
#230 [en] 

(While at it it would be nice to change from "Magnificient" to "Magnificent" :P )



#231 [en] 

It would be great if you could have the following small additions:

~ Gen mats to be sorted in the crafting window.
They are sorted in our bag, so why can't they be sorted in the crafting window instead of being all out of order?

~ Being able to have an option where we can click on multiple stacks of items and then choose the option "sell all" to the merchant. Not to others, as I know there can only be so many stacks of a single type of item at once, but to the merchant.


~ Ranger Aspirant ~ Officer of Fluffy Bunnies ~ Generally Mischievous ~

#232 [en] 

(While at it it would be nice to change from "Magnificient" to "Magnificent" :P )

That's the way the game spells it ... drives me crazy when I use map search and BM Maps and come up empty


#233 [fr] 

Thanks for our mission icon colors back ! ! !


#234 [fr] 

I would love the option when you exit your apartment or guild hall to have the same choices as when you enter, if there are choices. For example: My apartment and guild hall are both in the same building in Thesos, which also has a Fortress on the top level. So, when I enter the elevator, it asks: Fortress, Spirit of Alervinda's guild hall or Meggy's apartment. But when I leave I get exit only. I would like to be able to go from my guild hall to my apartment without having to run in and out and have it like a real elevator lift. Please please pretty please?



#235 [fr] 

I assume that's an option only in the "outlying towns", when I got all my housing, GHs and Apartments were in separate buidings.  Thats would be a huge advanatge in muling mats back and forth .

Would also love a way to transfer stuff between toons on same account.

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 years ago)


#236 [fr] 


Je pense que les équipes de dev et de test sont insuffisantes pour développer de nouvelles fonctionnalités sans casser le jeu, malgré toute leur bonne volonté.

Je vois qu'il y a de moins en moins de monde sur Atys, et ca m'inquiète...
Par ex, je suis gênée, quand je traduis sur le wiki, de recopier le "Massivement" de MMO (je laisserai bien Multijoueur mais le "Massivement Multijoueur" me semble désormais erroné :) )

Alors je propose qu'on arrête les changes, au moins pour un an, et qu'on prenne le temps de débug et de documenter.

Après seulement, on pourra re-tenter une communication (interne, auprès des anciens joueurs partis), puis vers des magazines et autres sites.

Last edited by Craftjenn (5 years ago)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#237 Multilingual 

Que les events commencent à l'heure annoncée ...

#238 [fr] 

Que la Lore privé soit publié ... histoire que ce qui est actuellement intéressant sur Ryzom soit accessible à tous.

#239 [en] 

make all plushies exchangeable

#240 [en] 

make all plushies exchangeable

I'll count that as a 2nd ... tho what are your thoughts on other wheel options out ? See Mssg No. 223 / Item 3

Hated destroying all those Wundahmats ... But 6 Yubo plushie ?

Also ....

1. Now that folks are aware of what hats are for, make it so I don't have to hit space bar-return in every chat box in order to make the welcome message scroll. When everybody sees:

"Fyrosfreddy says: "

they prolly think I'm mute.

2.   For Zig's

a)  Color "Skins"
b)  Names
c)  Owner's name by right click / info

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 years ago)


#241 [en] 

1. Now that folks are aware of what hats are for, make it so I don't have to hit space bar-return in every chat box in order to make the welcome message scroll. When everybody sees:

"Fyrosfreddy says: "

they prolly think I'm mute.

I understand that you are doing this for some reason. I just don’t understand for what reason.
I remember that there were ancient times when people wrote a dot in the chat, but then, as far as I remember, the chat just "fell asleep" and did not display new messages when there was no activity or something like that. I suspect that this is not this case now.

#242 [en] 

Since these messages were added, the "announcement" sits there as the most recent statement and never goes away.:

"14:00:44 The Universe channel is a multilingual ................................
................................................................. ....................................
................................................................. ......"

I would rather not stare at a message all day long that takes up more than half of my window height making it difficult to impossible to follow conversations.   It turns the 'chat box" into a "chat that I can't follow" box.  If I don't make an entry in this channel, it sits there and never goes away .... as long as I am logged in never scrolls.

As a result if I am following a conversation I see:

" during the season"
"Hayt says:  I don't have an answer for you"
"14:00:44 The Universe channel is a multilingual ................................
................................................................. ....................................
................................................................. ..."


What's that about ?  Must I always have to "scroll up" as I make my rounds thru the chat boxes ?

I thought it was obvious that the window, defined by the white lines, has a permanent block of text that  annoyingly and unncessarily eats valuable screen space. You don't see that it is difficult to follow conversations when, every day, 60% of your chat window is filled with a message containing info you have know for 15 years ? .... 1 year ? ... 1 month ?

Only way to make it scroll is to type something in there. And rather than put the effort into typing:

"Hey, ignore this message cause I'm just trying to make the welcome message scroll so I can follow player chats" .... and repeating it in each chat of the 5 windows ... lately I just been hitting the space bar / return in each channel to make the welcome message scroll so I can again follow chats and assist folks or learn things when appropriate.

I'm not saying the message doesn't serve a worthy purpose.   I just don't think every player needs to see the 5 messages every day ... all day.... foirver and ever.

Perhaps it could be such that this message :

a) scrolls
b) appears for new player and then on 1st of month
c)  has a pop up allowing you to never see it again
d)  after 1st viewing, is seen only say if a player doesn't log in for say 30 days.

Edited 10 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 years ago)


#243 [fr] 

And I would simply like the option to organize things in my bag in the order I want.

Now things are "Auto-organized" and you have to accept that the way it is, in the order the game makes it be, which I do not like :(

#244 [en] 


The channel information supposed to appear the first time you open (switch to) the channel in current session. And it seems to be working this way for me.
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