

#156 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (November 25th, 2019)

Date: monday, November 25th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public channel Forge (open the WebIG (Ctrl+W) and click on the "RF" button next to the language flags)
  • chat.ryzom, channel #pub-forge (


Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.

#157 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – November 25th, 2019

Status of ongoing projects: Range weapons

Tykus (RT) – 20:38 UTC
The balancing of the range weapons is very advanced. It is however difficult to test because it is necessary to have access to raw materials, and especially it is difficult to reproduce the conditions of the Atys server (Outpost battles, PvP, hunting). That's why we chose an alternative solution, to make sure that this branch takes its place in the gameplay again, without making the magic and the classic melee obsolete. Make no mistake, the change will have a significant impact on the armed strategy, but it should not make your master axe level unecessary.
We have therefore planned a three-phase implementation:
   • addition of basic ammunition to the gun dealer, patch of the modification of the space taken by the ammunition in the bag (bulk);
   • patch of the modifications tested on Outpost battles and evaluation on Atys (a topic will be created on the forum to collect your feedback);
   • final adjustment patch after analysis of forum feedback.
We do not yet have a precise timetable for these phases, but we will communicate them later.

Q: In the absence of a schedule, do we know what the main changes to the shooting are?
it is a general balancing, the purpose of these modifications was to improve the attractiveness of the branch, which already suffers from the obligation of drilling and crafting to level and, most of all, from the fact that some weapons were clearly devalued, even obsolete.
It is difficult to give details of the changes: everything (or almost everything) has been moved. But not weapon by weapon, rather as a whole.

Q: So no modification of the proper operation of the shooting, but rather power adjustments?
Power, range, firing rate, ammunition weight and also activation of bonuses on weapons and ammunition that have been inoperative until now.

Q: So, the materials will have an influence on the performance of the shooting?
Much more than before, yes. The use of excellent and supreme materials, until now useless, will become interesting as a result.

Q: Will it be easier and faster to practice with the new shooting system than with the old one?
Easier, yes. Because you will be able to buy ammunition from the merchants (“basic” ammunition but sufficient to level in the branch).

Highlighting: New website ⇒

Please take time to read the above document.

Cotare (RT) – 21:06 UTC
We've been working on Ryzom's new website for quite a while now. It will replace the old website on some time in december. We have come along pretty well and we want to show you a preview and ask for your opinions.
A few more words: the preview is not yet translated and therefore will only show english text. Also, some links (especially to account-management, signin, registration, etc.) are not yet functional. The "events" section is not yet fully functional too and shows placeholders.
So, let's have a look together:
For those who are joining us ingame: you'll have to use your regular webbrowser to visit the site. It is not available in Ryzom's ingame browser.
Now, feel free to ask questions and give us your suggestions and other feedback.

Q: Do the forum links point to the new version? Will they be modified to point to what we see there?
What you see there was a test to see how the header and footer of the new website could look on the old WebIG. The links will be put on the forums when the website goes live.

Q: Nice work. I only find the size of some fonts too large, perhaps because of the resolution of my screens. Are these sizes definitive?
The page is optimized for full hd, which you are using, so that should not be an issue. The page also responds to smaller screen sizes and should work on tablets and phones too.
However, I will take a look at it and tinker with the sizes a little bit. Maybe you're right.

Q: Will the new site be tested by the Test Team before release online (December is close and testing take some time…)?
I do realize that. I am currently working on administrative tools so the website can be translated and filled with actual events and news.
As for the testing part, nothing is scheduled yet, but a meeting with the Test Team, Cotare, Ulukyn and Tamarea will soon be held to discuss it.


#158 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (January 13th 2020)

Date: monday, January 13th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public channel Forge (open the WebIG (Ctrl+W) and click on the "RF" button next to the language flags)
  • chat.ryzom, channel #pub-forge (


Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
        1- Feedbacks 
 -Feedback on Atysmas events
 -Feedback on daily missions
      2- Storyline:
      3- Deepl: following test
      4- Recruitment of volunteers:
      Translation Team: We are first of all looking for DE, ES, RU translators/proofreaders and of EN proofreaders.
      Of course FR translators/proofreaders will be appreciated too!
      We would also need graphic creators (gfx) Dev/Ark, Level-designers and new members into Event Team..

#159 [en] 

Once again, will there a second meeting at 02:30 UTC so that there can be some real-time communication between continents for once?


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#160 [fr] 

@Gidget, I think it will never happen.

#161 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report - January 13, 2020

1 - Feedbacks
  • - Feedback on Atysmas events
  • - Feedback on daily missions
2 - Storyline: Introduction
3 - Deepl: following test
4 - Recruitment of volunteer

Tykus, 20:47 UTC
I would ask you not to speak during my speaking phases, and then to raise your hand if you wish to speak. I will note your request and give you the floor when it is your turn.

1 - Feedbacks

Feedback about Atysmas events

Tykus, 20:47 UTC
Raise your hand, I'll give you the floor. Someone?
Kyyjura, 20:53 UTC
I wanted to say that the puzzle fragments was a fantastic idea
Kiwalie, 20:55 UTC
Puzzle great idea and gift to the city too, for all people can have the gift, think to the guards.
They kill my gifts, they don't have cookies :)

Q: For the yuboho, a lot of players don't have the mats. I don't send a ticket, but have you receive some about this problem?
A: Yes we listed the yobohoh's bugs, we will try to fix them before next event :)

Kyyjura, 21:02 UTC
I spent hours killing snowmen but was unable to participate in killing yubohoho due to cooldown I think
while I understand there are reasons for the timing of yubhoho, not receiving anything for killing the snowmen was disappointing
Arxxan, 21:03 UTC
yuboho was nice but also reward system should be reworked. some people just camped at arena and did nothing. so rewards should also be related to killed snowmen
Tykus 21:04 UTC
Ok, Yubohoho will be reviewed in order to remove all bugs :)
Arxxan, 21:14 UTC
gifts in city and around should be a surprise and random. hitting big presents and know there is a for speed eggs was a bit boring.
i can also imagine "harder" gifts in q250 areas for more experienced players
the treehunting was not done very often because ppl thought it is not worth
so idea good but rewards need rework here.
Tryroamer 21:18 UTC
i ask that who kills snowmen be shown how many still needed to be killed for that region ...
that way i would be able to aid in other regions as soon as done with 100% filling
Tuffgong 21:22 UTC
The atysmas tree was a nice idea but I think there was a problem with the loots, some helped to kill the tree and received nothing beacause others didn't think to share the loots. I think it should be better to set the same loot for each person that helped to kill the tree

Feedback about Dailys missions

Ulu posted in the topic for the daily missions, he will modify some stuff in the filt(er to avoid incomplete or unseless missions

Q: Would it be possible to add 1- 49 mission lvl in drop down menu or is that a bit silly? I ask because not all skills are at a level to do the 50 - 99 missions like for new players from Silan.
A: The only mission for this level are on silan or city welcomer

Q: Is there any new reward with Elyps points planned soon?
A: Yes we have many thing planned for it, some are ready and other need a bit work to finish, but I don't tell you more so as not to ruin your surprise

Q: Will there be guild weekly missions for guild members?
A: We think about it, but it need to be cereated, it's a big work :) Guild missions must be specific and there is nothing in the 11,000 missions that allow you to do them specifically "in guild".

2- Storyline: Introduction

Tykus, 21:33 UTC
The rumor system is going to be set up on atys, namely that all the npcs of atys will answer your questions about what's going on and believe me, they have things to tell you (some more than others).
We will add the first phase for the range weapons change (patch scheduled around the january 27th)

Q: is the information given by the rumour system to be actionable or just for RP?
A: The information from the rumor, will give clues about upcoming events and can be collected as pieces of the puzzle. Only the fixed pnjs will be concerned not those which are in movement.

Tykus, 21:52 UTC
Update: Ulu tells me in the ear that all non-attackable npcs will be concerned, even those who move :)

Tykus, 21:45 UTC
Just a reminder: the first phase for the range weapons is, bulk modification for ammos and gezneric ammos added to the range weapons merchants :)

Q: what do you mean by bulk modification?
A: We reduce the space taken by some ammos in the bag :)

Q: will it be possible to sell ammo to the merchants for resale or immediate sale?
A: I'asked ulu, so I have no answer for now :)

3 - DeepL

Tykus, 22:03 UTC
The translation tests are still in progress, we have implemented the translation exclusion command (/a setDontTranslateLangs [en, fr, de, es] ) that will allow you to not translate a language. For the moment, the tests are not extended to other channels than the around area.
Tryroamer, 22:07 UTC
I suggest that DeepL be suggested to be used at these meetings by those giving comments to facilitate the immediate translation of questions one gives etc
Tykus, 22:10 UTC
Dynanics channel need a bit (lot) coding to be aviable for deepl, so We will have to wait to use it on Pub forge :P

4 - Recruitment

Tykus, 22:03 UTC
The translation team: We are primarily looking for DE, ES, RU translators/proofreaders and EN proofreaders. Of course, FR translators/revisers will also be appreciated!
We also need graphic designers (gfx) Dev/Ark, LD and anims. If you are interested, ask Tam on RC or by email :)

Other questions

Q: The corporals in FH all give missions for gaining dappers; i ask that all mainland landing places for new arrivals out of Silan offer such missions; i so far have not found any dappers missions giving npcs in zora, for example .... 8(
A: There is a lot of missions whitch give you dappers, craft missions even for low level city welcomers etc...There are three corporals in pyr who give such missions... :)

Q: "Arkitect" for players, still in the works or pretty much on hold?
A: Always in use and up to date (V4.0)

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Margote (5 years ago)

#162 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (February 17th 2020)

Date: monday, Februry 17th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public channel Forge (open the WebIG (Ctrl+W) and click on the "RF" button next to the language flags)
  • chat.ryzom, channel #pub-forge (


Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
      1- Storyline release
      2- Next patch (february 19th)
      3- New Ryzom website
      4- Recruitment

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (5 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#163 [en] 

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Can you please stop with that lie? Thank you.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#164 [en] 

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Can you please stop with that lie? Thank you.

Can you please stop with trolling? Thank you.

#165 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – February 17th, 2020

Storyline release

Tamarea (RT) – 20:38 UTC
Season 2, called "In Black against White", will begin on Wednesday, February 19 with its prologue, entitled "The one where you get informed".
During this prologue, which should last about a month, you will be able to interrogate (via right-click) all the NPCs that are not attackable and that do not belong to a tribe you come across, politely or bluntly depending on your reputation. Some of them will have nothing to say to you but others will tell you, in the form of rumors, more or less important information about recent events... which could also give you clues about those to come!
New rumors will be available from NPCs over time (one more every 12 hours). Your mission will be to gather all this information. A Storyline window in your mission book will allow you to follow the progress of your quest, through a progress bar. New bars will be added when informations about other themes will be available.
Then will start the first episode… But I won't tell you anything about it in order to let you be surprised ;)
Just know that the rumors (and thus the progress bars) will remain active even after the end of the prologue.

It's up to you if you want to take the floor on this topic!

Q: Will all NPCs be involved in this "Prologue", or only some of them whom players will have a list ?
All non-attackable and out-of-tribe NPCs will react with you, but not all of them will have any information to give you!

Q: How many will be these rumor-spreading NPCs?
To begin with there will be about thirty pieces of information to discover, then the number will increase as the days go by.

Q: Will only recents events in the History be rumored, or older ones too?
Relatively recent events for the moment, but older ones may be added later, as rumors will remain. In the end there will also be several themes to discover, recent events are only the first.

Q: Will NPCs be able to spread false rumors?
He he, NPCs are homins, so who knows! What if one of them spreads false rumors about one of your own characters, for example? ;)
Joking aside, NPCs can also spread rumors about player events afterwards. This way, your characters could one day be evoked by an NPC!
And, coming back to the prologue, the important information for the rest of the Storyline will be "real" rumours.

Q: Will players "only" be able to experience history/story in the game instead of reading it in the forum, or is Storyline a kind of scavenger hunt - with a goal to complete through clues gathering?
Rumors will initially give you the opportunity to experience the story in the game and not outside on a forum, which in itself is already a significant change. In addition, the rumors will grow and lead to certain discoveries that will not just be information about the history, but will be very useful to access new gameplay or roleplay knowledge.

The next patch ⇒

Tamarea (RT) – 21:21 UTC
A client, data and server patch and a restart of the game server are planned on February 19th, 2020 in order to implement the following additions and fixes.

Change • A new loading screen will be used with the name of the Storyline season episode and the latest news about it.
Improvements & bug fixes:
• fixes on webig;
• teleport pacts have now a label to easily identify the destination;
• fixes on French translations for some occupations products;
• improvements and new option (in beta test) to locate fight Daily Missions objectives.

• new Rewards Delivery System (izams getting a boost and can now deliver more than letters!);
• lot of menus items (when you right click to made an action) have now an icon.

• addition of a Storyline window information with current season and episode and the objectives;
• new loading screen displaying the name of the Storyline season episode and the latest news about it;
• new option to ask politely NPCs (or question roughly them if your fame with the nation is lower than – 30) which will open dialogs that will give you information sometimes useful, sometimes false or forgivable.

I give you the floor if you want to react!

Comment (Jorgensen): I like the idea of NPCs giving rumours that will lead to quests and discoveries.

New Ryzom website

Tamarea (RT) – 21:34 UTC
The new Ryzom website is being tested at this address:
Some German translations and some links are still missing, but most of the job is done!
It is scheduled to go into operation in March.
If you have feedbacks and suggestions for improvement, you can share them now or later on the forum.

Your turn to have the floor!

Feedback and suggestions are given at the end of the meeting (after Cotare, in charge in the RT of the website, has joined) by Craftjenn (for the most) and Ashuleila. These are as follows:
• Too bad the events agenda is hosted by Google... But the new website looks good.
• The installers seems to be different per each system (so, less heavy in size ?).
• Good too: the site is responsive!
• I don't see a lot of SEO tags, on the other hand.
• And a suggestion: add a short paragraph about webapps.
• The calendar plugin refuses to translate itself.
On this last point, Tamarea, supported by Craftjenn, suggests getting closer to Ulukyn for a migration of the agenda of events to "our current free tool".


Tamarea (RT) – 21:42 UTC
We are looking for volunteers to join :
• Translation team: ES and RU translators/proofreaders;
• Computer Graphics team: graphic designers (3D / 2D);
• Support team: EN and FR CSRs;
• Dev/Ark team: developers, as well as volunteers who will be trained on the ARK creation tool;
• Level Design team;
• Event Animation team: to write and/or animate IG events.

That was the last topic for today! Next time, we'll tell you about the future billing service.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (5 years ago)


#166 [en] 

Site looks really nice thought, great job.


#167 [fr] 

Je pense que les réunions ne se font pas le dimanche car le dimanche est le moment privilégié pour les event ou n'importe quelle rencontre informelle entre joueur sur atys (OP, réunion entre joueur etc). Donc oui, c'est dommage que les réunions ryzom forge ne se fassent pas un dimanche, mais si c'était le cas, ça bloquerait un créneau pour le reste.


Ranger éradicateur de kitins

#168 [en] 

Je pense que les réunions ne se font pas le dimanche car le dimanche est le moment privilégié pour les event ou n'importe quelle rencontre informelle entre joueur sur atys (OP, réunion entre joueur etc). Donc oui, c'est dommage que les réunions ryzom forge ne se fassent pas un dimanche, mais si c'était le cas, ça bloquerait un créneau pour le reste.

Thank you for actually addressing the complaint instead of ignoring it or insulting me or simply censoring me. That's more respect than I've got in a while.

I would bring the scheduling up at a Forge meeting if it were possible for me to do so, but this thread is really my only chance to have any input.... or so I thought.

While Sunday may be a special day, I think that RL jobs are more important than in-game events. The implication that OP battles and socializing are more important than including anyone more than a time zone or two from the server is a bit demeaning. It sends a message that non-EU players are, at best, second-class. My thought was that by moving the meetings to a time when all could attend, Ryzom could be a bit more inclusive.

But the last few responses I got (other than your's) indicate that the exclusion of others is intentional. Being told to stop trolling, or simply having my words deleted is no accident.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#169 [fr] 

Ce n'est pas une réponse officielle, je ne suis qu'un joueur.
Et oui, vous pouvez donner votre avis ici, il sera pris en compte. Vous ne serez pas le premier ni le dernier à faire ainsi. De plus vous avez l'ordre du jour de la prochaine réunion pour vous aider.


Ranger éradicateur de kitins

#170 [en] 

Can you please stop with that lie? Thank you.

There's always that someone who *has* to victimise themselves, over and over again, endlessly. I thought you had to work ;-)

Ryzom Forge, is as I understand it, a collaborative project between volunteers and Ryzom team (more volunteers). Its meetings are mostly informative, the real work happening on varied schedules behind curtains. You're such a cry baby for not realising none of them have to meet any of these ridiculously childish demands.

Ryzom is already very inclusive, they explicitly request players to volunteer for them. If you don't feel included its because you don't want to be.
Being told to stop trolling, or simply having my words deleted is no accident.

Well... If you'd stop spamming the forums over and over again with the same pointless argument perhaps your word would have more of an impact. But all you do is complain about a pointless informative meeting (which isn't the only space where you get the information either, its posted a few days later here) and contribute nothing to either team or this one project.

Maybe shift your criticism towards actual ideas and stop nagging about a meeting which out of pure convenience is held at a particular time instead of constantly victimising yourself about this very fact.

Alternatively do go to work (apparently you are always working to not be able to join any team or attend a meeting) and stop wasting your precious free time on forums posts.

Or stop following these threads dedicated to volunteer projects and focus on the actual current game instead???

Just an idea.
This is not an official response, i am just a player
.. and one that gets easily fed up of mimimi on forums.

Yours truly,

Last visit Tuesday, 11 March 05:01:56 UTC

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