
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch
Hello Guys :)

I switch into a month from PHP 5 to PHP 7 on my Server.
This mean i need rebuild all my Code for my Ryzom Tools! (a lot to do)  & App (IG APP)
Are still in used and i will try fix that asap (maybe some bugs left pleas report to me)  & Ryzom Hilfe Map Reg/Info (IG APP) are nearly not used anymore, this why i will not rebuild this Page anymore and shutdown it!
If someone are interrested on the code, contact me ;)

Christmas Fairy - Event (IG APP) i also will shutdown!

Enjoy playing Ryzom

Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago) | Reason: Edit to activate the links.


Mfg Bonny

#2 [en] 

1. Have the following links in the NPC Hunt Thread

-In Game APP - (/appzone 1976)
-Web site - 

Let me know if the change and will fix in thread.

2. Would rather not have to edit the thread all the time .... Is it possible to link the calender image tight into the thread, with a link to 'see more'

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago) | Reason: Edit to activate the link.


#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [Deutsch] | English
Kurze info an alle: und die (IG) APP /appzone 1976 funktionieren wieder 100%!
Wenn ihr Bugs findet meldet diese bitte an mich ;)


Mfg Bonny

#4 [en] 

1. IG APP keep the same and its working again
2. The link are very old and since monthes no longer on my Server!

For what you used the ? maybe i can add a better way for you ;)


Mfg Bonny

#5 [fr] 

1.  When we say "NPC Hut starts in 30 minutes" in uni ... many ne wplayers will ask "what's that ?"  Followerd by how do i get there ? ... what do I need ?  ... is there a discord link ? ... how do i cinvert tim to my time zone ?  Hoew do I know dayes ? .....or any number ofd questions.

The idea of that page is to either list or point to all resources replated to the hunt.  So that's why we link to your page and the IG app.  While you were down ... I do my best to keep up to date.

2.  If you're asking what I think you are asking ... web vs IG app, some folks choose not to use IG apps ... noit sure why really .. maybe they think it impacts performance but like with Bunny Tools. we steer folks to both options.

I have some questions I will seend as a PM


#6 [fr] 

1.  When we say "NPC Hut starts in 30 minutes" in uni ... many new players will ask "what's that ?"  Followed by how do i get there ? ... what do I need ?  ... is there a discord link ? ... how do I convert timi to my time zone ?  How do I know days ? .....or any number of questions.

The idea of that page is to either list or point to all resources related to the hunt.  So that's why we link to your page and the IG app.  While you were down ... I do my best to keep schedule up to date.

2.  If you're asking what I think you are asking ... web vs IG app, some folks choose not to use IG apps ... not sure why really .. maybe they think it impacts performance but like with Bunny Tools. we steer folks to both options.

I have some questions I will send as a PM


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