

#22 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report - May 21st, 2018

[Player features added on Atys]: feedbacks

Ranger rite: feedbacks

Ranger new map & pathways: feedbacks

What do you think should be changed to improve and balance the gameplay ranger?

Do you think we should add a security zone to the tunnel entrances and exits, in order to align with the gameplay of the other factions?

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (7 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#23 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

[Added on Atys]: infos

  • Kizoar rite fix
  • Increase of password and account lenght
  • Fix a bug in patch system
  • Fix: Server read  again the right AI Data
  • For German Players: Fix the Text and Size of the First Univers Warning
  • Fix an issue adding an empty chat option when an item respawn on Atys

[In test]: infos

  • Kitin Dynamic Invasions : Prepare to face surprise kitin invasions!
  • Pocket World Creator
  • Marauder rite fix

[Work in progress]: infos

  • Marauder Gameplay fix & improvement
  • Addition of the first Dynamic City Event: What if a city official temporarily leaves his post to ask for your help? 


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#24 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (July 16th, 2018)

Date: monday, july 16th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting place: Atys, on Ryzomforge channel (/channel ryzomforge), or on chat. ryzom. com (channel #ryzomforge) for players who have already opened the channel ingame.

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.
Nature: informative and feedback meeting.
Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.

  • Nexus Reloaded project (presented by Ulukyn)
  • "New reward system & new rewards" (presented by Ulukyn)
  • Ranger Gameplay balance (news)
  • Ryzom Wiki (news)

Last edited by Tamarea (7 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#25 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report - July 16th, 2018


New reward system & new rewards

Ulukyn (Dev)
First I'll talk about the new wheel of fortune.
Our goal in redoing the wheel was not just to add new items (although there are); Our primary goal is to create a unique reward that is easy to give and then reward players.
Indeed, the current wheel is very badly made, not motivating, boring etc... So it has been completely redone with completely new mechanisms, a token system with several qualities (basic, fine, xl, sup) and especially rewards that can be either items or effects, Everything is possible.

The main new features are:
  • Quality tokens;
  • The possibility to increase your chances by playing several tokens at once (max 5);
  • The possibility to play 10 games in 1 click.
  • A dilemma or sometimes you will have to choose between better quality tokens or prizes won.
We wanted the wheel to be fun to play (because we hope it will be used often), fun, (we try to avoid bots by offering a simple way to play several games) and motivating (prizes will be put into play each month).
I will say no more, I let you discover all this very soon.

Q: Tomorrow?
A: We make the announcement, we add rewards that have just been given to us and it will be good for the launch.

Q: what about the old event rewards and archievements ?
A: rewards and achievements will be retained.
Old events rewards (ghosts, Atys points) are not tokens. The tokens of the wheel are not Atys Points. events may reward players in Atys Points (another name will be found for these points) or in tokens of the wheel, depending on the type of event.
It will be possible to get tokens with Atys Points, but not the other way around.

Last edited by Tamarea (7 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#26 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

"Nexus Reloaded" project

Ulukyn (Dev)
The following concerns the Game Design team freshly formed a few weeks ago.
We entrusted him with the task of working on the "Nexus Reloaded" project. This is a medium-term project that will restore interest in the area. First because there will be a camp of vile marauders very close and then because we will put back some lvl 200 sup (with a light different to what existed at the beginning)
We wanted to make the area interesting for players by giving it a larger PvP dimension.
Will have sup mats of each nation according to the season.

Q: It stays in PVP zone? And materials in different spots?
A: Full PVP. At the start we'll try half random, then fully random.
At the start we'll have spots and we'll mix the mats: where a season zun spawns on a spot, on other season could be sap.

Q: then the place there was zun amber could be another material spot?
R: Exactly!


Ulukyn (Dev)
However, adding extra and leaving the PVP zone will not be enough to make it THE conflict zone for all lovers of combat. That's why the GD team has made many proposals to add PVP gameplay. So much so that we had to sort them out and put several aside, all very interesting ideas.
The idea retained is that of the Drop Zones. We will make involving the players in 2 phases of playing. A long sentence where players will have to go periodically during short periods of games in the Nexus in order to make actions that will supply the Drop Zones of their choice with resources. Then a second phase, very short, when the players will have to recover these resources in order to gain points while the others will try to prevent them from them.
The idea of the two phases being to allow everyone to participate, either periodically, without forcing them to go there every day in the first place. And in a second time, as a punctual event, the motivated to go all to Nexus for an epic fight.
I can't say any more because the GD team is now working on the further design of each phase.

Last edited by Tamarea (7 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#27 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ranger Gameplay

Validated changes:
1. Auto-opening on the ranger map (destination lists page) to the end of a tunnel, so the player has only to click on the chosen destination.
So the ranger does not need anymore to reopen and search between 2 paths, only to click on the map and go.
  • => (already added on Atys)
2. Add the save zones to tunnel ends.
3. Reduce the HP damage and remove the die option if Path is found
4. Fix the unequipable pvp neutral items.

Q: will Almati be the Ranger camp ?
A: at Almati there is a Ranger Camp where you find all Important Ranger npcs.

Q: what about TP ? or direct path to the camp ?
A: We will think about and i am sure we will found a solution.

Q: When one dies one could resurect at the entrance of the nearest path?
A: You will only die by search and discover the pathes for the first time and then you will rez at a nearest Portal.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#28 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

Ryzom Wiki

Zoroargh (RF)
I'm merging the wiki Forge + Lore with the Encyclopatys, and I'm trying to harmonize the 5 languages (template, presentation and categorization).
it's a long-term job and I won't be done tomorrow, but I'd be happy to see you bring it all back to life.

You can link to other languages, and at the bottom to any main portal of the Encyclopatys.
it's the same in FR, EN, ES, DE and RU.
We can merge Lore in a specific portal, Forge too (in game portal) and Chronicles.

Q: There are translation issues but i think work is in progress?
A: yes, very needed. I can speak a bit in EN and ES I can guess DE and Read RU, but those last is really too hard for me.

Lerwarr : Thanks it will be usefull for a new player like me.
Tamarea : Thanks to this work, the Lorists will finally be able to easily publish Lore's articles (in addition to validating current requests.) !
Zorroargh: One very important thing: Please if you want to create an account, make my life easier by quoting your name and/or your role in Ryzom. I am obliged to be "severe" to avoid any hacker or bots intrusion

Q: What kind of resources do you need? Translators? Lorists? Take screenshots of mobs / plants... ?
R Zorroargh: probably translators.
Come for your "pleasure". This should not be turned into an additional task. You will see that there are many things to do and improve. Everyone can find his pleasure: improve templates, patrol, make beautiful pictures, translate, proofread... etc...

Ayann:  I'd say, A nice resources would be some advertisement through an in-game panel, for example. this would allow people not here but interested to know about the effort.
Teanwen: Ulukyn may be able to do it, if he allow external link to ingame webig. security issues incoming.

Q: What language are the resources mainly in?
R Z :Tthere are >2000 articles FR ; >500 EN ; >100DE and <100 ES+RU (in memory ladle).

Q: So, a system like wikipedia, with languages on a side panel would not be bad? To know if already translated or not, and if so, raw or not? To see the software used afterwards.
A Z : When a page is written in another language (and I have patrolled) there are small buttons with flags on the top right. There is no automaton possible: you have to patrol... 

Q: What if there's only one lanque available, you only display one flag?
A: Yes. It attracts attention.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#29 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (August 6th, 2018)

Date: monday, August 6th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting place: Atys, on Ryzomforge channel (/channel ryzomforge), or on chat. ryzom. com (channel #ryzomforge) for players who have already opened the channel ingame.

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.
Nature: informative and feedback meeting.
Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • August OOC events
  • Ryzom Wiki
  • New system rewards & New rewards
  • Ranger gameplay balance
  • Marauder gameplay fix & improvement
  • Exploit & bug fixes
  • Gameplay changes and improvements
  • Future content in test

Last edited by Tamarea (7 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#30 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

Ryzom Forge meeting report - August 6th, 2018

Ryzom Wiki

Zorroargh (RF) - 19:40 UTC
Lately, I've been working hard on the wiki with several objectives and I will give you as much as possible a brief overview of these missions and their progress.
First, data migration from Ryzom Forge and Ryzom Lore to the wikis of the five languages and Ryzom Commons. The project is progressing well: I have completed the migration of major pages like the "Fyros" ones.This is a time-consuming task but not so hard because the source information is the same for each language. Thus "Forge" and "Lore" are gradually taking their place in the global wiki.
But now I have another task. For those who don't know, the three original wikis (DE, EN and FR) have each evolved on their own. So I am setting up a system standardizing the templates and categories by trying not to favour one or the other language and not to alter the data of old or current users. I can say that we have reached a status that I think is fairly operational and welcoming for everyone: contributors and readers.
I was thinking of motivating players to use it by making this wiki a RP extension. I portrayed it as a library of researchers.
Here's my summary. I give Tamarea the talking stick.

Q: Zorroargh, do you have any pages to show us?
Yes. Here are some examples.As you can see, there are a lot of translations missing, both ways.

OOC Events

Tamarea (RT) - 20:15 UTC
We will be holding on a regular basis short OOC events throughout August, starting in a few days.
Examples of OOC events: find the thimble, mini-boss.
The rewards for attending will be new tokens to use in new Wheel of Fortune (that a patch will add next week). With these tokens, maybe you'll win one of the fabulous new prizes!

Q : What will happen with current tokens? Will there be a way to transform into new kind of tokens? Can we use our current tokens on new Wheel?
A :
Yes: the NPC will propose token conversion without commission.

Q : If it's an OOC event, where will the Marauders play the Wheel?
A :
The Marauders will have their own Wheel.

Q : While you are at it : can you make the NPC to exchange our ghost points too?
A :
Most points (Atys, Ghost, etc.) can be used to buy tokens for the Wheel, but this is only one option among others. Indeed, it is planned to add NPCs dedicated to the exchange of accumulated points against prizes (that's why the Dev Team has asked to stop points delivery until the reward system works).

Rewards: new system & new prizes

Tamarea (RT) - 20:36 UTC
Will be part of the patch next week:
  • New Wheel of Fortune (for all, including Marauders, in their Camp);
  • New prizes to win with the Wheel of Fortune: new mount, new companion, new plushes, wigs.
The OOC events mentioned above will probably start before the patch, so try to get your fill of tokens before the new Wheel arrives!

Rangers gameplay balance

Tamarea (RT) - 20:42 UTC
Following your feedback on the gameplay Ranger's current playability, we are balancing it. This will most certainly be done in several steps: the main modifications will be added during next week's patch, then adjusted if necessary during a subsequent patch (which may also contain new modifications if necessary).
  • Safety Zone Addition of "Safety Zones" at the extremities of the Ranger Paths.
  • Damage Significant decrease in the % risk that Rangers will suffer damage when they travel along a known Path and their map is up to date. If there is any damage, its % is also greatly decreased, and based on the current number of hit points, not the maximum one.
  • Access to Almati Wood The Almati Wood karavan transporter now sells teleportation pacts to the Rangers.
  • Faster Path travel Rangers no longer needs, to pursue their way, to reactivate their amber if they resume the Path they have just left. In addition, their map opens automatically so that they only have to click on the next destination.
  • Death on a Path Dying on a Path becomes impossible if the Path is known and the map up to date.
Bugs fixed by next week's patch:
  • Neutral PvP equipment can be worn again by Rangers.
  • Passage on the Paths impossible if the Ranger is invulnerable, PvP tagged, seated, swimming or riding mount.
Player requests under consideration :
  • Possibility for Rangers to respawn at entrances of the Paths.
  • After the one made in the Elusive Forest, change of position of a Path because of aggros in the Void region.
  • Other requests not listed here.
(Zorroargh points

Q: While the Rangers will no longer be able to, will the Marauders still be able to be teleported while swimming?
See next topic

Marauders gameplay fixes and improvements

Tamarea (RT) - 21:05 UTC
Added by next week's patch :
[*]Marauder Fame This is the prerequisite for the other improvements planned: the Marauder's fame is now displayed in the Fame window and automatically evolves according to the fame acquired from the various Civilizations and Powers
[*]Access to Almati Wood A new Marauder teleport is implanted in Almati Wood.
Bugs fixed by next week's patch:
  • Teleportation impossible if the Marauder is invulnerable, seated or swimming.
  • Fix of Marauder Rite (if completed on time).
There's still a lot of work to do on Marauder gameplay, we're only at the beginning. We have a long list of points to validate, correct, balance, improve and I will regularly report at Ryzom Forge meetings our progress on Marauder gameplay (as well as those on the game Ranger gameplay).
(Zorrargh points

Q: Since 40 Marauders left the game this year and only 10 players remain active in this Faction, couldn't we start with something less discouraging than these TP prohibitions?
This is a big bug that gives a gameplay advantage and it has to be fixed. So he will be.

Q : Don't you think that having additional TPs in three highly contested regions (Under Spring, Wastelands and Windy Gate) gives Marauders an unfair advantage?
None, but a debate (without conclusion) between the questioner and the bearer of the preceding question.

Exploit and bug fixes

Tamarea (RT) - 21:29 UTC
Fixes (and improvement) part of next week's patch:
  • Fix of several exploits.
  • Installer under Linux (no error 0 anymore). Already existing installations will update automatically.
  • Named Kiban "Naka" spawned too close to the Ancient Dryads tribe. So its spawn location has been moved 100m away.
  • Fix of crash when opening WebIG (Shift + W).
  • Mouse wheel now scroll target object instead of scrolling bar.
  • Fix of overlapping parts in UI windows Fame / Buy / Resell.
  • Fix of bad credit for self regen 26. WARNING : self regen action 26 costs now 260 credits instead of 250. Your already existing plans that so have now more costs than time credits [/b]will be auto deleted[/b] on your first login after the patch.
  • "Leave Silan" mission does not give two free TP pacts back to Silan anymore. Only one is given when the player finishes the Welcomer mission in a capital.
  • Lots of emotes now have an animation.


Tamarea (RT)
After next week's patch, the Kamis and Karavan altars of Almati Wood will sell teleportation pacts to everyone but Marauders.
Thus, all players will have direct access to Almati: Neutral, Rangers and Karavaniers via the Karavan altar, Kamists via the Kamis altar, and Marauders via a Zinuakeen.

It's already late (21:43 UTC) so I won't go into the last topic that was supposed to deal with the various improvements made by the next patch... But you'll find them on the patchnote.

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (7 years ago)


#31 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (August 20th, 2018)

Date: monday, August 20th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting place: Atys, on Ryzomforge channel (/channel ryzomforge), or on chat. ryzom. com (channel #ryzomforge) for players who have already opened the channel ingame.

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.
Nature: informative and feedback meeting.
Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • Ryzom Wiki: questions & answers
  • August OOC Events: feedbacks
  • Last patch: feedbacks
  • In development: infos

Last edited by Tamarea (7 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#32 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

Ryzom Forge meeting report - August 20th, 2018

Ryzom Wiki

Zorroargh (RF) - 19:37 UTC
First of all, I would like to say that Kervala found an email bug that prevented me from communicating with others and giving me the ability to create accounts. He fixed it in spite of the fact that he was busy full time with the Ryzom client. So the Encyclopatistes owe him a big thanks!
Now, as far as the Wiki is concerned, I continue to standardize structures while patrolling ("patrolling" is the term used in the wiki world to indicate that the content of articles is being examined).
And I am very happy to see that I am no longer alone: there are many Encyclopatysts (newcomers or old ones back) that are now helping to improve its content.
Q: Will obsolete information be archived?
Always! When the informations are still usable, I make merges, for example, or I tag the article by a "Old Lore" banner, etc. There are several ways to archive.

OOC Events

Tamarea (RT) - 19:53 UTC
What are your feedbacks and questions about the OOC events proposed this August?
Do you enjoy all four of them (mini Boss, race, dice and hide-&seek) alike?
Mostly positive feedback from those present and :
  • some worrying about the day of their end, Teanwen confirms that they will finish only with the month of August;
  • Tamarea specifies that these games are also offered during American Atysians' playing hours;
  • many are eager to risk the tokens earned at the new Wheel;
  • the exchange rate of former tokens is confirmed (1 for 1);
  • the idea of exchangeable tokens between players will be transmitted by Tamarea to the Team;
  • Teanwen will now try not to blow up the mines so close to the packers.

August 17 patch

Tamarea (RT) - 20:19 UTC
What are your feedback and questions about the latest patch applied?
Q: Where is the Wheel? Where are the prizes?
The wheel should be activated in a few days. We could activate it now, but I think you'll prefer it when she can give prizes!

Q: Can you explain how the Marauder fame brought by the patch works?
Marauder fame is special: if your fame with each of the other factions/nations is -50, your Marauder fame will be 50 and vice versa. But by completing Marauder missions you can push it, like the others, up to a maximum of 100 (in principle: a bug is still to be fixed).

Q: The frequency of "Please wait" has increased. Is an improvement in sight?
Developers are looking for the cause of the problem, but can't give any prognosis yet.

Post patch bugs

Tamarea (RT) - 20:45 UTC
Fixed bugs
  • Steam clients should be fixed since yesterday.
  • The too large size of an icon displayed in the Special bag has been fixed.
  • Objects are back in the apartments! (RyzHome)
  • Resale now works, except this: the code still needs to be updated so that players can also resell damaged PvP items, and that their new price reflects the degradation they have undergone.
Bugs to fix
  • Mac client on Apple Store We are waiting for Apple Store validation, and we hope for it to be available in 2 to 5 days.
  • Bugs in PvP shops Work is in progress.
  • Marauder TP Bugs It is impossible for Marauders to use a TP when they are dead, so no TP at the last crystal recharge needs to walk to Camp. No error message during a TP attempt under invulnerability.
  • Strange effect when changing jewelry or armor When equipping, for example a life boosted jewel instead of a concentration boosted jewel, all other jewelry equipped change boost but not quality. There is a similar effect with the armor. This will be fixed with the next client patch.
    The IG browser ignores style="text-decoration : none ;" for tags <a> (links). This problem will be fixed with the next client patch.

Ranger gameplay

Tamarea (RT) - 20:54 UTC
We are currently working on further improvements for the next patch:
  • Adding of Respawn Points for Rangers on all Pathways (including those in Prime Roots).
  • Adding of a Pathway to Midway Point.
  • Moving of capitals' Pathways closer to the TP of a Power.
Questions or feedbacks?
Q: Coming after the installation of the Safety Zones and the reduction of the damages undergone during the course of the Roads, don't you think that's too much? That it'll make the Ranger gameplay too easy?
No. It is still slower than using a Power's TP, but with these changes, the Ranger game will be more balanced and playable. At least that's the purpose of these two successive patches.

Closing (started projects)

Tamarea (RT) - 21:05 UTC
We are currently working on a new map for Marauders. This map will constitute a PvP area and a large Marauder camp (or city, or citadel - details unknown at the time, but you have the idea) will be set up there.
Thus the map of Atys will be completed with a new region, clearly designated as Marauder territory, visible by all.
This new region will be located near Nexus, for which we have a new project: Nexus reloaded (see 6#26 for more information).

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (7 years ago)


#33 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (September 10th, 2018)

Date: monday, September 10th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting place: Atys, on Ryzomforge channel (/channel ryzomforge), or on chat. ryzom. com (channel #ryzomforge) for players who have already opened the channel ingame.

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.
Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.
Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • Ryzom Wiki (infos, questions & answers)
  • Wheel of Fortune, tokens, Atys Points and rewards (infos, questions & answers)
  • Jena Year's Seasons (infos, questions & answers)
  • Purple Gubani event and future contamined cratcha boss (infos, questions & answers)

  • CSR recruitment is opened! (infos, questions & answers)

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#34 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

Ryzom Forge meeting report - September 10th, 2018

Ryzom Wiki

Zorroargh (RF) - 19:38 UTC
The wiki is reaching a good maturity in my opinion. I have more or less managed to see how to align the categories, templates, etc. between the different wikis, so that we can all talk about almost the same topics.
Well, it will still take me a long time!
As for the life of the wiki, I am happy to see that we have more and more very dynamic contributors…. Unfortunately, mainly in the FR group. I hope others will come (DE, EN, ES), because they are the ones who make the wiki live, not me.
Lastly, I was planning to create a RP meeting (in Almati Wood for instance) so that we could discuss the wiki freely and at length (excluding technical: content, look, etc.). Let me know by izam what you think, please.

Q: Do you need help with technical things on the wiki? Updating, extensions, etc.?
You are always welcome.

Q: In the past, I sent two password requests to help on the wiki with EN2DE translations, I never got an answer.
Yes, it is possible. We recently discovered a bug that caused replies not to be sent. I suggest you try again, but please give me your name and/or CV, something telling me that you are a member of Ryzom.

Q: Would a public channel on Rocket help you to communicate better?
Why not? The difficulty in RP is the mix of languages I would like to see there.... It slows down communication a lot. While in a forum, you take your time and ALL people see and can participate in the same place.

JYS, Wheel of Fortune Tokens and Prizes, Atys Points

Ulukyn (RT) - 20:07 UTC
The principle of the JYS (Jena Year Seasons) is to apply a patch of content at regular intervals, as it happens all the new years of Jena. Therefore, there will be additions every 2.5 months or so.
Among these additions will be, for sure, wigs, new zigs (small pets), plush toys and, why not, other mounts. As for wigs, the idea is first to make the hairstyles of other nations available, then to add new ones.
We will provide tutorials and have opened a bitbucket repository ( containing all the graphic additions we have made and will make. So we hope that more people will be able to participate.
But the JYS will also be an opportunity to implement new gameplay contents. Some are already under study and others will be soon.
As the JYS are set on the Atysian New Years, the next patch of this type will be applied in November or December (to be calculated). More information will be given to you later... Or maybe not, so as not to spoil your enjoyment of the surprise.

Wheel of Fortune Tokens
There will be basic ones to convert (one old against one new) and basic ones to buy (up to 500 per day).
Fine tokens will also be available for purchase, but at a variable price. Initially very high, their price will decrease over time but will increase with each purchase. This means that the more tokens players buy, the higher their price will be. Conversely, the less tokens players buy, the lower their price will be.
Tokens other than basic or fine tokens will not be available for purchase. But don't worry: little additions will allow you to regularly win tokens.

Wheel of Fortune Prizes
Each JYS, as you will have understood, will bring its own set of new prizes for the Wheel.
Not to mention special tokens given for OOC events such as Atysoël, Anlor Winn, etc. that will help you win no less special prizes.

Points Atys
As for Atys Points, it's more complicated. They will allow you to buy items that reward participation in events and we would like to reward players as fairly as possible.
But we would also also like the purchasing system to be nice: that one can't get everything too easily, but that those who don't participate much in events can buy what they like. And, of course, we have to imagine kind and funny rewards.
We have a lot of ideas (homina and homin dolls, for example), some of them really original, but like the Wheel of Fortune, we prefer to take the time to think things through.
So be patient! It will come. Especially since the tools for the sale are online and in the process of being debugged.

Q: Just a suggestion…. Maybe you could also make tokens a very rare drop off mobs so unaware players might just stumble upon them?
Good idea!

Purple Gubani and schedule of events

Tamarea (RT) - 21:03 UTC
Purple Gubani
The last part of the "Purple Gubani" sequence of events started at the Void, with Goo fumes modified so as not to penalize the gameplay (less lagss and much less damage).
The sequence will end with the introduction of a new contaminated Cratcha Boss.

Schedule of events
From now on, roleplay events will take place either on Friday or Sunday because these are the evenings when more players can participate.
They will be announced as far in advance as possible on the WebIG calendar, so that those who organize outpost battles can be informed of free evenings.
On the other days, OOC events (such as mini-bosses) may take place several times a month.
During the RL holiday periods, we will continue to offer permanent OOC events.

Q: Any news of the kitin invasions?

Tamarea (RT) - 21:10 UTC
A: Kitin invasions, different from the old ones, are under development, yes.
These will be dynamic events, i.e. the extent of an invasion will depend on how quickly you will deal with it.
It will be up to you to detect the spawn of domes disgorging kitins before it is too late!
I don't know yet if there will be Exterminators (the kitin bosses of the old invasions) among the invaders.
Other dynamic events are also in preparation. Example: A NPC in a city leaves her/his post to ask for help, and any player can agree to be of service to her/him.

Closing (CSR recruitment)

Tamarea (RT) - 21:22 UTC
The Support team is recruiting!
For more information, please see:

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (6 years ago)


#35 Multilingual 

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Ryzom Forge meeting (September 24th, 2018)

Date: monday, September 24th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting place: Atys, on Ryzomforge channel (/channel ryzomforge), or on chat. ryzom. com (channel #ryzomforge) for players who have already opened the channel ingame.

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.
Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.
Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • Status of projects (by Dev Ulukyn): creation of maps, wheel of fortune, boss in a box, Game Design Team projects (Outpost refactoring, Nexus reload, ranged weapons)
  • Graphics repository
  • Ryzom Wiki
  • Recruitment


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#36 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

Ryzom Forge meeting report - September 24th, 2018

Review of last night's problems

Ulukyn (RT) - 19:34
RyzomChat went crazy and started slowing down all our internal tools. So I migrated the infrastructure from Apache alone to Nginx+Apache.
This resulted in a bug in a script that filled the server with log files.... And when the server is full, nothing goes right.
Everything has now returned (or is expected to return soon) to normal.

Q: Did the server attack itself by denial of service (DoS)?
No, there has been no DoS, but Apache manages several simultaneous connections, frequent on RyzomChat, less efficiently than Nginx.

Q: Is that why Ryzomchat is not working well right now?
Yes, switching from Apache to Nginx+Apache has probably created problems with some players' sessions. We'll wait until tomorrow, the night will probably kill the current sessions.

Q: It is to be feared that the wiki has also suffered major disruptions.... How can we get in touch with you if other problems appear there?
To contact me, use RyzomChat.

New map

Ulukyn (RT) & Revvy (RF) - 19:42
The project that was the ultimate goal of Team Ryzom when it was created, adding a new map, is now complete.
We were able to add an extension to the Nexus map, an island that will be connected to it by vortices.
The card is 100% functional. This means that all its elements (fog sheets, collisions, map of the region, etc.) are well connected.

Q: This region was already "present" on Atys. But will you be able to create an area from scratch and add it?
It has already been done. I had already added region maps generated by Nevrax, here I added internally generated maps. By mixing the two types of cards everything is possible. So the area is ready and we will furnish it thanks to the Scenographic Editor. This will be the first time we will have a "handy" tool to add physical content to the game, instead of having to put objects in a 2D map in the hope of getting it right.

Q: Will the region have a theme?
The main part will be a Marauders' City, attached to the Nexus, as an extension. Because it is part of the Marauder Camp relocation project.
The process that allowed its creation can be used for future projects on Atys and will be open to non-developers. That is, it will not be necessary to have development skills to be able to create a map and fill it with objects and creatures.

Q: What do you mean? How will you decide who designs and who furnishes?
The project team, composed of developers, ARKitects, lorists, players, etc., will decide on that.

Q: Does this mean that if you receive proposals of interesting maps from players, they could be added?
Yes, our decision-making processes often take into account players' ideas (after all, all of us in the Team are players).

Q: Will there be a dedicated team for this? Or will existing teams be in charge of it?
There is already a team that deals with the whole Marauder gameplay and therefore also with the City (although, regarding this one, it is mainly a question of adjustment).

Q: How can one join the said team?
You have to apply, as for all the other teams.

Q: Do we know, more or less, when this new region will be online?
Not yet.

Wheel of the Fortunate Gubani

Ulukyn (RT) - 20:11
I didn't have the time to add the excellent tokens.
As for supreme tokens, it will be for later (they are special): a bit of patience then!
The titles are operational (in theory) and the Bymgo grid will be repaired, if possible, as soon as the meeting over.

Boss in the Box

Ulukyn & Teanwen (RT) - 20:13
This is a project that will use the Pocket Worlds system and the Scenographic Editor.
The idea is to open an area in one of the Ring Islands where the Bosses can be fought with strategies as crazy and varied as their creator (the same genius who animates the mini Bosses).

Q: Will there be any rewards?
Yes, loots including new raw materials for crafts.

Q: Will the areas be instances, as is Dante's Peak?
Bosses in the Box are instances like Dante, but are not restricted to the "NPC Marauders" type.

Q: Does this mean that unless you are in a league you cannot enter the area and that if you enter it it will be closed for players out of the league?
Yes, an instance will only be accessible to the first person to enter it and to those in her/his league.

Q: Will Bosses in the Box replace current Bosses ?
Yes, in time the "ordinary" Bosses (which are just very powerful creatures guarded by ordinary creatures) of today will be replaced by these Bosses in Box. However, the way to find them them will remain close to the current "check", with a larger proportion of random.

Q: Will it be necessary to check the instance only? Or will there be specific places to check?
There will be both check points and random spawning points.

Q: Does this mean that it will be enough to "camp" (to stay in front of the instance in order to forbid others to enter it) to kill a Boss in the Box?
Camping will have no efficiency: the word "random" is important. These are not static "pops" like Dante, but random "pops".

Q: Is there not a risk, with these instances, of further reducing the opportunities for PvP, the competition for Bosses and the interactions ( aggressives or not) between players, thus discouraging a bit more the rare players who practice (and like) PvP gaming on Atys?
As far as interactions between players are concerned, they are rather the source of many tickets (for "Boss robbery") than of pleasure.... We had nothing to do with this.... We therefore prefer to bring healthier challenges. But no less difficult: I can tell you that you will really have to do your damnedest to kill these Bosses in the Box.
PvP fans will undoubtedly find pleasure in searching for the tactics and equipment needed to defeat the Bosses in the Box. Moreover, Bosses in the PvP zone will remain, in addition to those in instances, because they fit perfectly with a logical game mechanism. What we want to stop is a game mechanism that makes the rules of the Code of Conduct inapplicable.
Finally, you should know that the overall project consists in two stages: the first consists in the creation of new Bosses (Bosses in the Box, so) provided with new strategies and dropping new loots, the second will aim to provide existing Bosses with new strategies and migrate them, possibly, into instances. Given the work still required to complete the first stage, the second stage will not be started any time soon.

Q: Are Bosses in the Box of lower levels planned too? Or will new players be excluded?
Yes, all formats (from 50 to 250) are planned.

Q: Thus there will be new loots that large guilds, although mostly passive, will be able to acquire by the power of numbers (vast leagues of half AFK players to kill a Boss in the Box when fewer would be enough) to store them forever in their Guild Halls... Don't you think that those players who accumulate materials they never use because they don't participate in the most difficult actions of the game are a problem?

Nexus Reloaded

Ulukyn (RT) - 20:47
The purpose of this project, led by the Game Design Team, is to restore value to the Nexus, thanks to a PvP zone and gameplay of which it would be the heart.
It will be an opportunity to bring something new to the items, but also to have regular opportunities for players to compete against each other.
It is a complex project because it must be able to attract players who are not familiar with PvP, without adding a constraint to this style of play..
To be continued, then: I think we will have a proposal to submit very soon.

Redesign of the mechanics of the Outpost Wars

Ulukyn (RT) & Revvy (RF) - 20:57
The Game Design Team's validation of this project was obtained in a single evening, and everyone is excited to see the changes in game.
Initially the duration of the attacks will be reduced to one hour to match more closely with the players' connection possibilities.
The cost of declarations of war will be considerably reduced (or even modified for a system excluding dappers) in order to encourage their multiplication. However, multiple declarations (for several simultaneous attacks) will be more expensive.
There will no longer be a defence phase, which is considered constraining and penalizing for the dynamics of the outposts (the original project aimed at more frequent ownership changes than at present).
Finally, the materials produced by the Outposts will be randomly redistributed each new year of Jena and their quality will no longer depend on the level of the Outpost. The mechanics have not yet been precisely defined, but the goal is to enable, for example, a Level 50 Outpost to produce (albeit in smaller quantities and at a higher drilling cost) 250-quality materials.
We are also considering having the Outposts attacked by tribes or others.
With such changes, a guild, even an average one, of a weaker faction, will be able to attack an outpost and obtain good quality materials... at least for a while.

Q: Would it be possible to have the outposts attacked by bandits rather than tribes so that their defence by the Rangers could be justified? And guilds to rent the services of mercenary NPCs for the duration of an Outpost attack? And for players to assist tribes or bandits in their Outpost attacks?
Yes, bandits, kitins, Marauders, Mithian solo (!), etc., everything is possible. And it's also possible that we would mix it all up.

Q: Won't the removal of the possibility of simultaneous attacks make the strategy poorer?
No doubt, but simultaneous attacks are still possible, they are simply more expensive than single ones, and will probably require the participation of several guilds.

Range weapons

Ulukyn (RT) - 21:16
Finally, the latest project under study (and under test) concerns remote weapons (which, as you may know, are not yet completed - bad balancing, useless ammunition stats).
All this sounds like a great deal of work, but I would like to remind you that each project is studied and then carried out by the most competent people in separate teams and that some require only one person (such as the one regarding the Outposts, where I am the only one in charge of changes). So we always have projects in progress and projects under study at the same time.


Tamarea (RT) - 21:24
A quick word first about the graphic repository of Ryzom Forge: it has been moved to the Ryzom bitbucket:
And finally the last but important topic. Recruitment is open: Event, Computer Graphics, Support, Game Design, Level Design, Translation, Test, Comm-Marketing, Dev, Ark.... If you want to help us and be part of a project, join a team! Send an email to and be aware that signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement is only required to join Event or Support teams.

Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)


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