
#158 [fr] 

btw, where are we with the so called dynamic kitin invasions ?
Announced monthS ago ... and we haven't still see anything, so what's up with that ?

#159 [fr] 

Will it be possible to fix the damn marauder shop ? You know the one to who we can buy sap cristal etc ... each time you talk to him in the next 10 minutes there is a seg fault of the client ... it seems to be cause by lua ... this has already been reported too.

#160 [en] 

Will it be possible to fix the damn marauder shop ? You know the one to who we can buy sap cristal etc ... each time you talk to him in the next 10 minutes there is a seg fault of the client ... it seems to be cause by lua ... this has already been reported too.

maybe client.log has info about the crash.



#161 [fr] 

Good point Karu, I'll flush my log (he's around 37k lines right now, difficult to look for the right thing specially because I have restarted since my last crashes).

But next time, I will provide a dump of it !

#162 [en] 

Will it be possible to fix the damn marauder shop ? You know the one to who we can buy sap cristal etc ... each time you talk to him in the next 10 minutes there is a seg fault of the client ... it seems to be cause by lua ... this has already been reported too.

maybe client.log has info about the crash.

5$ on the :renderHtml()


#163 [fr] 

Ce serait bien que les points de repères sur la carte, l'organisation de l'écran, les macros... soient sauvegardés sur le serveur parce qu'on perd tout quand on change d'ordinateur, ou alors faut récupérer les fichiers mais c'est pas top...

#164 [fr] 

L’avantage que cela soit sauvegardé chez toi est que tu peux tout transférer a un autre perso instantanément, tu gardes donc tout tes repères et macros pour un nouveau perso. Un stockage sur le serveur voudrait dire un réglage pour chaque perso, et tout refaire pour un nouveau.

#165 [fr] 

Un service de "cloud storage" pourrais etre pas mal moui, tu peux le faire toi meme ca ceci dit.. mais pour ceux qui ne savent pas ou sont les fichiers etc, c'est peut etre pas mal (a condition que ce soit un service, et pas une obligation).

Last edited by Revvy (6 years ago)


#166 [fr] 

Une sauvegarde par défaut sur le serveur de ryzom avec une possibilité d'import/export et là on est bon non ?


Ducocinnio Nono, dit Duke Nono
Noble Matis, artisan de la maison noble La Firme
Gardien du Royaume et Béni de Jena

#167 [fr] 

Une sauvegarde par défaut sur le serveur de ryzom avec une possibilité d'import/export et là on est bon non ?





Une Larme parmi Les Larmes
C’est comme une goutte d’eau dans un lac
C’est fragile, mais un lac on peut s’y noyer

#168 [en] 

Sound without crashing ^^



#169 [en] 

Sound without crashing ^^

+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +10000000000 Billions!!!!!

#170 [en] 

Sound without crashing ^^

Issue with openal crashing when city/teleport music starts playing should be fixed in next client patch.



#171 [en] 

Great, thanks!



#172 [en] 

By "sound bug" you mean that when you enter in a city, sometimes the "starting busic" play half a beat FOREVER unless you hit 'u' turn off and turn on sound?


Yeah... I hate that too!

Thats the small bug.

The main big one is crash. If I cut the sound in the client, no crash. With the sound, I crash several times a day !


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger
Last visit Sunday, 16 February 16:20:29 UTC

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