

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Good day everyone and happy work-week. I would like to suggest something and see where it goes. Over the years of me playing this game, I have lost countless packers during the transport of my gear from one Guildhall/Apartment to another within a different region. I understand that they are not expensive and that moving is part of the risk/reward unless you want to constantly port back-in-forth, which may kill you mentally anyway.

My suggestion or idea is as follows (and I know that some may object); I would like for us to have the ability to use the stables as a portal for our packers (cost not sure but most likely higher than our 10K for Prime Root pacts) and my example #1 is – Toon A puts packer into Zora Stable and designates a retrieval area (Capital City – Pry) for 1 specific cost. Example #2 Toon A puts packer into Zora Stable and designates a retrieval area (same as New Horizons points within that region) for another cost. Or, example #3 Toon A puts packer into any stable and for a higher cost (than choice #1 or #2), just goes to any stable of choice and retrieves.

Now, I already know that some toons will call me lazy, just like they have for when I ask if anyone has any Choice Mats for trade and some tell me to go and hunt them myself, but this is not about being lazy, it is about being efficient, productive and allows toons the freedom of movement without worrying about 70 hours to retrieve gear from a packer that became argo food. This suggestion will not stop the packer-trade, so the stable boys’ job is safe, it will though, increase the in-game revenue (dappers) and make it easier (in my opinion) for people to change their game-play, to allow that freedom without small groups trekking a packer or 3, just because.

Now, the push-back that I can see is that it will make it easier for Range Weapon users to transport goods for an OP War – the toons who use Range Weapons anyway, normally dig within the region of that war regardless, (but they still need to trek unless the OP is located within the city itself), but I believe that that usage is minimal compared with Toons moving from Region-to-Region either for Forage/Craft leveling or just plain-old moving to a new home.

This seems practical to me and even though I doubt that I will have any use for this in the future now that I have relocated everything, and I see no reason to move again, this may help others in the future as well as make it easier for newbies or for toons that are F2P since they are limited by space/storage anyway.

And for my parting shot, I am 100% certain that I have forgotten other advantages/disadvantages but I believe that my main point has been made and now I leave it up to you guys to comment/not comment, care/not care and to just be.

Thank you and Godspeed, Zatarga

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

I love the Idea. :)

(The other option is to let us buy unlimited packers which I think they should allow. It is OUR money after all, and how we spend it is our business!)

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Agree Naema :)

Thanks, Zatarga

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Let me paraphrase a future not far from today...

I would like to suggest something and see where it goes. Over the years of me playing this game, I have moved a lot of my gear from one Guildhall/Apartment to another within a different region. I understand that moving using packers is part of the work but endless loading and teleporting mektoubs may kill you mentally.

My suggestion or idea is as follows (and I know that some may object); I would like for us to have the ability to teleport items from one Guild Hall/Apartment to another (cost not sure but most likely higher than our 10K for Prime Root pacts)...

Where will this end?

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

It ends when the Dev Team says no, but suggestions rarely equal reality or action... After all, it is just a "suggestion"...

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

It's something that never occurred to me ... whwn i move stuff... we load our bags and port I can TP stuf back and forth never occured to me to "trek it".   About once every cupla years I have trekked my mount.  When I do that, I drop the stuff off, and set it free ... buy a new one at starting point, rinse and repeat if ya need to.From the Lore perspective, I do see an issue.  However, as i jokjed in the other thread about the espawn in GoC, we have far to many naysayers posting "I'd doesn't appeal to me so it steenks".  It doesn't appeal to me but it's not necessary that everything appeal to everone... as long as it doesn't ut anyone at a disadvanatge... and I don't see one.I have access to 5 GHs.... 3 of them are in the exact same spot which makes things very easy ... the 4th one is hardly used for that reason.


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