

#251 [en] 

It would tho, any ryzom player playing another game is taken away from playing ryzom.

Look at the resurgence of CP2020 when Cyberpunk 2077 came out and you'll see how wrong that is. It's a little different there since CP2077 is not an MMO so many peopel will stop playing after beating it a few times, but my point that it's not a zero-sum equation remains.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#252 [en] 

It would tho, any ryzom player playing another game is taken away from playing ryzom.

Look at the resurgence of CP2020 when Cyberpunk 2077 came out and you'll see how wrong that is. It's a little different there since CP2077 is not an MMO so many peopel will stop playing after beating it a few times, but my point that it's not a zero-sum equation remains.

I get what you mean, but what i mean is time cannot be spend on both at the same time, spending those 1-2 hours on the board game are 1-2 hours that you are not present/active/engaged into ryzom.
Active playerbase optics is already a problem in ryzom, when 1 person leaves a large crowd it goes unnoticed, when 1 person leaves small group it will.
With your Cyberpunk example its doubtful 100% of cp2020 players that tried cp2077 did all return, of course a themed board game is very different from an mmo, not like going from fps to fps, but it remains that players time will be split regardless if they return.

Regarding the board game itself, i understand the 'fun' but not the benefit of it, the splitting of players activity/time aside, dev-time and resources spend there could have been spend on the main attraction, i also fail to see how it will attract new players besides circles of friends that likely would have already mentioned ryzom if there was interest among them (i hope), in the case of marketing i have doubts and raise the question why marketing ryzom isn't done more in stead and in the case marketing ryzom is already exhausted i fail to see why the board game would then raise new players in its place.


#253 [en] 

but what i mean is time cannot be spend on both at the same time, spending those 1-2 hours on the board game are 1-2 hours that you are not present/active/engaged into ryzom


Against the CoC again.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tykus (3 years ago)



#254 [en] 

dev-time and resources spend there could have been spend on the main attraction

***DEL*** irrelevant.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Tykus (3 years ago)



#255 [en] 

Regarding the board game itself, i understand the 'fun' but not the benefit of it, the splitting of players activity/time aside, dev-time and resources spend there could have been spend on the main attraction, i also fail to see how it will attract new players besides circles of friends that likely would have already mentioned ryzom if there was interest among them (i hope), in the case of marketing i have doubts and raise the question why marketing ryzom isn't done more in stead and in the case marketing ryzom is already exhausted i fail to see why the board game would then raise new players in its place.

The person behind this tabletop rpg project is already active in the Lore Team. He is not a developer of the game. So his time wouldn't have been spent on development. Working on a tabletop rpg is a good continuation of the lorist work: it will use the existing lore and extend it.
It is NOT a marketing project too, it's a tabletop rpg that a passionate is making and wants to share it with the community. You are not interested in it, fair enough it's your right so just pass by it won't change anything for you at all.

PS: Ryzom is claiming to have a strong "role-playing" community and looking at feedbacks this tabletop rpg project is receiving tells me it's a false statement.

#256 [en] 

The person behind this tabletop rpg project is already active in the Lore Team. He is not a developer of the game. So his time wouldn't have been spent on development. Working on a tabletop rpg is a good continuation of the lorist work: it will use the existing lore and extend it.
It is NOT a marketing project too, it's a tabletop rpg that a passionate is making and wants to share it with the community.

Then it should have been posted about in here: YOUR CREATIONS & GUIDES


#257 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (December 6th 2021)

Date: monday, December 6th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • Update on recent crashes
  • Feedback on the Client's beta tests
  • Feedback on Boss refactoring
  • Progress on OP refactoring (GvG)

#258 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – December 6, 2021

1 - Report about recent crashes

Ulukyn (RT) – 20:36 UTC
Let's talk a little about the recent server problems, there have been several.
The first problem, the most critical, was quite particular and could crash any Ryzom service. Indeed, a Ryzom server is composed of many services which manage an aspect of the game: the EGS which manages the entities (NPC, creatures, actions, etc...), the IOS manages texts and chats and other smaller services but whose role is also important. Now, the bug could occur in one of these services and up to 2-3 times a day, which depending on the service that crashed could cause chain reactions (and therefore a server that crashes completely). The reason of the crash is a bit technical (I could give more details if needed) but a fix was applied and since then none of the services crashed because of this bug.
Another bug has finally been fixed. This is one of the oldest known bugs in the game. We suspected that it came from the missions and we had a hunch that it only happened with characters returning to the game after a long absence. We were able to investigate this bug because we unintentionally caused it by moving occupations into Kitins' Lair. This maneuver, in fact, unknowingly caused the aliases (identification numbers saved in the character's file kept by the server) of the missions concerned to change. Now, if a mission changes aliases and a player has kept the old alias in the character's save file on his own machine, the server will crash as soon as the character in question is loaded. This is because aliases were not originally designed to be changeable... no one anticipated that some missions would be moved from one continent to another. Finally, this diagnosis made it easier to find and fix the bug and the unfortunate player who was crashing the server every time he tried to log was finally able to join Atys without a hitch.
A third bug has been identified in the IOS, which occurs quite rarely. We made the hypothesis that it occurred when a message was sent by the server on a dynamic chat channel, at the same time as one of the players disconnected and added several checks to avoid this conjunction. For the moment, no new crashes have been reported. We keep an eye on it though.
Finally, the last bugs (which cause slowdowns and huge delays in sending messages) occur when the SU crashes (SU = Shard Unifier, a service especially useful when several servers are running - like Aniro, Arispotle and Leanon - or when Ring sessions are active). We have already fixed one of them, the fixing of another is in progress. We will strengthen the part of SU code that handles database writing.
That's it for the information about the recent crashes. Are there any questions?

Q: Is this one of those bugs that was causing the chat channels to mix? And does that mean that this mixing will not happen anymore?
Yes, the first one described above. And no, the channel mixing will not happen anymore..

2 - Feedback on the Client's beta tests

Ulukyn (RT) – 21:02 UTC
See forum.
We need as much feedback as possible, because the timing of the next patch depends on it: the sooner we validate the beta client, the sooner we will patch the new features.
So, are there people who have been able to play with the beta client regularly?

Q: Is the "beta client" the RyZtart launcher?
No, RyZtart simply allows you to activate the game in beta mode on the Atys server (and not on one of the test servers). This allows you to test the next client patch "in real conditions". It is recommended, however, to backup the save/ directory before testing.

Q: For me, the titles don't work, and neither does the sound.
The titles are being totally recoded in a simpler and more modern interface. They will be compatible with the new client in the next patch. As for the sound, fixing is in progress: we will contact you if needed.

Q: Your recommendation to backup save/ beforehand is what made me recoil so far. Do we really need to backup save/ before every beta game session?
Actually, one should always save, but it's more of a precaution than anything else. For the moment the only bug that has caused problems is the unexpected resetting of the UI that occurs when switching frequently between normal and beta client: without backup, the player is then forced to reposition to his taste all windows. But so far, no problems with macros, landmark pennants or others, just a bug reported regarding friends groups which is currently being checked (we will let you know if it is confirmed).
That said, if RyZtart automatically created a zip of the save/ folder each time beta mode was activated/deactivated, it would probably help to have more testers….

Q: The RyZtart launcher should also just be more promoted (a lot of players don't read forum announcements). A once per day reminder in Universe channel, like ''Please check out RyZtart and the beta client'', maybe?
We will think about it.

3 - Feedback on Boss refactoring

Ulukyn (RT) – 21:23 UTC
See forum.
What are your feedbacks, especially about the new algorithm of spawn of Bosses?
We would like, indeed, to know if its activation in all regions of Atys is now possible or if it still needs some adjustments.

Q: Some say that no Boss spawns in the Savage Dunes anymore. What about this?
We haven't spotted any bug so far, at least by looking at the logs.
(three minutes pass in silence…)
No other remarks… So we can expect a switch to the new system soon. This will allow us to move on to new stages of the project.

4 - Progress on OP refactoring (GvG)

Ulukyn & Tykus (RT) – 21:30 UTC
The project is pretty well advanced.
We are running the last alpha tests and the tests on the test servers (Yubo & Gingo) should start soon. At the moment they are focusing on new GvG outposts in zones 50 and will allow us to determine if the NPC setting is good (it is at its minimum, but fighting a guild and NPCs simultaneously can be a bit of a challenge).
During this GvG test, we will move forward with the rest of the project. Some of the changes that are already ready, such as reducing the duration of battles to 1 hour and lowering the cost of attacks, could be implemented quickly. The rotation of materials and the taking of outposts by hostile NPC tribes would then come in a later phase of project development.
We agreed to give the project a boost over the next two months.

Q: Will, as for a classic attack, the attacking NPCs have to fight the NPCs of the attacked outpost too?

Q: Will, eventually, ALL outpost battles have to be fought in GvG only?
Not at all. Battles will remain as they are now, we will simply add a GvG attack option, which will be limited in its use. Also, battles for outposts in the Nexus will remain in GvE. This means that outposts will offer a wider range of possibilities.

Q1: Isn't it feared that some of these changes will make it difficult for our guild to retain the many outposts it owns for several years?
Q2: Our guild owned a level 200 outpost for a few weeks and Q250 mats have been produced… in very low amounts. For lower level OPs, it will be worse and even less attractive, I think. So will there be any change in the production of the outposts? For example, better quality materials for a level 50 OP?
Yes, this is planned. The production rates will not be the same at all, but a 50 OP will be able to produce Q250 mats (in smaller quantities than a 250 OP of course). And a 250 OP could also end up producing only Q50 mats (a depleted mining seam). This means that (and to answer the first question) retain an outpost will not be as interesting as it is now: it will be much more profitable to change for another.

Q: Isn't it feared that, in the long run, only the richests can afford it? That, in the long run, many OPs will never be attacked, thus left in the possession of NPCs useless to the life of the game?
As said above, the cost of conquest of outposts will be drastically reduced and, moreover, it will be variable depending on the mode of conquest (GvE, GVG or FvF).

Q: Will there be other productions than the current ones on these new outposts, which would make their possession more interesting?
Yes, but the working group in charge of the project confirms its original intention: these new productions adding value to the ownership of the outposts will only be implemented once the overhaul of the battle mechanics is completed. This will allow everyone to benefit, regardless of their preferred type of PvP and the effort they are able to put in.

The meeting is closed at 22:17 UTC

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (3 years ago) | Reason: Typos


#259 [en] 


Against the CoC, see:

Slander or rumour about a Ryzom Team member or Winch Gate

(Major/Minor offence: depending on the degree, the Support Team will decide on each case)
Spreading rumours, false accusations or lies against a member of the Ryzom Team or against Winch Gate, in order to harm them or their reputation or honour, is strictly prohibited.The Support team reserves the right to make appropriate decisions based on the seriousness of the facts.

Lol. What a load of bullshit. No criticism of Winch Gate allowed? You're not gonna keep much goodwill from volunteers, open source contributers, and other community projects, with this attitude.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Kaetemi (3 years ago)



#260 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (January 3th 2022)

Date: monday, January 3th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • Update on dev tools
  • January patches presentation
  • Silan refactoring
  • Boss refactoring
  • OP refactoring

#261 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report –January 3, 2022

1 - Report on dev tools

Ulukyn (RT) – 20:38 UTC
I'm going to come back to the year 2021, which has been the year of consolidation if you will.

We have indeed updated quite a few things, on the one hand the servers, the webIG and the client code (with the merging of the code of Ryzom Core 4), but also the compilation process which is now based on Visual C++ 2019 for Windows. In addition a tool, Hunter, has been implemented by Nimetu (RT) to compile the whole more easily.

Beyond the tools, the past year has also seen the developer team update its way of working: we now use gitlab more for bugs, communication and patch management and we are very satisfied with it... Wondering why we didn't do it earlier! There is one last thing to do: joining our server and data client repositories with the ryzom-core repository, so that the development process will be even easier.

We have also worked on enriching our collection of generic or model-based systems.This is the case, for example, of the "shops" which are increasingly (and will be in the future massively) used to make items or services available in game (for example, purchases in Elyps, whether from Nations merchants, grooms or Allegory carvers NPCs). This is also the case for the Lessons, which are the basis of the information transmitted to players in-game, as well as for the Encyclopedia window (ctrl+E), which includes the Daily Missions, the Storyline, the future tutorial and, recently, the titles, all of which are (or will be) based on the same model.

As a result, we have (and will have) fewer systems to maintain, thus fewer bugs, and we will be able to concentrate our efforts on three main tasks. Namely:
• completion of the three refactoring projects (Silan, Bosses, Outposts) ;
• Storyline's ongoing and the addition of content that has yet to be completed (e.g. Supreme Tokens);
• bugs' fixing and improvement of the client (by the way, the year 2022 will start with a patch – currently in test – illustrating this point).

2 - January patches presentation

Ariald (RT) – 20:58 UTC
As Ulukyn mentioned, one of our goals for 2022 is to improve the player experience through fixing bugs or bettering the client. The first patch of January will do exactly this.

The first change we made was to the system for trading between player characters. More generally, we've tried to improve the process of item trading, because it's not the best at the moment. In addition to changing and simplifying the layout of the trade window, we added two more slots for items. It was mainly the exchanges of jewel sets that led us to this last change.

Another change we've made to the player trade window is the ability to drag and drop items into the window from all of your inventories. This way, if you want to trade items carried by your Zig, you won't have to transfer them to your bag first, thus interrupting the trade to complete it later. Note: In order not to clutter up the item selection window, this one won't show you items from other inventories and this function will only operate by drag and drop.

The final change to the trade window presented to each player is the addition of item bulk and weight indicators. In fact, a small indicator (similar to the one in the upper right corner of your inventories) will be displayed next to both offers, which will show the weight and bulk of the items given and received. All this in the hope of making the exchanges a little more fluid.

Then, stacking of items. Anyone who has fought in PvP knows what it feels like to have an inventory cluttered with crystallized spells. From now on, crystallized spells of the same stanza (or identical stanza) will automatically stack in the inventory where they are stored. As the same clutter currently occurs in the bag of working crafters, identical items produced will now automatically stack in the inventory.

Any questions so far?

Q: Will it be possible to choose the inventory where the traded items end up? For example, to transfer a full stack of materials carried by my packer to the packer of my exchanging partner?
Currently that is not possible, but I will keep it in mind.

Q: The "true" Rangers do not allow themselves PvP. Why, then, is there a merchant in Almati Wood who is paid in PvP points? (On the other hand, keeping the possibility of acquiring the robe and the shield would be nice).
[iThis is a question we are evaluating, I agree with you that it is not ideal. The patch will not change that however.[/i]

Q: Maybe we could turn these PvP points into "PvK" points that could be earned by repelling kitin invasions?
Maybe, yes. I take note.

Ariald (RT) – 21:27 UTC
Let's move on to fixes.
I have to say that this patch is quite big, so I'm leaving out some small details. You'll get the surprise when the patchnote will be released!

We have a lot of fixes in this patch, especially concerning the Zigs:
• fix of the bug that gave them the wrong status when they were hosted in bags;
• addition of their inventories as tabs in the commercial windows of merchant NPCs;
• addition of the ability to transfer items directly from their inventory to your apartment's and guild hall's inventory;
• fixed the malfunction of locking/unlocking items in their inventory.

By the way, the lock status of items will now be displayed in your apartment and guild hall inventory.

Any questions?

Q: Will we still be able to store large numbers of sap crystals on the Zigs?
Yes, that does not change.

Q: What about the bug that makes the inventory window of a Zig vanish when you take it out of your bag (it happens sometimes when the bag exit is activated by macro)?
Interesting. I was not aware of this bug. I will investigate and maybe get in touch with you later so we can set this up on gitlab.

Q: Does the addition of Zigs to the trade windows of merchant NPCs mean that we will now be able to buy them?
Ah, maybe I hasn't been clear… Here's a screenshot, maybe you will understand better.
See, Zig 1 appears as a tab now in the window. So I can trade items which are on my Zig, just like as I already do for those which are on my packer or in my bag.

Q: How many Zigs can a character have, at most?
Currently, 3. And this won't change with the patch.

Q: Couldn't we make the Q50 pants and vest won while playing Wheel of Fortune available to low-level players... through player-to-player exchanges? To achieve that, wouldn't it be enough to have these items stored in our "non-special" bag?
Currently, the refugee armor you get from playing the Wheel is not tradeable... We're thinking about it, but for now I don't have an answer.

Q (Ariald): Okay, if there is nothing else, this summarizes the first patch of January. Ulukyn, do you want to take over briefly to talk about the second one?
A (Ulukyn):
Yes, quickly... The second patch will be for the refactorings, then. They will be patched in January, or in February if everything is not fully tested by then. So I'll make a review.

3 - Silan refactoring

Ulukyn (RT) – 21:51 UTC
I redesigned the tutorial after several opinions from the first testers, and it is now more intuitive and interactive. The feedback about the first two lessons is quite positive. So I'm going to continue and I hope it will really help new players to get their bearings.

I take this opportunity to remind you that the test team is recruiting. So, if you want to test either the patch implementing the additions to the client, or the first lessons of the tutorial, you are welcome.

Q: I can spend some time on the test of the first lessons of the tutorial. How do I sign up?
Just contact Tamarea.

4 - Boss refactoring

Ulukyn (RT) – 22:01 UTC
Boss refactoring will soon be applied all over Atys Atys. However, the work is bound to continue, though we haven't yet determined exactly what we'll be working on. But we'd love to make hunting for Bosses a most funny activity on Ryzom.

One of the ideas that has come up among us, so that players can escape routine and their tactical skills can flourish, is the one of providing each of the current Bosses their own defense mechanics. That's the idea which originated this refactoring project… and gave it its first name: "Boss in the Box".

If you have other ideas, please feel free to post them in the forum under the meeting report.

Any questions ?

Q: "I love you." is the only sentence I can say in a language other than French... Would it be possible for all the faction channels to benefit from automatic translation?
The question is off-topic, but it comes up often enough for us to seriously consider it. However, I cannot give a date for the implementation of this improvement because we need to focus on a small number of projects to be effective.

5 - OP refactoring

Ulukyn (RT) – 22:17 UTC
We have been able to make progress on GvG, but its introduction seems interesting only if accompanied by the planned changes on all Outposts.

That's why we are planning to make several changes at the same time. Namely:
• reducing the duration of battles to one hour (already tested in Nexus);
• rotation of raw materials produced by each outpost every N days (to be determined), via server reboot;
• suppression of the production of Q50 and Q100 materials;
• addition of four outposts in level 50 regions for testing GvG battles.

After that, another patch will implement the last changes, as the project is well advanced thanks to the full-scale tests on the Atys server.

Any questions?

Q: As a result of these changes, Rangers will thus be able to own outposts?
Rangers may already own outposts, but they do not have a generic drill to exploit them. (An off-topic debate ensues between several of the players present, about the Ranger Way).

After a cheerful exchange of congratulations between the RT speakers and the participants, the meeting is closed at 23:00 UTC.

Last edited by Nilstilar (3 years ago) | Reason: FR typos


#262 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (February 7th 2022)

Date: monday, February 7th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • Next content patch
    • Rywards store
    • RyzHome
    • Wheel of Fortune
    • Ephemeral Enchantments
    • Storyline Content

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (3 years ago)

#263 [en] 

***DEL*** irrelevant.

Last edited by Tykus (3 years ago)



#264 [en] 

***DEL*** irrelevant.

Last edited by Tykus (3 years ago)



#265 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – 07 February 2022

So I'm going to talk about the Rywards store which will replace Rykea and the Ryzhome section of the special bag (there are some Ry xD).
Here is a screenshot : 207%20f%C3%A9vrier%202022%2021%2043%281%29.png.
So it is a new page in the shift + E window.
There will be at the same time a list of apartment items classified according to the categories already known via the titles but also collections to complete.
Each completed collection gives rise to a unique reward (always from an apartment).
There will also be the list of items already obtained with a 3D preview.
And information about the number of items in our possession (so duplicates) and how many are in the apartment.

Q : Are the names of these items final ? I mean ... The ones I see there seem to have been drawn at random from the alphabet.

A : It is the case.
Items have no names (not yet).
So I went to a very famous swedish store, I saw that their names meant nothing.
I said to myself : let's do the same.

Q : At this rate, you will soon have to allow us to buy more than one apartment or buy apartment extensions.

A : Ah yes, I note.
The other particularity of the store is that you will be able to know what you need to get each item.
Sometimes (as on the screenshot) they will only be available in gain via the wheel.
Sometimes as a special event.
And other times it will be indicated which type of ticket is necessary.
Rywards tickets being the most common and generic, they will allow you to buy many items, especially those of other nations.
With sometimes different colors or textures.
Finally, if you have duplicates, you will be able to convert them into Rywards tickets and thus buy items of your choice.
Thus, getting duplicates at the wheel, allows you to convert them into Rywards tickets which then allows you to buy items.
Later on, other rewards will be added to the store.
Such as wigs, outfits or other purely aesthetic items.
We are following different tracks to add cool cosmetic things, like new afk FX, animations, etc ...
Are there any questions, suggestions, remarks ?

Q : Will these changes fix apartments where items can't be removed once placed ?

A : Yes.
This is the next topic.

Q : Will the collisions in the apartments be removed ? Since the furniture is not necessarily placed where it is intended.

A : Yes.
We have to thank Kaetemi who did a great work on the tools to allow to remove them easily.
Let's go to the next part which concerns Ryzhome and therefore the apartments.
And I will be able to give the proposal of addition.
The idea is to be able to make apartment configurations.
And thus to be able to have several item configurations and to choose the one you want to display.
For example a configuration could contain all the Christmas items.
Another one of Anlor Winn's.

Q : A bit like the groups for outfits and jewelry ?

R : Yes, that's exactly it.
It would be easy to switch from one to the other and guest players would be able to browse the different configurations.
A particular configuration named "Common" will contain items that will be displayed regardless of the configuration chosen.
Thus, there could be the bed, the furniture, a painting in the "Common" configuration and whatever the configuration displayed, the bed, the furniture and the painting will always be displayed.

Q : Are you satisfied with the proposal ?

A : Thanks to ask me the question Ulukyn.
I admit that this could indeed solve the problem of overloading.
But ... Having a virtual apartment ... It will end up confusing me ... But it's personal.

Q : Will this decoration also be selectable by the guests or will only the configuration chosen by the owner be displayed for the guest ?

A : It will be optional.
The owner will select a configuration.
Then will be able to allow visitors to see other collections (via a checkbox for each configuration).
So we won't be able to know if you have a configuration with voodoo dolls of Atys players, be reassured.
Finally it will be possible to give items to your guild for the decoration of the guild hall.
And thus ... You will have to fill.
Any questions ?
If no questions, let's move on.
But first, a little clarification, it will also be possible with Rywards Tickets to buy supreme tokens for the wheel.
This is quite timely as they will be added soon.
The tokens will allow to win a reward for sure, but obviously, some will be rarer than others.
But the supreme tokens can also be used to buy Rywards tickets, thus making a cycle.
You will then have the choice between playing supreme tokens on the wheel and winning a sure reward, but not necessarily the one you want.
Or convert the tokens into a Ryward ticket and offer you a reward of your choice.
Thus the rewards will no longer be systematically pure chance.
Moreover, in the same way as the apartment items, the duplicates of the items won in the wheel can be converted.
So pieces of zig or mount, wigs, etc ... Do not throw them away, recycle, it's good for Atys !
If you have gift ideas, we are always happy to receive suggestions.
And if you do a little 3D with blender, we can help you to integrate items in the game (under CC-by-SA license with credits to your name or username if you wish).
Any questions ?

And if no question, we move on.
We have just talked about aesthetic rewards, we also have planned more gameplay content.
Starting with the ephemeral enchantments.
These are enchanted spells that can only be obtained from NPCs or buildings.
They can be stacked and will take the same space as the current ones.
When a weapon is enchanted with an ephemeral enchantment, the weapon is fully charged with sap.
And can no longer be recharged.
With each use of the ephemeral enchantment, the charge in sap will decrease without being able to be recharged.
Once the weapon's charge is insufficient to use the enchantment, it disappears.
Thus, let's take the example of an ephemeral enchantment that consumes 300 of sap.
It is applied on a weapon that can have a maximum of 1000 of sap.
The weapon is fully recharged, so at 1000.
You can then use the enchantment 3 times.
There is then only 100 of sap left, the enchantment disappears.
The 100 of sap remain.

Q : Are these ephemeral enchantments new spells ?

A : They are not necessarily spells (I wasn't finished).
I will continue and you will tell me if it is clear.
Ephemeral enchantments will be either passive or active.
Active, it will be necessary to throw them as the current enchantments and will consume of the sap load with each use.
These are not necessarily only spells that we know, but it can also be a mini aura, an area effect, there is no real technical limitation.
Passive, they will activate themselves each time the weapon is used, like the effects of Tekorn or Vedice.
Moreover, an ephemeral enchantment will temporarily replace the effect of the weapon.
The temporary effects of their operation can be very powerful (but very expensive in sap load and thus limited in their use).
Moreover, the more powerful they are, the harder they will be to obtain.

Q : So clearly they act as artifacts.
But are limited by the power of the weapon they are attached to.

A : You could think of it as a oil made of sap that you put on your weapon.
And after a while it doesn't work anymore.
But then it can be really, really powerful.

Q : And last only two times for example.

A : That's it.
It is thus according to the situations that you will prefer either to use a less powerful enchantment or the OP effect of your weapon.

Q : I wanted to ask : what if the power of the ephemeral enchantment is higher than the amount of sap of the weapon ?
Let's imagine an "EE" of 2000 sap on a sword that has only 1500 sap load.

A : In this case it does not apply.
But you don't lose anything.

Q : Will the use of this ephemeral be conditioned by the addition of an option in the action bricks ? Example to make a powerful attack + ephemeral bonus ?

A : No, we will keep it simple.
But it is not impossible that some ephemeral enchantments are only applicable with a certain stanza (nothing planned, just a technical possibility).
As it will surely require juggling between several enchantments.
Ariald is going to present us an addition he is working on.
Currently, consuming items can be quite frustrating.
I am thinking in particular of the switch of enchantments or the constant sap recharge in PvP.
In short, it hurts the hand.
We have evaluated several suggestions to solve the problem.
Today, I present the solution that we consider to be optimal.
The item bar.
Basically, it's a new inventory consisting of 5 slots.
You can put consumable items, such as potions, larvae, etc.
As well as sap recharges or enchantments.
The slots will be displayed in the current equipment window and in its own window (if you want to display it).
There will be configurable keyboard shortcuts for each slot of the bar (to consume/use the item) and the item bar will be integrated with the current item group system.
Here is a screenshot of the draft I am working on. 20February%207%2C%202022%205%2004%20PM%281%29.png
I took the opportunity to rearrange and center the equipment window.
This one gives you even more information. 20February%207%2C%202022%205%2006%20PM%281%29.png
(Note that in the second screenshot, the equipment window is not up to date).
I think I have done the tour, are there any questions ?

Q : So I can see that it is a project that has been carefully thought out, but at the moment I don't see how it will change anything in the recharging of crystals for example.
Don't take it the wrong way, I just don't understand how it will change anything.

A : I forgot one important element. We can make a macro to use a given slot of the bar.
So it will be easier than clicking, you can configure the macro as you wish.

Q : So ... That I understand : this new shortcut bar will allow to assign any item to it ? Does that mean I can assign sap crystals and hence then automatize use of those ?

A : Be careful, the bar will only accept "usable" items. But yes, in your example it would work.

Q : The ammunition too ?

A : About ammunition ... I don't have an answer yet.

Q : Hello ... Would this show as 'Action Bar 3' in windows ?
'Actions and Inventory' ?

A : No, like "Item bar".

Q : Instead of "Item bar", couldn't this bar be called "Pockets" for example ?
Q : Belt ?

A : "Item belt", "Pockets", I like it.

Q : And maybe the number of slots vary according to the armor worn (like 5 for an LA, 3 for HA ...) to be in a logic ?

A : Sounds complicated. A static number will be better I think.

Q : User of crystals and eggs of all kinds, I have already noticed crashes related to the rate of use of these "Items" leading to a complete freeze of their use.

A : If you find "reproducible" crashes related to eggs or other issues, feel free to open a ticket with support or a GitLab issue so that we can investigate and fix.
Well, I think we've seen it all, I pass again to Ulukyn.

Q : When ?

A : Soon.

Q : It's semi-reproducable that one can grey-out a thing if the timing with server communication fails ... Hard to reproduce as it's a concurrency thing.
And then it only can be re-activated by re-login or death.

A : I note.
Let Ulukyn go on.
Let's move on to the last topic.
Before the real last topic.
The storyline will resume its course and also bring new gameplay.
In terms of high level content, as it is the storyline I do not tell more.
But it will be necessary to hurry to have the best components for the best ephemeral enchantments.
And also fill ours pockets with combat potions that do not require you to sit down.
In short, the next patches will be mostly focused on content as you can see.
They will be spread out over the next few weeks and to make it easier for us.
Don't forget the ideas section, which we will try to keep updated and if you want to help, well,
Tamarea will tell you how.
Yes, indeed I will talk about recruitment !
Specifically for the Event, Support and Translation teams.
Event team :
We are looking for volunteers who want to help write event scripts, or who want to become actors by playing a character in the events we play.
The training is assured, and the entry in the acting is done very gradually to leave time to the recruit to take its marks.
Join us to benefit from this unique experience !
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at
Support team :
We are also looking for volunteers to join the support team to help players in various ways :
- Computer support : help to make the game work properly on Windows, Linux or Mac;
- Technical support : answering questions about the client's use and gameplay issues;
- Bug handling : help players facing a bug, check the bugs reported by the ticket system and then forward them to the Development team;
- Role of tester on the test server;
- Ensures that the rules of the game are respected;
- Moderation of discussion channels, forums and any other media used by Ryzom.
To learn more, please see this post : #2.
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at
Translation Team :
Finally, we are looking for volunteers to translate in-game texts and official announcements into English, German, Spanish, Russian, French, and to proofread texts in
these five languages.
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at
If you have any questions about recruitment, you can also contact me on chat.ryzom, I will be happy to answer them !
That was the last topic for today !
Thanks to all, and good game on Atys !

Edited 7 times | Last edited by Jadeyn (3 years ago)


Jadeyn | Senior Game Master | Polyglot/Multilingual
Ryzom Support Team
Last visit Tuesday, 11 March 04:56:23 UTC

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