
Do you think this is a good idea?
Yes, it is a good idea pretty much as is 3
Yes, it's a nice idea but could use a bit of polish 3
No, but I have an idea that I think could work 1
No, I think there is no problem so this is not needed 8
No, I think Around is the RP channel even though many others disagree 15 (3)
Other 3
Abstain 5

#46 [en] 

[EDIT] Removed because answering to deleted comments.
Of course, my last point wasn’t serious, just a sophism example (as I’ve said) because I’m tired to see all bad arguments against the RP.
I’m not here to disrespect you or anybody. And it’s probably not noticeable, but I’m trying to understand all point of view, and I’m expecting that everybody can understand the point of view of most RP player: We don’t want to impose our way of play, we just ask to respect our way of playing the game without being rejected.
We aren’t here for conflict or “segregation” but for get fun together.

Are you as tired of that as I am of the fine, well-behaved RPers getting their reputation tarnished by a few bad apples to the point where there is even the thought of giving them their own channel or even their own server? Believe me when I say that this whole debacle brings me no joy, and that I truly do want us all to coexist peacefully as players. Our characters may have valid reasons to hate each other, but we should not.

I am not here to reject RP. You don't spend as much time at tabletop gaming as I have (both as player and GM) if you dislike RP. And what you say is true of most RPers. However, the fact that most car trips do not result in an accident does not keep me from wearing a seatbelt, if you catch my drift. There is enough friction between the two sides here as the result of a few hooligans that I think that something needs to be done about that.

And let me reiterate that if I truly thought that Revvy's two-line solution would even put a notable dent in the problem, this thread never would have existed.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#47 [en]


#48 [en] 

[EDIT] Removed because answering to deleted comments.
For instance, right now the Around Tab displays a message whenever you log in. What is it? Many (most?) of us don't know because we use Around channel from the User Tab so we never see it.
Once again, the original suggestion in Revvy's topic was not aimed at fixing the already broken relations between veteran players.
It was meant to educate the newcomers. If you choose to be a player who uses the User-tab for chat purposes, you have still checked the other tabs at least once.
And that's when you see the little info.

I don't want to see Around restricted in any manner. That's my take on it. Informational statements are not a problem (unless I get them *every time* I hit /s , in which case it would be annoying).
It would be nice to have an educational warning message in the around channel at the connection for all game customers.
Have you read the original suggestion? For some reason multiple opposing comments have included this statement which simply tells that the original post was not read through.

[EDIT] Removed because answering to deleted comments.

Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)


#49 [en] 

[EDIT] Removed because quoting a deleted comment.

Let's remove the warning when you are looknig to speak in uni for the first time... it's very confusing.

Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)

#50 [en] 

[EDIT] Removed the "quote in the quote" of a deleted sentence.
Let's remove the warning when you are looknig to speak in uni for the first time... it's very confusing.

I actually agree with this. Or at least change it. I remember being super scared to speak in uni chat for a long time because of the warning when I was new to the game.

Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#51 [en] 

[EDIT] Removed because answering to deleted comments.

Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#52 [en] 

Let's remove the warning when you are looknig to speak in uni for the first time... it's very confusing.

Don't remove but rewrite it. The current displayed text is a leftover from times where many people would inhabit this game and language specific channels didn't exist.
Right now, rewriting the warning text to explain that there's channels for each language and how to access them as well as it stating that the general universal channel is mostly for requesting aid and/or information about the game should do the trick.
The warning itself is okay, just heavily outdated with its contents.

Last edited by Neira (6 years ago)

#53 [en] 

Agree, a better explanation of what channels are could be really nice. But I'm afraid that it will be too much text in one place :/

#54 [en] 

[EDIT] Removed because answering to deleted comments.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)


#55 [en] 

[EDIT] Removed because answering to deleted comments.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#56 [fr] 

[EDIT] Removed because answering to deleted comments.

Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#57 Multilingual 

Si les joueurs RP sont si nombreux, c’est peut-être parce que, je ne sais pas moi… 90% d’entre eux sont partis après la fusion qui a juste détruit leur plaisir de jeu…

Sans tomber dans le sempiternel "c'était mieux avant", il faut reconnaître certains faits.

Il y a bien eu des tentatives de retour pour certains : des réabos 1 mois, juste parce que Ryzom nous a pris aux tripes un jour et qu'on finit toujours par y revenir, mais jusqu'à quand ? Maintenant ces tentatives de retour se font sans réabo...
Alors oui on est content de revoir les copains mais l'Histoire n'avance pas, le calendrier RP est vide de chez vide et c'est dommage pour un MMORPG.

Pour exemple : il y a quelques soirs de cela, on m'interroge sur qui fait quoi chez les fyros, sénateurs, pnj qui comptent etc. Obligée de déterrer des posts sur X forums pour essayer de tout remettre à plat (et encore c'était laborieux et je n'ai pas toutes les réponses). Et là, je retombe sur un post concernant l'enquête sur la mort du Sénateur Abycus où l'on nous disait que les events reprendraient en janvier, puis non finalement en février mais 2018 !! Aujourd'hui 6 mars 2019, on en est toujours au même point...
(Lykos avait dit qu'il reprenait l'affaire en main personnellement. Mermaidia voudrait bien lui laisser une chance ne serait-ce qu'en mémoire du défunt sénateur mais là elle désespère de plus en plus de son incompétence)

Déception sur déception, même les plus accrochés s'éloignent en espaçant leurs connections...
Ryzom pourrait être tellement plus vivant si l'on pouvait ré-enclencher la machine RP et pas juste seulement entre potes au coin d'un feu ou dans un bar, si l'on pouvait reprendre des events à plus grande échelle et entrainer d'autres joueurs dans ce sens. Le RP n'est pas inné, il se découvre et s'étoffe.
2 lignes svp, juste pour faire entrevoir cette facette de ce jeu qui nous a tant accrochés, et pourquoi pas faire (re)venir d'autres joueurs à nous.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Mermaidia (6 years ago)


Mermaidia, heureuse Chef des Eclaireurs d'Atys
Homins, unissons-nous et agissons dès maintenant afin de préparer notre futur sur la Belle Atys!
Libres et fiers, en quête de notre histoire commune et de nos racines, nous retrouverons et protégerons ce monde qui nous a tant fait vibrer!

#58 [en] 

Let's remove the warning when you are looknig to speak in uni for the first time... it's very confusing.

I actually agree with this. Or at least change it. I remember being super scared to speak in uni chat for a long time because of the warning when I was new to the game.

+1 (Same "scare" experience for me). +10 Specially for those who can't speak in English, and/or has "quite poor" english as I do.

And, at that time, I found on wiki many, many outdate informations (ceb, support channel... I tried to update some, but there's lot of outdated stuffs. AND acronyms make comprehension difficult)

LOL I was even scared to modify some wiki pages, after written a post on the forum, as I had been "shot" there... :p


I found (elsewhere) a post saying the chat wiki pages are very different in FR and EN (I created a "special commands" for very recently).

I used to work in shifted schedules (evening/morning/night weeks, on 7/7d and 24/24h in a little team, for 8h or 12h long) this 10 past years, therefore I know that yes, we all "play a different game". Specially getting old, too much "double clics" are really painfull  :p

Nice idea to fix a short text, checked by a translation team, about the different channels, as Revvy suggested here. And yes, I am very often shocked by some RP or occ sentences at 1st glance ; it's true that RP can be learned and fun.


For ex, I would like to say that I don't understand the Heernis 1st post's DeepL translation - DeepL "translate" for ex "under fame 25" in "under 25 years old" ! DeepL can be worth than GooTrad LOL.

An other ex: the French term "Ranger" seems to have a different meaning that for most of the English speakers. It can moove from US army to Scouting, with detour to the field guard (I remember I understood it that way first, related to the nature conservation. In a way, I still act as it would be LOL).----+1 on last Mermedia post :p

Last edited by Craftjenn (6 years ago)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#59 [en] 

Translation of Mermaidia post, because it is very important.
It is the voice of numerous clients of this game.

If there are so many PR players, it may be because, I don't know... 90% of them left after the merger that just destroyed their gaming pleasure...

Without falling into the endless "it was better before", we have to admit some facts.

There have been some attempts to return for some: 1 month resub, just because Ryzom took us by the gut one day and we always end up coming back, but until when?
Now these attempts to return are being made without resub....

So yes we are happy to see the friends again but the story is not moving forward, the RP calendar is empty from empty and it's a pity for an MMORPG.

For example: a few nights ago, I was asked about who does what among the Fyros, senators, NPCs, etc.
Forced to dig up posts on X forums to try to review everything (and it was laborious and I don't have all the answers).

And now I come back to a post about the investigation into the death of Senator Abycus where we were told that the events would resume in January, then got reported to February... 2018 !
Today, March 6, 2019, we are still at the same point...
(Lykos had said he was taking over the business personally. Mermaidia would like to give him a chance, by respect for the memory of the last senator, but now she is more and more desperate about his inefficiency).

Disappointment after disappointment, even the most hooked ones move away by spacing their connections time....

Ryzom could be so much more alive if we could restart the RP machine and not just between friends around a fire or in a bar,
if we could resume events on a larger scale and train other players in this direction.
The RP is not innate, it is discovered and developed.

2 lines please, just to show this facet of this game that has caught our attention so much, and why not make other players come back to us.


Last edited by Revvy (6 years ago)


#60 [en] 

[EDIT] Removed because answering to deleted comments.

Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

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