#21 Добавлено Agan 7 лет назад
#22 Добавлено Tamarea 7 лет назад
Ranger rite: feedbacks
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (7 лет назад)
#23 Добавлено Tamarea 7 лет назад
#24 Добавлено Tamarea 7 лет назад
Ryzom Forge meeting (July 16th, 2018)
Date: monday, july 16th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)
AgendaNexus Reloaded project (presented by Ulukyn)"New reward system & new rewards" (presented by Ulukyn)Ranger Gameplay balance (news)Ryzom Wiki (news)
Last edited by Tamarea (7 лет назад)
#25 Добавлено Tamarea 7 лет назад
First I'll talk about the new wheel of fortune.Our goal in redoing the wheel was not just to add new items (although there are); Our primary goal is to create a unique reward that is easy to give and then reward players.Indeed, the current wheel is very badly made, not motivating, boring etc... So it has been completely redone with completely new mechanisms, a token system with several qualities (basic, fine, xl, sup) and especially rewards that can be either items or effects, Everything is possible.The main new features are:Quality tokens;The possibility to increase your chances by playing several tokens at once (max 5);The possibility to play 10 games in 1 click.A dilemma or sometimes you will have to choose between better quality tokens or prizes won.We wanted the wheel to be fun to play (because we hope it will be used often), fun, (we try to avoid bots by offering a simple way to play several games) and motivating (prizes will be put into play each month).I will say no more, I let you discover all this very soon.
#26 Добавлено Tamarea 7 лет назад
The following concerns the Game Design team freshly formed a few weeks ago.We entrusted him with the task of working on the "Nexus Reloaded" project. This is a medium-term project that will restore interest in the area. First because there will be a camp of vile marauders very close and then because we will put back some lvl 200 sup (with a light different to what existed at the beginning)We wanted to make the area interesting for players by giving it a larger PvP dimension.Will have sup mats of each nation according to the season.Q: It stays in PVP zone? And materials in different spots?A: Full PVP. At the start we'll try half random, then fully random.At the start we'll have spots and we'll mix the mats: where a season zun spawns on a spot, on other season could be sap.
However, adding extra and leaving the PVP zone will not be enough to make it THE conflict zone for all lovers of combat. That's why the GD team has made many proposals to add PVP gameplay. So much so that we had to sort them out and put several aside, all very interesting ideas.The idea retained is that of the Drop Zones. We will make involving the players in 2 phases of playing. A long sentence where players will have to go periodically during short periods of games in the Nexus in order to make actions that will supply the Drop Zones of their choice with resources. Then a second phase, very short, when the players will have to recover these resources in order to gain points while the others will try to prevent them from them.The idea of the two phases being to allow everyone to participate, either periodically, without forcing them to go there every day in the first place. And in a second time, as a punctual event, the motivated to go all to Nexus for an epic fight.I can't say any more because the GD team is now working on the further design of each phase.
#27 Добавлено Tamarea 7 лет назад
#28 Добавлено Tamarea 7 лет назад
I'm merging the wiki Forge + Lore with the Encyclopatys, and I'm trying to harmonize the 5 languages (template, presentation and categorization).it's a long-term job and I won't be done tomorrow, but I'd be happy to see you bring it all back to life.Ex: https://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Portail:FauneYou can link to other languages, and at the bottom to any main portal of the Encyclopatys.it's the same in FR, EN, ES, DE and RU.We can merge Lore in a specific portal, Forge too (in game portal) and Chronicles.
#29 Добавлено Tamarea 7 лет назад
Ryzom Forge meeting (August 6th, 2018)
Date: monday, August 6th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)
AgendaAugust OOC eventsRyzom WikiNew system rewards & New rewardsRanger gameplay balanceMarauder gameplay fix & improvementExploit & bug fixesGameplay changes and improvementsFuture content in test
#30 Добавлено Nilstilar 7 лет назад
Lately, I've been working hard on the wiki with several objectives and I will give you as much as possible a brief overview of these missions and their progress.First, data migration from Ryzom Forge and Ryzom Lore to the wikis of the five languages and Ryzom Commons. The project is progressing well: I have completed the migration of major pages like the "Fyros" ones.This is a time-consuming task but not so hard because the source information is the same for each language. Thus "Forge" and "Lore" are gradually taking their place in the global wiki.But now I have another task. For those who don't know, the three original wikis (DE, EN and FR) have each evolved on their own. So I am setting up a system standardizing the templates and categories by trying not to favour one or the other language and not to alter the data of old or current users. I can say that we have reached a status that I think is fairly operational and welcoming for everyone: contributors and readers.I was thinking of motivating players to use it by making this wiki a RP extension. I portrayed it as a library of researchers.Here's my summary. I give Tamarea the talking stick.
We will be holding on a regular basis short OOC events throughout August, starting in a few days.Examples of OOC events: find the thimble, mini-boss.The rewards for attending will be new tokens to use in new Wheel of Fortune (that a patch will add next week). With these tokens, maybe you'll win one of the fabulous new prizes!
Will be part of the patch next week:New Wheel of Fortune (for all, including Marauders, in their Camp);New prizes to win with the Wheel of Fortune: new mount, new companion, new plushes, wigs.The OOC events mentioned above will probably start before the patch, so try to get your fill of tokens before the new Wheel arrives!
Following your feedback on the gameplay Ranger's current playability, we are balancing it. This will most certainly be done in several steps: the main modifications will be added during next week's patch, then adjusted if necessary during a subsequent patch (which may also contain new modifications if necessary).Safety Zone Addition of "Safety Zones" at the extremities of the Ranger Paths.Damage Significant decrease in the % risk that Rangers will suffer damage when they travel along a known Path and their map is up to date. If there is any damage, its % is also greatly decreased, and based on the current number of hit points, not the maximum one.Access to Almati Wood The Almati Wood karavan transporter now sells teleportation pacts to the Rangers.Faster Path travel Rangers no longer needs, to pursue their way, to reactivate their amber if they resume the Path they have just left. In addition, their map opens automatically so that they only have to click on the next destination.Death on a Path Dying on a Path becomes impossible if the Path is known and the map up to date.Bugs fixed by next week's patch:Neutral PvP equipment can be worn again by Rangers.Passage on the Paths impossible if the Ranger is invulnerable, PvP tagged, seated, swimming or riding mount.Player requests under consideration :Possibility for Rangers to respawn at entrances of the Paths.After the one made in the Elusive Forest, change of position of a Path because of aggros in the Void region.Other requests not listed here.(Zorroargh points https://en.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Portal:Rangers.)
Added by next week's patch :[list][*]Marauder Fame This is the prerequisite for the other improvements planned: the Marauder's fame is now displayed in the Fame window and automatically evolves according to the fame acquired from the various Civilizations and Powers[*]Access to Almati Wood A new Marauder teleport is implanted in Almati Wood.Bugs fixed by next week's patch:Teleportation impossible if the Marauder is invulnerable, seated or swimming.Fix of Marauder Rite (if completed on time).There's still a lot of work to do on Marauder gameplay, we're only at the beginning. We have a long list of points to validate, correct, balance, improve and I will regularly report at Ryzom Forge meetings our progress on Marauder gameplay (as well as those on the game Ranger gameplay).(Zorrargh points https://en.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Portal:Marauders.)
Fixes (and improvement) part of next week's patch:Fix of several exploits.Installer under Linux (no error 0 anymore). Already existing installations will update automatically.Named Kiban "Naka" spawned too close to the Ancient Dryads tribe. So its spawn location has been moved 100m away.Fix of crash when opening WebIG (Shift + W).Mouse wheel now scroll target object instead of scrolling bar.Fix of overlapping parts in UI windows Fame / Buy / Resell.Fix of bad credit for self regen 26. WARNING : self regen action 26 costs now 260 credits instead of 250. Your already existing plans that so have now more costs than time credits [/b]will be auto deleted[/b] on your first login after the patch."Leave Silan" mission does not give two free TP pacts back to Silan anymore. Only one is given when the player finishes the Welcomer mission in a capital.Lots of emotes now have an animation.
After next week's patch, the Kamis and Karavan altars of Almati Wood will sell teleportation pacts to everyone but Marauders.Thus, all players will have direct access to Almati: Neutral, Rangers and Karavaniers via the Karavan altar, Kamists via the Kamis altar, and Marauders via a Zinuakeen.It's already late (21:43 UTC) so I won't go into the last topic that was supposed to deal with the various improvements made by the next patch... But you'll find them on the patchnote.
Edited 5 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (7 лет назад)
#31 Добавлено Tamarea 6 лет назад
Ryzom Forge meeting (August 20th, 2018)
Date: monday, August 20th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)
AgendaRyzom Wiki: questions & answersAugust OOC Events: feedbacksLast patch: feedbacksIn development: infos
Last edited by Tamarea (6 лет назад)
#32 Добавлено Nilstilar 6 лет назад
First of all, I would like to say that Kervala found an email bug that prevented me from communicating with others and giving me the ability to create accounts. He fixed it in spite of the fact that he was busy full time with the Ryzom client. So the Encyclopatistes owe him a big thanks!Now, as far as the Wiki is concerned, I continue to standardize structures while patrolling ("patrolling" is the term used in the wiki world to indicate that the content of articles is being examined).And I am very happy to see that I am no longer alone: there are many Encyclopatysts (newcomers or old ones back) that are now helping to improve its content.
What are your feedbacks and questions about the OOC events proposed this August?Do you enjoy all four of them (mini Boss, race, dice and hide-&seek) alike?
What are your feedback and questions about the latest patch applied?
Fixed bugsSteam clients should be fixed since yesterday.The too large size of an icon displayed in the Special bag has been fixed.Objects are back in the apartments! (RyzHome)Resale now works, except this: the code still needs to be updated so that players can also resell damaged PvP items, and that their new price reflects the degradation they have undergone.Bugs to fixMac client on Apple Store We are waiting for Apple Store validation, and we hope for it to be available in 2 to 5 days.Bugs in PvP shops Work is in progress.Marauder TP Bugs It is impossible for Marauders to use a TP when they are dead, so no TP at the last crystal recharge needs to walk to Camp. No error message during a TP attempt under invulnerability.Strange effect when changing jewelry or armor When equipping, for example a life boosted jewel instead of a concentration boosted jewel, all other jewelry equipped change boost but not quality. There is a similar effect with the armor. This will be fixed with the next client patch.The IG browser ignores style="text-decoration : none ;" for tags <a> (links). This problem will be fixed with the next client patch.
We are currently working on further improvements for the next patch:Adding of Respawn Points for Rangers on all Pathways (including those in Prime Roots).Adding of a Pathway to Midway Point.Moving of capitals' Pathways closer to the TP of a Power.Questions or feedbacks?
We are currently working on a new map for Marauders. This map will constitute a PvP area and a large Marauder camp (or city, or citadel - details unknown at the time, but you have the idea) will be set up there.Thus the map of Atys will be completed with a new region, clearly designated as Marauder territory, visible by all.This new region will be located near Nexus, for which we have a new project: Nexus reloaded (see https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/28116/2 6#26 for more information).
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (6 лет назад)
#33 Добавлено Tamarea 6 лет назад
Date: monday, September 10th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)
AgendaRyzom Wiki (infos, questions & answers)Wheel of Fortune, tokens, Atys Points and rewards (infos, questions & answers)Jena Year's Seasons (infos, questions & answers)Purple Gubani event and future contamined cratcha boss (infos, questions & answers)CSR recruitment is opened! (infos, questions & answers)
Purple Gubani event and future contamined cratcha boss (infos, questions & answers)
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Tamarea (6 лет назад)
#34 Добавлено Nilstilar 6 лет назад
Le wiki arrive à une bonne maturité à mon avis. J'ai à peu près réussi à voir comment aligner les catégories, les modèles, etc. entre les différents wikis, pour que l'on parle à peu près tous des même sujets.Bon, j'en aurai encore pour un long moment !Pour ce qui est de la vie du wiki, je suis heureux de voir que nous avons de plus en plus de contributeurs très dynamiques… Malheureusement, principalement dans le groupe FR. J'espère que d'autres viendront (DE, EN, ES), parce que ce qui fait vivre le wiki ce sont eux, pas moi.Enfin, je pensais créer une réunion RP (par exemple au Bois d'Almati) pour que l'on puisse discuter librement et longuement du wiki (hors technique : contenu, look, etc.). Faites-moi savoir par izam ce que vous en pensez, s'il vous plaît.
JYSLe principe des JYS (Jena Year Seasons) c'est d'appliquer un patch de contenu à intervalles réguliers, là pour le coup lors de chaque nouvelle année de Jena. Il y aura donc des ajouts tous les 2 mois et demi environ.Parmi ces ajouts il y aura, pour sûr, des perruques, de nouveaux zigs (petits animaux de compagnie), des peluches et, pourquoi pas, d'autres montures.S'agissant des perruques, l'idée est d'abord de rendre disponibles les coiffures des autres nations, puis d'en ajouter de nouvelles.Nous mettrons à disposition des tutoriels et avons ouvert un dépôt bitbucket (https://bitbucket.org/ryzom/ryzomdatas) contenant tous les ajouts graphiques que nous avons fait et ferons. Ainsi nous espérons que plus de personnes pourront participer.Mais les JYS seront également l'occasion de mettre en place de nouveaux contenus à jouer. Certains sont déjà à l'étude et d'autres le seront prochainement.Les JYS étant calés sur les Jours de l'an atysiens, le prochain patch de ce type sera appliqué en novembre ou décembre (à calculer). Plus d'informations vous seront données ultérieurement... Ou pas, afin de ne pas vous gâcher le plaisir de la surprise.Jetons de la Roue de la FortuneIl y aura des jetons basiques à convertir (un ancien contre un nouveau) et à acheter (dans la limite de 500 par jour).Les jetons fins seront aussi achetables, mais à un prix variable. Au départ très élevé, leur prix baissera avec le temps mais augmentera à chaque achat. Cela veut dire que plus les joueurs achèteront de jetons, plus leur prix augmentera. Inversement, moins les joueurs en achèteront, plus leur prix sera bas.Les jetons autres que basiques ou fins ne seront pas achetables. Mais ne vous en faites pas : des petits ajouts vous permettront de gagner régulièrement des jetons.Lots de la Roue de la FortuneChaque JYS, vous l'aurez compris, apportera sa part de nouveaux lots pour la Roue.Sans oublier des jetons spéciaux donnés lors des events HRP comme Atysoël, Anlor Winn, etc. qui vous feront gagner des lots non moins spéciaux.Points AtysPour ce qui est des Points Atys, c'est plus compliqué. Ils permettront d'acheter des objets récompensant la participation aux events et nous voudrions récompenser les joueurs le plus justement possible.Mais aussi que le système d'achat soit sympa : qu'on ne puisse pas tout obtenir trop facilement, mais que ceux qui participent peu aux events puissent acheter ce qui leur plaît. Et, bien sûr, il faut imaginer des récompenses sympas et drôles.On a pas mal d'idées (poupées d'homines et homins, par exemple), certaines vraiment originales, mais comme pour la Roue de la Fortune, nous préférons prendre le temps de bien penser les choses.Donc patience ! Ça viendra. D'autant que les outils pour la mise en vente sont en ligne et en cours de deboguage.
Le Gubani PourpreLa dernière partie de la séquence d'évènements « Gubani Pourpre » a commencé au Vide, avec des vapeurs de Goo modifiées afin de ne pas pénaliser les joueurs dans leurs actions (moins de ralentissements et beaucoup moins de dégâts).La séquence se soldera par l'introduction d'un nouveau Roi Cratcha contaminé.Calendrier des évènementsDésormais, les évènements RP auront lieu soit le vendredi, soit le dimanche car ce sont les soirs où un plus grand nombre de joueurs peuvent participer.Ils seront annoncés le plus longtemps possible à l'avance sur le calendrier du WebIG, afin que ceux qui organisent des batailles d'avant-poste puissent avoir connaissance des soirs libres.Les autres jours, pourront avoir lieu des events HRP (tels que des mini-rois), à raison de plusieurs fois par mois.Durant les périodes de fêtes IRL, nous continueront à proposer des events HRP permanents.
R : Des invasions kitines, différentes des anciennes, sont en cours de développement, oui.Ce seront des évènements dynamiques, c'est à dire que l'importance d'une invasion dépendra de votre rapidité à la contrer.Ce sera à vous de repérer l'apparition de dômes dégueulant des kitins avant qu'il ne soit trop tard !Je ne sais pas encore s'il y aura des Exterminateurs (les boss kitins des anciennes invasions) parmi les envahisseurs.D'autres évènements dynamiques sont également en préparation. Exemple : un PNJ d'une cité quitte son poste pour aller demander de l'aide, et tout joueur peut accepter de lui rendre service.
L'équipe d'Assistance recrute !Pour en savoir plus, veuillez consulter ce sujet : https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22047/1
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (6 лет назад)
#35 Добавлено Tamarea 6 лет назад
Date: monday, September 24th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)
AgendaStatus of projects (by Dev Ulukyn): creation of maps, wheel of fortune, boss in a box, Game Design Team projects (Outpost refactoring, Nexus reload, ranged weapons)Graphics repositoryRyzom WikiRecruitment
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