#103 Added by Placio 6 years ago
#104 Added by Loved 6 years ago
#105 Added by Sinvaders 6 years ago
SinvadersWhy ?The purpose of close combat (boxing gloves) is to increase your parry stats while you are not handling weapons.Why, would you kill that ? (which is an interesting stats to improve btw)more options , more is more. again]
Why ?The purpose of close combat (boxing gloves) is to increase your parry stats while you are not handling weapons.Why, would you kill that ? (which is an interesting stats to improve btw)
#106 Added by Loved 6 years ago
LovedSinvadersWhy ?The purpose of close combat (boxing gloves) is to increase your parry stats while you are not handling weapons.Why, would you kill that ? (which is an interesting stats to improve btw)more options , more is more. again]Initial complain is about merging 2 branches, reducing the amount of options.
#107 Added by Sinvaders 6 years ago
#108 Added by Gidget 6 years ago
#109 Added by Dullahan 6 years ago
#110 Added by Gidget 6 years ago
OR! OR! OR! even better! make a mission rite that will teach the homin martial arts and if you finish the rite, your H2H damage will increase!? sounds good to me! the mission rite is ofc lore-friendly, like a homin hermit that discovered and has been keeping secret how to channel Ki> ( can be called different in atys ofc, but functions the same just like Ki ).
#111 Added by Bitttymacod 6 years ago
#112 Added by Zarden 6 years ago
Last edited by Zarden (6 years ago)
#113 Added by Jahuu 6 years ago
... and if not in a completely different note, I would love the bug chat window that mix is set (so and so replied but his answer appears in the chat window of another ...) aujourd 'hui is really the bug that bothers me most every day.
#114 Added by Kyriann 6 years ago
... et sinon dans un tout autre registre, j'aimerais beaucoup que le bug des fenêtre de chat qui se mélangent soit réglé (untel me répond mais sa réponse apparait de la fenêtre de discussion d'un autre...), aujourd'hui c'est vraiment le bug qui me dérange le plus au quotidien.
#115 Added by Jorgensen 6 years ago
#116 Added by Gidget 6 years ago
Last edited by Gidget (6 years ago)
#117 Added by Jahuu 6 years ago
Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)
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