
#25 [en] 

We had a kami meeting in league with some guild leaders online to talk about Zo-Kian few days after the regular kami meeting, considering it was under attack already by Phaedreas Tears, handover from Shadowalker. Despite what we agreed at kami meeting, to support Obscurus Lilium claiming Zo-Kian, situation had changed.

Some of us seemed angry about this situation, and most of us didnt understand what was going on with Phaedreas Tears. I pointed out that this wasnt what Phaedreas Tears would usually do, they would never be involved in real op battles, and they werent at all for years. It s forbidden for them, as far as i know.

In the end, we agreed that we should talk to Phaedreas Tears first. To explain to them that they shouldnt be standing there in the middle of ongoing op battles, but that we were not blaming them for it, they were most likely caught in Agan's mess. That it's not up to Agan and maraudeurs to decide who is getting outpost and who isnt. Besides, outposts are symbol of power and domination and meant to get earned by wars, especially level 250 ones and that we couldnt give up on this one just because Agan decided otherwise. That we'd like Phaedreas Tears to give up and dont fight npc on this outpost so it remains maraudeurs and we could then attack them as we planned. But, in good faith, to show Phaedreas Tears we care about them and so there is no grudge between us, we could discuss to handover some little outpost to them like we did with other Ranger / Neutral guilds in the past (Le Cercle du Bois d'Almati, Bai Nhori Drakani).
Unfortunately i wasn't able to reach out to Bittty before the handover.

Bittty answer was harsh :
- Op belonged to Shadowalker so it's up to them to decide what to do with it, we have no say in it.
- We had an opportunity to oppose handover defending maraudeurs outpost and fighting rangers (!?)
- Op is now Phaedreas Tears and will remain as such until taken from them, and they would call Rangers and all homins willing to help to defend it.

My opinion on this :
I've spent effort and time to defend Phaedreas Tears in front of kami to give them benefit of the doubt before we had talked to them.
But if Phaedreas Tears are involved in op batlles, negociating with maraudeurs, claiming this outpost, and messing with ongoing op wars, then that's totally different story. Besides they built a kara drill on our land.
We tried to avoid this, we tried to do right and be fair with them and show them some respect offering another outpost. We couldnt do more.

I know i shouldnt take this personnaly but i m sad it had to come to this end, and pissed to have spent efforts trying to avoid this battle for nothing. I'm sorry but this is on Bittty. We offered an honorable way out of this which didnt involve war.

You may not agree with our point of view, but you should also be able to understand it. This is not about Cheng mats, obviously.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Caellan (7 years ago)

#26 [en] 

((Entire post is OOC))

I feel that I have to respond to certain statements made in this forum thread:
@ Bitmacod: What did you think ? Even as a neutral you are certainly also informed that the Kamis are on a crusade to conquer lost outposts back. We have reconquered five out of seven lost outposts.
You seem to know my mind better than I do.  In fact, I pay so little attention to Kami/Karavan politics that I had not heard of it at all until Caellan contacted me after the transfer was in process.  Even if I had known -- what does it matter?  The Kami Alliance does not have a right to conquer those outposts on their schedule.

Trilexis have also lost some of your integrity and neutrality because you had to know that the Kamis are not just watching Agan's intrigue. Of course it was not your intention to be Agan’s puppet, but you haven’t thought it to the end.
I was in no way a puppet, and again you claim to know my mind (possibly via telepathy?).  Phaedreas Tears took the decision to accept the offer only after three days of consultation within the guild and forming a consensus (not unanimity) on the matter.  We were aware that it was likely almost to a certainty that the Kami Alliance would attack sooner or later (and most likely sooner). We were prepared to allow this attack without resistance on our part (which we did).

We were indulging ourselves in what is called IRL "a noble experiment,"  an undertaking that is almost certainly doomed to failure, but which would prove glorious if it were to succeed.  As I said in a post about defense, on another thread, "If it succeeds, I will be happy. If it fails, I will be satisfied."

To be neutral does not mean having the sole right to such decisions and the supremacy of having what is and is not morally justifiable.
Neutrality has nothing to do with it -- nothing whatsoever.  As a guild and as an individual we have the right to do as we wish and to say what we wish. Neutrality has nothing to do with whether or not we would attack the Shadowwalkeers -- Phaedreas Tears is a non-PvP (i.e. player vs. player) guild. I am not sure what "neutrality" means to you, but we obviously disagree somewhat.

Bittty answer was harsh :
- Op belonged to Shadowalker so it's up to them to decide what to do with it, we have no say in it.
- We had an opportunity to oppose handover defending maraudeurs outpost and fighting rangers (!?)
- Op is now Phaedreas Tears and will remain as such until taken from them, and they would call Rangers and all homins willing to help to defend it.
These three statements are true. I challenge anyone to show how they are not.
I also said something very similar to them in my conversation with Caellan. I don't see how uttering true statements can be seen as harsh, but perhaps it's possible.

I still do not understand why the Kami's did not attack during the phase 2 of the OP battle.  If they were unwilling to kill defending Rangers, they could have scouted and would have found that there were none. We deliberately left the OP undefended with the absolute minimum threshold necessary (per CoC on handovers).  "Defending a Marauder OP" is said as if it were anathema.  What sweeter success would be possible than frustrating "Agan's Plan" by the ironic "defense" of his Outpost?

This post totally fails to communicate the arrogance with which Caellan instituted both his conversation with Itzy and his conversation with me.  It is still present here in small part: Arrogance is in the condescending offer of "a way out of it...", "...could discuss handover of some little outpost...".

As noted above, Phadreas Tears is NOT involved in "real" OP battles.  Furthermore we did not "negotiate" with Marauders, or even with Agan.  We accepted a gift, using the gameplay rules that did not allow for an absolutely free gift. We did it to run an experiment. It was a neutral experiment, run without fear or favor of any Faction, just as we will assist any homin in need, without fear or favor of any Faction.

By my hand,
MacOd Bittty, Guildleader of Phaedreas Tears.

I have screenshots of both Caellan's conversation with Itzy and with myself. I am willing to share them with anyone who asks, but I cannot figure out how to post them into a forum thread using any hosting site that I am willing to deal with.

ETA: P.S.  I admit that I also am subject to a bit of arrogance in my personality.  I would point out that "peacable" is not a synonym for either "meek" or "weak."

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Bitttymacod (7 years ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#27 [en] 

By hearing all the stories about Zo-Kian outpost, I started to smile again.

I started to think on my own: "Everyone knows that Zo-Kian outpost is producing a material called "Cheng roots" used to make weapons, powerful weapons, used in war. [trim for length] Cause here we are really talking about a guild willing to provide weapons to everyone.

While Cheng root is indeed an Outpost material used in making weapons, there are more uses for weapons than to indulge in intra-homin war.  There are Kitins to slay, King beasts to bring down, bandits to subdue.  Yes, we would be (are) willing to craft weapons for anyone, but that's a different matter. We were making the materials available to all, not just those whose primary goal is to kill other homins.

((And before you say, "but you don't need OP weapons to do that," I would counter, that you don't need OP weapons to war on other homins, either.  You desire them for their convenience and utility.  So do we who do not wage war on homins.))


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#28 [en] 

I might also add, I love my Cheng amps when they are enchanted for healing. Nice and quick, sometimes with instant action, very nice :)

#29 [en] 


@Bittymacod : I think you haven't get the point of my post at all. I'm not talking about what can be done with "Cheng mats", I'm talking about the fact you will provide this to everyone.(and btw it's char opinion not player one)
If you want a clear example: I'm a kamis (which I'm not, it's just for the example) and you are offering me this reource for free BUT you are providing the same to my enemies. I'm in war against people you will help by providing war material, why I should let you do this ? It's a war not care bears (as people seems to take things personally here, I prefer to be clear: I'm not saying that you are care bear :) ), stories that we are talking here.

+ as Caellan said you build a karavan drill on the outpost: This was a really bad move... you are in a kamis believers area building an karavan drill on an outpost in their land is just a provocation nothing else, just that can justify a war in my opinion (but you might not have though about this while building the drill).

And I absolutely do not understand why is that taboo to attack an ranger outpost.

#30 [en] 

I got your point, Sinvaders. 

My reply to your initial comment was basically to the effect that I found it irrelevant.  By making the mats (be they cheng, tekorn, vedice, or maga) available to all, I am increasing their availability to a group of homins who would otherwise not get them at all. Whether those people are enemies of yours or Rangers looking for a bit of advantage against the Kitins is not my concern.

I built a Karavan drill on Zorai (not Kami) soil.  I happen to like the aesthetics of the Karavan drill better than the Kami one.  It's not an insult -- its irrelevant. I doubt that the results or timing would have been any different if I had built a Kami drill.

As for the last, I have never, throughout this episode, suggested that.  Never.  It is the nature of Outposts that they will be attacked.  The only people who have suggested that, strangely enough, seem to have been Kami.

((Yes, I understand your arguments are toon-based.  I am debating, not arguing.))


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#31 [en] 

Please mind the forum rules and be polite at all times. The thread was about to go off the rails for a while, but it is back on polite ground for the moment, please keep it this way. Thank you!


Senior Game Master
Ryzom Support Team

#32 Multilingual 

@Trilexis tu dis que nous Maraudeurs avons des espions kamis avant de râler sur ce fait dit toi que vous aussi vous en avez et on en fait pas tout un plat et lors de vos kamis meeting vous avez qu'à bien trier les arrivés pour qu'il n'y en est pas donc si vous les laissez passé c'est normal qu'on sache quoi faire.


#33 [en] 

*shifts in my seat and eats more popcorn*

#34 [en] 

*sits by Alassea's side and takes popcorn from her bowl, laughting a lot while seeing how easy it is to turn homins into evil*

Last edited by Digitale (7 years ago)

#35 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [Français] | English
Leeis NecYenne se dit qu'avec son nom de famille elle devrait pas se mêler de la conversation...
*/pique discrètement du popcorn/*

Last edited by Neeis (7 years ago)


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