#210 Añadido por Jorgensen 4 años hace
Última edición por Jorgensen (4 años hace)
#211 Añadido por Moniq 4 años hace
#212 Añadido por Elke 4 años hace
#213 Añadido por Tykus 4 años hace
AgendaNew launcher
Última edición por Tykus (4 años hace)
#214 Añadido por Liostabezephy 4 años hace
We have noticed that the current launcher ( ryzom_installer .exe) has some difficulties with patches [...]. So Ulukyn has coded a new one that should fix all these problems. It will allow you to import your profiles from the old one and to install in 2 clicks the test servers if needed. It will also allow you to create profiles for each of your accounts, which will be able to connect automatically, as shortcuts. The launcher is the software that launches before the game. It allows you to manage the servers and the patches, then the game will launch without any problem.
Última edición por Maupas (4 años hace) | Razón: Fixing displays of EN version
#215 Añadido por Tykus 4 años hace
AgendaNew launcherBoss refactoringStoryline et eventsRecruitment
#216 Añadido por Nilstilar 4 años hace
This page of the Ryzom Wiki lists the activities of the Ryzom team in 2020 :https://en.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Ryzom_Team_Activity_2020It remains to be completed but thanks to the members of the Wiki group, who created it.NB • The link is given for information so that you can read the page… later: the list is a long one!
Windows, Linux and Mac versions of the new launcher and installer are in test.We are looking for a maximum of volunteers to test this new launcher with the maximum of Windows, Linux and Mac versions.The testers will not have to uninstall the game but just connect to Atys via this new launcher and check that the updates are done correctly.Those who use different profiles on the current launcher will also be able to check that they appear on the new one.If some of them wish, they can also test the installation of the game via the launcher. Please make sure to back up your data before doing so. If you make a new installation next to the one you usually use, please allow 8 GB of free space.If you wish to help with these tests, please contact Tamarea on chat.ryzom.com or by email at tamarea@ryzom.com.
Icons, user interface textures and all Atys maps have been enlarged by IA to get an improved HD version.This improvement, currently under test, will be added in-game in the next patch.
For those who are not familiar with this project, it is detailed in the (FR) document available at this address:https://cloud.ryzom.com/s/Nbfndk8YacDJwBG et qui sera publié sous peu sur le forum.Latest developments :- all the new spots of Boss' pop have been added ;- all new Bosses and the loots they drop have been created and their translations are under testing.
The live events (scripted ones) resume at the rate of one per week.Regarding the Storyline, the end of episode 1 is approaching and the beginning of episode 2 is coming soon!
We are now focusing on recruiting volunteer testers. We have several additions under test (launcher, Boss refactoring...) and in order for them to come quickly into play, we need more testers.If you are interested in joining the testing team, contact Tamarea on chat.ryzom.com or by email at tamarea@ryzom.com.
Última edición por Nilstilar (4 años hace)
#217 Añadido por Tamarea 4 años hace
AgendaInformation about the new launcherFeedback on the last patchRefugee Days (Easter OOC events)News of the volunteer team (Ryzom Team)
Última edición por Tamarea (4 años hace)
#218 Añadido por Nilstilar 4 años hace
The new launcher/installer having already been presented during the previous Ryzom Forge meetings, I won't dwell on it and I just want to give you here a small state of play and progress about it.• As far as Windows is concerned, several big annoying bugs have been fixed, but a major one remains. After its correction (and if no other big bug is discovered by then), we will be able, I think, to propose the launcher in beta test to more players.• As far as Linux is concerned, nothing special to report. But as this OS has a lot of versions, note that the untested ones are probably numerous too.• As far as macOS is concerned, it is the least tested OS at the moment. So we have called again for testers who use it regularly and if some here want to join the ongoing tests, they are welcome, especially if they use its older versions.So we are quite close to a release for beta testers (to whom it is recommended to save their data before starting the test... you never know). But we can't specify today the date of this release, since, among other things, the decision to localize or not the interface in the five languages before the beta test is not yet taken.
What are your feedbacks (opinions and suggestions) on the new features and improvements brought by the patch applied on February 11th (see here for its features)?For those who can't see the link above, the patch in question was about : • Updated textures • Marauders Fame • Improvements • Updates with Integrated auto-translation (DeepL) • The Course • Marauder gameplay • Test OP at the Nexus
The OOC events for the Refugee Days (Easter events) will take place from Friday, March 26th to Monday, April 12th.Details will, as usual, be posted on the forum beforehand.
First of all, I would like to thank all the volunteers of the Ryzom team who, by giving their time and energy, by bringing their ideas and their dynamism, contribute daily to the life and progress of this game that we all hold dear. THANK YOU!• As for gameplay, this year the team's goal is to finish the projects underway and implement long promised features, without neglecting the Storyline, which will bring new content. We also plan to rework Silan a bit in order to better guide new players on this tutorial island.• As for roleplay, we will continue to offer regular events, at the rate of one per week, whether or not related to the Storyline.• De plus, suite aux retours des testeurs, le mode de fonctionnement de l'équipe de test est en cours de révision avec la mise en place d'une organisation plus structurée et plus simple.• Lastly, in order to facilitate the work of volunteers, the Devs are creating or updating various internal tools : – a tool for CSRs, including a new ticket system; – a tool for testers to simplify their task; – a tool for translators to facilitate translations and corrections of in-game text; – a tool for communication (broadcasts, announcements on the WebIG).I leave the floor to those who want to react on this subject.
Editado 5 veces | Última edición por Nilstilar (4 años hace) | Razón: Closing hour
#219 Añadido por Tamarea 4 años hace
#220 Añadido por Tamarea 4 años hace
Agenda[Feedback] Your opinion about the Refugee Days OOC events[Information] Progress of ongoing projects: new launcher, marauder gameplay, OP refactoring, AIS changes
#221 Añadido por Nilstilar 4 años hace
The Refugees' Day events have just ended, so we would like to get your feedback on them.What did you like about these events? What do you think could be improved?
Fearing that a later addition would be problematic, we have wanted to take the time to add functionality to Ryztart before its release.To wit: Ryztart now allows you to log in with your account name and password without having to enter them when launching the game and it will automatically retrieve the list of your characters and that of the servers (Atys, Yubo and/or Gingo) your account is granted access.The objective of this addition being to make the launcher more secure, most of the work was to design a system that avoids having to store account name and password on the computer. Thus, Ryztart now only stores a token, which allows, and allows only, the connection to the game. Ryztart can also create shortcuts on your desktop for your characters that, too, do not contain either the account name or the password. Last, these shortcuts or Ryztart itself can launch the connection of a character without going through the "Character selection" step. (NB: this is already possible for those who know what parameters to provide to the current launcher).
We've strated the work on the outpost battles refactoring project.As some may have noticed, four outposts have popped in the Nexus, of four different "levels" (100, 150, 200 and 250).Their names suggest that they are not "like the others" and will not function in the same way at all. In fact, their ways of working will evolve following the avancement of the refactoring project.At first, their conquest will be the object of GvE battles (a single guild fighting the NPCs defending the outpost), none of them will be owned by a guild (nor will they host any drill). That in order to test the impact of the projected shortening of the battle duration (from two hours to one) in the best conditions.
This enigmatic wording actually refers to the additions made to the server to improve the artificial intelligence (AIS) that is managing the actions and abilities of the creatures and NPCs evolving within it.These additions, I'm sorry to have to tell you, have given ideas to our dear Teanwen which will make you sweat a lot.. For they result notably in the extension to the NPCs involved in punctual events of certain abilities until now specific to outpost NPCs: launchers, bombs, healing, etc. Thus, as she was in the past, Teanwen will again be in charge of designing and driving animations and events where players will have to fight "mini-bosses" able, this time, to use a launcher, to heal themselves, to throw bombs or gas...These mini-boss events will be announced in advance by in-game broadcast. Note that the AIS modifications have greatly increased the technical possibilities: be prepared, therefore, for many surprises during these little events!
#222 Añadido por Sinvaders 4 años hace
#223 Añadido por Nilstilar 4 años hace
#224 Añadido por Tamarea 4 años hace
Agenda[Presentation] Ryzom's marketing plan: increase player loyalty[Presentation] Silan Refactoring project
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