Should we change to faction based PVP?
Yes, change the deathmatch PVP to faction PVP!
Atys: Cotare, Heernis, Jellona, Kaetemi, Kaylerys, Lacuna, Luminatrix, Mermaidia, Revvy, Sinvaders, Sowen, Tomstato, Vorazun
No, it makes no sense.
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Bazett, Eolinius, Jorgensen, Kurutani, Placio, Wirroy, Yper, Zendae
No, we are too few, there will be no PVP anymore!
Atys: Yuritau
1 (1)
Other thoughts (Please write it down)
Atys: Gidget, Maiyr, Victoriacamper
3 (1)
Atys: Vanixia
Abstain 6

#40 [en] 

Yeah not bad restriction like, but how you explain your lose of money RP wise ?
For fame its obvious, but money?


#41 [en] 

Fame is not so obvious, since you attack a homin and normally not the representative of a government or faction (unless its an npc), and they don't even know your name because they never ask you, so a random homin bandit gets negative fame (you know it as a player, your character doesn't).

Dappers seem legit.

You can loot everything else you kill, why not take some of the wealth from your victims?

Possibly too abstract for some but we will see.

Last edited by Victoriacamper (5 years ago)

#42 [en] 

Fame is not so obvious, since you attack a homin and normally not the representative of a government or faction (unless its an npc), and they don't even know your name because they never ask you, so a random homin bandit gets negative fame (you know it as a player, your character doesn't).
As stated by Namcha (Lorist) you may be seen on a battlefield, or lost fame with your friends watching / supporting you etc.
Its not only a matter of recognizing the face of an Homin.
Dappers seem legit.

You can loot everything else you kill, why not take some of the wealth from your victims?

Possibly too abstract for some but we will see.

This is a good idea yes legit, but it implies we will all be thief.

Which may not be good for everyone.


#43 [en] 

I don't see it as tief, rather as trophy for your kill.


Nevermind. Lets stay on dappers.

Also wanted to say, losing points doesn't make much senses to me, since its such an abstract concept, not something one can claim of you?

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Victoriacamper (5 years ago)

#44 [en] 

As stated by Namcha (Lorist) you may be seen on a battlefield, or lost fame with your friends watching / supporting you etc. Its not only a matter of recognizing the face of an Homin

Applies for OPs and large scale battles but what about 1v1 and 2v2 situations when theres usually noone else around?

Last edited by Victoriacamper (5 years ago)

#45 [en] 

Also wanted to say, losing points doesn't make much senses to me, since its such an abstract concept, not something one can claim of you?

Yes i agree, also NPC should be lootable somehow, but still; that dappers idea may not be good for everyone as pointed out (Trophy / Thief etc).

But gameplay related, it could be good to have a reward and ofc a take down in case of bad action (which depends on the PoV).

In the actual Atys its interesting but not enough yes, lets say a marauder gain +10 fame in Tryker doing an action against marauder.. he just have to come at FH, click the NPC 20times and its done he's back to -100.


#46 [en] 


Yes It could be strange to have a impact on fame when you did something in secret.

But maybe someone did see you, or maybe heard about it later ?

In fact, if you were really taken red-handed your fame would drop for 30 points ! don't you think ?

In what I've described, fame would decrease very little by little, reflecting the feeling given by your global action. Sometime someone would have seen you, sometimes not. Who knows? Fame is a kind of "rumor".

It cannot be fully realistic, but the goal is to encourage players to behave more according to their faction. Maybe the 100% will be harder to keep. But to pretend to 100%, shouldn't you be totally devoted to your faction without any fault ?

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Namcha (5 years ago)

#47 [en] 

Il y a plusieurs façon de changer sa fame, et la plupart ne sont pas très RP. Mais il y a aussi pleins d'actions RP que l'on fait qui n'ont aucune influence sur notre fame et qui pourtant devraient en avoir une.
Un exemple: j'insulte le roi matis. En jeu, ça ne change pas ma fame. Et pourtant, ça devrait valoir à mon personnage d'être banni à vie du royaume.

Je peux comprendre qu'on veuille rendre cohérent la fame avec nos actions du point de vue gameplay (ex: baisse de fame dans une faction si on tue quelqu'un de la dite faction). Mais d'un autre côté, c'est aussi à nous de mettre en adéquation notre réputation avec notre comportement.
Par exemple, j'ai cliqué plein de fois sur le pnj donnant la citoyenneté matis pour baisser ma fame à -100 afin d'être plus cohérent avec la fame que devrait avoir mon personnage, même si RP parlant, ça n'a aucun sens. Mais si je ne l'avais pas fait, j'aurai à peine une fame à -50 chez les matis, ce qui ne serait pas très cohérent pour un personnage qui passe son temps à les insulter.


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#48 [en] 

It cannot be fully realistic, but the goal is to encourage players to behave more according to their faction. Maybe the 100% will be harder to keep. But to pretend to 100%, shouldn't you be totally devoted to your faction without any fault ?

Okay, maybe a rework of the pvp point scoring could be more punitive against mortal enemies teaming up, currently opposing fames on the same team cancel each other out, but unfortunately that was not what this post was about- although in spirit it wants more clear cut faction divisions, that could be done by modifying the already existing rewards.

#49 [en] 

in fact I was describing a idea that would have a impact not only on pvpers.

It's rare "mortal enemies" teams up, except on OP, which are currently out of pvp scoring.

The idea is more to put consequences on little acts like teaming with enemies on daily things (exchange, hunting...)

Not something that will drop fame to the abyss. But losing max fame could be already a serious matter. (could be easily retrieved with missions, but, if every days....)

@Azazor : you're right many roleplayers work on their fame to have it consistent with their behavior. Should we give power to event team to affect individuals' fames for those who might not be coherent ?

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Namcha (5 years ago)

#50 [en] 

@Azazor : you're right many roleplayers work on their fame to have it consistent with their behavior. Should we give power to event team to affect individuals' fames for those who might not be coherent ?

I am not Azazor, but definitely YES !

#51 [en] 

Dappers seem legit.

You can loot everything else you kill, why not take some of the wealth from your victims?

Possibly too abstract for some but we will see.

This is a good idea yes legit, but it implies we will all be thief.

Which may not be good for everyone.

I guess to prevent implying that all PVP-Chars there are "thiefs", there should be also a "loot-window" where you can accept to loot or not. Then it is the choice of the player, if he wanna be a bad guy or a good guy.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Heernis (5 years ago)


Nicht klicken!

#52 [en] 

It's rare "mortal enemies" teams up, except on OP, which are currently out of pvp scoring.

The idea is more to put consequences on little acts like teaming with enemies on daily things (exchange, hunting

Ok, that’s a bit off topic then... And I think many people would oppose it if proposed as its own idea. Community is a big part of what keeps the game (barely) alive, not faction related mechanics. So if we start getting docked fame for rezzing a friend that asked in region, etc, I don’t think that would work well. We also don’t always know the fame or faction of the player we are helping.

Okay, totally forgot- if it’s rare for mortal enemies to team up, then there is no need for any of these changes, right!?!?

Last edited by Placio (5 years ago)

#53 [en] 

It's off-topic, true :)
I was brought there when I said reactivating old pvp tags should be cosmetic only.

Last edited by Namcha (5 years ago)

#54 [en] 

Okay, totally forgot- if it’s rare for mortal enemies to team up, then there is no need for any of these changes, right!?!?

Certainly not rare :)


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