
#1 Multilingual 

Hello. I wanted to suggest three things for a better Ryzom experience:

1- A paid service for editing or resetting the character look, race and gender, like you can do in many other games.

2- Supporting the player-crafted items market by letting the system randomly purchase things up for sale by NPCs. Important especially now wiht low server population.

3- Give alternate ways to get appartement decorations for people not going to events etc. (maybe a market for example)

Thanks for listening.

#2 [en] 

First one I like partly, changing thin hands to have bit more muscle would open up more clothes choices ;). I dont think changing character greatly to be ok tho, like changing the race or gender and keeping the same name would be very confusing (or maybe I just get confuced easily lol). This also raises a point that people are very against microtransactions.

On the 2, people do store their stuff at merchants with high price. The autobuyer would "destroy" them in their opinnion since often the dappers are way less valuable than the materials to them.

On third I wouldnt care too much, nobody ever saw my pumpkin, snowglobe or zombie animals, they told they were not visible at all. That's why I never even put them on my second apartment. Maybe if you want to see them yourself.. I dont know.

Anyway, good points ;)


#3 [en] 

...A paid service for...
No, thanks.

...editing or resetting the character look, race and gender...
I wonder how plastic and gender changing surgery will fit the lore. A terrible mektoub crash? Weird kitins experiments on homins?

Ekanto you can do in many other games
This argument is totally not working with me.

...for people not going to events etc.
So you want to get (unique) rewards from events and not going to events... I don't understand.

#4 [en] 


Some people cannot get to events due to scheduling problems, but those events rarely have mementos. On the other hand, during the Atysmas / Anlor Winn celebrations, there are sometimes CSR-instigated contests with neat prizes like candy canes or plushie Yubos. I've never seen one of those, since the time-slot that I use apparently doesn't have CSRs.

Having a market / hawker for some of the less unique mementos at exorbitant prices in dappers might be a nice touch. If it were a hawker that moved from place to place and whose inventory varied with time might make the search for such mementos a challenge equal to the difficulty of the original event.

As for "paid service", I had presumed that the cost would be in dappers, not micro-transactions.

Don't like the auto-buy thing at all. Selling at the vendors isn't about the dappers.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#5 [en] 

Hm, yes and no. Most prizes come from events that last for some time, by games that you can play any time you want or, in case if a CSR assistance is needed, I am sure there is a way to ask for other than usual time. I think there were some early morning (in my time) hunts for evil Atymas tree. Or not?

I don't know about any recent one-time events that brought you rewards of this kind, but I missed a lot of events recently - anyone knows?

#6 [en] 

Technically there is a way to do point 1 - you create a new toon.

Having said that, I wouldn't be against a paid service for that as it's more revenue for the game, which is never a bad thing. It would need to be properly thought out for Lore purposes; something like a Kami 'spell' or Karavan gene manipulation. Those options would restrict marauders so needs to be better thought out because I don't agree with restricting anyone based on their choices of faction etc.

I wouldn't have a problem with points 2 and 3.


Elder Of Atys

Chasing the DING!
You can't "complete" the mainland. If one thinks one has seen or done everything there, one is kidding oneself. But be prepared to "get out what you put in," because the mainland does not coddle or hold hands.
Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.

#7 Multilingual 

Lost Girls can offer any interested homin gender realignment surgery for the bargain price of 50m dappers.* 

*All rumours of unsanitary conditions, lack of after op care, and high morality rates in our state-of-the-art health care facility are vile slanders.

Last edited by Lacuna (6 years ago)


#8 [en] 

...A paid service for...
No, thanks.

...editing or resetting the character look, race and gender...
I wonder how plastic and gender changing surgery will fit the lore. A terrible mektoub crash? Weird kitins experiments on homins?

Ekanto you can do in many other games
This argument is totally not working with me.

...for people not going to events etc.
So you want to get (unique) rewards from events and not going to events... I don't understand.

I do not understand all this bitterness Moniq .. "NO NO NO and NO"

The paid service (with real money) was a way to help the game, which you may have selfishly dismissed regardless. It's not about what you would like, but what would be a good addition to the game. Even in Ryzom it's not always about you alone.
Apparently Neela like to make new characters, but I don't think this is a good option for most normal people. I've been working on my for 9 years, it would be silly to start over just for the look.
The need to change my appearance should not necessarily be related to the lore, you don't need to have every game feature in the lore, nor do you need to use the lore as an excuse to put down suggestions made.
I would just like to correct things, such as a breasts too big, that I don't like anymore of my character, that ruins some aesthetics of armors, and I would be willing to pay for it, and you are NOT required to pay if you do not want to do it. No one has asked to change YOUR appearance, I mean, do not see it as a constraint for those who do not want to do it, but an option more than the game. If you want something reasonable to "pretend" for your roleplay-ish lore thing, just pretend it always was that way.

About the decorations for the apartments, I do not want to have an easy life asking another way to get them, and I did not talk about the special gifts in events, just some of the basic furniture that was removed from appartaments years ago at the request of some players, for some strange reason. Apparently to motivate players to participate in the events? So you basically remove something people already had for something in return. In my opinion they ruined that part of the game, the first apartments were beautiful. Jahuu said that none of his guests see the prizes he has. I do not care to show them to anyone, I'm interested in having again a place to call "home", and not a half-empty and cold storage room, and as rightly Bitttymacod pointed out, not everyone has hours and hours to spend on Ryzom, or the possibility of being connected at certain times or days.

I remind you, that I only suggested ideas, I did not pretend anything.
Instead of criticizing, propose some constructive solutions yourself. Thank you.

#9 [en] 

I do not understand all this bitterness Moniq .. "NO NO NO and NO"

And I don't know where all this defensiveness is coming from Ekanto. Moniq expressed an opinion, as did you. She's entitled to express her opinion just as much as you are without you attacking her just because she doesn't agree with you. I see no criticism in what you quoted, only Moniq expressing her opinion, don't be so defensive.
Apparently Neela like to make new characters, but I don't think this is a good option for most normal people. I've been working on my for 9 years, it would be silly to start over just for the look.

I've been working on mine longer and I think you'll find I agreed with your suggestions, so kindly don't have a go at me either. I even supllied some constructive suggestions on how your ideas could work within the lore; it's a MMO after all, changes should really fit within the game mechanics IMHO. Where possible most previous changes have.


Elder Of Atys

Chasing the DING!
You can't "complete" the mainland. If one thinks one has seen or done everything there, one is kidding oneself. But be prepared to "get out what you put in," because the mainland does not coddle or hold hands.
Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.

#10 [en] 

I do not understand all this bitterness Moniq .. "NO NO NO and NO"
Bitterness? I simply say "no, thanks".

The paid service (with real money) was a way to help the game, which you may have selfishly dismissed regardless. It's not about what you would like, but what would be a good addition to the game. Even in Ryzom it's not always about you alone.
This is not a model of game I want to and I will participate on, nor play. And no, I don't think it's a good addition to the game.

The need to change my appearance should not necessarily be related to the lore, you don't need to have every game feature in the lore, nor do you need to use the lore as an excuse to put down suggestions made.
Yes, it should strictly follow the lore, you need to have every game feature in the lore. That is no excuse, that is, I belive, the best way and how the game should develop. You may think something else, but that wil not change my mind and my stance.

I would just like to correct things, such as a breasts too big, that I don't like anymore of my character, that ruins some aesthetics of armors, and I would be willing to pay for it, and you are NOT required to pay if you do not want to do it. No one has asked to change YOUR appearance, I mean, do not see it as a constraint for those who do not want to do it, but an option more than the game. If you want something reasonable to "pretend" for your roleplay-ish lore thing, just pretend it always was that way.
And why don't you simply pretend your character do not looking ugly? :)

About the decorations for the apartments, I do not want to have an easy life asking another way to get them, and I did not talk about the special gifts in events, just some of the basic furniture that was removed from appartaments years ago at the request of some players, for some strange reason.
Example? I don't remember we got anything other than special gifts from events. I didn't get my bed, table or chairs from any event. And I also got some other things like glasses. Hm, are you sure you unpacked and placed your furniture? There were and still are some troubles with apartments, did oyu try to reset it and place your items again?

...and as rightly Bitttymacod pointed out, not everyone has hours and hours to spend on Ryzom, or the possibility of being connected at certain times or days.
Again... Example? I don't remember we got anything other than special gifts from events. Besides, see my reply to Bittty. Maybe I am wrong, but I think everyone was able to participate on every event from where you got any apartment stuff.

I remind you, that I only suggested ideas, I did not pretend anything.
And I do not agree because I don't think those ideas bring right or useful addition. Our views are different.

Instead of criticizing, propose some constructive solutions yourself. Thank you.
Constructive solutions of what? You came with some suggestion to something you see as problem. I see no problem there, especially with impossibility to change my character look/race/gender.

We might talk about broken markets (again), but by me, bigger problem is that markets are full of crap for ridiculous prices. I am sure you will have no problem to sell any good piece of equipment, for example here. Besides, see what Jahuu said about homins using markets as temporary storage.

I am generally not against a normal furniture market (which will not be for real money), that is a good idea. But, by me, the first step is an IG roleplay initiative. That is same as those gas masks. Nothing will come from nowhere (or it is not acceptable for me).

#11 [en] 

I wouldn't be against a paid service for that as it's more revenue for the game, which is never a bad thing.

I strongly disagree. Paying for in-game items with out-of-game resources is called 'pay to win', and it is always and everywhere absolutely wrong. The day Ryzom starts doing that is the day I stop playing. Now, you're going to say that paying for purely cosmetic items isn't pay to win, but I think it is necessary to defend the principle lest we start down a slippery slope.

#12 [en] 

I wouldn't be against a paid service for that as it's more revenue for the game, which is never a bad thing.

I strongly disagree. Paying for in-game items with out-of-game resources is called 'pay to win', and it is always and everywhere absolutely wrong. The day Ryzom starts doing that is the day I stop playing. Now, you're going to say that paying for purely cosmetic items isn't pay to win, but I think it is necessary to defend the principle lest we start down a slippery slope.

But it is indeed just that, cosmetic, its not a wrong thing to exist solely because it could open up to actual p2w, its all up to the ryzom teams honesty were they to declare not to do such a thing.
The only problem i see is with race tied fame values.
Yes, it should strictly follow the lore, you need to have every game feature in the lore. That is no excuse, that is, I belive, the best way and how the game should develop. You may think something else, but that wil not change my mind and my stance.

i disagree, either its a sandbox game or its a lore bound game.
the difference being sandbox(free to do whatever) or lore-bound(there's a story layed out and you follow along)
Event stuff...

about that, meh im kinda on the fence, i get that events are time sheduled and won't allow everyone to enter, but holiday events with rewards stretch over many days, surely you can login once a week, if not then i'd argue u did not deserve the item in the first place (you need to play to get stuff)
if they are from 1-2 hour events then, ye i agree, should have alternative sources.
merchant buying stuff...
hmm, not sure i get what you mean, but if they analyze the overall pricing of items(resale) on the market and with that data increase the merchant buyout prices to match that better instaid of the horribly low value they give for items now.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Magez (6 years ago)


#13 [en] 

Yes, it should strictly follow the lore, you need to have every game feature in the lore. That is no excuse, that is, I belive, the best way and how the game should develop. You may think something else, but that wil not change my mind and my stance.

i disagree, either its a sandbox game or its a lore bound game.
the difference being sandbox(free to do whatever) or lore-bound(there's a story layed out and you follow along)

And I say, this sanbox is lore-bounded and you follow along :)

#14 [fr] 

And I say, this sanbox is lore-bounded and you follow along :)



Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#15 [en] 

not sure you both know what a sandbox game entitles.
Its nice if you want to have the lore explain a function but it shouldn't be the be all end all when it comes to decisions on whether to add something or not, the lore is 'just an' aspect of the game, its not the game as a whole.

~i'm in typo hell today, whats going on...~

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Magez (6 years ago)


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