

#36 Report | Quote[en] 

I wouldn't consider PvP by itself RP. I think it can be a part of RP, however. But it needs to be abundantly clear to both parties that it's intended as such.

From what I've seen, the underlying issue is a clash betwen the RP community and those uninterested in RP. If a RP enthusiast ganks someone who has no interest in RP, it's annoying and unwelcome.

An RP tag would be nice (pardon my ignorance if it's already a thing and I haven't noticed it) because the PvP tag only covers the PvP part of RP.

I wholeheartedly agree!


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#37 Report | Quote[en] 

An RP tag would be nice (pardon my ignorance if it's already a thing and I haven't noticed it) because the PvP tag only covers the PvP part of RP.
Been years we ask for it... it was deactivated after merge in favor of the "Free For All" Tag (considered RP then ? I still don't see how).
+1 for this


#38 Report | Quote[en] 

I think, they are talking about a tag saying "this player is RP, you can interact RP way with him/her".

#39 Report | Quote[en] 

I think, they are talking about a tag saying "this player is RP, you can interact RP way with him/her".

That's exaclty what I'm talking about. While PvP can be a part of RP, RP is more than just PvP. An all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares type of situation.

I just think it would be nice to have BOTH a PvP AND an RP tag. To differentiate people who just want to fight, people who just want to RP and people who want to incorporate PvP into their RP.

#40 Report | Quote[en] 

[EDIT] Deleted because related to a moderated out of topic post.

@tamarea please indicate to me to which out of topic post you refer, so that the deleted post can be replicated by me to the extent that the content have not been offensive.

I am not able to recall in detail or even at all the actual content of the deleted post; please repeat that content and make reference to it when reprimanding me or when moving it to that other topic as it would greatly aid my understanding of just what was found to be objectionable and please also let me know to which other topic post you were referring into which i should instead have posted my comments.

I hope this post not be also out of topic. I am but trying to better understand and learn out of the deletion and / or that other topic post.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tryroamer (6 years ago)

#41 Report | Quote[en] 

That's exaclty what I'm talking about. While PvP can be a part of RP, RP is more than just PvP. An all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares type of situation.

I just think it would be nice to have BOTH a PvP AND an RP tag. To differentiate people who just want to fight, people who just want to RP and people who want to incorporate PvP into their RP.

Given that RP and PvP are separate things, I think a more accurate analogy would be "Some squares are blue, but not all blue things are squares". Aside from that though, you're spot-on.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#42 Report | Quote[en] 

Can someone please tell me what exactly is Role Playing, in a Ryzom Context? I thought it was just behaving and talking as if you were really living in Atys. I think now this is probably a very simplistic impression. There must be forum discussions about this, just send me a link.

#43 Report | Quote[en] 

Hmm, there probably is, but I’m not sure that you would want to follow one person’s or group’s interpretation.

The main difference is IC - In Character, and OOC - Out of Character. The acronyms vary by language ofc.

Interesting some statements could be taken both ways: a newbie on Silan might ask in around, “what country are you guys from” and one person might answer “the federation” while another player says “U.K.” The first player interpreted and responded based on only the Ryzom character’s knowledge and awareness. The second viewed the question and gave an answer as the real world player.

#44 Report | Quote[en] 

Can someone please tell me what exactly is Role Playing, in a Ryzom Context? I thought it was just behaving and talking as if you were really living in Atys. I think now this is probably a very simplistic impression. There must be forum discussions about this, just send me a link.

I don't think you will found a forum discussion about it Jorgie.
As Placio says there are as much interpretation of what RP is than there a RPer in Ryzom.
RP is acting basically as your toon living on Atys will do.
But your toon has not magically appeared on Atys. She has grown with or without parents, been teached by an older and so on. So she will act with the others with prejudice related to his education.
If you want to be really immersive, you can design behaviors and thoughts for Jorgensen and act like that.
It's a very good way to get into RP.
But I think what old players are speaking about is what was at the beginning of the game. Power of factions was very much important and history was really written by the factions behavior.
Politic was a living thing.
They really write tryker constitution for an exxample. (that's why it is not totally written on the other side ;) )
In the mind of some of the old players, server fusion reduced dramatically this historical progression of Atys. And I think it is this, that they are missing. Very directive leaders (most of them vere NPCs), nationalist behaviors and so on.
I'm also a too young player to have known these behaviors and I think a peaceful Atys is not a bad thing, but I can understand their way of thinking and their missing of the impression that your actions are really changing the course of history.

Last edited by Kyriann (6 years ago)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#45 Report | Quote[en] 

totally agree on last Placio and Kyriann posts+ there are as much interpretation of what a spoileris (or not) than there homins in Ryzom.

I think it is true that differences cause misunderstandings and disputes, but they are life: the possibility of change, of evolution. Think the same thing all together - what I call "Pensée de groupe" or "groupthink" - for me is death.

Some of us can have in real life disabilities (very poor bandwith, old PC, chronic tendonitis or osteoarthritis...).
Ryzom is one of the only worlds available to all budgets, even the lowest, and it is open source - you can feel the "open" background of the project, there's many creatives homins, devs and geeks here...

I think Atys is probably very unique on that point. And I love that D

True it can be tiring to have bugs but what a richness of life it is. The new Gingo server is a really good news, for all of us.

There's even stuffs who are NOT bugs, but many young homins think it's a bug LOL I love it that way, after a while, getting older on Atys.What I see NOW is a hudge work done - see for ex the hudge khaganat work at https://khaganat.net/

A last thing. In real life, I have participated in many political and artistic groups. Therefore, I am well aware of all the biases of groups that operate without hierarchy.

I have here a trick : I repeat to myself "ok they fight, loose time and energy, etc.... but I feel like...

they fight on details, that on most of ideas, I feel we all agree".


(I precise it's not ironic, I really mean the following : )

Therefore I want to thanks you. Thanks you, even the Trolls, because I think we are all "the stupid troll" of an some other homin  :p

Thanks you, to show us how much you all love Atys  :p


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais


Craftjenn, Ranger

#46 Report | Quote[en] 

I think it is true that differences cause misunderstandings and disputes, but they are life: the possibility of change, of evolution. Think the same thing all together - what I call "Pensée de groupe" or "groupthink" - for me is death.
"ok they fight, loose time and energy, etc.... but I feel like...[/p][p]they fight on details, that on most of ideas, I feel we all agree".
(W)e are all "the stupid troll" of an some other homin :p
I agree 2,000% with all of those!


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#47 Report | Quote[en] 

i beg to disagree with the i suppose as wisdom repeated words: "we are all the 'stupid troll' of someone else" <-- does the troll concept include the desire and pursued purpose of disrupting an other's dispute or simple chat.

I have no such intention. I am nobody's troll.

Nor do i side with the comment, that we differ only about details. There can and do exist principal differences in fundamentals concerning which there can be no compromise, though practicality demands often that one tolerate and even respect the contraty views respective fundamental principles of others.

as for the topic in question: is PVP RP.. i side with those who say: No! It is not RP

RP can include PVP, but PVP is in its very nature not itself RP

Again i make the attempt also to point out, hopefully this time not out of topic: RP is not the same as playing a role in ryzom, it is but one way to play a role in ryzom the game. To illustrate: CSR and GM definitely play a role in the ryzom game, in that they control and watch over the game, ryzom and its future development.

I play a role in the game simply by being involved with it and definitely by subbing it. But none of that which i do, none of the role that i play in the game is RP. Not in the least! and i would not have it any other way.

So again if state it simply: role <> RP <> RPG ... rather they are all related but not identical possible modes of interaction. Thereby is only playing a role at all, as such, inevitable.

#48 Report | Quote[en] 

I play a role in the game simply by being involved with it and definitely by subbing it. But none of that which i do, none of the role that i play in the game is RP. Not in the least! and i would not have it any other way.

So again if state it simply: role <> RP <> RPG ... rather they are all related but not identical possible modes of interaction. Thereby is only playing a role at all, as such, inevitable.

:') .... *sigh*


#49 Report | Quote[en] 

i struggle to make sense of some of your posts, tryroamer. I can see that you are passionate, but the actual information you present is sometimes bewildering.

Last edited by Jorgensen (6 years ago)

#50 Report | Quote[en] 

@Naema, I think (at least it's my opinion and maybe I am wrong who knows), forcing people to be tag and having more gameplay restriction (it's a bad thing but there is pro and cons) can bring back faction sense (for rangers it's another story I agreed). Right now, it looks like in the game everyone is friend with everyone, which in term of ingame politics is not interesting at all ... etc

I like your comments Sinvaders.
Currently on Atys it may be that more people came over after server merge from Arispotle than Aniro, and for the most part, we were all kind of friendly to eachother between OP wars, We even trained together sometimes, but during a war, there was real trash talking between players! Very nasty talking. Arispotle seemed to be really about balancing the guild powers. One guild dominated the server as Kami followers and caused a lot of anger for some, including me. (Now, many of those players are in my guild, XD). After the server merge, it was interesting to see how Aniro players played, and Leanon too. I was even threatened in the void while digging that "My imminent death was near." I laughed because I never saw that before and they could do nothing to me in the void anyways.

So, I propose that the Event team put together more "Political confrontational' events perhaps. Some Including Marauders and their stance. So that we don't have to just rely on the OP wars. And I don't mean just attacking the guards at the main cities, maybe something else....?

This is just a suggestion.

But I think that the Marauders have a role to play, not just be PvPer's. But Pvp can be part of the events too of course, don't get me wrong! The event teams need to figure it out. I think the Event team suffered when the one who was overseeing the marauder faction left the game, so it has taken a while for them to get going on marauder events again it seems.
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