
#103 [en] 

Sorry. wood knuckles in addition to boxing gloves not replacing. Or as I added make gloves a bit more powerful.

#104 [fr] 

I'm also totally fine if the only branch that results in base 250 parry remains the amp branch. Even if you max the knuckles, shells, claws, gloves (whatever) it doesn't have to give a parry base stat.

hence boxing amp skill tree remains relevant


#105 [en] 

Why ?
The purpose of close combat (boxing gloves) is to increase your parry stats while you are not handling weapons.
Why, would you kill that ? (which is an interesting stats to improve btw)

more options , more is more. again]

Initial complain is about merging 2 branches, reducing the amount of options.

#106 [en] 

Why ?
The purpose of close combat (boxing gloves) is to increase your parry stats while you are not handling weapons.
Why, would you kill that ? (which is an interesting stats to improve btw)

more options , more is more. again]

Initial complain is about merging 2 branches, reducing the amount of options.
ah sorry, its confusing. i guess gillana said something about daggers cahnging to close combat. then placio and i ran with it in another direction

my apologies. consider our input as another idea in this case

i would not agree to less branches or changing existing branches, just adding


#107 [fr] 

Any new branches will be welcome that's for sure :) :) :)

#108 [en] 

More close combat options would be nice. Right now, you have bare hands which would be silly to use against armor, amps which you really don't want to punch with unless you want to save the time of equipping/removing them, and daggers, which are 150% faster for reasons than either I do not get.

How about a close combat weapon that does more damage than fists but uses the H2H skill just like punching with amps? Replace the Zun with Zerx claws to make something a little less zappy and a bit more slappy! Maybe up their speed to depict how they are more of for trained martial artists than simple brawling.

Of course, a lot of folks use amps to train H2H so they can enchant-kill. To avoid making swapping to/from amps the optimal way to train, how about "Combat amps" with enhanced speed and damage in close combat at the expense of having +0% in Heal/Affie speed and power? Would it be possible to give them a permanent, non-removable range penalty that doesn't increase the sap/HP cost the way simply increasing Malus would though? I'd still like them to be a close combat weapon.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#109 [fr] 

OR! OR! OR! even better! make a mission rite that will teach the homin martial arts and if you finish the rite, your H2H damage will increase!? sounds good to me!

the mission rite is ofc lore-friendly, like a homin hermit that discovered and has been keeping secret how to channel Ki> ( can be called different in atys ofc, but functions the same just like Ki ).



#110 [en] 

OR! OR! OR! even better! make a mission rite that will teach the homin martial arts and if you finish the rite, your H2H damage will increase!? sounds good to me!

the mission rite is ofc lore-friendly, like a homin hermit that discovered and has been keeping secret how to channel Ki> ( can be called different in atys ofc, but functions the same just like Ki ).

You could combine the two and have that rite as a way to introduce the weapon, but the reason I went the way I did was simply because I feel that it would be a lot easier and a lot less risky to add stuff that works within the existing framework than to modify the framework.

Also look at how fast a homin can move their hands when you give them a dagger or two. I've always took that to mean that H2H attack speed is limited more by the care required to avoid breaking one's hand than any other factor. Amps are made to channel magic, not protect the hand. And while regular LA/MA/HA gloves may protect the hand from many forms of harm, they aren't exactly made to prevent one's fingers from bending in harmful ways, so they really aren't much better for punching than a bare fist. But if you had handwear that did not have any concern with retaining the dexterity to hold other weapons, that handwear could be a weapon. One light enough to have speed comparable to a dagger... but that might require instruction (NPC rite?) to use effectively.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#111 [en] 

My understanding is that what we call amps were originally intended to be the cestus or boxing glove of Ryzom, and that staffs were to be the spell casting assistance item.

The only problem with using amps for boxing is "wasting" mats to make a melee weapon amp (not gonna use sup zun for that one) and the fact that the speed and damage stats don't seem to actually do something.

The cestus is basically an improved set of brass knuckles.
With the skill that our art folk have shown, I think it could be made. The trick would be to work it into the crafting system and the combat system.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#112 [fr] 

Cette année, j'aimerais voire plus de PvP sur Ryzom. Je pense que beaucoup de joueurs ont été dégoutés du PvP par de très bons joueurs qui ont abusé de leur force sous des prétextes RP. Il faut redorer le blason du PvP au travers d'évènements et le faire découvrir "doucement" à ceux qui ne s'y sont jamais essayés... pas en leur tapant dessus mais en les formant :)

Je pense que c'est quelque-chose qu'il appartiens aux joueurs de faire! Si vous voulez de bons adversaires, oubliez le RP quelques temps et formez les! On a tous à gagner à jouer ensemble et à apprendre à mieux se connaître, qu'on joue dans la même faction ou non. A la fin on se tappe dessus, mais c'est beaucoup plus fun de tapper sur quelqu'un qu'on connait et avec qui on discute HRP qu'en frustrant un adversaire qu'on ne connait pas et qu'on ne respecte pas.

J'ai déjà eu l'occasion de le faire et j'ai trouvé un vrai intérêt pour le PvP chez des joueurs ouvertement anti-PvP... qui en fait ne savaient rien du PvP. Aujourd'hui quelques guildes maîtrisent cet aspect du jeu (les maraudeurs bien sur, quelques Karas, Les Larmes et une poignée de Kamis), ce serait vraiment chouette qu'on arrive à transmettre ce savoir faire pour donner le jour à des combats plus intenses et plus équilibrés, pour le plaisir de tous!

... et sinon dans un tout autre registre, j'aimerais beaucoup que le bug des fenêtre de chat qui se mélangent soit réglé (untel me répond mais sa réponse apparait de la fenêtre de discussion d'un autre...), aujourd'hui c'est vraiment le bug qui me dérange le plus au quotidien.

... sorry, it's in French! hope google translate will be helpfull ;)

Last edited by Zarden (6 years ago)

#113 [en] 


I agree with this. I didnt like PvP at all before Virg/Bucs/Others had these tiny PvP hangouts in Void. And like you said, I think it belongs to us players to do.

(Tho as in last PvP tournament my team lost every battle, better I just join and not try to teach!)

... and if not in a completely different note, I would love the bug chat window that mix is set (so and so replied but his answer appears in the chat window of another ...) aujourd 'hui is really the bug that bothers me most every day.

I think this happens more often if you switch between virtual desktops and get new tells there. Need to test this more someday..


#114 [fr] 

... et sinon dans un tout autre registre, j'aimerais beaucoup que le bug des fenêtre de chat qui se mélangent soit réglé (untel me répond mais sa réponse apparait de la fenêtre de discussion d'un autre...), aujourd'hui c'est vraiment le bug qui me dérange le plus au quotidien.

C'est un bug ou une maladresse car il suffit d'effleurer la touche de tabulation pour passer d'une fenêtre à l'autre et même que ça m'arrive tout le temps !


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#115 [en] 

be fun to have a fifth branch of magic: Conjuration.
-Summon a creature or creatures to fight for you.
-Your level,your amp's conjure stat, and your conjure stanzas determine the level of the mob
-each type of mob has a quest in order to conjure it. Or perhaps just bought like craft plan.
-more dangerous mobs would have a larger cooldown timer, or require many multiple casts to invoke.
-perhaps more than one conjurer could cast a team conjuration to create a really big mob like a named.
-you level by selecting a target, conjuring your mob, and if it wins it generates the xp.
-conjured mobs don't drop loot
-if no attackable target, just follows you around - which would be fun.

#116 [en] 

Bitty - I'm not entirely sure how the item with the huge Sap Load has no magics while the "boxing gloves" are the items used to focus magical energies, but there are so many other things that make even less sense that I just roll with the weirdness.

I wouldn't say that the damage/speed stats on amps do nothing; they are simply set to the same values as bare hands, so their effect is indistinguishable from nothing. And the "Nothing != Nothing" nature of amps in H2H is one of those weird things that I just roll with :D

Zarden - I agree that a large part of why PvP isn't more popular has to do with griefers abusing PvP the way you describe and then trying to hide behind the RP "justification". I imagine that I'n not alone when I say that if it weren't for those folks, I might actually tag up.

Last edited by Gidget (6 years ago)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#117 [en] 

[Edit] Deleted because out of topic.
Please only add your own wishes for Ryzom in this topic, not commenting the wishes nor comments of the other players. Thank you.

Oh which reminds me, why cant tagged one heal another tagged one? That is one more to my wish list ^^

Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)


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