#76 Added by Tamarea 6 years ago
Date: monday, march 18th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)
Agenda[In Dev] New interface for K/K TPNew serversPublicationsRecruitement
Last edited by Maupas (6 years ago) | Reason: Date of meeting
#77 Added by Nilstilar 6 years ago
To introduce this project, i would like to talk about the current teleportation system, which is starting to be old now.The religious factions are using what we call pacts, imagined as a pearl for Kamis and ticket for Karavan. It allows one player to teleport easily over the world of Atys, by and using the law of the Powers. In Gameplay it is related to having one pact per zone in the inventory. As you know already, when one pact is used a player needs to replace it manually by buying a new pact from an altar. It is approximately 45+ pacts in the bag, and takes 0.2 bulk each pact.So, here is the original request: https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/191858.So players did request a modernized interface, as an answer to this we will provide you an easy to use interface client side. It will act as a container for existant in-bag pacts. Important note: the system is local and without any loading time over network, so it do not rely on ARK (like some players asked). Since it is based on a booklet method one player can also use the old teleportation system. It is elastic enough to be used in a lot of different ways, depending the situation. Alright, to finish, It will have also an auto pacts feature, sort of "click & forget" option allowing a player to buy pact automatically without clicking on the altar every time.I hope you will be happy with this new system, I will monitor the feedback with care ! :) Any questions?PS: One more thing, to introduce the new system we will remove the bulk of teleportation pact for everyone.
The new "Gingo" test server is installed. It is an Atys mirror, which will be used exclusively for pre-patch tests.The billing server has just been changed. The switch from the old to the new was smooth, although it caused two days of blocking account creation and subscriptions via WorldPay . Everything has been operational again for a few hours. From now on, account.ryzom.com replaces secure.ryzom.com.A new storage server has just been purchased, it will be activated soon.The next server to be changed will be the game server ( Atys).Finally, we will change the WebIG server.These new servers (still SSD) are cheaper and much more efficient than the current ones, which should considerably improve game performance.
Several sites have published or built on our latest press release (on the JY 2602 patch) or on our recent publication about the game backstage ("Behind the Scenes"):JeuxOnLine – Des îles de guilde pour RyzomLinuxFR – Ryzom : correctif de l’année de Jena 2602mmORPG – Ryzom Team Releases 'Jena Year 2602' Update & Looks to the FutureMassively Overpowered – Ryzom goes behind the scenes to talk guild islands and a new boss monsterММОзговед – Затерянный мир
We are looking for CSRs (DE, EN, FR, including CSRs in American time zones).We are also looking for Animators (actors) to play roleplay events (DE, EN, FR, including animators in American time zones).
Edited 5 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (6 years ago)
#78 Added by Tamarea 6 years ago
Date: monday, aprilth, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)
AgendaRyzom WikisRefugee DaysJY 2603 patchRecruitement
#79 Added by Kyriann 6 years ago
The merge of the Forge and the Lore is [...] completed. But, as patrolling, I still find some little fails. So, as for now, I'm mostly working on categorization and aesthetics for them to be uniform and to Ryzom universe fit. Among other tasks, I am now answering a demand from Tamarea about Lore and Events: infoboxes for NPC. Contributors are not numerous but they are very active and work on the three original wikis (DE, EN & FR). When I find some time, I personnaly do some little bits of translation into spanish.
The Refugee Day, which began earlier, will end on April 23. It includes two OOC events: a treasure hunt and a small egg hunt, and a roleplay part, which will take place on April 18th. This RP event will highlight a part of Lore around the First Great Swarming, the Exodus and the Refugees, but also the history of the Rangers, directly linked to this part of the history of Atys. The event will continue with an expedition.
The progress of the work can be viewed on the roadmap: https://board.ryzom.com/?controller=BoardViewController&actio n=readonly&token=c46b5ea0f37c83d155f3eacc3acf6956ee75cbfca4af a3f2c107fcb4e74dNew features:Addition of Kitin dynamic invasionsAddition of a roleplay reward systemAddition of another dynamic event later in 2603: federal merchantMaintenance :Move billing on a new server (done)Move server test Yubo on a new serverCreate a second Test server: GingoRebuilding of New HorizonsAmelioration of K/K pact interfaceMove Masters of the Goo to marauder tribeWheel of Fortune: Fix of several bugsPoWo Guild Islands: Fix of several bugsTitles: Fix of several bugsStore user created channels (Store user created channels (dynamic) and restore them. This will prevent the loss of channels at server crash or reboot.)Next changes to come for 2603 or 2604:Move Atys on a new serverMove WebIg on a new server
We are looking for CSRs, Devs and Graphics members (DE, EN, FR, including CSRs on US time zones).We are also looking for Animators (actors) to play roleplay events (DE, EN, FR, including animators on American time zones).Finally, we are looking for russian and spanish translators and proofreaders.To apply, please contact Tamarea (tamarea@ryzom.com)!
#80 Added by Tamarea 6 years ago
Date: monday, may 13th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)
AgendaRyzom WikisCreation of a "Wiki" workgroupImprovement of our Wiki documentationNew publicationsCeremony in memory of Arionasis (may 10th)JY 2603 patchRecruitement
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)
#81 Added by Moniq 6 years ago
C'est un point que nous devons fortement améliorer… À la fois en ce qui concerne la documentation pour Ryzom Forge que celle pour les joueurs. Question ouverte sur la documentation RF : comment ajouter la documentation Khaganat dans nos wikis ? (Khaganat et Ryzom Forge sont partenaires, mais ont des wikis différents.) Nous en avons déjà téléchargé une partie, mais elle est très dépassée et les liens sont morts. Je vous laisse réfléchir à la documentation technique RF, nous en reparlerons sur le forum, sur RC ou lors de la prochaine réunion de RF. Le second type de documentation est celui destiné aux joueurs : comment la mettre à jour sur le wiki avec tous les changements de gameplay et les nouveaux contenus ? Une proposition ?
J'ai fait un peu de ménage ces temps ci… Mais mes connaissances d'Atys sont insuffisantes. Avoir un canal dédié va aider à corriger les erreurs signalées et données dépassées.
On peut peut-être organiser des réunions ouvertes ou fermées aux joueurs pour examiner seulement quelques contributions par session. Je pense que l'on connait suffisamment de monde pour s'auto-organiser des moments pour ce faire.
Il y a aussi les pages de wikis dans les autres langues. Et là, nous manquons de contributeurs. Ceux qui voudront donner un coup de main sur les wikis Ryzom (et réfléchir aux difficultés rencontrées) pourront rejoindre le canal public dédié au Wiki, que je créerai dès la fin de la réunion. Craftjenn a la parole !
Dommage que Zorroargh ne soit pas là… Je n'ai pas baeucoup de retour des lecteurs. Aussi, il m'est difficile de savoir ce qui pourrait manquer. Je suis venue au wiki parce que j'en avais marre de me répéter (je suis Ranger, donc il m'arrive fréquemment d'aider de jeunes homins). Je l'ai d'abord utilisé comme un bloc-note, en copier/coller, avant de m'apercevoir que le principal contributeur était de ma guilde. Comme vous le savez, il y a six wikis. Un pour les images, et cinq wikis différents par langue (EN FR DE principalement). Même soucis que pour le forum : comme Atys a une longue histoire, plein de trucs périmés (et c'est gênant pour les soucis techniques et les spoilers aussi). Une partie est libre (voir les travaux de Lou Tei-Sang ou les écrits d'Eleanide ou autres), une partie a le sceau LORE.
Jenn et moi travaillons aussi sur les pages Arionasis, Teeneemai, Tyneetryk's Tears…
Pour moi, je n'utilisais guère le wiki, au début. Tout était en français ou en anglais, les traductions n'étaient pas terribles et il n'y avait pratiquement rien en allemand.
Je pense qu'au début il faut se concentrer sur EN et FR. Je me suis trouvée dans le même cas qu'Heernis, à lire en anglais. Puis je me suis dit : je ne suis pas une traductrice pro, mais si je traduis,même vite ou résumé, ca pourrait aider un autre FR.
Ce serait génial d'avoir des membres de toutes les équipes impliquées sur le canal wiki. Contributeurs, traducteurs, correcteurs, loristes, administrateurs système…
Un autre exemple (EN et FR) en cours de finalisation https://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Roue_de_la_Fortune
Pour lors, je semble être le seul à contribuer en allemand. Ce serait bien que d'autres rédacteurs germanophones s'impliquent. Et même si les Français pouvaient, grâce à DeepL, traduire et poser des articles au wiki alllemand, ce serait mieux que rien.
Bonne idée d'utiliser DeepL pour les traductions en allemand. Sinon les Allemands auront un wiki entier à traduire…
Est-ce que d'autres contributeurs souhaitent prendre la parole ?
En ce moment je révise un article sur la Roue (une version en francais au depart). C'est une mise à jour. Je ne dévoile pas tous les gains, pour laisser un peu de suspense. Mais je tente d'expliquer tout ce qui tourne autour de la roue. Voilà un exemple d'article à mettre à jour. :)
Ma dernière contribution : https://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Avant-propos. Une belle histoire écrite en français par un ami joueur et que je traduirai en EN un jour. J'ai aussi contribué au Manuel de l'utilisateur, au Missions de Silan et aux articles botaniques.
Il est temps de passer au sujet suivant, l'heure tourne ! Pensez à rejoindre #pj-ryzom_wiki sur RC si vous voulez aider d'une manière ou d'une autre sur nos wikis !
J'espère que la plupart de ceux qui le souhaitaient ont pu assister à cette cérémonie d'hommage. Pour info, nous venons de retirer du jeu la bannière d'Arionasis, qui restait au sol près de Chiang. Mais Ari, son zig yubo, restera présent en permanence (vous pouvez le caresser). C'était très émouvant de voir tout le monde présent sur Silan et d'écouter les mots de chacun… Nous allons publier le compte-rendu de la cérémonie, avec des images, sur le forum . Mais j'ai vu que des contributeurs ont déjà créé des articles sur le wiki : bravo ! Pour info, nous avons depuis un an un projet de mémorial permanent pour tous les joueurs décédés (projet en attente). Des commentaires avant de passer au sujet suivant ?
Sur le wiki FR il ya une catégorie ad hoc. Je vais en créer la structure sur le wiki.
Il est prévu pour le 18 mai (après minuit CEST). Pour les USA, le 17 mai après 22:00 UTC.
Sujet rajouté à l'ordre du jour. En interne RT et RF utilisent beaucoup le traducteur automatique DeepL : https://www.deepl.com/translator. Il est d'usage facile pour nous en event, par copier/coller, et je fais de même en ce moment pour cette réunion. DeepL traduit bien mieux que Google Translation, et c'est particulièrement visible entre l'allemand et le français. Nous sommes en train de tester l'app DeepL sur le serveur de test, dans le but de l'utiliser comme traducteur automatique sur tous les canaux du jeu. Si c'est concluant (et c'est bien parti), nous l'installerons sur Atys. Alors, il y aura une option pour activer/désactiver les traductions automatiques. Cela devrait grandement aider à abattre la barrière de langue. Et aussi à rendre les events et les réunions plus fluides !
Je dois noter que le nombre de langues supportées est toutefois limité.
DeepL supporte de plus en plus de langues. À ses débuts, il y en avait quatre, contre neuf maintenant, dont les cinq langues du jeu.
L'allemand, l'anglais, le français, l'espagnol, le portugais, l'italien, le néerlandais, le polonais et le russe sont supportés.
Nous recrutons des bénévoles dans presque toutes nos équipes : Ark, Comm-Marketing, Dev, Event, Game-Design, Level-Design, Support, Test, Translation. Si vous avez des questions ou êtes intéressés par une de ces équipes, veuillez contacter Tamarea sur RC ou par e-mail à tamarea@ryzom.com. Pour postuler directement : tamarea@ryzom.com
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Moniq (6 years ago) | Reason: #ryzom-wiki -> #pj-ryzom_wiki
#82 Added by Moniq 5 years ago
This special meeting of Ryzom Forge is being held at the request of Inky, who is the creator of the K/K pacts interface and the addition of welcome messages on the ingame channels. He would like to have your feedback on these additions. Inky, you have the floor!
We will start with feedback about teleport interface for kami and karavan players, you are on stage! First sorry for inconvenience with the resurrection issue using autopact. It is now fixed :) As some of you may have noticed the autopact does not need maximum fame to be used. It is a misunderstanding from the communication team. I try to give you a way to use your system with (visual) comfort, and introduced the autopact feature with the same spirit. The goal with Auto Pact feature is to remove that urge need to stack pacts to be able to play (and not to forget a zone!)
I wanted to say that the colors are very good:) because those who have view problems, distinguish well the sicones and races So thank you.
I just want to support what Eleanide said. What is very important to me is the contrast. I can see that lot of icon are made with contrast, what is important to see the object a nice way.
If I may, I would like to see pacts in the list as expanded with descriptions as I have always set my bag to.
This is planned in my todo list :) to behave like the current list in the bag, but more condensed.
I used the interface a few times, all seems well, not much feedback to give. It's pleasant to use
I use it from the day after the patch and except one TP lost (I think with the rez bug) it's nice to use. Good job :)
Ashuleila 20:33 UTC We need more option I think. Like to classify the TP buy price or alphabetical order.Tuffgong 20:34 UTC Possibility to lock window mode of the interface to remain over re-logMaiyr 20:59 UTC I think when changes are made like this, more information needs to be given such as how to implament the new changes. Most of us didn't know how to get the artifact to begin with as it was not explained.Ashuleila 21:01 UTC Is is possible to have the windows of the Artefact at the connection ? Each time I must open it if I log out :/
Thank you for your feedback about the interface. To the next topic then. Any comments about the channel introduction ?
Around and region are a bit awkwardly worded
I think this change happened in the context of a forum thread started by Revvy. The purpose was to invite homins to RP and explain a bit what RP was etc. However the around intro just says ok here some people RP and doesn't go as deep as it should. Also agree there are some errors but i know some fixes were already proposed.
Tamarea and a Lorist are working on this subject, for now we added the introduction. We didn't forget the original request :) its in work in progress.
In french, the message is okay.
(about suggestion to add links to messages) I think hiding information behind a link makes fewer people likely to click on it.
Addition to roleplay description is in WIP (as stated earlier), the communication team and lore are on it. There is no message on lang universe because it is the same rules as the normal universe, and since players are smart enough to know this. Announcement message are sent in the system information too. Alright, thank you for participating. I will let you debate on the forum (i do read all the post on the idea section.)
Laoviel 21:08 UTC The explanation message appears only when you switch to that tab. So for example, in Universe it can appear after people have been talking a while ... it can be a bit difficult to understand it's a "message from the system".Laoviel 21:11 UTC Newlines before and after, and maybe a tag like Info: or something similar :)Eleanide 21:13 UTC Using *** would be fineAleeskandaro 21:14 UTC (about AROUND) "Learn more about here" (a link)Bubbason 21:14 UTC Instead of an individual description for each channel, would it be better to have 1 link to a common forum that gives an explanation of what each channel is best used for? This way, you have an option to add more text, instead of a single sentenceAleeskandaro 21:14 UTC It would be good to fix the channel description on top of chat windowFigment 21:18 UTC (about explanation of RP term) Give Chiang a little friend to introduce RP. maybe have a RP representant in each cityBubbason 21:21 UTC I still think the option of more text is maybe better. For example, the description in around, if a new player decides they don't want to RP and closes around channel, they miss all kinds of other messages.Aleeskandaro 21:32 UTC all channel descriptions should include a link to the game code of conduct and for around, both this link to coc and a description of what rp ist and how people rp, be it in another link or the description itself, it doesn't matter
Last edited by Moniq (5 years ago) | Reason: +missing styles
#83 Added by Kyriann 5 years ago
A brief word on the progress of the new group working on Ryzom wikis: the contributors are now "clearing" the wikis: they are searching, sorting, reflecting, organizing. It is a long preparatory work but very promising for the future! They will tell you more about it at a future meeting.
A video is available on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvXBGnc1FaY&feature=youtu.be.
https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/29721/1 We are listening to your feedback.
Ryzom used to be about freedom of choice. A player, choosing their own destiny, their own style of play etc. Now, new Ryzom: Seems to be more about Ryzom dictating to players.For example, every reward seems to be Gubani Tokens, but what about players who don't want to play the Gubani wheel? RP rewards, what about players that don't want to get involved in RP etc. Dapper missions, it used to take 30 minutes to earn dapper, then you were free to do what you enjoy. Now, to get the same dapper you need to do 13 Corporal missions.To offer a suggestion : maybe it would be useful to put some effort into completing some of the unfinished Rites or Encyclopaedia missions.
Were you able to test it from the fixing patch earlier?
I can't cause artefact disappeared since reboot.
There was a problem with the artifact, but normally everything came back in order... except for those who logged in at the time of the bug, like you two.
I was able to test it a little bit, it works pretty well, but I get scared at first. I didn't immediately understand that it only buys back the *last* TP. On the other hand, if we could have the names of the TPs in the interface rather than in popup, it would be ideal.
What do you think of the new saturation of the icon colors?
Nice job for me. I have some regrets on the tryker blue that turns grey, but nothing excessive.
French said it's nice.
I strongly dislike the grey that has replaced tryker blue.
#84 Added by Nilstilar 5 years ago
This integration is currently being tested on Yubo and will soon be tested on Atys by players who volunteer to participate in a "DeepL Test Hour".
The following changes in delivery missions are intended to offset the loss of nation (civ) points awards previously granted by New Horizons:Decrease in weight of parcels to deliverDecrease to 8 hours of the time limit imposed for the repetition of the same missionIncrease in rewards granted in lower level areas (100-150 regions)
To help players find a particular NPC, we will add a "Where is... ?" to the dialog box of ALL NPCs.In order to encourage players to increase the number of their missions (as earnings have been significantly increased) the help function to find other NPCs entrusting missions will be added.
Marauders tribes and missions are in the process of being created and some changes in the missions (the fame rewards of some of them) is a first step in the integration of this addition.
• Under testing: Addition of the Marauder zone near Nexus Minor• Work in progress:Creation of the Maraudeur City map, with its NPCs locations, in the main area of the zoneAddition of a vortex between Nexus Minor and Marauder zone• Next steps:Move of the Marauder Camp to the new zoneCreation of the new Marauder CityMove of the camp's NPCs to their final location inside the City.The new Marauder map is already on the test server Yubo, the work is in progress.
• Translation team recruits volunteers!To translate / proofread into SpanishTo translate / proofread into RussianTo translate / proofread into German• Support team recruits volunteers!From North AmericaFrom South America (speaking Spanish and English)From Australia timezoneFrom Spain• Event team recruits volunteers!From North AmericaFrom South America (speaking Spanish and English)From Australia timezoneFrom SpainWe have now some dynamics events which can be launched easily, but we need some event lauchers living in US timezone.If you are interested, please send a mail to tamarea@ryzom.com.
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Maupas (5 years ago) | Reason: Typo
#85 Added by Placio 5 years ago
Q: Are there any plans to reduce the repetition time for other missions (crafting or killing ones)? And to give another way to obtain crystals than just delivering parcels?A: For the other missions (this was one of the topics of the last Ryzom Forge meeting) the repetition times have indeed been greatly increased, but so have the gains! In any case, yes, our plan is to highlight ALL of Atys' missions, to make them more attractive.
Last edited by Placio (5 years ago) | Reason: please delete
#86 Added by Ekoh 5 years ago
Équilibrage du patch JY 2603 : correction des missions de livraisonTykus (RT) - 19:47 UTCLes changements suivants, apportés aux missions de livraison, visent à contrebalancer la perte des récompenses en points de nation accordées auparavant par Nouveaux Horizons :Diminution du poids des colis à livrer
Les changements suivants, apportés aux missions de livraison, visent à contrebalancer la perte des récompenses en points de nation accordées auparavant par Nouveaux Horizons :Diminution du poids des colis à livrer
Last edited by Ekoh (5 years ago)
#87 Added by Loved 5 years ago
Last edited by Loved (5 years ago)
#88 Added by Gidget 5 years ago
Last edited by Gidget (5 years ago)
#89 Added by Luminatrix 5 years ago
I think that that may have been the goal, Loved; to rid Ryzom of players like you and I who have better things to do than just run around "exploring" a place we already explored repeatedly, who like freedom, and/or who simply did not come here to be treated like second-class citizens.
#90 Added by Loved 5 years ago
GidgetI think that that may have been the goal, Loved; to rid Ryzom of players like you and I who have better things to do than just run around "exploring" a place we already explored repeatedly, who like freedom, and/or who simply did not come here to be treated like second-class citizens.I don't think things are this bleak. The changes seem well intentioned, just a little hamfisted. They definitely need tweaking. I agree that right now, there is no point in doing crafting missions compared to hunting or digging ones. That needs to be adjusted. Same with faction point rewards. I don't know about overseer missions in cities, since I obviously can't do those, but tribe prospector missions are great. It's not difficult to make a million dappers in 20 minutes once you know where to dig mission mats. Don't get me wrong, I was upset by the changes as well, at first. But then I figured out that they're really not *that* bad.
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Loved (5 years ago)
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