#1 Added by Neira 7 years ago
Edited 6 times | Last edited by Neira (7 years ago)
#2 Added by Regie 7 years ago
#3 Added by Dukenono 7 years ago
#4 Added by Lacuna 7 years ago
Last edited by Lacuna (7 years ago)
#5 Added by Kiwalie 7 years ago
Last edited by Tiximei (7 years ago) | Reason: Fixed the language button
#6 Added by Regie 7 years ago
#7 Added by Jahuu 7 years ago
#8 Added by Moniq 7 years ago
Alright everyone.Just letting you know that I'll not even consider any RP done in FR as valid anymore, because obviously it is expected from everyone to either learn French or translate French into their own language, as if French would be the only language that matters. Here's a hint, the only language that matters is English. So you either learn how to speak it or you're damn ignored because I'm honestly sick of it. Many a French player is very well able to understand, write and speak English but just refuses to. Many a French player may also not understand, write or speak English and is just too lazy to learn.Here's another hint, the international language is English. And if I catch you refusing to speak in a language most people can actually understand just out of your whatsoever desires and reasons to speak French instead, I'll just ignore you.Even better, I'll start to harass you on events by writing in German only. And if you lack a translator or are unable to understand, then guess what... not my problem. Just doing it like you showed how it's done.I'll post only in English on forums from now on, because guess what again... despite being German myself, I've no problem with learning a new language and accepting that my own language isn't the standard. Contrary to many of the French players I encountered, who even were writing in French on events when they're very well able to just post in English as many of them have shown in various /tells.Deal with it or ignore it as you usually do. But for the love of god, go either learn to speak or start to speak English.And well, you might not care about my feelings and what I'm going to do, but rest assured, I'll get through with it, like it or not.Have a nice day.//Edit: I removed the FR-translations done by Nilstilar from my RP-posts and I'll not add any further FR-translations to any upcoming posts. Deal with it.
#9 Added by Regie 7 years ago
#10 Added by Moniq 7 years ago
Zaisté sa dá šecko preložit ked sa chce. Problém je ale ked ti tak 7 týpkú píše búhvíčímštinú a potom im máš stíhat ešte prekládat aj svoje odpovede. :(Neni to neprekonatelný problém ale je to celé podivné podla mňa. :/ Osobne si myslím že by nebylo odveci mnet pár striktne anglických eventú. Už nekolko ludí ked sem im vysvetloval RP povidalo že by sa ho účasnili ale RP komunita je francúzska tak na to kašlú. :(Ale jak sem si všimel eventy može vytvárat bárkto očividne (ano sem tu tak nový že sem na také veci ešte nekukal) takže by to nemnel byt problém a ked si založíme anglický event budeme šťastný aj mi aj ostatný ! :)A ahoj Moniq :) Rád vidím že tu nejsem jediná zatúlaná duša z našeho konca sveta :D[EN]I will not go trougth the truble of translating it all. Just so you know the major point of this post: As I noticed anybody can create events officially. (Yeah I'm that new) So I don't see a problem in creating some strinctly english events for ourself and everybody will be happy that way ! :)
#11 Added by Regie 7 years ago
...Třeba se teď ozvou, zjistíme, že většina hráčů jsou slováci nebo češi a donutíme ostatní se naučit naše jazyky :D
#12 Added by Zagh 7 years ago
#13 Added by Neira 7 years ago
Last edited by Neira (7 years ago)
#14 Added by Sinvaders 7 years ago
#15 Added by Zagh 7 years ago
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