez (5 years ago)


#7 Report | Quote[en] 

Sure, shame no 10 million dappers prices from eggs, but still tons of tokens that might get you the same dappers from wheel ;)

Cheer up guys and come to whack some eggs!

hmm, i dont recall seeing dappers from the new wheel, maybe i missed it among all the random prices.

I have spent at least 4k basic tokens and about 500 choice in the last two days, got no dappers, either. But I know of people who have won dappers from the wheel, looks like the probability is just incredibly low.



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

My disappointment runs even deeper.. I don't really have any interest in the wheel AT ALL. There's no prizes on there that interest me.

Even worse, the few anemic prizes that ARE on there, only come in absurdly small fragments. 200 pieces for a plushie. 150 pieces for a wig. 30 pieces for an apartment decoration. Tedium is not a reward.


#9 Report | Quote[en] 

i don't get why the event had to change.
-loots been fine for years. old tokens can be converted.
-the eggs looked like ACTUAL eggs.
-dunno when them made them magic immune but why..
-why is 1shot being punished, you have to lower your power to get eggs?

its all weird and not worth it now.


#10 Report | Quote[en] 

I hope you guys realize you're kinda spoiled for complaining/being disapointed about presents you are getting.

Be glad that the Ryzom team try to make our holidays to have some OOC elements and fun egg whackings, instead of crying that there is no 10M dropping eggs, what if next year there is no eggs at all, because all we do is complain about them?

I might sound like a broken record, but cheer up guys and come to whack some eggs, or campfires, or whipped desserts ;P


#11 Report | Quote[en] 

Et bien je dis merci à l'équipe ryzom non pas pour les oeufs, qui restent un truc HRP dont je me fous royalement, mais pour avoir au moins modifié les textures pour les rendre plus adapté à l'environnement (feu de camp, trésor, etc). ça choque moins les yeux et du coup ça évite de nous sortir de l'ambiance du jeu.

Well, I say thank you to the Ryzom team not for the eggs, which remain a HRP thing I don't give a damn about, but for at least modifying the textures to make them more adapted to the environment (campfire, treasure, etc.). It doesn't shock the eyes and therefore it avoids getting us out of the game atmosphere.


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

you're kinda spoiled for complaining/being disapointed

The disappointment goes beyond the point of being spoiled or not. Many of us/you were indeed. That doesn't mean the event as a whole isn't a ridiculous Joke.

Dappers on Atys are pretty insignificant outside the OP context. The only additional and artificial use for them was the wheel, for which I and many others spent 100's of Millions, in order to get the rewards that everyone is finding on eggs with absolutely no effort and no time. The joke tells itself.

As Tip for the Ryzom Team, think through what events you put in place, have some character too. Its so unbelievable that someone gets to complain for a minor thing and it gets changed for something totally worse.

This is it for me, thanks for spoiling all the time and effort I put into getting those rewards, they mean nothing now.

#13 Report | Quote[en] 

I hope you guys realize you're kinda spoiled for complaining/being disapointed about presents you are getting.

Be glad that the Ryzom team try to make our holidays to have some OOC elements and fun egg whackings, instead of crying that there is no 10M dropping eggs, what if next year there is no eggs at all, because all we do is complain about them?

I might sound like a broken record, but cheer up guys and come to whack some eggs, or campfires, or whipped desserts ;P

its not 'being spoiled' for something we already had for years.

im not 'glad' the dev team spend time on something that was already there for years and fine as it was, its wasted time spend on something not broken, and then again time spend on fixes/complaints, overall a waste of dev time that could have been focussed elsewhere.

it didn't add 'more' to the game, only less in satisfaction of effort spend, on both sides.
dev's got less satisfaction because people complain, and players get less satisfaction from rewards given. gg

Last edited by Magez (5 years ago)


#14 Report | Quote[de] 

Die Ryzom Spieler sind genauso speziell, wie das Ryzom Team. Keine Frage. Wenn jemand Spaß an OOC-Events hat, hey, ich wäre der Letzte, der das verderben würde. Aber, wenn man mehr sammeln kann oder auch sammelt, als man brauchen kann. Ist das wirklich nichts besonderes mehr. Ich hoffe ihr versteht? :-D

Es ist wirklich mein erstes Ostern. Weihnachten habe ich auch kräftig gesammelt, bis ich kein Platz mehr hatte. Aber im Nachhinein, meiner ehrlichen und bescheidenen Meinung nach, war es nicht wert, soviel zu sammeln.

A) Zuviel Geld im Spiel ruiniert den Tauschwert von Dapper (was ist zuviel?)
B) Zuviele Belohnungen, die man auch beim Gubanirad bekommt, verringern einfach den Wert desselben.

Mir ist klar, dass man einfach entspannen oder ablenken will im Spiel (das tue ich ebenso), aber Spieler durch das Fluten von Dapper und Belohnungen motivieren online zu kommen zu wollen, ist ein denkbar kurzweilige und dazu schlechte Art der Motivation.

Mein Meinung zählt sowieso nicht, aber ich wäre dafür, wenn die Belohnungen bei den OOC-Events so wichtig sind, diese durch sinnvolle, nicht mit dem Gubanirad in zusammenhangstehende Gegenstände oder mit Dapper zu tun habenende, Gegenstände zu ersetzen. Die Eier für Geschwindigkeit, Leben und Unverwundbarkeit sind da ein guter Anfang. Denn diese haben auch wirklich nichts damit zu tun.

The Ryzom players are as special as the Ryzom team. No question about it. If anyone enjoys OOC events, hey, I'd be the last one to ruin it. But if you can collect more or collect more than you need. It's really nothing special anymore. I hope you understand? :-D

It is really my first Easter. Christmas I also collected a lot until I had no more space. But in retrospect, in my honest and modest opinion, it wasn't worth collecting so much.

A) Too much money in the game ruins the exchange value of Dapper (what is too much?)
B) Too many rewards, which you also get with the Gubani Wheel, simply reduce the value of it.

I realize that you just want to relax or distract in the game (I do the same), but motivating players to get online by flooding them with dappers and rewards is a very entertaining and bad way to motivate them.

My opinion doesn't count anyway, but if the rewards are so important in the OOC events, I'd be in favor of replacing them with meaningful items not related to the Gubani Wheel or Dapper. The eggs for speed, life, and invulnerability are a good start. Because they really have nothing to do with it.

Last edited by Heernis (5 years ago)


Nicht klicken!

#15 Report | Quote[en] 

Fully agree with Heernis here.



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