

#20 Report | Quote[en] 

Yes Placio,
I wonder even if a toon out of pvp zone may not be open to attack from anyone, tagged or not, while he cannot counter attack, unless to someone coming out also from pvp zone, or to someone tagged if he is tagged himself of course.

I guess marauders know pretty well the answer :)

But the fact is just amusing. One just have to be cautious and wait the end of timer.


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#21 Report | Quote[en] 

* is getting salt *

Hi Zendy ♥ Long time we didn't saw you :D

Marauders, or... just peoples who have actually some GP mechanics, i would say, but yeah, we are Evil, how could i have forget it...

#22 Report | Quote[en] 

Karma Police

Warning message states: You are still attackable for 2 minutes.

People say: I left without the timer elapsing; when the game clearly states I am attackable for 120 seconds, I got attacked and killed, therefore it's a bug.



ps: This might help; https://www.wikihow.com/Read-for-Comprehension

Edited 6 times | Last edited by Northstar (6 years ago)


#23 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

As far i understand the warning "You're attackable for another 120 seconds." there is no reason to assume a bug nor bug using.

You're attackable for another 120 seconds, and using a safe zone (e. g. beneath a Transporter) for this 120 seconds is recommend.


So, wie ich die Warnung "Du bist für weitere 120 Sekunden angreifbar" verstehe, existiert kein Grund, einen Programmfehler oder die Ausnutzung eines Programmfehlers zu vermuten.

Du bist für weitere 120 Sekunden angreifbar, und die Nutzung einer Sicherheitszone (z. B. in der Nähe eines Transporters) für 120 Sekunden wird empfohlen.

#24 Report | Quote[en] 

An homin with an helmet cannot be recognized, for example when his face is draw on the "wanted dead or alive" stable wall.
Unless his armor or behavior show any sign of someone not from the city.
All that in RP ofc, since GP guards still recognize us; and kill on sight.
Would be nice if this was implemented into gameplay.  Say the lower your fame the greater the aggro range of the guards, whether civs or tribes, and it to affect wandering patrols too.  This would reflect how notorious you are.I also think that TP zones should only offer protection if you can also use that TP. Oh and that we can drag aggro on Revvy :P


#25 Report | Quote[en] 

+1 to Lacuna proposals.

#26 Report | Quote[en] 

An homin with an helmet cannot be recognized, for example when his face is draw on the "wanted dead or alive" stable wall.
Unless his armor or behavior show any sign of someone not from the city.
All that in RP ofc, since GP guards still recognize us; and kill on sight.
Would be nice if this was implemented into gameplay.  Say the lower your fame the greater the aggro range of the guards, whether civs or tribes, and it to affect wandering patrols too.  This would reflect how notorious you are.I also think that TP zones should only offer protection if you can also use that TP. Oh and that we can drag aggro on Revvy :P

Then covering your head with helmet would prevent that? :P


#27 Report | Quote[en] 

Karma Police

Warning message states: You are still attackable for 2 minutes.

People say: I left without the timer elapsing; when the game clearly states I am attackable for 120 seconds, I got attacked and killed, therefore it's a bug.



ps: This might help; https://www.wikihow.com/Read-for-Comprehension

It obviously refers to being attacked by other PR/Arena tagged players, ie people with the same tag as you, so there is a bug if RP tag can attack a PR tag, but a PR tag cannot attack a RP.

#28 Report | Quote[en] 

It's not even about RP tag.

For now, in the case you run out PR and are tagged for 120 secs, Everyone, tagged or not can hit you.

#29 Report | Quote[en] 

Seem like you guys dont want to understand a simple thing, wich isnt even hard to get.. its mechanism.

1. You goto: PvP prime roots.
2. You are set as "attackable" by everyone; except guild/league/team.
3. When you go out of this PvP zone:

-----> where ever you do go:
You are still attackable for 120 seconds.

By everyone. (exception was raised on statement #2)

That also why you do have.... *giggles*. A safe aura Tp.
Wonderful right?

End of the story guys, now that you learned how work the basis of PvP area in the game.. i suggest we close this topic.

Since it has nothing to do in the Idea for Ryzom category.

Oracle Post Scriptum (to anticipate reaction): And obviously, you cannot fight back.. i shall remind you the one attackable is You.

Last edited by Revvy (6 years ago)


#30 Report | Quote[en] 

No, we don't want !


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#31 Report | Quote[en] 

@Rowdyclaws: Considering that Revvy also insta-gibbed my alt just for giggles ... I think that's just the peak of their performance. Especially since they have a highly trained Northstar, who will follow the resulting drama doggedly, just to spout "We're within our rights, noob". I saw it then, you see it here.

By the way, whoever linked to Wirroy's post ... it was literally about NOT being murder hobos (rogue killers). Literally, he was proposing "talk first, shoot later", that was his most basic message, repeated several times. Congratulations on either misreading it / intently misrepresenting it to suit your purpose. Can you infer the adjectives for either of these "achievements"?

Anyway, to stop the rambling ... these fine folks make me think back fondly to the Seve Noire that existed 3-4 years ago. At least they tried a script about "owning the prime roots" which led into an extortion roleplay scene, before they engaged in fights in Land of Umbra.

But maybe that's a tall order nowadays.


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..

#32 Report | Quote[en] 


"And the mercy seat is smoking
And I think my head is melting
And in a way I’m helping
To be done with all this twisting of the truth.
A lie for a lie
And a truth for a truth
And I’ve got nothing left to lose
And I’m not afraid to die."

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds -The Mercy Seat

About spouting "we are within our rights";this is rich coming from a member of RW. How many times have you abused this? Now that the foot is on the other side it doesn't feel good; does it?

Oh and by the way; yes we were within our rights; both according to GP mechanics and the CoC. Your flaming however was not; or your companion's wish that "i should die in a fire".

And about tall order and the moral high road: You are a member of the guild that couldn't take theheat when training solo so they untagged; only to tag up and gank Revvy on multiple occasions with 7+ members v 1; only to untag again when the GP allowed for it. I guess that's a highlight of your exemplary behavior on Atys.

So; I would advise you to refrain from further commentary which might bring to the fore a variety of other activities and behaviors several members of your guild have exhibited throughout the years; which I have kindly elected to ignore:)


Last edited by Northstar (6 years ago)


#33 Report | Quote[en] 

Excuse me, who are you, again?

I guess YOU misreading.

Talking about the meta RP and the kill on Rowdy is separate things... But, it seems you don't want to get it, so....

Just to remind you ( yeah, who know, maybe read it one more time will make you get it, if not, it's maybe due to a low IQ.... )

I did used /die emote to Rowdy when i was on FH and he came back to baby roots.

So... basically... It was used to prevent him he was gonna die ( oh, so, RP... Ewww, - 1 argument )

And, maybe.. you know that the baby root flag have a short duration, so, no time to read a book to tell him that i'm gonna kill him ( ewww -2 ? )

But well, i guess you're one of those who think Atysmas, Easter etc are RP Event...

So, do me a favor, instead of being idiot and talk about stuff you don't even know, close your mouth, it would save our both time.

#34 Report | Quote[en] 


By the way, whoever linked to Wirroy's post ... it was literally about NOT being murder hobos (rogue killers). Literally, he was proposing "talk first, shoot later", that was his most basic message, repeated several times. 

Mmm... there was a little more than just that in there... smaller, more subtle things, but I do admit I did emphasize the "[attempt to] talk first, shoot later," talking point the most because it has a tendency to be the most frequent.

Anyways, I digress; this isn't the thread to talk about that, as Mithian said.




"To believe an ideal is to be willing to betray it." - Kreia
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