

#1 [en] 

Alright everyone.

Just letting you know that I'll not even consider any RP done in FR as valid anymore, because obviously it is expected from everyone to either learn French or translate French into their own language, as if French would be the only language that matters. Here's a hint, the only language that matters is English. So you either learn how to speak it or you're damn ignored because I'm honestly sick of it. Many a French player is very well able to understand, write and speak English but just refuses to. Many a French player may also not understand, write or speak English and is just too lazy to learn.
Here's another hint, the international language is English. And if I catch you refusing to speak in a language most people can actually understand just out of your whatsoever desires and reasons to speak French instead, I'll just ignore you.
Even better, I'll start to harass you on events by writing in German only. And if you lack a translator or are unable to understand, then guess what... not my problem. Just doing it like you showed how it's done.
I'll post only in English on forums from now on, because guess what again... despite being German myself, I've no problem with learning a new language and accepting that my own language isn't the standard. Contrary to many of the French players I encountered, who even were writing in French on events when they're very well able to just post in English as many of them have shown in various /tells.

Deal with it or ignore it as you usually do. But for the love of god, go either learn to speak or start to speak English.
And well, you might not care about my feelings and what I'm going to do, but rest assured, I'll get through with it, like it or not.

Have a nice day.

//Edit: I removed the FR-translations done by Nilstilar from my RP-posts and I'll not add any further FR-translations to any upcoming posts. Deal with it.

Edited 6 times | Last edited by Neira (7 years ago)

#2 [en] 

As a guy from Slovakia, who has no reason to learn french I must only agree. English is the most common language of any good RP or even gaming community. I learned english for soul purpose to be able to communicate with people.
I might not be here for long, but I'm a RP lover and when I saw on the few events I had a choise to join in, how much of it is spoken in french, it kinda turned me down. I don't understand why people speak so much in french.
There are so many germans for example. Even in our guild it's like half of the people german. But do they speak german? No! Not ouside like 1-2 words that are often meant just like a joke. Why? Because they tolerate people from other nations and understand they are not the middle of the world, and the "by all silenty agreed" common language is english. Would you learn Slovak language if I started speaking in it? You wouldn't even be able to translate it with google normally, as it is complete sh** for our language!

I won't ignore you intentionaly on events. I just don't have any reasons to bother learning french just so I can RP with you guys. I just don't understand you so you are ignored.

Also I want to point out that there are SOME french people I met who actually talked in english, and I'm grateful to you guys !


#3 [en] 



Ducocinnio Nono, dit Duke Nono
Noble Matis, artisan de la maison noble La Firme
Gardien du Royaume et Béni de Jena

#4 [en] 

French game. most RP players are French. Hmmmmm not sure what the problem is. Refusing to learn French while demanding that others learn English is ....

Last edited by Lacuna (7 years ago)


#5 [fr] 

*se marre*

Le jeu est à la base français et les joueurs RP pour la grande majorité français également.

Perso je déteste l'anglais, c'est pathologique ... mais ça ne me posera aucun problème de ne pas RP avec toi.

J’espère juste que derrière ton perso ne se cache pas Daomei que j’appréciais beaucoup....

Bon jeu à toi sur Atys, en anglais ! *vomit*


Last edited by Tiximei (7 years ago) | Reason: Fixed the language button

#6 [en] 

Well, I feel like there is some missunderstanding.
I tought this game is international, not french.
But I don't have problems with french itself!
If major part of this community are french people, aye speak french! Nothing bad with that.
But on public events? I would expect a little bit more of respect to people from other nations. We learned english as it's the primary language of all international gaming communities. And we are supposed to learn third language just to attend public events?
To clarify, I'm not angry at anybody. I'm just sad I can't join public RP until I speak BOTH english and french. :( I never seen this in any other international MMO.
I found this game as best RP MMO and hoped to joined RP since the moment I came to mainland. But I didn't expected this tbh :(

Maybe we could make it work, if there is some way of creating specific events that are english only? :) French and any other people are ofc welcomed too, if they speak english. And events that are running shall continue. That might work for both sides right? :)


#7 [en] 

Two native languages and English. My fourth language wont be french, so maybe better stay out of this RP.

For some reason RP players always hate something. Maybe I've just been having bad encounters with certain pure hearted roleplayers...

As one wise Homin told, lets help others and pursuit for Spirit titles instead? ;)


#8 [en] 

Alright everyone.

Just letting you know that I'll not even consider any RP done in FR as valid anymore, because obviously it is expected from everyone to either learn French or translate French into their own language, as if French would be the only language that matters. Here's a hint, the only language that matters is English. So you either learn how to speak it or you're damn ignored because I'm honestly sick of it. Many a French player is very well able to understand, write and speak English but just refuses to. Many a French player may also not understand, write or speak English and is just too lazy to learn.
Here's another hint, the international language is English. And if I catch you refusing to speak in a language most people can actually understand just out of your whatsoever desires and reasons to speak French instead, I'll just ignore you.
Even better, I'll start to harass you on events by writing in German only. And if you lack a translator or are unable to understand, then guess what... not my problem. Just doing it like you showed how it's done.
I'll post only in English on forums from now on, because guess what again... despite being German myself, I've no problem with learning a new language and accepting that my own language isn't the standard. Contrary to many of the French players I encountered, who even were writing in French on events when they're very well able to just post in English as many of them have shown in various /tells.

Deal with it or ignore it as you usually do. But for the love of god, go either learn to speak or start to speak English.
And well, you might not care about my feelings and what I'm going to do, but rest assured, I'll get through with it, like it or not.

Have a nice day.

//Edit: I removed the FR-translations done by Nilstilar from my RP-posts and I'll not add any further FR-translations to any upcoming posts. Deal with it.

Aha, rozumím. Víš, pro některé je důležité se hrou pobavit a mají snahu komunikovat s ostatními. Navzdory tomu, že to znamená poskládat to z různých jazyků, navzdory riziku, že to může být kostrbatý nebo špatně napsaný, i přes to, že musíš přepisovat do překladače, nehlědě na to, že to je nepohodlný a někdy si zcela nerozumíte.

Ty, na druhou stranu, asi nedokážeš překonat svoji lenost a jenom se tu rozčiluješ. Hele, já nevím, co se Ti stalo, na blbce narazíš všude. A určitě si to spousta lidí myslí i o mě. Nebo možná máš zkušenost s nějakou událostí, kde nebyl k dispozici překlad. Napadlo Tě zeptat se, zda někdo může překládat? A možná zrovna nikdo schopný překládat nebyl k dispozici - právě kvůli přístupu lidí, jako jsi Ty. Jasně, taky mě nijak nebaví, když kolem švitoří někteří ve francouzštině nebo v jánevímčem, já to pracně dávám do překladače a pak zjistím, že mluví blbosti.

Ale podle toho, jak se rozčiluješ tady a jaký kecy jste vedli včera na EN-UNI, já mám pocit, že Ty se prostě odmítáš snažit. Kdyby byla pro Tebe priorita dorozumět se, jistě by se našla cesta. Ale jak si přeješ. Pokud to vidíš takhle, tak se začni učit česky (nebo slovensky, zdravím Regie :)), protože já se odmítám snažit s Tebou. Můžeš jmenovat jeden jediný důvod proč já se mám snažit překládat pro Tebe do angličtiny nebo dráždit moji mizernou němčinu? Myslíš, že mě to baví?

Hezký den!

PS: Pokud to budeš překládat v překladači, tak to nebude významově správně a věř tomu, že čeština je dost flexibilní na to, aby to šlo napsat pro strojový překlad naprosto nesrozumitelně. Ale já se nemusím snažit napomoci Ti porozumět, mě patří svět... přece!


#9 [en] 

Zaisté sa dá šecko preložit ked sa chce. Problém je ale ked ti tak 7 týpkú píše búhvíčímštinú a potom im máš stíhat ešte prekládat aj svoje odpovede. :(

Neni to neprekonatelný problém ale je to celé podivné podla mňa. :/ Osobne si myslím že by nebylo odveci mnet pár striktne anglických eventú. Už nekolko ludí ked sem im vysvetloval RP povidalo že by sa ho účasnili ale RP komunita je francúzska tak na to kašlú. :(

Ale jak sem si všimel eventy može vytvárat bárkto očividne (ano sem tu tak nový že sem na také veci ešte nekukal) takže by to nemnel byt problém a ked si založíme anglický event budeme šťastný aj mi aj ostatný ! :)

A ahoj Moniq :) Rád vidím že tu nejsem jediná zatúlaná duša z našeho konca sveta :D

I will not go trougth the truble of translating it all. Just so you know the major point of this post: As I noticed anybody can create events officially. (Yeah I'm that new) So I don't see a problem in creating some strinctly english events for ourself and everybody will be happy that way ! :)


#10 [en] 

Zaisté sa dá šecko preložit ked sa chce. Problém je ale ked ti tak 7 týpkú píše búhvíčímštinú a potom im máš stíhat ešte prekládat aj svoje odpovede. :(

Neni to neprekonatelný problém ale je to celé podivné podla mňa. :/ Osobne si myslím že by nebylo odveci mnet pár striktne anglických eventú. Už nekolko ludí ked sem im vysvetloval RP povidalo že by sa ho účasnili ale RP komunita je francúzska tak na to kašlú. :(

Ale jak sem si všimel eventy može vytvárat bárkto očividne (ano sem tu tak nový že sem na také veci ešte nekukal) takže by to nemnel byt problém a ked si založíme anglický event budeme šťastný aj mi aj ostatný ! :)

A ahoj Moniq :) Rád vidím že tu nejsem jediná zatúlaná duša z našeho konca sveta :D

I will not go trougth the truble of translating it all. Just so you know the major point of this post: As I noticed anybody can create events officially. (Yeah I'm that new) So I don't see a problem in creating some strinctly english events for ourself and everybody will be happy that way ! :)

Já si dokonce pamatuju nějaký akce, které byly primárně v angličtině (co včerejší setkání Rangerů například? A Gaperila překládala jako bonus i do němčiny, což rozhodně není běžná součást). A nejen že něco může uspořádat kdokoliv, navíc, pokud se dohodne s týmem, může dostat i nějakou podporu. A mnozí rádi pomůžou prostě jen tak. Ale úplně nejlepší jsou ty spontánní, kdy se prostě sejde několik lidí. A pak to je jen na nich, jak si to povedou.

Jako já chápu, proč se Neira rozčiluje, ale tenhle přístup ničemu nepomůže. Včera hádkou zaplácli celej kanál a teď se to bude pitvat ještě tady. Podstatný je, jestli Ti ta akce stojí za to, nebo ne. Pak se holt musíš snažit a nebo dokonce přispět a nebo to za to nestojí (případně ta společnost Ti za to nestojí, pokud se například schválně vymezují výhradní komunikací ve specifickém jazyce) a pak jdi prostě dál. Pokud je vůle na obou stranách, nějak se domluvíte, i když to může být nepohodlný. Když ne, tak co? Nikdo není středobod téhle hry.

Teď se tady rozčilujeme vlastně nad blbostí, to jsme se všichni, jak tu jsme, mohli někde sejít ve hře a pobavit se, namísto abychom si tu ubírali zdraví a rozum :)

Jinak o krajanech, čas od času se tu někdo objeví. Jeden rus mi povídal o nějakém slovákovi v jejich guildě, asi rok a půl zpět - to byla taky sranda, rusky umím prd a ten člověk uměl jen rusky. Tak to jistila kombinace češtiny a mé špatné slovenčiny a výběr slov, která by tak mohla být v ruštině srozumitelná.

Asi 3 češi se tu v minulosti objevili a mluvili jsme spolu a u Fluffy bunnies prý byla nějaká češka, ale nikdy jsem spolu nemluvili. Mohlo by jich to být víc, ale kdo to má poznat, když všichni mluví anglicky nebo francouzsky :)

Třeba se teď ozvou, zjistíme, že většina hráčů jsou slováci nebo češi a donutíme ostatní se naučit naše jazyky :D

#11 [en] 

Třeba se teď ozvou, zjistíme, že většina hráčů jsou slováci nebo češi a donutíme ostatní se naučit naše jazyky :D

Tak to bych chel úprimne videt :D
Možná si spravíme CZ/SK event nakonec :D


#12 [fr] 

Tu as raison, renferme toi comme une idiote, ça fera moins d'effort à faire pour jouer avec toi et bien sûr ce genre de message qui tu as écrit ne fera que renforcer le jeu entre les communautés qui, on le sait, n'ont aucun problème pour communiquer.

Je ne parlerai qu'au nom de moi-même et de ma guilde. Lorsqu'on fait du roleplay en direct, on parle français, et si un joueurs non francophone nous rejoint on s'adapte en parlant anglais. Quand on organise des événements, on parle français car nous sommes français mais nous prévoyons TOUJOURS une version anglaise (internationale) si jamais des joueurs non francophones veulent nous rejoindre.

Ca s'appelle s'adapter et intégrer les joueurs. Alors si tu ne veux plus faire le moindre effort, je n'en ferai plus le moindre non plus avec toi, et d'ailleurs la conversation avec toi s'arrête là étant donné que ton message démontre que tu n'es absolument pas engagée à un quelque échange ni ouverture.

Contrairement à toi et ta bêtise, moi le membre de la francophonie, cette communauté que tu sembles tant apprécier, je prends le temps de traduire ce que j'écris, même s'il fait des fautes en anglais, pour qu'un maximum de personnes comprennent ce je dis.


You're right, keep yourself closed like an idiot, it will make less effort to play with you and of course this kind of message that you wrote will only strengthen the game between communities that, we know, have no problems to communicate.

I will only speak for myself and my guild. When we do live roleplay, we speak French, and if a non-French-speaking player joins us we adapt by speaking English. When we organize events, we speak French because we are French but we ALWAYS plan an English (international) version if ever non-French-speaking players want to join us.

It's called adapting and integrating players. So if you don't want to make any effort anymore, I won't make any effort with you either, and by the way the conversation with you stops there since your message shows that you are absolutely not committed to any exchange or opening.

Unlike you and your stupidity, I, the member of the Francophonie, this community that you seem to appreciate so much, I take the time to translate what I write, even if it makes mistakes in English, for as many people as possible to understand what I say.



#13 [en] 

Down to insults I see. Always nice to start with that when you run out of anything to say. Nothing more to add to that.

If you play with your friends, by all means, speak whatever language you feel comfortable with.
But when there's a public event and I see French players who're, like you, very well capable of expressing themselves perfectly fine in English, yet refuse to do so by insisting on speaking French, it kind of defeats your point of strengthening the game between communities.
But suit yourself.

Last edited by Neira (7 years ago)

#14 [en] 

I don't see the point of your post, most of the thing are translated (there is oftenly someone able to), it's slowdowning the thing but that's it. But maybe you want to exclude the one who don't speak english and are playing this game for more than 10 years ?

Saying that Zagh keeps speaking in French on events is.... I'm pretty sure someone was translating on that event.

From here it looks more like a child who doesn't have its toy statement than anything constructive (saying I will ignore you unless you.... is not opening a discussion but trying to impose your will).

My 2 cents, it's one issue among others more important.

#15 [fr] 

1. Il n'y a pas d'insultes. Ces mots sont sciemment choisis pour te faire comprendre que je trouve ta prise de position et tes actes stupides et à l'encontre de quelque chose de productif. Surtout le fait qu'on te propose une traduction française et que tu finis par l'effacer délibérément... pour ? juste pour amputer de tes interventions les francophones qui ne connaissent pas l'anglais. Tu ne veux pas apprendre le français ? Très bien, dis-toi que certains français ne veulent pas ou n'arrivent à apprendre l'anglais. Ca fait avancer les choses, surtout quand tu effaces les traductions qu'on t'offre. Merci Nilstilar pour ton inutile travail. Clap clap !

2. Il y avait quatre serveurs avant. 1 francophone, 1 allemand, 1 anglais (Europe), 1 anglais (Amérique). Puis 3 en fusionnant les deux serveurs anglophones. Cet unique serveur est devenu naturellement un serveur international. On y retrouvait des russes aussi, des italiens, des espagnols et j'en passe. Ne crois-tu pas qu'un allemand préfèrerait parler allemand en permanence, et un français en français en permanence (valable pour toutes les autres langues) ? Je vais répondre à ta place : Bien sûr que oui ! C'est leur langue native et dans laquelle ils sont, de fait, le plus à l'aise.
Atys est devenu le seul serveur alors quoi, tu vas forcer tout le monde à parler anglais parce que TU l'as décidé ? Le monde ne tourne pas autour de toi et tu ne peux pas forcer les joueurs à apprendre l'anglais si toi tu ne fais pas l'effort d'apprendre le français par exemple, ou le russe, ou l'indien, ou n'importe quelle autre langue, je m'en fiche.
Moi je ne sais pas parler un mot d'allemand et pourtant j'ai réussi à discuter avec une joueuse matis allemande lors de la fusion des serveurs pour créer plus de 300 nouveau mots en langue matis. On avait tous les deux un niveau d'anglais très mauvais. Elle essayait de me parler en français et moi de lui parler en allemand via des traducteurs en ligne.
Encore aujourd'hui il y a des joueurs roleplay comme Salazar qui sont allemands et avec qui j'aime faire du roleplay et on doit parler en anglais car lui est allemand et moi français, et probablement lors des traductions, ce qu'on se dit perd en vocabulaire car l'anglais n'est pas notre langue native. Ce que j'essaye de te faire comprendre c'est qui si on persiste à parler français c'est que c'est naturellement plus simple et plus agréable pour nous, et que parler dans une langue étrangère nécessite des efforts. Et faire des efforts lorsqu'on vient jouer, ce n'est plus un jeu mais un labeur.

Maintenant je ne sais pas d'où vient ta haine des français mais c'est pas avec ce genre de message que tu vas te trouver des français prêts à faire des efforts.


1. There are no insults. These words are deliberately chosen to make you understand that I find your position and your actions stupid and against something productive. Especially the fact that we offer you a French translation and you end up deliberately deleting it... for? just to amputate your interventions for French speakers who don't know English. Don't you want to learn French? All right, tell yourself that some French people don't want to or can't learn English. It makes things better, especially when you erase the translations we offer you. Thank you Nilstilar for your useless work. Clap clap!

2. They were four servers before. 1 French, 1 German, 1 English (Europe), 1 English (America). Then 3 by merging the two English-speaking servers. This unique server has naturally become an international server. There were Russians too, Italians, Spanish and many more. Don't you think that a German would prefer to speak German permanently, and a French in French permanently (valid for all other languages)? I'll answer for you: Of course yes! It is their native language and in which they are, in fact, most comfortable.
Atys became the only server, so what, you're going to force everyone to speak English because YOU decided to? The world doesn't revolve around you and you can't force players to learn English if you don't make the effort to learn French for example, or Russian, or Indian, or any other language, I don't care.
I can't speak a word of German and nevertheless I was able to talk with a German Matis player when the servers merged to create more than 300 new words in Matis language. We both had very poor English. She tried to speak to me in French and I tried to speak to her in German via online translators.
Still today there are roleplay players like Salazar who are German and with whom I like to play roleplay and we have to speak in English because he is German and I am French, and probably during translations, what we say is lost in vocabulary because English is not our native language. What I am trying to make you understand is that if we persist in speaking French, it is naturally simpler and more pleasant for us, and that speaking in a foreign language requires efforts. And making efforts when you come to play, it's no longer a game but a labor.

Now I don't know where your hatred of French comes from but it's not with this kind of message that you're going to find French people ready to make efforts.



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