

#186 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (April 27th 2020)

Date: monday, April 27th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public channel Forge (open the WebIG (Ctrl+W) and click on the "RF" button next to the language flags)


Duration: 1.5 hour
Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.
Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.
Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.

    1- New billing
    2- New website
    3- Storyline: episode 1

#187 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

New billing

Imminent release of the new billing service with a switch from WorldPay to Braintree. Braintree will manage recurring subscriptions and premium time purchases. Rates do not change, nor do payment methods and durations.
1 month/mois/meses : 7.95€
3 months/mois/meses : 22.50€
6 months/mois/meses : 41.94€
1 year/an/año : 78.00€

Premium time purchases (1 month minimum) will also be possible via Braintree, and will be cheaper than via Paypal (which will also remain available).
Steam will also remain available. It will be possible to untie one's own Steam account from the Ryzom billing page.
In a second step we will add the provider Xsolla, which will offer shorter Premium time purchases: 2, 3, 5 and 7 days.
2 days/jours : 1€
3 days/jours : 1.5€
5 days/jours : 2€
7 days/jours : 3€.
And of course, Ryzom can still be played free to play like today!

A topic will be opened on the forum to receive your questions and feedback.

any thots making it cheaper if subscribing several accounts?

This is an option that has been raised, although I do not yet have an answer for you today.

As there are cheaper options, will rules for mutiboxing be harder ? Many accounts is fine for Ryzom, but multoboxing is an ignominy.

*Kyrean and Tuffgong aggree with Syron*

This is a relevant issue, which we will look at very seriously if a discount is proposed on the subscription of secondary accounts.
Indeed, if this option is validated, it should in no way encourage abuse.

Sorry... But what is multiboxing?

That's the use of a software allowing a player to control several characters at the same time, with help of macros, etc.

Multiboxing, i.e. playing several accounts at the same time, is allowed. However, it is strictly forbidden to use external tools to control these accounts.

Virg and Syron
Can multiboxing not be seriously looked at regardless of whether cheaper subscriptions are offered for multiple accounts or not?

Agree, they dont have to be linked

I have taken note of your concern about this problem and I suggest that we discuss it again at a later date, because we need to continue with the agenda.

Kyrean : As for me I can prpose two radical solutions

Please contact Tykus on to share your ideas about this issue.

*dodge the question* Nice move ^^

One last question about the future billing service before moving on to the next topic?

thank you.i don't care about a discount, but can payment for multiple accounts be made into a single payment option?

No, that's not possible at the moment.

perhaps in the future. thank you.

Does it change anything for those who paid for a year?

This will not change anything for you, the switch to Braintree will take place at the end of your current subscription.

Ok. Thank you

I suggest you ask the next questions directly on the topic that will be dedicated to this on the forum, and move on to the next topic.

New website

The new website, available at this temporary URL: will be released soon.
Take the time to read it, then please give us your feedback on the forum, we will open a dedicated topic there.
Of course, you can give your first feedback here if you wish!

I just watch "social networks" which are displayed : they are no free ones? Only private ones? What about the tag "free" which Ryzom is bearing, then ?
Excuse if he question is irrelevant >_<

We are indeed planning to expand to several free social networks (Mastodon, Diaspora...) but first we need to expand our Communication team with a few volunteers for that.

ty ... i have no MS windows but instead linux (Solus) and i prefer not to use wine... will there be no native linux (not using wine) or perhaps in future at least?

We already have a Linux client for Ryzom

[long irrelevant discussion about linux client]

Start of Episode 1 of Storyline's Season 2

Ready to start a great adventure full of action and twists? Watch the calendar of events and announcements as Season 2 Episode 1 is about to begin! Alternating roleplay events played and scripted, there will be action for everyone and for all time zones.

I can't tell you any more because I don't want to spoil you! That's it, it's time to close this meeting!

BalthaeThanks for informations and your listening
Many thanks to Nilstilar for the translation, and to Balthae who will put the report online

Edited 5 times | Last edited by ERR: Author Not Set (4 years ago)

#188 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (11th may 2020)

Date: monday, May 11th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)
Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public channel Forge (open the WebIG (Ctrl+W) and click on the "RF" button next to the language flags)


Duration: 1.5 hour
Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.
Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.
Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
    1- Multiboxing
    2- Storyline: episode 1
    3- Recruitment

#189 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – May 11th, 2020

Multiboxing et Ryzom

Tykus (RT) – 19:35 UTC
I must explain clearly, the multiboxing: It's the possibility to connect several characters at the same time on the same server that we can't assimilate to the use of an external program to control one or more characters.
Ryzom is a cooperative game, so working together is a necessity. Having a partner of your own to help with drilling and storage or even care is commonly accepted, but having an army of avatars at your command doesn't make sense, the game loses its essence.
In order to preserve this essence and the soul of a game where collaboration is encouraged, we have decided to only tolerate the control of 2 characters at the same time per user and this only within the framework of a reasonable use.
Consequently, the code of conduct will be modified to specify that "the number of characters controlled simultaneously by the same individual is limited to 2, within the framework of reasonable, reasoned use and without automation". A shard limitation will be set for this.

Q : LoL ! Well goodbye and goodluck then. When you cant see any way i am cheating, just change the rules again. Typical . I have been playing Ryzom this way for 12 years and you have a problem with it now? Why suddenly now? I have been reported repeatedly and because I have done nothing wrong the decision was made to change the rules?
R :
It's not the point, even if you play them withoout third part program, it's not a good way to play Ryzom. Because, basically, if other MMOs don't give the possibility to play multiboxing, it's tolerated on Ryzom. But the current four-alts limit discourages playing with others. Yet Ryzom is the only game where playing with others is necessary, and we want to keep that, which is the soul of the game.

Q : I also dig with four toons, two masters and two careplanners. Though I fight with only one toon. Is this going to be forbidden now?
R :
Yes, two characters for drilling is more than enough. But the reason for lowering the limit is that being able to kill Kings alone with your alts doesn't add anything to the game: taking on a team challenge alone doesn't make sense.

Q : When is this new limit getting implemented?
R :
In few days, i will post the complete explanation on the forum and when Ulukyn will have implemented the limit I will change de Code of Conduct.

Q : What happens with all players who have current subscriptions for more than two accounts?
R :
We know very well that this measure may cause us to lose subscriptions, but it may cause us to lose even more subscriptions if things remain as they are.

Q : By automation, do you mean external tools? Macros use will still be allowed?
R :
Internal macro system is allowed yes.

Q : Will the special rule for large family households still grip?
R :
Yes, as before: if you have more than two people playing Ryzom at the same home, just contact us to get an exemption. But I have to warn you, the behaviour of a follower player and that of a physical player are easy to distinguish. So, avoid asking for a waiver if it is not necessary.

Q : Will you refund players with more than two accounts, since they will no longer be able to use all their alts? Or are you going to let them play with these alts until their subscription expires? Is there a refund plan for people who have resubscribed last month their alts for three or six months?
R :
No reimbursement is scheduled for now.

Q : So people paid for a service, and you are now going to not provide that service? And you will not reimburse? That doesn't sound legal.
R :
Of course it's legal, we could have banned multiboxing. Subscriptions have nothing to do with it. We don't prevent you from playing all your accounts, we only ask you to play them two by two.

Q : I don't understand what's the urge to do it now. Could you give us some exemples of facts thats motivated this change?
R :
It's been a long time that this race for alts has been making us grind our teeth and it seemed appropriate, as the server fills up again to change this absurd rule.

Q : But to do so without any warning that this might take place is really quite unprofessional. Especially when subscriptions are involved.
R :
I'm warning you now and, as soon as all the translations are done, a topic will be created on the forum where you can ask all your questions about subscriptions (see thread 5#55).

Q : Just to clarify, the rule is only for having 2 accounts online at the same time? Or are we required to have only two accounts?
R :
The rule is no more than two accounts online at the same time, whether these are subs or F2P. But everyone can open and play as many accounts (subs or F2P) as they want.

Q : Could we, as a result, see an increase in storage space? Because with only two accounts connected, it's difficult to switch to another character to access an alternative GH, since you can't connect three of them.
R :
In terms of storage, it won't make any difference: all you'll have to do is change your organization for transfers or other purposes. Nothing is planned to increase the capacity of storage spaces.

Q : Will this not hurt the game in the long run as far as income for Ryzom Team? I would think you guys would want more money coming in so you can inprove the game and bring new content.
R :
More money is good, but not at any price. Any change is difficult and risky, but this one was really necessary.

Ulukyn (RT) – 20:43 UTC
In conclusion
We have been working for a few years to redo the tools, master them and make them more fun to add content. And with the storyline that's what we're going to do. Make the story evolve and add new things.
And then the alts issue came up (on my side, as a developer).
With the storyline we will add new challenges. Sometimes the best group (which can be composed of four players only) will be rewarded. If the best team turns out to be four alts (and this is not impossible because it is in some cases an advantage) it would be rather disappointing for us.


Tykus (RT) – 20:45 UTC
The storyline is the leading roleplay thread followed by the Ryzom teams. It gathers a set of roleplay events and gameplay additions, built on a dynamic story.
During the prologue of the current Season 2, we heard rumors that things were getting ready. At the beginning of Episode 1, a strong bark shake shook Atys, upsetting the look of the Nexus. The homins are currently investigating the scene.
What's your feedback on the beginning of Episode 1?

F1 : The first Event was amazing, with new features (the shaking camera, new design of a map, etc.) And then, finally, just for something where substance lacks a bit: only points to ping on the map. With few new random missions or so, it would have been better. Sorry, Ulukyn, that was amazing, but IMO, something was missing. In advance, sorry if that might spoil something, but, having to built camps, defend scientists etc. would have been cool if that would have started missions of hunting, digging or crafting.

F2 : I'm quite new to the game. As such it was the first of these events which I could take part in. I found it exciting. However the fighting came accross as quite chaotic to me and I was not always sure that the actions actually mattered much :) However it was a nice group experience. And it will give me new reason to further and more extensively explore the Nexus. And investigate the Kitin ... issue.

F3 : As for me, running like an headless chicken, not understanding what was happening with the shaking camera, that was huge laughing. It has been a complete new thing introduced to Ryzom. Go on this way. Surprise us!

F4 : I would just add that is promising good things for the future! From a player point of view, i find it very exciting what happen in Nexus.

F5 : The new features and story progression were fantastic. I just wish we could have had some big kitin battle.

F6 : I found Episode 1 amusing, just a little long in between scouting. The Prologue was good too, but hard to finish (or I didn't get it).

Tykus (RT) – 21:00 UTC
Missions will be added soon, it's just the beginning: you have no idea what we've prepared for you to follow !
But we add things piece by piece to avoid big bugs, that's all: he game's code is ticklish, as you know.


Tykus (RT) – 21:01 UTC
We need DE, ES and RU translators as well as EN proofreaders.
Active testers are also needed.

A player recommends to put directly on the website well-visible links on how to contribute to these.

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Maupas (4 years ago) | Reason: Links missing


#190 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – June 22th, 2020

1 - DeepL

Tamarea (RT) – 20:12 UTC
This is the last time we have to translate on this channel!
Indeed, I am pleased to announce that before the end of the week, DeepL will automatically translate the Ryzom Forge channel, but also the regions (including Silan) and the Universe!
The translation of the universe and RF channels will also work between the game and
The original version will be viewable:
• from the IG, a flag will indicate the original language and the untranslated sentence at the cursor's passage;
• on RC, there will be one channel per language, and you will join by default the one of your client's language. Of course you can open the other language channels if you wish; the message in the original language will be displayed via a link.
The next step will be to translate the faction/nation channels.
Then we plan to translate the league channels.

Q: What about guild channels? Some guilds host members of many mother tongues, so I think that would be useful for those who don't understand Spanish for example; or for those who speak spanish only (not everyboby is good at languages) but would want to join a guild among the biggests (which are not only english-speaking ones).
We're going to go in gradually to see if everything is going well. Then we'll see if we add other channels as needed. But you raised a good point : I'll get the request back to Devs.

Q: What about the private security issue of sending our datas to DeepL? Do you have any contract with them?
Yes, we have a contract with DeepL, which scrupulously adheres to the GPRD. Moreover, we only transmit the text, not the sender (and at the moment only on public channels).

Q: Considering the many potential translation errors, could you, please, add a functioning and user friendly way to deactivate automatic translation for RF and all channels translated by DeepL? The current command is not easy to find or use and would be perhaps be friendlier as a checkbox in the user interface… Same request for the joint dysplaying of the original and its translation.
The option to disable DeepL on a channel will be added on the second upcoming patch.

Q: Will only official Ryzom languages be translated or others as well, such as Italian?
Only the official languages of Ryzom at the moment, because the DeepL language detection is not yet ready and we have not yet implemented another way to choose the language to be translated. But this may evolve.

Q : How much does Winchgate pay DeepL per month for this feature?
 For more information, see .

2 - Storyline

Tamarea (RT) – 20:48 UTC
The continuation of the Storyline will begin before the end of the week, with the arrival of two new missions to the Nexus: one hunting and one drilling.
This scripted event will then be followed by… I won't tell you what, followed by... I won't tell you what either ;)

3 - Next patch

Tamarea (RT) – 20:52 UTC
The next patch will take place on June 25th, to implement the following.

• Fixed outpost history information
• Fixed ranger circle optic and missing translation
• Fixed lot of Translation issue
• Fixed : Rewriting Ranger Aspiration Mission
• Added option in Daily Mission : Player can replace any non-occupation mission by another random (limited to 4 uses)
• Fixed an issue in Daily Mission where sometimes a same occupation can appear twice.

DeepL in game
• Added translations to Universe, Region and Forge
• Removed all language channels (uni-en, uni-fr, uni-es, uni-de, uni-ru)
• Added flags to see the original text and lang
• Added (ticky task!) anti-spam system to prevent duplication of same text

DeepL in Ryzom Chat
• Removed #pub-uni
• Removed #pub-forge
• Added #pub-forge-XY
• Added emoji flags and links to see the original text and lang
• All #pub-uni-[fr, en, de, es, ru] are linked to ingame Universe
• All #pub-forge-[fr, en, de, es, ru] are linked to ingame Forge

This patchnote has just been written and is not yet corrected or translated, but I wanted to share it with you during the meeting.

Q: Aren't you worried that some players may no longer use the Universe Channel? Currently (and most importantly) EN/DEs use the general Uni channel, and FRs use the Uni channel FR. Wouldn't it be better to keep these two channels?
Since everything will be translated, keeping the uni FR in addition to the Universe would not be helpful. Besides, if we did that, why not keep the uni DE, ES, RU as well? The implementation of DeepL is not simple, and we wouldn't be able to handle special cases. There must be only one Universe channel for translations to be managed properly.

Q: This is not the point (the DE/EN/etc. Universe does not use DeepL, by definition). But, if other requests for keeping a specific static channel (a replacement dynamic channel would be less user-friendly) arise, would it cost much to satisfy them?
I don't have an answer tonight, so we'll have to talk about it later if you don't mind.

4 - Multiboxing

Tamarea (RT) – 21:38 UTC
The change originally announced, i.e. a limitation to 2 accounts connected simultaneously, was only intended to limit the number of multiboxers *using third-party software* to play. Indeed, as we had no reliable technical means to confuse them, we were unable to enforce the Code of Conduct and this led to tensions between players, mixed with a strong feeling of impunity. Limiting the number of simultaneous accounts to 2 seemed a simple but effective way to solve this problem. It is now clear that we had underestimated the other consequences of this solution.
I would like to make it clear that although Tykus was the spokesperson for this decision, as he and I take turns chairing RF meetings and it was his turn to do so, this is neither a request nor a decision by Support. If Tykus is indeed the head of the Support team, he is my assistant too and it is in this capacity that he communicated on this project.
This announcement, which was aimed exclusively at restricting breaches of the Code of Conduct by those using third-party software, and thus reducing the feeling of gameplay impunity, highlighted another fundamental problem related to multiboxing itself. I admit that the title of the topic ("Multiboxing") didn't help.
Following this announcement, many of you have indeed expressed your discomfort because of the authorization on Ryzom to connect 4 accounts simultaneously, mainly because of the feeling of gameplay injustice of those who don't use several alts, but also because of the impunity of multiboxers suspected of violating the Code of Conduct.
Just as many of you have expressed your indignation at the announcement of the limitation of multiboxing to 2 accounts connected simultaneously, mainly evoking the intolerable curtailment of freedom so dear to Ryzom.
A regrettable rift between the two camps ensued.
My role is not to decide and designate a winner, but to hear both sides and propose a solution that is both acceptable to all and meets our initial objective. As much as a meaningful decision is certainly necessary, it is also necessary that it should not further divide you.
The reason I have taken so long to come back to you is that it is far from simple. It means taking the time to read and understand everything, to look for solutions, but also to eliminate some of them after finding that they are not feasible. This is the case for those involving a gameplay limitation of the number of accounts connected simultaneously. However, without this physical means of control, it is useless, even counterproductive, to impose any limitation. Indeed, what would be the point of modifying the Code of Conduct if no control tool allows us to enforce it?
This is why the initial solution, to prohibit the use of more than two alts at the same time, was not viable in any case, even if it had not generated very strong reactions against it.
On the other hand, it's clear that we need to limit the gameplay impact of using multi-alts during the game's "sensitive" activities: outpost battles, hunting bosses, hunting marauder bosses, scripted events. To this end, the best possible solution to date is, in our opinion, the following:

• Limiting multiboxing to 2 accounts connected simultaneously during outpost battles, on bosses, marauder bosses and during scripted events (limitation on the gameplay level during the Storyline's scripted events).
• Tolerance of multiboxing up to 4 accounts connected simultaneously in other cases: setting up levels, roleplay...
In all cases, the use of third party software to control simultaneously connected characters is of course forbidden.
During outpost battles, bosses and marauder boss hunts, in case of abuse send to Support a screen showing more than 2 alts present simultaneously.

This transitional solution is not perfect and does not solve the problem of using third-party software, but seems to be a viable compromise between the demands of both sides: freedom is preserved when it does not cause a strong gameplay injustice.
We will be able to make this solution evolve when gameplay allows us to do so, remaining of course open to your ideas.
By the way, when I presented this solution to the Ryzom Team, it brought out some very interesting suggestions of gameplay limitations that we are currently studying. Thus, as the gameplay changes, the limitation of the use of alts on OP, bosses, marauder bosses and scripted events will be done on the gameplay level and not manually anymore.
What's your opinion on this compromise in order not to get bogged down in the current situation, knowing that we'll make things evolve, in consultation with you, as gameplay changes occur?

Q: I would like to ask for clarification about "bosses". Does this include nameds?
No, bosses only.

Q: When will this change be implemented?
From the day the Code of Conduct is amended, it must be enforced.

Q: Will there be some allowance given us to propose adjustments of the new rules?
(New display of the rules in question)

Comment 1 : I just wanted to give my feeling about the "freedom" mentioned in your text: for me, it is the freedom of roleplay and not the right to "do what I want" put forward on the forum by some people, who cry and shout about the abuse of power as soon as they are forbidden to do something.

Comment 2 : You just making your life harder, dear Ryzom Team. You don’t have the ressources to guarantee the good establishment of this solution. You could of have saved these efforts to add something to the game instead. Being bold about the decision and either limit alts to 2 or not is far more beneficial to the game than these semi solution intended to make everyone happy where in reality it makes things worse.

Q: This is going to be a little off topic, but what about, even though Ryzom is old now, advertising Ryzom? I haven't seen an ad for it since I decided to play it back in December 2004. Maybe we won't feel like we need alts if there is actually players to play with?
R :
We are starting an advertising campaign and plan to increase our visibility in the coming months.

Q: How is the alt limit on OPs going to be policed?
The control will be done after ticket with screen. As the use of 4 alts is a tolerance, in case of a breach on OP the general use of the offending player will be limited to 2 counts at the same time only. What remains a playable situation (transfer between GH and leveling still possible).

Q:Why not ban alts completely from OPs (what was the logic for 1 alt)?
If we limit to 0 alt, it supposes that in case of infringement we will have to limit to one character at the same time. The penalty being heavier, it is more difficult to apply.
So don't forget that we are talking about tolerance and not about the right to play 4 alts at the same time; and that Support will be able to apply a restriction to 2 accounts if it deems it necessary, in case of abuse or gameplay penalty of other players.

Q: Would there be a way to cap OPs or Player limite to events like you have for Pei / Dante? Because if it becomes indeed very hard for those who are now outnumbered in PvP, I don't want to do without multiboxing for EVP.
It's a pertinent idea, but one that requires reflection.

Q: Can't you adopt a rule (which I think would be a real compromise) imposing only one character per IP address when it comes to PvP? (Except for households that have provided proof that they have multiple players.)
Yes, the idea is a good one, but technically difficult to implement.

Comment 3 : * [Player] suddenly became aware of his age and is finally very tired * (Considering the choices made about multiboxing, I'm switching my two accounts to F2P - knowing that one has hardly ever been used. Consider them parasites and ban them whenever you want).

Q: So what if I were to have my stepdad log in 2 of my accounts and use them to heal me in wars and for NPC bosses from his laptop? Would that be ok? Also I would just like to point out that this decision is only catering to the loud voices of a few who dont like losing, and will punish about 6-12 players in total (half of whom dont show up to OP battles anyway) for no reason at all. Payers who have put years of work into developing characters. You are legitimizing an unfounded complaint against us that we create an injustice where there is none. Players who for the most part have supported the game, been part of the community and obeyed the rules are being punished for being prominent and being skilled and putting time into the game. This decison wont hurt the balance and wont get those complaining what they want, but it will save me money (I am not paying for 4 accounts just to dig and kill named) and I, with my friends and my faction, will still win. I mean for gods sake I can't use the 4 autolaunchers I have been working for years on... Oh well... But now I can much more easily use 2 launchers. You think this will stop Karavaneers from kicking the crap out of you? No. Nothing changes. But now we know for a certainty that no matter what we do nothing is safe for us in this game. Not our equipment or our levels or our accounts. Nothing we have can be kept by us if enough people complain about us. When will you again change the rules and take what we have worked hard for away from us next? 2 years? more? less? When is the next time these people stomp their feet and demand rule changes so they might win more?
The solution we are looking for is the one that will be fairest for all. I am at your disposal in DM on chat.ryzom if you wish to discuss it (from tomorrow).

Comment 4 : How is this considered a compromise? From what I can see from the 2 camps listed above, one set wanted the reduction of alts, while the other wanted to keep the alts and characters they've paid for and worked to level. Why would you, as a company, choose to limit the number of already dwindling subscriptions to the game?
This change to CoC occurs after people have already invested time and money into multiple characters without addressing the investment people have put into those characters.
A better solution to something like this would be to make sure the rest of the OPs are truly valuable. The current implimentation of several changes to the game have rendered 95% of OPs useless.
If this were the issue addressed, rather than number of accounts run simultaneously, maybe the game would be better positioned to retain more players?

Q: What will be timeline for this enforcement? If it is prior to the ability to cancel a subscription, will there be compensation/refundment of the game time?
I'm sorry, but I'm too tired to be able to read and think... I suggest that you write down your questions (including those of the participants who still had some here) and answer them another day.

Meeting closed at 23:22 UTC

Edited 6 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (4 years ago)


#191 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting ( july 20th 2020)

Date: monday, june 20 th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public channel RF


Duration: 1.5 hour
Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.
Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.
Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
    1 - DeepL: improvement, feedback
    2 - New website: feedback
    3 - Storyline: feedback, RP events
    4 - Recruitment: Event team (scriptwriter, actor/actress)

#192 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]

Compte-Rendu de la réunion de Ryzom Forge – 20 juillet 2020

1 - DeepL : améliorations et retours

Tykus (RT) – 19:38 UTC
Désormais, le canal univers et le canal région (y compris Silan) sont traduits par le traducteur automatique DeepL dans la langue du client. Ainsi, vous lisez directement tous ce que disent les joueurs dans la langue que vous avez sélectionnée pour jouer à Ryzom.
Chaque traduction affichée dans le canal est précédée par un drapeau indiquant la langue d'origine. Pour afficher la phrase dans sa langue d'origine, il suffit de passer le curseur sur ce drapeau, la traduction s'affichera au-dessus.
Quels sont vos avis sur cette nouvelle fonctionnalité ?

Retour : Sur le principe, c'est vraiment une bonne idée pour tous ceux qui ne maîtrisent qu'une seule langue, mais on devrait pouvoir choisir quelles traductions on désire. Par exemple, si j'apprécie d'avoir les traductions du DE et de l'ES en FR, je n'ai pas besoin des traductions de L'EN en FR.
R :
Notre système étant unique (il n'existe pas de système semblable), ceci n'est pas simple à mettre en œuvre. Pour l'instant, la traduction est activée du coté serveur, le client du joueur ne peut donc la désactiver, mais ça viendra : un peu de patience.

Retour : À lire assidûment le canal UNIVERS on trouve encore beaucoup d'erreurs de traduction ou d'orthographe (DE).
R :
Oui, il y a encore des réglages à faire, mais le traduction n'est pas trop mauvaise quand même.

Retour : Merci pour votre temps et pour la tenue de cette réunion ! Je voulais simplement répéter, en tant que personne ne parlant qu'une seule langue, combien il est agréable que cette fonctionnalité ait été ajoutée au jeu et j'attends avec impatience l'élargissement de son utilisation.
Retour : Je pense en effet que c'est une bonne amélioration et que cela aide beaucoup ! Même si elle n'est pas toujours parfaite, je souhaite qu'elle soit disponible dans encore plus de canaux.
R :
Oui, il est prévu de l'étendre aux canaux de factions, voire de guildes si c'est utile.

Suggestion : Il n'est pas toujours pertinent d’avoir la traduction affichée et de devoir cliquer sur le drapeau pour que s'affiche l’original. Peut-être, lorsque l'original est l'EN notamment, pourrait-on inverser ce fonctionnement ?
R :
Notez que vous pouvez changer la langue de votre client pour que s'affiche directement l'original EN. En outre les canaux DE, ES, EN, etc. ont été recréés, auxquels on accède en cliquant sur le drapeau ad hoc dans la fenêtre [shift+w].

2 - Nouveau site web : réactions

Tykus(RT) – 20:01 UTC
Le nouveau site web ( est en ligne !
N'hésitez pas à nous donner votre avis et à nous faire remonter les bugs éventuels !

Retour : On ne peut pas se connecter avec Adblock.
R :
 Oui, mais vous pouvez désactiver Adblock sur le site Ryzom :-)

Quatre retours :
• Je voulais juste dire qu'il est joli, plutôt fonctionnel, et que les couleurs choisies sont pas mal du tout :-)
• Il est joli le site, je l'aime bien.
• Un coup de frais très agréable, plus dynamique, hâte de voir la suite.
• En tant que concepteur de site web et graphiste, je n'y vois aucun problème.
R :
Merci !

Retour : Dans la section UNIVERS du site, les Nations sont présentées dans une colonne trop haute pour qu'on puisse les voir ensemble. Du coup, ce n'est pas très facile de les comparer.
R :
Oui, merci. Ce problème a déjà été remonté, nous allons nous en occuper.

3 - Storyline : retours, événements RP

Tykus & Tamarea (RT) – 20:24 UTC
L'épisode 1 de la Storyline a débuté par un tremblement d'écorce au Nexus, entraînant de profonds bouleversements dans cette région. Les homins sont en train d'enquêter sur place en accomplissant diverses missions.
D'ici peu, des événements roleplay centrés sur ce qu'il se passe au Nexus seront proposés par l'event team. Ils offriront une vision différente des événements au Nexus pour chaque nation, les Rangers et les Maraudeurs, ce qui aidera chaque joueur à appréhender différemment la suite de la Storyline en fonction du personnage qu'il incarne.
Ce qu'il se passe au Nexus est une base extrêmement riche pour le roleplay. Et ce n'est que le début ! Vous le verrez et le vivrez au cours des prochains events de nations et des prochains rebondissements.
Nous souhaitons connaître vos retours sur le début de cet épisode 1.

Q : Comment peut-on savoir s'il y a un événement en cours ou non ?
R :
Les évènements roleplay (qui durent en général deux heures) sont indiqués sur le site de Ryzom, sur le forum (section EVENTS), en page d'accueil du WebIG, en fenêtre pop-up lorsque vous vous connectez en jeu, sur Facebook, Twitter et Steam. Pour savoir quels sont les évènements de la Storyline auxquel vous pouvez participer, cliquez en jeu sur « Ouvrir votre carnet de mission » dans votre fenêtre de Missions, puis sélectionnez l'onglet « Storyline ».

Six retours :
• C'est merveilleux de voir l'histoire de Ryzom continuer à progresser, même si je n'ai pas été impliqué. Bon travail, l'équipe des événements !
• Moi aussi, je trouve passionnant les développements futurs possibles via Storyline : ce début rend possible beaucoup de choses qui pourraient (ou peut-être devraient) être logiquement ajoutées à l'avenir à la Lore, etc. J'applaudis.
• Bravo pour l'ajout au Nexus, félicitation aux développeurs et aux scénaristes car je trouve que ça rentre bien dans le contexte du jeu. Et les missions sont fun a faire en équipe. Bravo aussi a ceux qu'on remercie peu, aux graphistes car les fenêtres d'interaction (Carnet de mission, Storyline ...) s'intègrent très bien dans le jeu.
• Bien pour un début, affaire à suivre !
• Concernant l'évolution du jeu en lui même c'est super, dans la mesure où la demande de contenu de la part des joueurs est présente.
• J'aime beaucoup cette histoire et elle fait partie de mon quotidien. Je trouve que certaines parties sont assez difficiles à réaliser car elles nécessitent une grande équipe ou ne peuvent pas être réalisées si vous n'êtes pas de haut niveau dans les deux domaines (mêlée et magie). Cependant, je trouve la variété des missions possibles très agréable. Et la nécessité de coopérer, si votre personnage n'est pas de haut niveau, est en fait une bonne chose aussi. Dans l'ensemble :-)
Trois remarques :
• Les récompenses des missions du Nexus sont déséquilibrées par rapport aux missions journalières. Gagner 20 Elyps par soirées avec en plus 2 ou 3 DP, c'est trop peu par rapport aux 30 Elyps qu'on peut se faire en a peine 15 mn avec deux missions journalières.
• Vu le temps nécessaire aux joueurs pour aller jusqu'au bout de cet évènement, obtenir à son issue une récompense adaptée, serait une bonne chose.
• Il est dommage que les Maraudeurs soient contraints de pénétrer dans les capitales pour poser les questions de « Rumeurs » (évènement de lancement de la Saison 2 de la Storyline, toujours disponible), car il doivent pour ça modifier leurs renommées. Il aurait été plus judicieux, pour inciter plus d'entre eux à s'intéresser aux Rumeurs, de leur réserver un certain nombre de PNJ questionnables ailleurs qu'en capitales (dans leur Camp, par exemple).
R :
Merci pour vos retours et pour les remarques sur les récompenses, que je remonte à l'équipe concernée.

Retour : En tant que joueur découvrant à nouveau le jeu, je me sens perdu, et je ne sais pas par où commencer. Des bribes de récapitulations sont trouvables sur le forum, mais il faut tellement chercher qu’on s’y perd. Aussi je fais part de mon « inconfort » à devoir chercher en permanence les informations, et au final, ne pas insister dans cette recherche, dans le doute quant à son utilité. Par exemple : trouverais-je par là comment débloquer les missions du Nexus (les scientifiques ne me parlent pas…) ? Bref : la Storyline est un petit peu complexe !
Suggestion : Peut-être une chronologie récapitulative des événements passés dans le Carnet de missions ou/et une vue d'ensemble avec des liens vers les articles pertinents du wiki aideraient ?
R :
Merci pour ce retour et cette proposition, nous allons voir ce que nous pouvons faire pour que les informations soient plus claires et plus facilement trouvables. Et si d'autres ont des suggestions à ce sujet, qu'ils n'hésitent pas !

Retour : Juste une observation surprenante : c'est assez étrange que les MP des Primes Racines puissent servir à la fabrication de produits de n'importe quelle nation… et que les MP de n'importe quelle nation puissent être utilisés par les artisanats Kami et Karavan. Je me demande donc ce qui sera extrait au Nexus concernant ces derniers.
R :
Héhé mystère ! :-)

4 - Recrutement : Équipe d'animation

Tamarea & Tykus (RT) – 21:26 UTC
Nous recherchons des animateurs bénévoles (scénaristes et acteurs / actrices) pour écrire et/ou jouer des événements roleplay. N’hésitez pas à contacter Tamarea sur Ryzom Chat ou par courriel à Venez nous aider à faire vivre la Storyline en devenant acteur/actrice lors de nos évènements !
La formation est assurée. Vous commencerez en incarnant un personnage secondaire, comme un garde, avant de peu à peu jouer des personnages plus importants quand vous vous sentirez prêt / prête. Si vous êtes plus à l'aise en écrivant qu'en incarnant un personnage, nous avons aussi de la place pour vous, car nos scénarios ne s'écrivent pas tous seuls ! Là encore, vous débuterez par un travail en groupe, avant d'écrire en solo ou à deux, selon votre préférence.
Nous recherchons des bénévoles de tous les fuseaux horaires, y compris américains, afin de pouvoir aussi offrir des évènements roleplay aux heures US.
Si vous êtes intéressés, si vous hésitez, si vous avez des questions, contactez-moi et nous en discuterons !

La réunion est close à 21:46 UTC


Diverses suggestions ont été faites et diverses questions posées sur des sujets ne figurant pas à l'ordre du jour de la réunion. À savoir :

Trois suggestions :
• Augmenter le niveau maximal des personnages et des mobs au-dela de 250.
• Créer, sur le modèle de l'aura de mêlée d'équipe, une aura d'invulnérabilité d'équipe dont le pouvoir d'activation serait obtenu via un évènement, l'Encycopédie ou l'ajout d'une simple compétence magique à haut niveau.
• Ajouter à la barre d'action un bouton pour l'effacer d'un clic (avec une confirmation).
R :
Oui, bonnes idées, mais ce sont des sujets pour le forum :

Q1 : Aurons-nous bientôt de nouvelles informations sur les Trytonistes ? J'en attends depuis longtemps (le premier événement avec la guilde des Trytonistes a eu lieu bien avant l'apparition des Rangers et des Maraudeurs).
R :
Votre question est bien notée et sera remontée à l'équipe d'animation.

Q2 : Pas de nouvelles du multiboxing ?
R :
Nous continuons à travailler sur le multiboxing en interne et j'organiserai une réunion Ryzom Forge « Spéciale multiboxing » dès que nous serons prêts.

Q3 : Pourquoi est-on parfois brusquement déconnecté du jeu (lors d'une téléportation, ou d'un changement de personnage, par exemple) ?
R :
Prenez contact avec le Support pour ce genre de problème, s'il vous plaît, ou consultez eleporting.

Edited 6 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (3 years ago)


#193 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (August 31, 2020)

Date: Monday, August 31, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)
Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public channel RF


Duration: 1.5 hour
Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join
Nature: informative, questions/answers and feedback meeting
Topic: added, in test and ready to be tested projects
   1 - HD texture update: see
   2 - New billing service: see
   3 - Multiboxing
   4 - Bosses refactoring: see
   5 - OP refactoring: see

Edited 15 times | Last edited by Maupas (4 years ago) | Reason: Various fixes

#194 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Note: It is advisable to read the documents listed in the agenda above before the meeting.
We will answer your questions during the meeting.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#195 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – August 31th, 2020

1 - HD texture update

Xelios et Jelathnia (Infographics Team) – 19:38 UTC
Project description note:
(The links on this note don't work, but you can find more comparison screenshots here:
At this stage we have a good baseline for texture replacement and we work mostly on specific types of textures that require special attention.

Q : Is it possible to test these HD textures on our computer?
Yes it is possible, but for the moment our work must remain in the team, as it is not finalized and the tests to verify its holding in the game are still to be carried out. You could download the PNG files and put them in your User folder, but they are not compressed, so the performance impact (if you see any) will not represent the final version. In addition, some have been modified locally but have not yet been uploaded to the server. Finally, they need to be converted to DDS format to be used by the game.

Q : Would the PBR textures available under Creative Commons on Texture Haven website( be interesting for your work?
Yes and no: these textures do not fit with Ryzom's artistic direction but some of them could be useful as partial superimpositions in some cases.

2 - New billing service

Tykus (RT) – 20:03 UTC
Service description note :
The new billing service, developed by Ulukyn, is implemented this week.
SirCotare contributed by creating the interface at the website level.

Q: Will all Worldpay subscriptions need to switch to Xsolla? And if so, within what timeframe?
Yes, within a month. Starting in October it will no longer be possible to pay your subscription via Worldpay (that's why the Worldpay option is missing from the interface of the new billing site) but current subscriptions paid via Worldpay will remain active.

b]Q: But don't we have to change the system in three days?
A:[/b] It actually depends on the end of your subscription, but you can change right away, the remaining days will be carried over.

b]Q: Does the price of subscriptions remain the same?
A:[/b] Yes.

b]Q: Nice layout... but would it be possible to have the date of creation of our account displayed again?
A:[/b] Yes, we'll add it on the next update.

3 - Multiboxing

Tamarea (RT) – 20:25 UTC
Our goal is to limit the gameplay impact of the multi-alts gaming as much as possible.
To achieve this, we will act in two steps: an update of the Code of Conduct and a progressive chanhe in the gameplay.
1 - Short-term action: updating the Code of Conduct
• Limit multiboxing to two accounts connected simultaneously during outpost battles, Bosses hunts, assaults on Marauders Chiefs and Storyline scripted events. In case of abuse, send a screenshot showing the violation to Support.
• Tolerance of multiboxing up to four accounts connected simultaneously in other cases: leveling, roleplay, etc.
2 - Medium and long term action: modification of the Ryzom gameplay
We're working on changing the gameplay little by little to limit the advantage of multi-alts over Bosses, Marauders Chiefs and Storyline scripted events.
This is the expected outcome of the two projects presented below, Bosses refactoring and Outposts refactoring, but also of the future scripted missions of the Storyline.

Q: When will the amended Code of Conduct be published (implemented)?
R :
During September and you will be notified before then.

4 - Bosses refactoring

Namcha (RT) – 20:37 UTC
The main objective of this project is to reduce the gameplay impact of Boss camping, including the one practiced via multi-alts.
Project description note :
I need to clarify or underline some of the points made in this note:
• In a given region, only Bosses of one of the species already inhabiting the region will be able to spawn (the program controlling the pop of Kings will use a file listing the species inhabiting each region). As a consequence :
– if many new Bosses will pop, some of the current ones will not pop anymore, such as Madakoo (since no "common" madakam lives in the Prime Roots ecosystem)… but other versions of the madakam Boss will pop on the surface) ;
– contrary to what the note indicates, there will be no Raguketh 270 popping since no ragus inhabits the 250 region of the Desert ecosystem.
• Bosses logically non-existent by the above rule, whether they exist (such as Madakoo, for example) or not at present, will exist later on to "animate" OOC or scripted events (Storyline). Thus, Madakoo will not completely disappear…
• … Nor, for that matter, the materials collected from these lost Kings who today fill your Guild Hall.
• The refactoring responds to the objective stated above in that it will result in a significant increase in the number of possible popping spots of Bosses per region, thus making it difficult to predict which spot in a given region (now hosting, moreover, a greater diversity of Bosses than today) will see the next Boss of a given type pop.

Q : Will there be new Bosses?
R :
Yes, but they will be new variations of Kings by region rather. If a given species exists in a region, that region is likely to host a Boss specimen of that species.

Q : Will the list of Bosses in the wiki ( be updated?
R :
Yes, most likely, by the volunteer players who contribute to the wiki.

Q : What about Bosses currently popping on one one spot only, such as Bodokin, Cratchakin, etc.?
R :
The particular program that manages them today will not be changed: they will continue to appear, at the same location.

Q : Will there be a frippo Boss?
R :
Logically, a frippo King 120 should exist, yes.

Q : Will there be new Bosses on Silan?
R :
No, Yubokin will remain the only King of Silan.

Q : Can a Boss pop simultaneously in several regions and/or several ecosystems?
R :
There is little chance of this happening. Since a Boss is placed at the "bottom of the stack" when popping, it should not return anytime soon.

Q : Could two Bosses of the same name (i.e. of the same species and ecosystem) but of different levels – for example Izaketh 120 of Oflavak's Oasis and Izaketh 170 of the Dunes of Exile – pop simultaneously in their respective region of the Desert?
R :
Again, it is unlikely to happen: a Boss' placement at the bottom of the stack is independent of his level and host region.

Q : Will two Bosses of different ecosystems but of the same species and level (Raguketh 220 and Ragukin 220 for example) be able to pop simultaneously in their respective ecosystem?
R :
Yes, with good chances this time.

Q : What about rare kitins? Will Kidikoo disappear? Will Kizarakoo appear?
R :
If we let the system work, yes. But Kizarakoo, for example, is still under discussion within the team (shouldn't such a kitin be reserved for an event ?)

Q : If a Boss of a given level (e.g. Izaketh 170) pops (and gets killed) will the next King of the same name to pop be of another level (e.g. Izaketh 120) or not?
R :
Yes, the next tests should verify that the system will rotate the levels of the same King at its successive pops.

Q: What about Cratchakyo, which has been on hold for some time?
This one was a scripted King, yes... It will stay on hold for some more time.

5 - Ouposts refactoring

Tamarea & Namcha (RT) – 21:26 UTC
The aim of this project is to revitalize outpost battles by restoring interest in all POs, by having them change owners regularly and by diversifying the types of combat. It will also reduce the gameplay advantage of multi-talts.
Project description note :
Some points to emphasize here again:
• All outposts, regardless of their level (which will remain unchanged), will produce either Q150, Q200 or Q250 materials.
• No guild will no longer be allowed to keep an outpost for the sole purpose of enjoyment (if any) of its possession.
• To remember: outposts will change hands much more often and regularly than in the past!

Q : "Change owners regularly"... Does this mean that we will be forced to abandon our "home" even if those who covet it are defeated in each of their attacks? With no chance for us to defend it ?
R :
Yes this can happen; in this case the outpost will be taken by NPCs. But it will have begun to produce other materials anyway.

Q : In the case of GvG OP battles, is there anything scheduled to prevent the temporary recruitment in the conflicting guilds of members of their allied guilds?
R :
Two solutions to address this issue are currently being studied to evaluate their respective side effects:
1 • Authorize temporary recruitment by capping the number of combatants
2 • Make the right to fight subject to a minimum seniority in the guild.
In any case a GvG battle (an option which, incidentally, will not be available immediately) must not be identical to an FvF battle.

Q : How will the type of OP battle to be fought be decided?
R :
By clicking on the OP when launching the attack. But the number of GvG attacks per guild will be capped.

Q : Won't the new system only favor the big guilds by allowing them to attack in GvG the small ones that have become incapable of benefiting from the help of their allies?
R :
It is true that one of the objectives of the refactoring is to prevent single-member guilds from holding OPs. But, as far as small guilds are concerned, the extent of the damage will also depend on the capping of the number of GvG battles and they will still have the opportunity to conquer OPs through GvE, knowing that OPs thus conquered will not be able to change owner again during the following two weeks.

Q : "GvE: Guild vs NPCs to win the OPs taken by NPCs"… What kind of NPCs will these be?
R :
Homins for sure, but the possibility of also having kitins was evoked (and submitted to the developers for consideration).

Q : An OP may be held for its faction by a small guild that has received it as a reward for its help and then takes over the work of extracting and redistributing its materials. If the OP is taken through "easy" GvG by a large adverse guild, the faction will be the one that suffers. Shouldn't the faction, therefore, be allowed to help defend it?
R :
If solution 1 above is chosen, the faction will be able to help. If not, it may indeed be necessary to review the organization of the factions.

Q : As all OPs will produce materials from Q150 to Q250, an OP in Fount, for example, will be able to produce exactly the same materials as one in Flaming Forest?
R :
Each OP, regardless of its level, will indeed be able to produce materials of all three qualities, but the materials production rate of OP of a given level will be higher than that of OP of lower level.

Q : How will materials and owners rotations be done? At fixed or random intervals? All together or staggered over time?
R :
All together (server reboot), at an interval of two and a half to three months IRL, but the exact date will be random. Many mechanisms remain to be specified, however, regarding rotations: they will be detailed to you in a future meeting.

Meeting closed at 22:05 UTC

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (4 years ago) | Reason: Various fixes


#196 [en] 

server reboot



#197 [en] 

HD texture
Are these the original 2x scale textures from the PSD of Nevrax artists? Or did you really lose them, and doing an AI upscale?

EDIT: Seems like AI upscale. Looks nice.

Keep in mind, for the 128x128 and 256x256 ground textures, these are actually 127x127 and 254x254 textures. For the small textures, the outer edge is repeated. For the large textures, the middle and outer lines must be repeated. The landscape tiling mechanism expects this for seamless interpolation.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Kaetemi (4 years ago)



#198 [en] 

server reboot

I presume that was to mean that each "alltogether rotation" will need a server reboot.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Maupas (4 years ago)

#199 [en] 

3 - Multiboxing
Tamarea (RT) – 20:25 UTC
Our goal is to limit the gameplay impact of the multi-alts gaming as much as possible.
To achieve this, we will act in two steps: an update of the Code of Conduct and a progressive chanhe in the gameplay.
1 - Short-term action: updating the Code of Conduct
• Limit multiboxing to two accounts connected simultaneously during outpost battles, Bosses hunts, assaults on Marauders Chiefs and Storyline scripted events. In case of abuse, send a screenshot showing the violation to Support.
• Tolerance of multiboxing up to four accounts connected simultaneously in other cases: leveling, roleplay, etc.
2 - Medium and long term action: modification of the Ryzom gameplay
We're working on changing the gameplay little by little to limit the advantage of multi-alts over Bosses, Marauders Chiefs and Storyline scripted events.
This is the expected outcome of the two projects presented below, Bosses refactoring and Outposts refactoring, but also of the future scripted missions of the Storyline.

Q: When will the amended Code of Conduct be published (implemented)?
R :
During September and you will be notified before then.

And is that by IP, or do you check that by PC? My spouse also plays, and for a short while everyone thought that Pixel was another one of my alts.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#200 [fr] 

Would suggest that some OPs (one per perhaps ones near PR access points be reserved for Homin vs NPcs / Kitins under the "stewardship" of the Rangers.   Would be nice to see Rangers who, for the most part won't participate in Homin vs Homin activity,  be able to enjoy such activities too.  To keep the turnover aspect in play .... once the OP is lost, it would have to be retaken by another Guild.

Unless they getting a discounted subsciption price each month, should be a way for them to have comparable access to all content.

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (4 years ago)


Last visit Friday, 7 June 15:24:41 UTC

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