#50 Added by Tamarea 4 years ago Report | Quote
We've strated the work on the outpost battles refactoring project.As some may have noticed, four outposts have popped in the Nexus, of four different "levels" (100, 150, 200 and 250).Their names suggest that they are not "like the others" and will not function in the same way at all. In fact, their ways of working will evolve following the avancement of the refactoring project.At first, their conquest will be the object of GvE battles (a single guild fighting the NPCs defending the outpost), none of them will be owned by a guild (nor will they host any drill). That in order to test the impact of the projected shortening of the battle duration (from two hours to one) in the best conditions.
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Maupas (4 years ago) | Reason: Typos EN
#51 Added by Tamarea 4 years ago Report | Quote
The four outposts recently established in the Nexus are activated (opened to homin attack). The characteristics of the battles to be fought for their conquest not only differ significantly from those of the "historical" outposts, but will evolve as the redesign project progresses. Below are those adopted for the first phase of testing:
The thresholds set for a given guild at the outpost that will be the target of its next test battle and the rewards to be expected for the latter will evolve as follows:
A guild attacks for the first time the outpost 250 of the Nexus (whose threshold is then for it set to 3) and wins. From then on, it can choose, for its next test battle, to attack the same outpost with threshold 3 or threshold 4. In the first case, even if the said next battle is victorious, the threshold that will be proposed it for a third battle will be 3. In the second case, the latter threshold will be preset to 5 (if victorious) or 4 (if defeated).
#52 Added by Tamarea 4 years ago Report | Quote
#53 Added by Tamarea 3 years ago Report | Quote
#54 Added by Tamarea 3 years ago Report | Quote
#55 Added by Tamarea 3 years ago Report | Quote
#56 Added by Tamarea 3 years ago Report | Quote
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