Lore & Chronicles


#27 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Tale by Lutrykin - Atysmas Storytelling Assembly in Jena Year 2606 (2019-12-29)


Once upon a time there was a capryni who was born on Atysmas Day. His parents named him Caprysmas.
It seemed like he had been blessed at birth by the gifts of Father Atysmas and all the fairies.
He was handsome, strong, tough, skilled with his horn and hooves and so brave that he was a pillar of the herd that lived near Avalae.
Yet he was not loved, for he was very proud of all his advantages.
He had only one friend, a capryni so kind that the whole herd adored him.
This friend admired Caprysmas, who, in return, knew how to be charming and give lots of wise advice.
With all the others, Caprymas was haughty and heartless.
He was particularly hard on a small Capryni, very weak but whose greatest defect, in Caprysmas' eyes, was to be quick-witted and the habit of defending himself with derision.
One day, landed in the herd, a capryni with the halo of belonging to an Yrkanis herd.
Of course, this frisky and very coquettish young capryni quickly became the darling of the herd, triggering the hostility of Caprysmas.
Unbeknownst to all, he left for Yrkanis and learned that his rival had been expelled from there for having endangered the whole herd by fleeing one day when he was supposed to stand guard.
Back at Avalae, Caprysmas was determined to have the newcomer sent away without revealing his secret, preferring to keep it for himself to have a hold on his rival.
But, the little capryni with the sharp tongue had fallen under the spell of the newcomer and he managed to avoid him being banished definitively although he was relegated to a very subordinate position.
Soon some great news arrived: Father Atysmas was looking for runners to complete the team of his sleigh.
Caprysmas left, in all confidence, to see Father Atysmas: he was convinced that the position of head of the team was his, that it was only waiting for him.
Words can hardly describe the rage that seized him when Father Atysmas refused his declaration, showing him how much his over proud attitude made him commit villainies.
Refusing to listen further, he took refuge in the company of his only friend and attempt to forget Atysmas' sleigh.
But, wasted effort, the whole herd was in turmoil: Father Atysmas was organizing a great race between Yrkanis and Fairhaven to find the members of his team.
Time then was dedicated only to preparation and training , each one trying to give the best of himself for this great feast.
Stubborn in his refusal, Caprysmas first tried to prevent his friend from joining the others but he thought back to Father Atysmas reproaches and, with a heavy heart, let him participate, both envious and happy to see him so joyful.
The great day arrived. All the runners of Atys were gathered in front of Yrkanis, ready to set off.
At the last moment, Caprysmas decided to take the start and when the signal was given, he jumped like the others.
But he was the only one who was totally out of practice and he found himself very quickly towards the end of the pack.
Humiliated, he was about to give up when he saw his friend come back to him with some members of the herd who came to encourage him.
This kindness gave him back his heart and little by little, he regained the lost ground because despite all his flaws, he remained a champion among the caprynis.
In view of the Maze of Sprite, he had reached the head of the race.
It was then that he saw his rival trying to cheat by taking a shortcut, dragging the little one with the sharp tongue after him.
Although he knew the corner was full of dangerous cuttlers, Caprysmas, listening only to his courage, set off in pursuit.
At a bend in the road, he had to face the fact: the rival had used the little one as a shield and had cowardly abandoned him facing the cuttlers.
Caprysmas plunged into the fray, skewering the cuttlers and pushing them away with his powerful hind hooves.
The little capryni refused to run away and remained at his side in an epic but unequal and doomed battle…
It would hadn't it been for the friend of all, who, having gathered the whole herd, came to Caprysmas' aid.
United in battle, the caprynis arrived in Fairhaven, exhausted but proud of themselves.

It was a mektoub who won the race, but Father Atysmas, who had seen everything, gave a place in the team to Caprysmas who made do with that place and, when he returned to his herd, everyone celebrated him.

And his rival, you will say to me? I'm afraid he ended up in the stomach of a torbak, but that's not to say in an Atysmas tale.

#28 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español | Русский
Tale told by Lutrykin - Atysmas Storytelling Assembly in Jena Year 2606 (2019-12-29)
Initially written by Napseis and told during 2011 Atysmas.

The trees of Atysmas

Tonight I'm going to tell you the adventure - the true story! - of four homins.
Our group of friends is composed by a Tryker, a Matis, a Fyros and a Zoraï, all gathered together to celebrate Atysmas in peace.
Having decided to celebrate in Verdant Heights, our four companions met up in Yrkanis and decided to go and enjoy the show that the snowy forest would offer them.
The forest surrounds them, white and pure in its cocoon of snow.
Mischievous as usual, the Tryker plays about in the snow.
Realizing that he is far from his companions, he decides to hide fireworks in a fir tree to surprise his friends.
And what a surprise!
The tree stood there, majestic and illuminated! In front of so much beauty, they said to themselves that they absolutely had to let other homins enjoy it.
How they would like to admire these enchantments, every evening, in the quiet of their home, smoking good moss perfumed with sap of enola!
Without delay, our friends start thinking. The Fyros offers them, directly, to cut down the tree and bring it back.
The Matis tells them that he will know how to preserve the beautiful plant, although he thinks the process is a bit brutal.
Finally, the Zoraï tells them that he will know how to enchant the tree so that it never stops shining.
Back in the city, the children hurry around the strange procession, delighted and overexcited. It's beautiful, it's big, and it shines!
Moved by the delighted shouts of their children, the parents decide to ask the homins to share their find.
And so it is that, from now on, in each home at Atysmas, a beautiful illuminated fir tree is to be found, symbolizing the union of the sparkling Trykers, the cunning Matis, the wise Zoraï and the industrious Fyros.

Last edited by Lutrykin Storyteller (4 years ago)

#29 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
The Great Library preserves HERE the six tales heard during the Atysmas Storytelling Assembly of Jena Year 2611 (2020-12-27):

• The Princess and the Slaveni
• The Truth About fyrak
• What the light says
• Chiang's Atysmas Walk
• Jingle Bocks
• Lighting the Stars

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Lutrykin Storyteller (2 weeks ago)

#30 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
The Great Library preserves HERE the five tales heard during the Atysmas Storytelling Assembly of Jena Year 2616 (2021-12-26):

• Atysmas Poem
• The Tough Osco
• Nennorae White
• For Atys with gratitude
• The King's melting

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Lutrykin Storyteller (2 weeks ago)

#31 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
The Great Library also preserves four tales heard at an earlier Atysmas vigil (for the moment only in their French version):

Conte du Noël gourmand (Tale of the Greedy Christmas)
L'Esprit de Noël (The Spirit of Christmas)
La légende du Labyrinthe des Lutins (The Legend of the Maze of Sprite)
Un chant d'Atysoël (A Song of Atysmas)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Maupas (2 years ago)

#32 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Now available* in the (Great Library) are the stories, tales and other musical performance heard during the Atysmas Storytelling Assembly of the year 2621 of Jena (2022-12-27).
• Vao's tiny gubani
• The Gloomy Yubo
• The Shalah charge
• The Way of the Sage
• The Refugee's Lantern
• To Be or Not To Be Good
• The Rosæ of Hope
* In DE, EN, ES and FR

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Maupas (2 years ago)

#33 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Deutsch]
Frido der Frippo
Rund um die Wiese herum, wo Mektoubs und Raspal grasten, war eine alte Wurzel und viel Gestrüp. In diesem Gestrüp, nahe bei Scheune und Kornspeicher, wohnt eine Familie schwatzhafter Frippos. Aber die Homin waren weggezogen, Scheune und Kornspeicher standen leer. Und weil es bald Winter wurde, begannen die kleinen Frippos Körner, Nüsse, Jubulas und Stroh zu sammeln. Alle Frippos arbeiteten Tag und Nacht. Alle, bis auf den Frippo Frido. ``Frido, warum arbeitest du nicht?'' fragten sie. ``Ich arbeite doch'', sagte Frido, ``ich sammle Sonnenstrahlen für die kalten, dunklen Wintertage. ''Und als sie Frido so dasitzen sahen, wie er auf die Wiese starrte, sagten sie: ``Und nun, Frido, wir sind alle am Arbeiten, was machst du jetzt?'' ``Ich, ich sammle Farben'', sagte er nur, ``denn der Winter ist lang und grau.'' Und einmal sah es so aus, als sei Frido halb eingeschlafen, während die anderen hart schufteten. ``Träumst du, Frido?'' fragten die Mäuse vorwurfsvoll. ``Aber nein'', sagte er, ``ich sammle Wörter. Es gibt lange, dunkle Wintertage und dann wissen wir nicht mehr, worüber wir sprechen sollen.'' Als nun der Winter kam und der erste Schnee fiel, zogen sich die fünf kleinen Frippos in ihr Versteck zwischen den Wurzeln und Ästen zurück. In der ersten Zeit gab es noch viel zu essen, und die Frippos erzählten sich Geschichten, über singende Varinxe und tanzende Tyrancha. Da war die Frippo-Familie glücklich! Aber nach und nach waren fast alle Nüsse und Jubulas aufgeknabbert, das Stroh war alle und an die Körner konnten sie sich kaum noch erinnern.
Es war auf einmal sehr kalt zwischen den Verästelungen der alten Wurzel und keiner wollte mehr sprechen. Da fiel ihnen plötzlich ein, wie Frido von Sonnenstrahlen, Farben und Wörtern gesprochen hatte. ``Frido!'' riefen sie, ``was machen deine Vorräte?'' ``Macht die Augen zu'', sagte Frido und kletterte auf eine große Wurzel. ``Jetzt schicke ich euch Sonnenstrahlen. Fühlt ihr schon, wie warm sie sind? Warm, schön und golden?'' Und während Frido so von der Sonne erzählte, wurde den vier kleinen Frippos schon viel wärmer. Ob das Fridos Stimme gemacht hatte? Oder war es ein Zauber? ``Und was ist mit den Farben, Frido?'' fragten sie aufgeregt. ``Macht wieder eure Augen zu'', sagte Frido. Und als er von blauen Liosta und orangen Gonju im gelben Ba-Che-Feld und von grünen Blättern am Jubula-Busch erzählte, da sah sie die Farben so klar und deutlich vor sich, als wären sie aufgemalt in ihren kleinen Frippoköpfen. ``Und die Wörter, Frido?'' Frido räusperte sich, wartete einen Augenblick und dann sprach er wie von einer Bühne herab: ``Wer streut die Schneeflocken, wer schmilzt das Eis? Wer macht lautes Wetter, wer macht es leis? Wer bringt den Glücksklee im Juni heran? Wer verdunkelt den Tag, wer zündet die Mondlampe an? Vier kleine Frippos, wie du und ich, wohnen im Himmel und denken an dich. Die erste ist der Frühlings-Frippo, der lässt den Regen lachen. Als Maler hat der Sommerfrippe die Blumen bunt zu machen. Der Herbstfrippo schickt mit Nuss und Ba-Che schöne Grüße. Pantoffeln braucht der Winterfrippo, für seine kalten Füße. Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Winter sind vier Jahreszeiten. Keine weniger und keine mehr. Vier verschiedene Fröhlichkeiten.'' Als Frido aufgehört hatte klatschten alle fröhlich, lachten und riefen: ``Frido, du bist ja ein Dichter!'' Frido wurde rot, verbeugte sich und sagte bescheiden: ``Ich weiß es, ihr lieben Frippo-Gesichter.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Elke (12 months ago)


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