
#1 Multilingual 

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Oh, Atysmas Tree!
It is the largest and most beautiful of all Atysmas trees!
The Lutrykins planted it in a hidden magical place and it shelters special presents under its branches! Can you find it and harvest it?
Be warned that it is well defended. It will not be one or a few people with a saw or axe that can cut it down!
Bring all your friends and share the Atysmas Spirit!

A mysterious Atysmas Stele will appear at the entrances to the capital cities and the Marauder camp. Touch it and be transported to the magical Atysmas Forest. You will need to find the Tree to harvest it. Bring your armor, for the tree has guardians. Bring your axes and your amplifiers. Make sure you have space in your bag for loot. Most of all, bring your friends.
The Atysmas Stele will only be active (clickable) when the Tree Boss is active. Teleporting to the forest will put a return teleport ticket into your Special Bag.
REWARD: 300-500 choice tokens & 100-200 Atysmas tokens.

Mr. Snow: Baker wanted
Mr. Snow, a very rare snowman who talks, wants your help to bake special Atysmas cookies. You will have to gather ingredients and then, finally, bake the magical cookies. You will find Mr. Snow in all the capital cities, as well as at the Marauder camp.
Can you help him? He will be very grateful to you if he can achieve his goal, with your help.

Players on the mainland will need access to all four continents. This event can only be done once by each homin.
REWARDS: a Magic Cookie & the title of "Master Baker of Atysmas", available for one year.

Do You Hear What I Hear?

There is a Yubo in Atysmas Village that has something in its fur. Oh, look! It’s a flute and some sheets of paper. One of them has markings on it for a tune. Your challenge is to learn to play the flute and perform the music in special places. That will yield more information, more pieces of the tune, and the ability to write your own tunes.

The music only plays at the client level, so is not audible in the Around channel. However, you can trade your written tunes to other players so that they can hear them as well. Created tunes can only be edited by the creator.
REWARD: empty music sheets to create your own song.

Atysmas Jigsaw Puzzles
A snowman has cut four large pictures into 60 fragments each and keeps them on him. During the time of Atysmas, he visits each of the tribes of Atys in turn (Prime Roots included).
Go looking for him to collect a fragment and try to rebuild the images!

Click on the snowman that randomly pops into a tribe every 30 minutes to win a picture fragment. The fragments you win appear in a special window, gradually completing the puzzles.
The snowmen remain in game for 15 minutes and reappear (with a random picture fragment) every 30 minutes. You can find out if a snowman is in game by consulting the small window of the "Dynamic Events".
REWARDS: 100 Atysmas tokens for each snowman found, 50 choice tokens for each new picture fragment discovered and 25 excellent tokens for each puzzle completed.

Wheel of Fortune Awards Atysmas 2018
The tokens that you can get in the Atysmas events look like this:

When playing the wheel, they allow you to get one fragment of one of the 3 following Atysmas 2018 items.
Each time a player get 24 fragments, they can assemble the final item that will give them a reward.

The snowball called: BoomSplash

Once assembled, it allows you to get the usual rewards (flowers, generic materials, potions).

The snowman's head called: Hatysmas

Once assembled, it allows you to obtain ornaments for your apartment (Atysmas special)

The snowman called: Atysmin

Once assembled, it allows you to obtain special rewards (white/red refugee outfits, sticks, plushies, etc.)

Special events :
When assembling the Hatysmas, there is (one chance in three?) that the Snowman Hollow appears and comes to steal the head he thinks is his own.
Players can then throw BoomSplashes at him, to make him give up and get their Hatysmas back. To do this, players must have complete BoomSplash (24 fragments) in their possession and will be able to choose whether they want to throw 1, 2 or 3 BoomSplashes (1 = 24 fragments, 2 = 48 fragments, 3 = 72 fragments) at the Snowman Hollow. Players may also choose to do nothing, if they wish, or if they may not have enough fragments.

If a player manages to hit the Snowman Hollow, then they recover their reward. Otherwise the Snowman Hollow flees… and so does the reward.

When assembling the Atysmin there is (one chance in three?) that the Grinch appears and comes to steal the snowman because he hates Atysmas...
A player may then throw Hatysmas at him, to make him give up and get their Atysmin. The way that the rewards may be obtained is identical to the one described above.

And do not forget the Atysmas Storytelling. To learn more: &post191984=en#1

Edited 11 times | Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)

#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | English | [Deutsch]
[OOC] Wir werden das "Segensfest Puzzle" Event in einigen Tagen starten... das sollte genug Zeit sein, um unser Yubo-Maskottchen davon zu überzeugen, uns die Stücke, die es soeben zerkaut, zurückzugeben! Wir werden euch informieren, sobald wir die Stücke zurückhaben. [/OOC]


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español
The Atysmas Events (post #1) have been updated with the Atysmas Wheel explanations. Please read.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)
Last visit Sunday, 2 March 19:26:01 UTC

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