#178 Added by Victoriacamper 5 years ago
#179 Added by Sinvaders 5 years ago
#180 Added by Moniq 5 years ago
...And, yes, I still say, if you don't attend the meeting most of the time you won't miss anything...
#181 Added by Craftjenn 5 years ago
Sorry, but for me it's better to start an other subjet, then add on here a link to it.
My main argument about my remark is languages : all Ryzom Forge reports are translated, and then easy to read for English / French / German users...
Your comments are in English... and for French/German/other languages readers, it's quite like flood D
(As in uni, full of acronyms and/or spelling mistakes and/or slang, very difficult to read for homins who use a different language for game interface. )
Last edited by Craftjenn (5 years ago)
#182 Added by Khalaoden 5 years ago
#183 Added by Bisugott 5 years ago
CraftjennSorry, but for me it's better to start an other subjet, then add on here a link to it.+1
#184 Added by Tykus 5 years ago
Agenda1- Storyline Rumors feedback2- Patch fix (ASAP)3- Recruitment
#185 Added by Moniq 5 years ago
1 - Storyline: Retour sur les rumeurs2 - Prochain patch3 - Recrutement
Que pensez vous des rumeurs ? Si vous rencontrez des bugs, envoyez nous un ticket précisant le PNJ concerné , ça nous permettra d'être plus réactifs.Quelqu'un ?
Tout d'abord, je voudrais dire que j'ai posté un message à ce sujet dans le forum. Ensuite, pour certaines personnes, qui souffrent comme moi, tous ces clics sont fatigants.
Oui, je comprends, mais dans un jeu vidéo, il est difficile de faire autrement. En outre, vous pouvez faire ça par morceaux, à petits pas.C'est un évènement au long cours :).
Je voulais appuyer la déclaration de Craftjenn, selon laquelle l'interface est un peu difficile. Puisque le dialogue n'est lu que par le joueur, sans aucune option, pourquoi ne pas simplifier le texte ? Vous pourriez placer la question du joueur au PNJ, la réponse du PNJ et la réaction du joueur dans une seule bulle de chat, qui ne nécessite qu'un clic.
Non, tout est là, le PNJ va vous donner une réponse, avant de savoir ce qu'elle est ( normalement les PNJ donnent toujours les mêmes réponses). Mais le processus nécessite les 2 étapes, si on vous donne la réponse en même temps que la question, ça n'a pas de sens :)
Juste pour dire que la 2° série de rumeurs (à propos des kitins) est bien plus intéressante...Et remercier Ulukyn pour sa disponibilité sur les quelques bogues résiduels.
Je ferai part à Ulukyn de votre remarque :)
Je suis peut-être la seule, mais comme je ne comprend pas tout, je me contente de cliquer et de voir si la phrase de réussite jaune apparaît (ceci pour répondre à la remarque sur la séquence de cliques ennuyeuse).
Non, je ne pense pas que vous soyez la seule, mais attention, les rumeurs contiennent des informations pour la suite des événements :)
Ajouté : Une fenêtre peut s'accrocher à d'autres fenêtres.Changé : Le lecteur MP3 indique le chemin absolu, les informations sur le format du média sur sysinfo.Corrigé : Le lecteur MP3 affiche une erreur lorsque le son est désactivé.Ajouté : Nouvelle commande /showHideUserLandMark pour cacher les fanions marqueurs sur la carte.Correction : La fenêtre du client n'est plus focalisée et la souris n'est plus gelée durant le chargement ou la téléportation.Changements dans les missions quotidiennesAjout : Jetons de base comme option de récompense.Changement : Augmentation de 20% des récompenses pour les missions demandant fourniture de Produits des Métiers.Modifié : Diminution de la quantité requise pour les produits de métiers de niveau 2 et supérieur.Ajouté : Tags RP pour Fyros, Matis, Tryker, Zorai, Kami, Karavan, Maraudeur et Ranger.Pour que votre personnage arbore ces tags, vous devez porter un bijou en boucle d'oreille et utiliser des Elyps pour y faire graver l'Allégorie par les marchands de votre Nation ou Faction.Équipez ou déséquipez le bijou pour afficher ou cacher le tag RP.Ces tags ne s'affichent que lorsque vous êtes marqué PVP.Vous pouvez afficher ou masquer ces tags quand vous le souhaitez. Si vous les masquez tag, le tag PVP actuel (deux épées croisées) demeurera seul affiché.Pour mieux comprendre le fonctionnement et les origines des Allégories, vous pouvez parler avec Zin Di-Dao à la Kitinière du Bois d'Almati et lancer des rumeurs enchaînées.
J'espérais obtenir un lien ici pour passer en revue les rumeurs déjà entendues.
Ulukyn a prévu quelque chose de cet ordre, mais je ne sais pas exactement quoi…
Ledit lien pour les rumeurs fonctionne, mais seulement au sein d'une guilde. Il permet a chacun de savoir combien de rumeurs la guilde a collecté et, en plus, en sélectionnant un joueur de voir celles qu'il a collectées.
« Une fenêtre peut s'accrocher à d'autres fenêtres » ? Et « La fenêtre du client n'est plus focalisée et la souris n'est plus gelée lors du chargement ou de la téléportation » ? Pouvez-vous préciser, SVP ?
Alors, pour la souris, c'est surtout pour ceux qui sont en multi écrans, quand vous lancez un client Ryzom et que vous êtes en train de faire autre chose, la souris sera immédiatement prise par l'interface ouverte et du coup vous taperez hors de votre fenêtre.Moniq, vous avez testé « Une fenêtre peut s'accrocher à d'autres fenêtres » ? Pouvez-vous nous en parler ?
J'en entends parler pour la première fois ou je ne comprends pas ce que vous voulez dire
Ok, je vous donnerai des informations (je vais tester) quand j'en aurai. D'accord ?Personne n'a de question à propos des tags ?
its not been translated to english. if you enlighten us first, please :)
Ajouté : Tags RP pour Fyros, Matis, Tryker, Zorai, Kami, Karavan, Marauder et RangerPour obtenir ces étiquettes, vous devez porter un bijou sur la boucle d'oreille et utiliser des Elyps sur les marchands de la nation ou de la faction pour y graver l'allégorieÉquiper ou dééquiper le bijou pour afficher ou cacher la balise RPCes balises ne s'affichent que lorsque vous êtes marqué "PVP".Vous pouvez afficher ou masquer la balise quand vous le souhaitez. Si vous êtes marqué PVP et que vous masquez les balises, l'icône PVP actuelle (avec 2 mots croisés) sera affichée. Mieux comme ça ?
Les tags PVP ont souvent entravé ma guérison lors des chasse au Boss Maraudeurs, n'y a-t-il aucun moyen de rappeler aux joueurs, PVP ou non, de désactiver le tag PVP pour ce type d'événement ? Ou de désactiver automatiquement le statut PVP de tous ceux participant à un tel évènement lorsque ils le rejoignent ?
Non, c'est l'affaire du joueur, vous devez tous y réfléchir. On ne peut pas tout automatiser, Ryzom y perdrait son âme :)
Tout cela est certainement correct en soi, mais quand j'essaie de guérir quelqu'un qui est encore actif en mode PVP, je ne peux pas. Au lieu de ça, je reste simplement suspendu en l'air et aucun soin n'est dispensé.
C'est la règle du PVP. Si vous êtes marqué PVP, vous prenez le risque de mourir, les joueurs qui ne sont pas marqués ne peuvent pas vous ressusciter, vous guérir, etc. C'est un choix de joueur et nous offrons seulement, avec ce nouveau tag, plus de possibilités aux joueurs.
Si je comprends bien, un tag est ajouté pour dire « Je ne cherche pas de PVP, mais je ne veux pas être attaqué » ?
Non... Nous allons ajouter plus de variantes, à savoir qu'on pourra se marquer nation et ou faction. Tous les tags ne seront pas PVP mais dans la mesure ou vous choisissez une allégeance, si vous activez un tag, vous serez vulnérable :)
Nous recherchons des bénévoles pour rejoindre :l'équipe de traduction : des traducteurs/correcteurs ES et RU ;l'équipe infographie : des créateurs graphiques ;l'équipe de support: Des CSR EN et FR ;l'équipe dev/Ark : des développeurs, ainsi que des bénévoles qui seront formés à l'outil de création Ark ;l'équipe de Level Design ;l'équipe d'animation : pour concevoir/écrire et/ou animer des events.Je prends sur mon temps pour me lever et discuter avec les joueurs de la zone US, mais il est primordial de trouver des volontaires pour animer leur créneau horaire. Je peux faire une fois par mois la même réunion Ryzom Forge que pour la zone EU, mais pas plus. Aussi est-il important que nous ayons des bénévoles vivant outre-atlantique, en priorité pour l'équipe d'assistance mais pourquoi pas aussi pour les events ( je sais… je rève :P ) Alors, si vous êtes intéressé, envoyez un courriel à Tamarea ou contactez-la via Rocket Chat Il y a aussi des besoins pour la zone EU :)
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tykus (4 years ago)
#186 Added by Tykus 5 years ago
Agenda1- New billing2- New website3- Storyline: episode 1
#187 Added by Balthae 5 years ago
Edited 5 times | Last edited by ERR: Author Not Set (5 years ago)
#188 Added by Tykus 5 years ago
Agenda1- Multiboxing2- Storyline: episode 13- Recruitment
#189 Added by Nilstilar 5 years ago
Definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MultiboxingI must explain clearly, the multiboxing: It's the possibility to connect several characters at the same time on the same server that we can't assimilate to the use of an external program to control one or more characters.ChangeRyzom is a cooperative game, so working together is a necessity. Having a partner of your own to help with drilling and storage or even care is commonly accepted, but having an army of avatars at your command doesn't make sense, the game loses its essence.In order to preserve this essence and the soul of a game where collaboration is encouraged, we have decided to only tolerate the control of 2 characters at the same time per user and this only within the framework of a reasonable use.Consequently, the code of conduct will be modified to specify that "the number of characters controlled simultaneously by the same individual is limited to 2, within the framework of reasonable, reasoned use and without automation". A shard limitation will be set for this.
In conclusionWe have been working for a few years to redo the tools, master them and make them more fun to add content. And with the storyline that's what we're going to do. Make the story evolve and add new things.And then the alts issue came up (on my side, as a developer).With the storyline we will add new challenges. Sometimes the best group (which can be composed of four players only) will be rewarded. If the best team turns out to be four alts (and this is not impossible because it is in some cases an advantage) it would be rather disappointing for us.
The storyline is the leading roleplay thread followed by the Ryzom teams. It gathers a set of roleplay events and gameplay additions, built on a dynamic story.During the prologue of the current Season 2, we heard rumors that things were getting ready. At the beginning of Episode 1, a strong bark shake shook Atys, upsetting the look of the Nexus. The homins are currently investigating the scene.What's your feedback on the beginning of Episode 1?
Missions will be added soon, it's just the beginning: you have no idea what we've prepared for you to follow !But we add things piece by piece to avoid big bugs, that's all: he game's code is ticklish, as you know.
We need DE, ES and RU translators as well as EN proofreaders.Active testers are also needed.
Edited 5 times | Last edited by Maupas (4 years ago) | Reason: Links missing
#190 Added by Nilstilar 4 years ago
This is the last time we have to translate on this channel!Indeed, I am pleased to announce that before the end of the week, DeepL will automatically translate the Ryzom Forge channel, but also the regions (including Silan) and the Universe!The translation of the universe and RF channels will also work between the game and chat.ryzom.com.The original version will be viewable:• from the IG, a flag will indicate the original language and the untranslated sentence at the cursor's passage;• on RC, there will be one channel per language, and you will join by default the one of your client's language. Of course you can open the other language channels if you wish; the message in the original language will be displayed via a link.The next step will be to translate the faction/nation channels.Then we plan to translate the league channels.
The continuation of the Storyline will begin before the end of the week, with the arrival of two new missions to the Nexus: one hunting and one drilling.This scripted event will then be followed by… I won't tell you what, followed by... I won't tell you what either ;)
The next patch will take place on June 25th, to implement the following.Fixings• Fixed outpost history information• Fixed ranger circle optic and missing translation• Fixed lot of Translation issue• Fixed : Rewriting Ranger Aspiration Mission• Added option in Daily Mission : Player can replace any non-occupation mission by another random (limited to 4 uses)• Fixed an issue in Daily Mission where sometimes a same occupation can appear twice.DeepL in game• Added translations to Universe, Region and Forge• Removed all language channels (uni-en, uni-fr, uni-es, uni-de, uni-ru)• Added flags to see the original text and lang• Added (ticky task!) anti-spam system to prevent duplication of same textDeepL in Ryzom Chat• Removed #pub-uni• Removed #pub-forge• Added #pub-forge-XY• Added emoji flags and links to see the original text and lang• All #pub-uni-[fr, en, de, es, ru] are linked to ingame Universe• All #pub-forge-[fr, en, de, es, ru] are linked to ingame Forge This patchnote has just been written and is not yet corrected or translated, but I wanted to share it with you during the meeting.
The change originally announced, i.e. a limitation to 2 accounts connected simultaneously, was only intended to limit the number of multiboxers *using third-party software* to play. Indeed, as we had no reliable technical means to confuse them, we were unable to enforce the Code of Conduct and this led to tensions between players, mixed with a strong feeling of impunity. Limiting the number of simultaneous accounts to 2 seemed a simple but effective way to solve this problem. It is now clear that we had underestimated the other consequences of this solution.I would like to make it clear that although Tykus was the spokesperson for this decision, as he and I take turns chairing RF meetings and it was his turn to do so, this is neither a request nor a decision by Support. If Tykus is indeed the head of the Support team, he is my assistant too and it is in this capacity that he communicated on this project.This announcement, which was aimed exclusively at restricting breaches of the Code of Conduct by those using third-party software, and thus reducing the feeling of gameplay impunity, highlighted another fundamental problem related to multiboxing itself. I admit that the title of the topic ("Multiboxing") didn't help.Following this announcement, many of you have indeed expressed your discomfort because of the authorization on Ryzom to connect 4 accounts simultaneously, mainly because of the feeling of gameplay injustice of those who don't use several alts, but also because of the impunity of multiboxers suspected of violating the Code of Conduct.Just as many of you have expressed your indignation at the announcement of the limitation of multiboxing to 2 accounts connected simultaneously, mainly evoking the intolerable curtailment of freedom so dear to Ryzom.A regrettable rift between the two camps ensued.My role is not to decide and designate a winner, but to hear both sides and propose a solution that is both acceptable to all and meets our initial objective. As much as a meaningful decision is certainly necessary, it is also necessary that it should not further divide you.The reason I have taken so long to come back to you is that it is far from simple. It means taking the time to read and understand everything, to look for solutions, but also to eliminate some of them after finding that they are not feasible. This is the case for those involving a gameplay limitation of the number of accounts connected simultaneously. However, without this physical means of control, it is useless, even counterproductive, to impose any limitation. Indeed, what would be the point of modifying the Code of Conduct if no control tool allows us to enforce it?This is why the initial solution, to prohibit the use of more than two alts at the same time, was not viable in any case, even if it had not generated very strong reactions against it.On the other hand, it's clear that we need to limit the gameplay impact of using multi-alts during the game's "sensitive" activities: outpost battles, hunting bosses, hunting marauder bosses, scripted events. To this end, the best possible solution to date is, in our opinion, the following:• Limiting multiboxing to 2 accounts connected simultaneously during outpost battles, on bosses, marauder bosses and during scripted events (limitation on the gameplay level during the Storyline's scripted events).• Tolerance of multiboxing up to 4 accounts connected simultaneously in other cases: setting up levels, roleplay... In all cases, the use of third party software to control simultaneously connected characters is of course forbidden.During outpost battles, bosses and marauder boss hunts, in case of abuse send to Support a screen showing more than 2 alts present simultaneously.This transitional solution is not perfect and does not solve the problem of using third-party software, but seems to be a viable compromise between the demands of both sides: freedom is preserved when it does not cause a strong gameplay injustice.We will be able to make this solution evolve when gameplay allows us to do so, remaining of course open to your ideas.By the way, when I presented this solution to the Ryzom Team, it brought out some very interesting suggestions of gameplay limitations that we are currently studying. Thus, as the gameplay changes, the limitation of the use of alts on OP, bosses, marauder bosses and scripted events will be done on the gameplay level and not manually anymore.What's your opinion on this compromise in order not to get bogged down in the current situation, knowing that we'll make things evolve, in consultation with you, as gameplay changes occur?
Edited 6 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (4 years ago)
#191 Added by Tykus 4 years ago
Agenda1 - DeepL: improvement, feedback2 - New website: feedback3 - Storyline: feedback, RP events4 - Recruitment: Event team (scriptwriter, actor/actress)
#192 Added by Nilstilar 4 years ago
Now the universe channel and the region channel (including Silan) are translated by the automatic translator DeepL into the client's language. This way, you read directly what the players say in the language you have selected to play Ryzom.Each translation displayed in the channel is preceded by a flag indicating the original language. To display the sentence in its original language, simply move the cursor over this flag, the translation will be displayed above it.What are your opinions on this new feature?
The new website (https://www.ryzom.com) is online!Don't hesitate to give us your opinion and to let us know if there are any bugs !
Episode 1 of the Storyline began with a barkquake at the Nexus, causing profound upheaval in the region. The homins are investigating on site by carrying out various missions.In the near future, roleplay events focusing on what's happening in the Nexus will be released by the event team. They will offer a different view of Nexus events for each nation, Rangers and Marauders, which will help each player view the future of Storyline differently depending on the character they play.What happens in the Nexus is an extremely rich basis for roleplay. And that's just the beginning! You'll see it and experience it over the next events of nations and the next twists and turns.We would like your feedback on the beginning of this Episode 1.
We are looking for volunteer facilitators (scriptwriters and actors / actresses) to write and/or perform roleplay events. Feel free to contact Tamarea on Ryzom Chat https://chat.ryzom.com/direct/tamarea or by email at tamarea@ryzom.com.Come and help us bring the Storyline to life by becoming an actor/actress at our events!Training is provided. You will start by playing a secondary character, such as a guard, before gradually playing more important characters when you feel ready. If you are more comfortable writing than playing a character, we also have room for you, because our scenarios don't write themselves! There again, you will start in group work, before writing solo or in pairs, depending on your preference.We are looking for volunteers from all time zones, including the United States, so that we can also offer roleplay events in US time.If you are interested, if you are uncertain, if you have any questions, please contact me and we will discuss it!
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