
#30 [en] 

I got your point, Sinvaders. 

My reply to your initial comment was basically to the effect that I found it irrelevant.  By making the mats (be they cheng, tekorn, vedice, or maga) available to all, I am increasing their availability to a group of homins who would otherwise not get them at all. Whether those people are enemies of yours or Rangers looking for a bit of advantage against the Kitins is not my concern.

I built a Karavan drill on Zorai (not Kami) soil.  I happen to like the aesthetics of the Karavan drill better than the Kami one.  It's not an insult -- its irrelevant. I doubt that the results or timing would have been any different if I had built a Kami drill.

As for the last, I have never, throughout this episode, suggested that.  Never.  It is the nature of Outposts that they will be attacked.  The only people who have suggested that, strangely enough, seem to have been Kami.

((Yes, I understand your arguments are toon-based.  I am debating, not arguing.))


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#31 [en] 

Please mind the forum rules and be polite at all times. The thread was about to go off the rails for a while, but it is back on polite ground for the moment, please keep it this way. Thank you!


Senior Game Master
Ryzom Support Team

#32 Multilingual 

@Trilexis tu dis que nous Maraudeurs avons des espions kamis avant de râler sur ce fait dit toi que vous aussi vous en avez et on en fait pas tout un plat et lors de vos kamis meeting vous avez qu'à bien trier les arrivés pour qu'il n'y en est pas donc si vous les laissez passé c'est normal qu'on sache quoi faire.


#33 [en] 

*shifts in my seat and eats more popcorn*

#34 [en] 

*sits by Alassea's side and takes popcorn from her bowl, laughting a lot while seeing how easy it is to turn homins into evil*

Last edited by Digitale (7 years ago)

#35 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Leeis NecYenne thinks that with her family name she should not interfere with the conversation ...
* / steals popcorn / *

Last edited by Neeis (7 years ago)


En charge des fonctions de vicomtesse d'Avalae
Valyenae di Karan-valyenind e Aiyae di Lumnimae --o§O§o-- Gardienne du Royaume et Bénie de La Mère
Le nec ne nacharaias ilne! --o§OoO§o-- Tu ne me chassera plus jamais!
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