
#28 [fr] 

Finir et inclure le gameplay de sbires slash contrôle de zones sur Atys.

Vous savez le message précisant que la zone est sous contrôle Karavan ou Kami, et qui ne fait absolument aucun sens gameplay parlant à l'heure actuel.
Qui te limite les point d’accès aux zones ( Dynamiquement ) en fonction de ta faction, des guerres; et donc de tes choix Roleplay.

C’était prévu de base en plus.

Que le joueur puisse enfin ressentir les effets de ses propres choix, à chaque instant sur Atys.
Car je le rappel, les "fames" (Réputation) ne servent actuellement à rien.. et oui.

Et çà, c'est un comble, c'est important quand même, y'a des mecs qui ce sont pris la tête à coder ça, et c'est pas exploite.
Le fait de gagner 3 dappers tout les dimanches en refilant trois crafts en MP fin ou choix que ta loot vite fait sur un crabe en allant check, ça compte pas hein.

Le Neutre restera en dehors des combats, car il n'a choisie aucun parti.
L'Hoministe combattra la menace Kitins, et autre Homins moins coopératif.

Remettre les tag's de Roleplay à l'ancienne.
Autoriser l’accès au canal de faction qu'aux personnes activant le flag "roleplay faction", oui comme à l’époque.

Ce qui veut tout simplement dire, tu choisi un camp guerrier, tu le vit et t'assume.

Correction des bugs (<= très important), et amélioration du système de combat histoire d'égaler l’excellent système de craft et forage déjà présent.

Re-développer l'esprit "post-apo" présent de base, on prend pas le thé sur Atys les gars.
C'est un puits sans fond de contenu tout ça.

Exemple, finir les chambres vides de la Kitiniere, y mettre un WorldBoss que le serveur doit tomber tout les x du mois ou autre.
( Ça va par la même occasion, enrichir le roleplay des hoministes slash rongeur, une pierre 15 abos en plus ).

Peut-être même donner matière a faire des raids et des donjons ( coucou le contenu pour les joueurs end-game )

Conséquence d'un échec, les petites villes sont envahis, l'aggro du Prime Roots en surface!
Les capitales résiste difficilement.. des barricades !

Bref le jeu que nous aimons, le jeu prévu à la base.

Du genre..

"Tain, j'ai découvert un jeu de din-gue, des invasions a la Starships Trooper en plein Desert incroyable a vivre!
Attend il parait qu'il y a une lutte des pouvoirs et des forces religieuses aussi, les gens prennent leur rôle a cœur, çà joue carrément des vilains, des politiciens, des héros...
tu peux être ce que tu veux dans un monde en péril, en constante évolution ! de din-gue je te dis ! tu devrais essayer Ryzom, je t’envoie le lien ! C'est l'amour de la loutre crois moi !"

Pas si difficile j'en suis certain, si tout le monde y met du sien.

Disons fin 2020 max on ce fait un jeu solide, et on rend WG riche ? ;P

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Revvy (5 years ago)


#29 [en] 

English Translation => Since the forum bug. will use spoiler tag instead.
Its an user error if language used in post and flag displayed for post are not the same.

If you press "Submit [English]", then thats taken from user UI language. It is expected for user to write in same language most of the time and therefore is shortcut for the drop-down selection.

Drop-down selection however takes its default value from the post you quote or from first post (whichever is more appropriate).



#30 [en] 

English Translation => Since the forum bug. will use spoiler tag instead.
Its an user error if language used in post and flag displayed for post are not the same.

If you press "Submit [English]", then thats taken from user UI language. It is expected for user to write in same language most of the time and therefore is shortcut for the drop-down selection.

Drop-down selection however takes its default value from the post you quote or from first post (whichever is more appropriate).

I don't see the checkbox to valide the post with [en, fr, de etc] tags.
And this is only on some forums ( like general ), on Idea or any others it work.
No matter what i try unfortunatly.

So if it is an user error how can you explain it do work on some forum section but not here in general?

Last edited by Revvy (5 years ago)


#31 [en] 

I don't see the checkbox to valide the post with [en, fr, de etc] tags.
And this is only on some forums ( like general ), on Idea or any others it work.
No matter what i try unfortunatly.

Those are multilingual tags and available if enabled per-forum config.

If those are allowed only then there is checkbox for multilingual under subject.

Your best option (if those tags not available) is still use those tags and mark your post for the (primary) language in your writing (ie, whichever tag you decide to use first).



#32 [en] 

Do you mean there is a bug in here?

[EN] This is in English
[FR] Parlez en Francaise (mal)
[EN]This is more English

This is submitted using the English pulldown.

Edited to add: Yes it is clear that there is a bug here.
Fixing bugs as they come up is highly desirable, but I don't think that is what the post is about.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Bitttymacod (5 years ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#33 [en] 

Do you mean there is a bug in here?

[EN] This is in English
[FR] Parlez en Francaise (mal)
[EN]This is more English

This is submitted using the English pulldown.

Edited to add: Yes it is clear that there is a bug here.
Fixing bugs as they come up is highly desirable, but I don't think that is what the post is about.
Because [General] does not have multlingual tags allowed, you did not check multilingual tag checkbox (which is understandable because its not visible when the feature is not allowed), I say forum works as intended.



#34 [en] 

I don't see the checkbox to valide the post with [en, fr, de etc] tags.
And this is only on some forums ( like general ), on Idea or any others it work.
No matter what i try unfortunatly.

Those are multilingual tags and available if enabled per-forum config.

If those are allowed only then there is checkbox for multilingual under subject.

Your best option (if those tags not available) is still use those tags and mark your post for the (primary) language in your writing (ie, whichever tag you decide to use first).

Okay get it, so its not a bug, just the admin need to pull the flag for translation tags, could be nice really for everyone.

Anyway that was not the point of my first post, but good to know for sure ;)

Edited my post, removed "bug" and did keep the spoiler tag because its fancy, waiting some in charge people to activate the translation tags.

Last edited by Revvy (5 years ago)


#35 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]
Les tags de langue sont maintennt disponibles dans "Général" !

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (5 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#36 [en] 

A market house or improvement to the ingame vendors. Player should be able to browse a selection of good wares or even bid on them.

Vendors should not be filled with 100x fine or choice craft failures by players. Change it to less slots with unlimited time, so players have to take items out to sell new ones and manage it like a real store.

Otherwise more daily things to do could be interesting apart from leveling and occupations. Maybe quest chains similar to rites.



#37 [en] 

I'd really like to see "dailies", short and simple quests that you have to do daily -- but vary the mission according to the player's best offensive level (fight/ele magic).

Also, make use of gamification theory, give a bigger reward for doing 7 dailies without skipping a day etc.

Special apartments would be nice as a sort of sage mission for master players :D


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..

#38 [fr] 

@Arcueid & Laoviel


#39 [en] 

I'd really like to see "dailies", short and simple quests that you have to do daily -- but vary the mission according to the player's best offensive level (fight/ele magic).

we already have this kind of missions, we have crafting missions from Master Overseer for masters and Overseer for homins who hasn't mastered any crafting skill, tho it's really not a 'dailies' because you can do some of them if 6 hours have passed, same with the bandit missions, there are regions that can only be done with a master in one of the combat skills or a team of mid level homins

Also, make use of gamification theory, give a bigger reward for doing 7 dailies without skipping a day etc.

Is this like the attendance thing back in the atysmas patch? but with missions? Yes I kinda like the idea of this, more activities to be done by f2p players/sub players

Special apartments would be nice as a sort of sage mission for master players :D

I think they'll all be added in the wheel, to make dappers more valuable.



#40 [en] 

Current npc missions are repetitive as hell. My idea for dailies would be to make them entirely different for each day of the year.


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..

#41 [en] 

Hopefuly dynamic events will satisfy you.

Last edited by Moniq (5 years ago)

#42 [en] 

Hopefuly dynamic events will satisfy you.

I would love to see more unpredictable things in general. Randomness and conditions can add to gameplay and make repetetive tasks more interesting.

#1 Something happens with a chance.

Fighting a boss could spawn additional minions once the boss hp is down. But only with 30% chance. Will it be the hard boss today or the usual one? Which type of minions will spawn?

Crafting could produce two items instead of one with 3% chance. Generates the "Wow! I'm so lucky!" moment when it happens without altering the gameplay balance too much.

Foraging / prospection could spawn ONE higher class node with 2% chance. For example an excellent node in a usually choice area. Or a golden node with double the time with a low chance.

#2 Something happens if something else was done first.

Enhance boss fights. Bodokin and similar bosses have these mechanics already added, kill all guards first before the boss can be attacked. Or kill the guards in a certain order. Combine with #1 and the order could change sometimes.
Or unlock access to a special boss if 3 other bosses are killed first. Those could each drop a token and a questgiver could ask for those 3 token and allow access to a new area / instance with a new boss / challenge. Why not spawn TWO bosses to fight at the same time for this challenge?

#3 Something happens in a fixed cycle.

Events could change similar to seasons, like quest chains which advance over time. A questgiver could ask you to kill Gingos for 2 days and on the third day to kill Yubos because the population grew too much without Gingos. Repeat. Simple alterations to existing quests.

One should design them in a way the player could take both, no need to remove the old mission from the player and less work for the devs.

The Pinnacle

Combine #1 #2 and #3. A certain questgiver could only spawn during winter (#2 condition) and has a different quest each winter from a set (#3 sequence), completing the quest could lead to a small followup quest offered with a low chance (#1 random) (and only with a low reward, so it doesn't punish player without it).

I'm not that familiar with the ryzom codebase nor with C++, but it could be written like this in pseudo code:

onSeasonChange() {
if (isWinter) {
spawn(NPC, Quest[i]); i++; if (i > i_max) i = 0;

onQuestComplete() {
if (chance(30)) StartDialog(additionalQuest);


Last edited by Arcueid (5 years ago)


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