#1 Added by Ghost of Atys 6 years ago
Greetings to all of you, young refugees,Wuaoi Yai-Zhio will come on 22h - Quarta, Pluvia 4, 4th AC 2602* to tell you the story of the Great Swarming and the part played by the Rangers during the Exodus.He will then accompany you on a journey from Pyr to Yrkanis, which will give a huge boost to your progress.We are waiting for you all, even those who have already reached the mainland, at my tower in the Rangers' camp of Silan.Chiang the Strong
Woren siloy homins,Upon the Refugee's Day, we invite you to come and take part in an escort from Pyr to Yrkanis. We will leave Silan on 22h - Quarta, Pluvia 4, 4th AC 2602* after a brief lecture about the Great Swarming and the Rangers' history.In gratitude for what Chiang the Strong has done for you, come and support our young people and demonstrate your powerfulness to them.Wuaoi Yai-Zhio
#2 Added by Ghost of Atys 6 years ago
Deleted by Ghost of Atys (6 years ago) | Reason: suppression du placeholder
#3 Added by Ghost of Atys 6 years ago
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