
Do you think this is a good idea?
Yes, it is a good idea pretty much as is 3
Yes, it's a nice idea but could use a bit of polish 3
No, but I have an idea that I think could work 1
No, I think there is no problem so this is not needed 8
No, I think Around is the RP channel even though many others disagree 15 (3)
Other 3
Abstain 5

#18 [en] 

I don't think that person A saying something OOC prevents person B from RPing, unless they are specifically harassing that person which is a seperate issue. For example if I ask Gidg, "hey what type of car do you drive?" she can say the make and model or say I have no idea what you are talking about you drink too much Plac.... And if person C is also a RP'er and overhears the conversation they can say/think those people have a funny way of talking... That is roleplaying- not demanding that the game mechanics are changed so people can only speak a certain way. You could even encourage or point someone in the right direction.

off-topic but need to be said:

So if you come across someone asking something OOC you will respond in RP, and keep talking RP untill that person joins you in RP.

so basically:
PersonA needs to convert or read a RP manual to cater to your needs or f-off.
and not:
PersonB can answer the question or explain like an adult that he doesn't talk about Rl related stuff ingame

How dare PersonA try to get to know me and form a bond a friendship over possible mutual interests.

Related On-topic:
RP: we don't want to be bothered by people asking Rl stuff in the mids of our RP, BUT we do want all our jibber jabber to be on full display to non-RP people.

very one way street stuff.

Sorry but the more i read the more negative view i get of RP. We should all calm down and think of a solution that will resolve issues from BOTH sides, not only 1.

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Magez (6 years ago)


#19 [en] 

...adding 2 lines won't destroy your Ryzom, and can do good (or do nothing at all - but at least we tried).
I had simply hoped that we could find something a bit better than the digital equivalent of a sticky note that won't be read. Good intentions are nice, but I'm pragmatic enough to prefer results. However, I also prefer minor good results with no downside over more effective solutions with drawbacks.
We should all calm down and think of a solution that will resolve issues from BOTH sides, not only 1.
Tensions run high as folks on both sides feel their way of (game) life is under attack, but yes, this is best handled by cool heads on both sides.

Last edited by Gidget (6 years ago)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#20 [en] 


Yes a RP'er can also let the other player know in chat or other non-around communication. I'm not opposed to comunication, just forcing people to play by "RP rules" that don't exist and that I and others certainly did not get to vote on. So if I accidentially speak OOC in around I would except RP'ers to work with it.

#21 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
( Not constructive at all, but can't hold myeself anymore :)

« Don't worry, honey, hide behind the blanket, the big bad RP won't be there anymore tomorrow when you'll woke up. »

That's really how it seems to me. Instead of accepting the fact RP is a big part of Ryzom, it's better to hide it, make a new channel RP dedicated. How weird, that's mostly the same people who cry for years because they don't want to be forced to play a certain way...

Last edited by Mithian (6 years ago)

#22 [en] 


I don't know how good of an idea this is but a Roleplay tag that causes the tagged player's text in the Around channel a different color could also be a thing, maybe? We could use a Roleplay tag anyway.

The RP community and the non-RP community can peacefully live alongside each other. But it would take effort from both sides of the conflict. Right now I'm seeing a lot of "Your fun is wrong and our way of playing the game is the only right way", which is getting quite annoying.

I really like the idea of a different color for roleplay in Around. I think it would solve the whole thing. Use a flag of /sr and the color in Around changes. Voila.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#23 [en] 

@Jellona, really good points with emotes and separation of community, that we need the least. I kinda liked the idea of RP channel, but this changed my mind completely.

There is ofc other channels for "not separating the community", but often as OOC healer even for just one your only good choice is around channel because /tell's disapears often when you change action bar and Region would be "flooding public chats".
Why can't people just use () when they want to talk in around ooc AND there are others players around making RP? Nothing to add, no work for dev who can work on things much more important, just to teach and advertise.
It does flood the one chat to have many discussions, even with () it makes it bit harder to follow, imo. Also "why should I have to type () around everything I say", eventho I already do this with new Homins to give room to RP'ers. Still not expecting it from others =D
I don't know how good of an idea this is but a Roleplay tag that causes the tagged player's text in the Around channel a different color could also be a thing, maybe? We could use a Roleplay tag anyway.

Now this is something that would really solve something, amazing idea! Tag up your roleplay icon and have fancy color on your text, enter the story mode! =D

@Mithian, you provoker lol, also one could say that the other way around too ;)


#24 [en] 

[EDIT] This answer brings a judgment from others, which does not bring anything constructive to the debate.

Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#25 [en] 

( Not constructive at all, but can't hold myeself anymore :)

« Don't worry, honey, hide behind the blanket, the big bad RP won't be there anymore tomorrow when you'll woke up. »

That's really how it seems to me. Instead of accepting the fact RP is a big part of Ryzom, it's better to hide it, make a new channel RP dedicated. How weird, that's mostly the same people who cry for years because they don't want to be forced to play a certain way...

Actually, it is constructive insofar as it's exactly that sort of behavior that made me think that this might be needed. [EDIT] Non-constructive comment.
How it seems to me is that there is a very vocal contingent who feels that anyone who uses the Around channel for not-RP is "doing it wrong", and there is a misconception that somehow RPers are more privileged/entitled than non-RP "peons". Sure, a lot of RPers are not that way, but enough are that way that RP gets a bad rep. And that's a shame and a disservice to the decent RP folks. Now, if you want more people to RP, then it would be in your best interest to make sure RP is seen in a more favorable light than it currently is by so many people.

You are also overlooking the fact that the User tab in chat has all channels enabled by default, so unless someone specifically and explicitly takes intentional action to opt out, it's not really hidden. (That fact takes a bit of the edge off of Jellona's argument as well, but we can address that later.) You will not be hidden unless they want to hide you, so unless you make people want to find a way to hide you, you have nothing to fear from that.

Yes, RP is a part of Ryzom, but how big a part is it? There is no universal consensus. And where there no consensus or compromise, there is conflict. I proposed an option with the intended purpose of turning conflict into compromise by allowing non-RP to tune out stuff they have no desire to deal with being told they are doing it wrong in a manner that does not deprive them of the Around channel. Do you want to deprive people of the ability to opt out? If so, how is that not forcing your way on others? How is giving non-RP folks the option to tune out unwanted dialog depriving RPers in the immediate vicinity the ability to RP?

Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#26 [en] 

That's probably why i've said that's not constructive at all.

And yep, that's exactly the same thing, just different point of view. Non RP players cry because they don't want to be forced to respect RP rules or whatever you want, but, RPers cry because non RP players don't care about it at all on an MMO based RP ;)

Tho, i think i like the idea on a color ( only one dedicated to show RP message on Around, i think no one want to have a rainbow on /s channel for RP.
[EDIT] Judgment of others, not bringing anything constructive to the debate.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)

#27 [en] 


That's the point, i'm not RPing rn since.... Forum isn't RP ( Except dedicated part of it... ) so, your argument is quite.. unlucky :P

And... Don't try to say something like " Yeah, if i don't RP, that's because of RPers behavior. " You don't RP because you don't like to or just because that's not the way you want to play. And that's the same for at least 90% of the non RP players.

Maybe some rejected RP because they had bad experience of it, but most just don't care.

Maybe with an explanation of different kind of RP and habits... Some would maybe understand it and like to learn it, but, that's on an another topic.

#28 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
+1 for the RP tag and different color on around : not forcing anyone to do anything and making it really obvious that this is RP. Maybe with a pop up the first time you active it explaining in a few line what it's for? Same kind of pop up you have the first time you go on UNI chat; I'm pretty sure everyone got to read this one as it's quite unexpected!

(#TROLL-ON And we should add a 24h timer on this tag because you know, RP is something people should not take lightly hihi ♥ #TROLL-OFF )

Last edited by Zarden (6 years ago)

#29 [en] 


I don't know how good of an idea this is but a Roleplay tag that causes the tagged player's text in the Around channel a different color could also be a thing, maybe? We could use a Roleplay tag anyway.

The best idea so far :)

#30 [en] 

"No, I think Around is the RP channel even though many others disagree"

Many others agree.
Yes, there are many on both sides of the issue. I put that option there for the sake of those who feel maintaining the status quo (conflict, confusion, and all) is preferable to any solution that requires change.

By adding "many others disagree" in this particular choice, you are just willing to give the orientation you are looking to the result. Your answer is nothing more than bad faith.

#31 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
How complicated you guys are really... :)

Adding 2 lines in a channel at the connection and this is the tragedy of the century, I am really disappointed to see the communities so juvenile.

You remind me of childrens fighting over a lollipop when there's a full pack right next to it, because "it's mine!"....

But I understand better why Ryzom hasn't progressed for a long time, if all the ideas, however simple they may be, drag on in debate for months to reach something completely different at the end ^^

If it would have been added without your notice, you would have thought it was a great idea.
Please no lies, be real.

The goal was also to get the new player to hear the word Roleplay, to have familiarity with it from the very beginning, certainly not to be obliged to do so.
As a result, in addition to having the benefit of officially preventing and informing, there could have been vocations created, and desires.
So possibly a new breath for Ryzom, through education, not obligation.

Looking for a Roleplay tag in an obscure game configuration, and we move away from the basic idea for our young players (and old.. it seem..).

Gidget, Your behavior is very worrying, especially regarding your obsession with my forum posts.
Not to mention your non-neutral voting choices, as well as your twists and turns on all my subjects, it is a flagrant example of this reality.

And I hope people will have the decency to realize it.

[EDIT] Non-constructive comment.

Now I let you all discuss this subject, which has become so complicated, moving away from the idea that you have decided to bury yourself.

Where the goal is no longer to simply help, prevent and inform, in order to live better together... but to isolate, and mark the players as different.

This is your world Gidget, not mine, and I leave it to you with pleasure.

Many players play a role in the game through extremism, and therefore are detestable as a choice.
But you... You don't play a role, and I have to admit it scares me.

The ideas you convey are extremist and encourage the difference, IRL this time... its not a role.

(I would therefore not vote, since the proposed choices are clearly not neutral, and are oriented towards your own person, which is quite disappointing).

Thank you.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)


#32 [fr] 

+1 pour le tag RP qui donne une couleur différente en alentours : ça laisse chacun libre de ses choix et rend sans équivoque que la personne fait du RP. Peut-être avec un pop up la première fois que le joueur l'active, expliquant en quelques lignes à quoi il sert? Le même genre de pop up qui apparait la première fois qu'on se connecte en chat UNI; ce pop up étant assez inattendu je suis certain que tout le monde l'a lu!

(#TROLL-ON Et il faudrait ajouter un timer de 24 sur ce tag car le RP, ce n'est pas une chose à faire à moitié hihi ♥ #TROLL-OFF )
+1on se relaxe, on respire... Y a de la place pour tous, Atys est immense :p


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