

#204 [en] 


#205 [en] 

Can you please split the report into English and French version? This is terrible to read.

Also, I am missing report form the previous meeting.

#206 [en] 

Moniq, there are many hundreds of lines. I already had to write a program to scrape this much from my chat logs. I'll see what i can do for tidying up that stuff, but i can't promise anything.

#207 [fr] 

Pour information utile il existe une application qui permet d'extraire et de trier les canaux que l'on veut a partir du fichier chatlog

ChatLog decoder

/appzone 1831
(FR) Analyse votre chatlog et vous permet de ne garder que les informations que vous souhaitez. -- (En) Analyzes your chatlog and helps you getting only the informations you want. -- Credit : Kervala / Natara

Last edited by Eolinius (4 years ago)

#208 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report - November 16th, 2020

Code of Conduct :
Several things have been added such as the rule for custom names of zigs and toubs, Marauder bosses have also been added in rule III.8.

Various corrections have been made to the texts, especially in the wording, I advise you to reread it in its entirety.

Adding the Russian version

Special thanks go to the translators who worked quickly to tune the various versions of the code, with changes, corrections etc…

sinvaders : his a real translation or is it DeepL?

tykus : It’s translated by a Russian translator from English :)
It’s a real translation :)

Nightviper : will the RT do to enforce the rules? is everything dependent on me recording a video of any behaviour?

tykus : No, sometimes a screen is enough, but the important thing is that players should try as much as possible to sort things out between themselves, support only comes into play if there is no means of dialogue
Support cannot ( and must not ) intervene at all times, it harms the fluidity of the game :)

Nightviper: not about conflicts between players, I’m talking about botting and MultiBoxing

tykus : Viper, we’re talking about multi boxing right after :)

Xiom : What ‘s the point of making a code of conduct with clear rules if the support is not there to decide?

tykus : support will be in the middle, yes, if the players can’t get along, that’s all :)

tykus : For example, a player passes you by followed by a procession of mobs and you die… No need to shout after a CSR, try to contact the player, see if he’s dead too, if he can rez you etc…
if the player answers you wrong, laughs at you, then the support intervenes :)

Sinvaders : if we agree (between players) on something that violates the Code of Conduct, we stay in the game? because it’s resolved between players.

tykus : exactly :)
Good sense always prevails :)

Kyrean : many players must be present for the rule to be accepted; all or just a few ?

tykus : if the players involved get along, the spectator players don’t have to intervene, it creates unnecessary tension :) And that’s not the point :)

Kyrean: if only one player involved doesn’t start with the others?

tykus : If a player is not convinced, he can always make a ticket, the support will then evaluate its admissibility :)

Kyrean says: The rules is flexible at will. It’s blurry

tykus :It’s a rule of common sense… Moreover any abuse of the support can be punished :)

Krill : I have the impression that the rules are there if the players don’t get along.

tykus : that’s it Krill :)

Xtarsia :you phone the police every time you see someone going slightly too fast? no. someone doing 100mph through a school zone? sure.

tykus : Exactly Xtarsia :)
on a game there is less risk for human life anyway :)

Xiom : We’re not going to lie to each other, the bottom line is auto-clicking with the alts … why tolerate alt again? no alt no cheating.

tykus : We can’t compare the highway code to the ryzom driving code anyway…
the risks are clearly not the same :)

Depyraken : one player bother the others, it will always happen (and… fortunately… in fact)… but should we establish too restrictive laws that will bother everyone because of one person?

tykus : We’re also amended the exploit part, adding the security holes… We have also specified that a player who reports an exploit or a security breach, cannot be punished, if he stop using since discovered.

Syron : Players should try to solve problems on their own… without resorting to support.

tykus : I’m talking about the Syron player conflict, right?

Syron : In the case of two players are ok, to steal from each other just to spice up their game a little bit… what happens?

tykus: the people around can send a ticket and we will evaluate if the inconvenience is real or not :P

Syron : but, clearly, there’s so much GM missing that we’re forced to solve the problems between us (and we’re not going to lie to each other, it never works)…

tykus : No Syron, that’s not the point, we get a lot of complaints that could be settled by the players themselves, that’s why I’m pointing it out…

III.4. Multiboxing

4.1 General rule

Multiboxing (playing several characters at the same time, without the help of third party software) is limited to two accounts connected simultaneously during outpost battles, chasing Bosses, assaults on Chief Marauders and Storyline scripted events (see III.4.2) and tolerates up to four accounts for other activities.
When a player plays several characters simultaneously (multi-boxing), there should be no doubt for an observer that they are controlled manually one after the other and not by a bot. In case of doubt, the observer is invited to send to the Support a video showing the characters acting in an apparently synchronized way. The Support will then decide if this constitutes a breach of this Code of Conduct and, if so, is the work of a possible bot (see III.3) or if it is a breach of this paragraph. In the latter case, the accounts concerned will be subject to a simultaneous connection restriction (inability to connect two or more accounts simultaneously).

Nightviper : will the RT do to enforce the rules? is everything dependent on me recording a video of any behaviour?

Tykus: We’re equipped ourselves with tools to enforce this rule, and as time goes by, gameplay modifications will make it less interesting to use simultaneous accounts on large phases of the game.

Syron : The tools you’re talking about are tools that allow you to ‘’see’’ which multibox or are they just tools that allow you to limit the number of players in an instance for example? This would not solve the problem of multiboxing detection

tykus :Just to see, to limit the means that have been around for a long time, it’s just the lack of evidence that’s blocking…
Knowing that it is impossible to limit the number of connections to the server efficiently, we have opted for this alternative :)

sinvaders : already been seen that videos don’t help prove someone’s multiboxing.
In some cases, it wasn’t the videos that were missing.

Tykus: that’s why we have tools to check, same for the bot, the videos, in most cases, do not prove 100% the bot, so we chose to ask the suspected player, to now you how he does it :)
No MMO has an effective system against bots…
Syron : indeed, hence the question of how Ryzom intends to fight against bots :p

tykus : none can syron it, they all broke their teeth on it… So we have chosen to ask for transparency from the players :)
4.2 Multiboxing is limited to two accounts connected simultaneously during outpost battles, Kings hunts, Chief Marauders assaults, and Storyline storyboard events.
If you suspect abuse, please send a screenshot or video showing the violation to the support team.

Syron : If this decision has been put into place it is because it seems obvious that playing x players at the same time gives a significant advantage to the ‘’competitive’’ gameplay (king/marau etc…).
What is the interest or the logic to keep the authorization to 2 accounts anyway?

tamarea: This solution (limitation to two counts on OPs, marauding kings and kings and tolerance to four counts elsewhere) was chosen because it is the best possible compromise between the different ways of playing

Xiom : one in his corner ok, 2 for an event such as king, op or event it doesn’t make more sense, we clearly favor the rich and clever of the bot.

tamarea : Our new tools will allow us to see who is misusing multiboxing, we will just need a ticket with video to initiate our verification.
The other hand, we are starting to work on gameplay modifications to reduce the interest of multiboxing, especially with the Boss refactoring project.
Players who like to play multiboxing are allowed to do so outside of OP, kings and boss maraus, as long as it is obvious to an observer that they are not bots. Movements must not be they don’t seem to be in sync. When in doubt, we will investigate and will be able to remove the tolerance to four simultaneous counts.
main objective is to make multiboxing ineffective on kings, especially for camping.
Scripted missions, especially those of the Storyline, will also make multiboxing either impossible or ineffective.

Xiom: Tamarea, what will the modified gameplay measures look like?
Tamarea: Xiom you can see the latest report on Boss refactoring here:

Syron : still doesn’t answer the question ‘’Why continue to give a 2 count advantage over king/op/marau…
tamarea : Syron : we allow two accounts on POs etc. primarily for financial reasons.

Tamarea : We’ re thinking about adding supernodes to the multiboxing limitation. What’s your opinion on the subject?

Jorgensen : i agree it should be in the list
Nizyros :+1we have no other choice at our disposal
Sinvaders : Should be on the list.

tykus : was the last topic of the meeting, since it’s getting late, we’re going to close the meeting :)

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Tykus (4 years ago)


#209 [en] 

magez you are much better at this than I am!

#210 [en] 


Last edited by Jorgensen (4 years ago)

#211 [en] 

That is much better, thanks.

#212 [fr] 

thank you for the transcript. I'm curious how it will work out in practise :)


#213 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting ( November 30 th 2020)

Date: monday, November 30 th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public channel RF
orDuration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.
Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
    New launcher

Last edited by Tykus (4 years ago)

#214 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

Ryzom Forge meeting report – November 30th, 2020

New launcher (Tykus)

We have noticed that the current launcher ( ryzom_installer .exe) has some difficulties with patches [...]. So Ulukyn has coded a new one that should fix all these problems. It will allow you to import your profiles from the old one and to install in 2 clicks the test servers if needed. It will also allow you to create profiles for each of your accounts, which will be able to connect automatically, as shortcuts. The launcher is the software that launches before the game. It allows you to manage the servers and the patches, then the game will launch without any problem.

Q: Do we need to download the new ryzom_installer.exe and do you have an ETA?
A: For the moment it is in test phase, it is already downloadable for testing. The ETA will be defined by the test results.

Q: These words ''import your profile from the old one'' - does this mean that the new configurations (structure or hierarchy) will be somehow different from the current configurations? Why else would you use the word "import" instead of "copy"?
A: Yes, it's different, the new launcher makes the difference between profile (which is a folder with the backups, the .cfg client etc) and shortcuts which are the saved login information to connect quickly. At the first launch, the launcher will import the ryzom_installer settings as profiles AND shortcuts.

Q: I didn't understand the thing about profiles and shortcuts. Is it possible to explain it again? If I have several characters on several accounts, I have several profiles, right?
A: In ryzom, the client can use profiles to store screenshots, character backups and client settings. But several characters can be in the same profile without worries. Having only one profile works very well when you have several accounts. We used to make one profile per account with the ryzom installer. With the new launcher, this is not useful, just make shortcuts. It's simpler and it allows you to have only one folder to save.

Q: Is it for the Linux client as well? Q: All these .exe, it doesn't seem very suitable for mac clients. Is that planned?
A: There will be a launcher for each windows, mac and linux platform, of course. For the moment, only windows and linux are being tested.

Q: Once the new launcher is ready, will we have to re-install the game with it?
A: No, it can be installed instead of the other one without having to uninstall the old one.

Q: Can we also test it? Or is it reserved for developers?
A: No, you can ask Tamarea to be part of the testing team, the more testers there are, the more efficient the tests will be. It's mostly the different linux distributions that need to be tested. There are so many variants that we can't cover all aspects.

End of meeting

Last edited by Maupas (4 years ago) | Reason: Fixing displays of EN version


Liosta Frerini
Dame de Compagnie de la Karae Tamiela

#215 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting ( January 21st 2021)

Date: monday, January 18 th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public channel RF
orDuration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
    New launcher
    Boss refactoring
    Storyline et events

Last edited by Tykus (4 years ago)

#216 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]

Compte-Rendu de la réunion de Ryzom Forge – 18 janvier 2021

1 - Activité de l'équipe Ryzom in 2020

Tamarea (RT) – 20:34 UTC
Cette page du Wiki de Ryzom liste les activités de l'équipe Ryzom en 2020 :
Elle demeure à compléter (et à traduire) mais merci aux membres du groupe Wiki, qui l'ont créée.
NB • Le lien est donné pour information afin que vous puissiez lire la page… plus tard : la liste est longue !

2 - Nouveau lanceur et installeur

Tamarea & Ulukyn (RT) – 20:39 UTC
Les versions Windows, Linux et Mac du nouveau lanceur et installeur sont en test.
Nous recherchons un maximum de volontaires pour tester ce nouveau lanceur avec le maximum de versions de Windows, Linux et Mac.
Les testeurs n'auront pas à désinstaller le jeu mais juste à se connecter sur Atys via ce nouveau lanceur et vérifier que les mises à jour se font correctement.
Ceux qui utilisent différents profils sur le lanceur actuel pourront aussi vérifier qu'ils apparaissent sur le nouveau.
Si certains le souhaitent, ils peuvent aussi tester l'installation du jeu via le lanceur. Veuillez néanmoins veiller à bien sauvegarder vos données avant. Si vous faites une nouvelle installation à côté de celle que vous utilisez habituellement, prévoyez 8 Go d'espace libre.
Si vous souhaitez aider à ces tests, veuillez contacter Tamarea sur ou par email à

Q : Lors de la dernière réunion RF seuls le tests pour les machines Linux et Windows étaient possibles… Les tests pour machines Mac peuvent-ils débuter désormais ?
R :
Oui : la phase de développement du lanceur Mac a été bouclée aujourd'hui même !

Q : Pouvez-vous nous donner un lien permettant de télécharger le nouveau lanceur ?
R :
Pas ici ni maintenant : afin que nous puissions solliciter les retours de tous les testeurs, ce lien ne sera donné que sur demande formulée individuellement auprès de Tamarea.

Q : Le nouveau lanceur permettra-t-il de connecter simultanément sur Atys deux personnages d'un même compte ?
R :
Non, ceci est techniquement impossible. Comme aujourd'hui, donc, la connexion simultanée de plusieurs personnages ne sera possible que si ces derniers relèvent de comptes différents.

Q : Nos canaux de guilde bénéficieront-t-il bientôt, comme les autres, de la traduction automatique ?
R :
Très probablement, oui. Cela fait partie des demandes à l'étude au sein de la RT.

3 - Mise en place de textures de haute-définition

Tamarea & Ulukyn (RT) – 21:11 UTC
Les icônes, les textures de l'interface utilisateur (UI) et toutes les cartes d'Atys ont été agrandies par IA pour obtenir une version HD améliorée.
Cette amélioration, actuellement en test, sera ajoutée en jeu par du prochain patch.

Q : Cette version HD palliera-t-elle le défaut de visibilité constaté lorsque la valeur du paramètre local d'interface (echelle) est supérieur à 1.00 ?
R :
Oui. Avec ces textures HD les tests confirment une visibilité très correcte pour une valeur de 2.00 et il continuent pour améliorer les textes des icônes pour les valeurs intermédiaires.

Q : L'API sera-t-elle mise à jour en conséquence ?
R :
Nous travaillons à cette mise à jour, mais elle n'est pas sans difficulté. Toutefois toutes les images mise à disposition dans l'API le seront dans leur version HD dès le prochain patch.

4 - Refonte des Rois

Tamarea & Riasan (RT) – 21:28 UTC
Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas ce projet, il est détaillé dans le document visible ici : et qui sera publié sous peu sur le forum.
Dernières avancées :
– tous les nouveaux lieux d'apparition de Roi ont été ajoutés ;
– tous les nouveaux Roi et les objets collectables sur leurs dépouilles ont été créés et leurs traductions sont en cours de test.

Q : Les noms des Rois actuels seront-ils modifiés ?
R :
Non. Mais il y en aura de nouveaux !

Q : La valeur des objets collectés sur la dépouille d'un Roi sera-t-elle en rapport avec le niveau de ce dernier ?
R :
Oui, le butin obtenu d'un Roi de bas niveau a moins de valeur que celui obtenu d'un Roi de haut niveau.

Q : Une autre phase de test est-elle programmée ? Et si oui, pour quand ?
R :
Oui, un phase de test sur le serveur de développement va bientôt commencer (il reste quelques problèmes avec les nouveaux butins et nous espérons avoir terminé à la fin de cette semaine.

Q : Un Roi de niveau N pourra-t-il désormais abandonner à ses exécuteurs un butin de qualité supérieure à N ?
R :
Non : un Roi tué procure toujours un butin de qualité égale à son niveau.

Q : Y aura-t-il des Rois de niveaux plus bas que 70 et de niveaux intermédiaires à ceux de l'échelle actuelle (70 | 120 | 170 | 220 | 270) ?
R :
Non, mais le nombre des Rois augmentera beaucoup pour chaque niveau de l'échelle rappelée.

Q : Quand ces changements seront-ils effectifs en jeu ?
R :
Aussitôt que possible, c'est à dire dès les tests concluant achevés... tests dont la durée dépend du nombre de testeurs volontaires.

Q : Y aura-t-il de nouveaux Rois accessibles au personnages débutants (sur Silan) ?
R :
Non, le projet concerne seulement les continents et les Primes Racines.

Q : Y aura-t-il d'autres Rois « corrompus », comme l'était Cratchakyo?
R :
Non, ce n'est pas prévu pour le moment.

5 - Events

Tamarea & Ulukyn – 22:04 UTC
Les events live (évènements scénarisés) reprennent au rythme d'un par semaine.
S'agissant de la Storyline, la fin de l'épisode 1 approche et le début de l'épisode 2 se profile !

Q : Est-il prévu de relier les events live à la Storyline ?
R :
Oui. Un premier interviendra d'ailleurs avant qu'il soit longtemps.

Q : Le prologue de la Storyline (les rumeurs) sera-t-il débogué avant le lancement de son épisode 2 ?
R :
Oui, ceci afin de permettre aux nouveaux arrivants de dérouler les épisodes dans l'ordre. Il sera également amélioré dans son fonctionnement pour le rendre plus facile à jouer.

6 - Recrutement

Tamarea – 22:19 UTC
Nous mettons aujourd'hui l'accent sur le recrutement de testeurs bénévoles. Nous avons plusieurs ajouts en cours de test (lanceur, refonte des Rois...) et pour qu'ils arrivent rapidement en jeu, nous avons besoin de davantage de testeurs.
Si vous souhaitez rejoindre l'équipe de test, contactez Tamarea sur ou par email à

Q : Les testeurs bénévoles sont-ils avertis individuellement des dates et heures des tests qu'on leur demande de conduire ou doivent-ils guetter l'apparition d'une demande les concernantsur une page les présentant tous ?
R :
Non. Les dates et heures sont, si besoin (test en groupe), déterminées en commun sur le canal Ryzom Chat dédié où l'usage de la mention @all permet d'en prévenir par courriel tous les testeurs abonnés au canal. Mais les demandes de test individuelles sont simplement portées sur un tableau d'ordonnancement. La suggestion de notification individuelle pour les testeurs occasionnels sera cependant examinée attentivement.

Q : Qu'est-ce qui est attendu d'un testeur, exactement ?
R :
Utiliser un ajout ou un correctif du jeu, repérer les bugs éventuels dans son fonctionnement puis nous en faire part sur le document rassemblant les remontées des testeurs. Mais aussi, s'il s'agit d'un ajout, donner sont avis sur ce dernier, afin que nous puissions l'améliorer avant sa mise en service sur le serveur de jeu.

Q : Lorsqu'un test est en colonne Waiting dans le tableau d'ordonnancement (KanBoard), peut-on malgré tout compléter le pad des remontées ?
R :
Quand un test est dans Waiting, ça signifie que l'objet du test a été confié aux aux développeurs pour correction des bogues signalés par les testeurs. Il sera remis entre les mains des testeurs (repassé en colonne Testing) une fois cette correction terminée.

Q : Ne faudrait-il pas former et accompagner, ne serait-ce qu'un minimum, les testeurs bénévoles à leur débuts dans l'équipe ?
R :
Si, probablement. Nous y pensons.

Q (hors sujet) : La remise en service en jeu de l'Éditeur Scénographique est-elle prévue ?
R (inespérée) :
Oui ! Il 'agit d'ailleurs de la prochaine tâche de développement programmée.

La réunion est close à 23:00 UTC

Last edited by Nilstilar (4 years ago)


#217 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (March 15th 2021)

Date: monday, March 15th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
    Information about the new launcher
    Feedback on the last patch
    Refugee Days (Easter OOC events)
    News of the volunteer team (Ryzom Team)

Last edited by Tamarea (4 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#218 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – March 15th, 2021

1 - Information about the new launcher

Ulukyn (RT) – 20:34 UTC
The new launcher/installer having already been presented during the previous Ryzom Forge meetings, I won't dwell on it and I just want to give you here a small state of play and progress about it.
• As far as Windows is concerned, several big annoying bugs have been fixed, but a major one remains. After its correction (and if no other big bug is discovered by then), we will be able, I think, to propose the launcher in beta test to more players.
• As far as Linux is concerned, nothing special to report. But as this OS has a lot of versions, note that the untested ones are probably numerous too.
• As far as macOS is concerned, it is the least tested OS at the moment. So we have called again for testers who use it regularly and if some here want to join the ongoing tests, they are welcome, especially if they use its older versions.
So we are quite close to a release for beta testers (to whom it is recommended to save their data before starting the test... you never know). But we can't specify today the date of this release, since, among other things, the decision to localize or not the interface in the five languages before the beta test is not yet taken.

2 - Feedback on the last patch applied

Tamarea (RT) – 20:48 UTC
What are your feedbacks (opinions and suggestions) on the new features and improvements brought by the patch applied on February 11th (see here for its features)?
For those who can't see the link above, the patch in question was about :
  • Updated textures
  • Marauders Fame
  • Improvements
  • Updates with Integrated auto-translation (DeepL)
  • The Course
  • Marauder gameplay
  • Test OP at the Nexus

Q: Does this patch make it possible to permanently disable in-game machine translation via DeepL?
 The wiki shows (here and there) the command (available since August 2019) to do this. Namely:
/a setDontTranslateLangs [acronyms of the two languages involved separated by the pipe character]
Example: /a setDontTranslateLangs fr|us disables the automatic translation into american English of sentences sent by a French client.

Q: How do I report new errors made by DeepL to the Ryzom Team?
To report translation exceptions to add to DeepL, you can use the RYZOM FORGE forum, thread Translation » DeepL translation exceptions list.

F: Couldn't we avoid that DeepL translates the names of characters appearing in a sentence?

Q: Are the updates and patches automatically downloaded or is there an address where one has to go to download them?
Updates and patches are automatically downloaded to your machine the first time you log in after they are applied to the server.

Q: Wouldn't the inability of a character who has just left the Marauders faction to join a guild or have access to teleportation be a consequence of the patch?
Probably not, but it can be reported to Support.

Q: Isn't the lack of translation (blank page when clicking on the [Translate] button) of the forum posts a consequence of the patch?
No, probably. But, then again, this can be reported to the support team, specifying the involved OS and browser.

3 - Refugee Days (Easter OOC events)

Tamarea (RT) – 21:38 UTC
The OOC events for the Refugee Days (Easter events) will take place from Friday, March 26th to Monday, April 12th.
Details will, as usual, be posted on the forum beforehand.

4 - News of the volunteer team (Ryzom Team)

Tamarea (RT) – 21:39 UTC
First of all, I would like to thank all the volunteers of the Ryzom team who, by giving their time and energy, by bringing their ideas and their dynamism, contribute daily to the life and progress of this game that we all hold dear. THANK YOU!
• As for gameplay, this year the team's goal is to finish the projects underway and implement long promised features, without neglecting the Storyline, which will bring new content. We also plan to rework Silan a bit in order to better guide new players on this tutorial island.
• As for roleplay, we will continue to offer regular events, at the rate of one per week, whether or not related to the Storyline.
• De plus, suite aux retours des testeurs, le mode de fonctionnement de l'équipe de test est en cours de révision avec la mise en place d'une organisation plus structurée et plus simple.
• Lastly, in order to facilitate the work of volunteers, the Devs are creating or updating various internal tools :
    – a tool for CSRs, including a new ticket system;
    – a tool for testers to simplify their task;
    – a tool for translators to facilitate translations and corrections of in-game text;
    – a tool for communication (broadcasts, announcements on the WebIG).
I leave the floor to those who want to react on this subject.

Q: Which projects are underway?
This is indeed a point worth developing. Given the time, I'll note it as a topic for the next Ryzom Forge meeting.

The meeting is closed at 22:00 UTC.

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (3 years ago) | Reason: Closing hour


Last visit Saturday, 28 September 00:22:44 UTC

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