#154 Added by Gidget 5 years ago
Date: monday, October 28th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)
#155 Added by Nilstilar 5 years ago
Les évènements HRP d'Anlor Winn débuteront le jeudi 31 octobre 20:00 UTC et se termineront le lundi 11 novembre.Nous réactiverons pour l'occasion le décor ainsi que les évènements spéciaux (Le labyrinthe périlleux, Sus aux citrouilles !, Zombies yubos) et vous proposerons divers petits jeux.L'annonce est disponible ici.
Nous en sommes à l'équilibrage nécessité par la réduction à une heure de la phase d'attaque (calage du nombre de rounds, d'escouades, etc.). Nous passerons ensuite au retrait de la phase de défense.Afin de tester avec plus de personnages, les tests finals seront menés sur Atys.
Le dernier test, effectué en JcJ sur un Avant-Poste, a montré que les valeurs ont été trop augmentées, si bien que les armes sont trop... efficaces. De nouveaux tests auront lieu sous peu.
Les tests sont presque terminés, il ne reste quasiment plus que des bugs mineurs à corriger et des traductions à compléter.L'implémentation en jeu est prévue pour juste après Anlor Winn, vers mi-novembre.
Sa sortie est prévue en novembre.
Un nouveau système de facturation est en développement. Ulukyn viendra vous le présenter lors d'une prochaine réunion.
Le nouveau site web de Ryzom est en cours de création. SirCotare viendra vous le présenter lors d'une prochaine réunion.Son lancement est prévu avant la fin de l'année.
Objectif du projet(Tamarea (RT) – 21:12 UTC)Afin d'améliorer votre expérience de jeu, il nous faut vous offrir un jeu vivant avec des events réguliers et variés, mais aussi un gameplay soigné et enrichi par des ajouts réguliers de nouveautés.Or, notre petite équipe ne nous permet pas de travailler avec les ambitions d’une grande société.Aussi, nous avons choisi de nous « poser » et de tous nous recentrer autour d’un projet commun : la Storyline.Celle-ci servira de base roleplay permettant de déboucher sur du contenu gameplay, en privilégiant le contenu déjà en cours de développement et en en profitant pour terminer une partie du gameplay en jeu depuis des années mais inachevé.Ainsi, le projet Storyline a pour ambition de rendre le jeu plus vivant et intéressant et donc d’agrandir notre communauté, ainsi que de redynamiser l’équipe Ryzom en mettant bien plus rapidement en jeu les ajouts sur lesquels elle travaille.La philosophie qui sous-tend cette approche est, plus que la simple conservation de l'actuelle communauté éclatée, son rassemblement et sa transformation en communauté façonnant (et façonnée par) les events, où tous peuvent se réunir pour le plaisir.Principe du projet(Tamarea (RT) – 21:17 UTC)Tous les events joués depuis les débuts du jeu jusqu’à l’achèvement prochain du « Bouclier de l’Empire » sont désormais regroupés sous le nom de « Saison 1 ».La prochaine saison, dite « Saison 2 », aura deux thèmes principaux que je garderai secrets afin de préserver la surprise.Les deux thèmes seront joués en alternance, chacun en plusieurs épisodes. Chaque épisode débutera par un event joué par l’Event team, se poursuivra par une série d’events joués et scriptés, et se concluera par un ajout gameplay permanent.Les thèmes choisis pour la Saison 2 vont permettre aux développeurs de terminer une partie du gameplay inachevé : Pocket Worlds (Éditeur Scénographique, Îles de Guilde), Kitinière, Gameplay Maraudeur, Métiers (avancés), Implications...Ils leur permettront aussi d’implémenter en jeu plusieurs projets en cours de développement : Nexus Reloaded, Collections, Rois en boîte, Nouvelle carte Maraudeurs, de nouveaux Events Dynamiques...Parce qu’ils déboucheront sur des ajouts gameplay permanents (dépendant en partie des actions des joueurs pendant l’épisode), les events et le jeu de rôle y gagneront en intérêt.Le lancement de la Saison 2 est prévu pour janvier 2020.
L'équipe Comm-Marketing s'agrandit grâce à trois nouveaux membres :• Margote pour s'occuper des broadcasts ;• Drumel et Mideo pour créer des vidéos.
Edited 7 times | Last edited by Maupas (5 years ago) | Reason: Unresponding link
#156 Added by Tykus 5 years ago
AgendaStatus of ongoing projects: Range weaponsHighlighting: Website project https://cloud.ryzom.com/s/j78HypWGPjssdcH
#157 Added by Nilstilar 5 years ago
The balancing of the range weapons is very advanced. It is however difficult to test because it is necessary to have access to raw materials, and especially it is difficult to reproduce the conditions of the Atys server (Outpost battles, PvP, hunting). That's why we chose an alternative solution, to make sure that this branch takes its place in the gameplay again, without making the magic and the classic melee obsolete. Make no mistake, the change will have a significant impact on the armed strategy, but it should not make your master axe level unecessary.We have therefore planned a three-phase implementation: • addition of basic ammunition to the gun dealer, patch of the modification of the space taken by the ammunition in the bag (bulk); • patch of the modifications tested on Outpost battles and evaluation on Atys (a topic will be created on the forum to collect your feedback); • final adjustment patch after analysis of forum feedback.We do not yet have a precise timetable for these phases, but we will communicate them later.
We've been working on Ryzom's new website for quite a while now. It will replace the old website on www.ryzom.com some time in december. We have come along pretty well and we want to show you a preview and ask for your opinions.A few more words: the preview is not yet translated and therefore will only show english text. Also, some links (especially to account-management, signin, registration, etc.) are not yet functional. The "events" section is not yet fully functional too and shows placeholders.So, let's have a look together: https://ryweb.larboard.net/For those who are joining us ingame: you'll have to use your regular webbrowser to visit the site. It is not available in Ryzom's ingame browser.Now, feel free to ask questions and give us your suggestions and other feedback.
#158 Added by Tykus 5 years ago
Agenda1- Feedbacks -Feedback on Atysmas events -Feedback on daily missions2- Storyline:Introduction3- Deepl: following test4- Recruitment of volunteers:Translation Team: We are first of all looking for DE, ES, RU translators/proofreaders and of EN proofreaders.Of course FR translators/proofreaders will be appreciated too!We would also need graphic creators (gfx) Dev/Ark, Level-designers and new members into Event Team..
#159 Added by Gidget 5 years ago
#160 Added by Sinvaders 5 years ago
#161 Added by Moniq 5 years ago
1 - Feedbacks- Feedback on Atysmas events- Feedback on daily missions2 - Storyline: Introduction3 - Deepl: following test4 - Recruitment of volunteer
I would ask you not to speak during my speaking phases, and then to raise your hand if you wish to speak. I will note your request and give you the floor when it is your turn.
Raise your hand, I'll give you the floor. Someone?
I wanted to say that the puzzle fragments was a fantastic idea
Puzzle great idea and gift to the city too, for all people can have the gift, think to the guards.They kill my gifts, they don't have cookies :)
I spent hours killing snowmen but was unable to participate in killing yubohoho due to cooldown I thinkwhile I understand there are reasons for the timing of yubhoho, not receiving anything for killing the snowmen was disappointing
yuboho was nice but also reward system should be reworked. some people just camped at arena and did nothing. so rewards should also be related to killed snowmen
Ok, Yubohoho will be reviewed in order to remove all bugs :)
gifts in city and around should be a surprise and random. hitting big presents and know there is a for speed eggs was a bit boring. i can also imagine "harder" gifts in q250 areas for more experienced playersthe treehunting was not done very often because ppl thought it is not worthso idea good but rewards need rework here.
i ask that who kills snowmen be shown how many still needed to be killed for that region ...that way i would be able to aid in other regions as soon as done with 100% filling
The atysmas tree was a nice idea but I think there was a problem with the loots, some helped to kill the tree and received nothing beacause others didn't think to share the loots. I think it should be better to set the same loot for each person that helped to kill the tree
The rumor system is going to be set up on atys, namely that all the npcs of atys will answer your questions about what's going on and believe me, they have things to tell you (some more than others).We will add the first phase for the range weapons change (patch scheduled around the january 27th)
Update: Ulu tells me in the ear that all non-attackable npcs will be concerned, even those who move :)
Just a reminder: the first phase for the range weapons is, bulk modification for ammos and gezneric ammos added to the range weapons merchants :)
The translation tests are still in progress, we have implemented the translation exclusion command (/a setDontTranslateLangs [en, fr, de, es] ) that will allow you to not translate a language. For the moment, the tests are not extended to other channels than the around area.
I suggest that DeepL be suggested to be used at these meetings by those giving comments to facilitate the immediate translation of questions one gives etc
Dynanics channel need a bit (lot) coding to be aviable for deepl, so We will have to wait to use it on Pub forge :P
The translation team: We are primarily looking for DE, ES, RU translators/proofreaders and EN proofreaders. Of course, FR translators/revisers will also be appreciated!We also need graphic designers (gfx) Dev/Ark, LD and anims. If you are interested, ask Tam on RC or by email tamarea@ryzom.com :)
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Margote (5 years ago)
#162 Added by Tamarea 5 years ago
Agenda1- Storyline release2- Next patch (february 19th)3- New Ryzom website4- Recruitment
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (5 years ago)
#163 Added by Gidget 5 years ago
Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.
#164 Added by Moniq 5 years ago
TamareaParticipants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.Can you please stop with that lie? Thank you.
#165 Added by Nilstilar 5 years ago
Season 2, called "In Black against White", will begin on Wednesday, February 19 with its prologue, entitled "The one where you get informed".During this prologue, which should last about a month, you will be able to interrogate (via right-click) all the NPCs that are not attackable and that do not belong to a tribe you come across, politely or bluntly depending on your reputation. Some of them will have nothing to say to you but others will tell you, in the form of rumors, more or less important information about recent events... which could also give you clues about those to come!New rumors will be available from NPCs over time (one more every 12 hours). Your mission will be to gather all this information. A Storyline window in your mission book will allow you to follow the progress of your quest, through a progress bar. New bars will be added when informations about other themes will be available.Then will start the first episode… But I won't tell you anything about it in order to let you be surprised ;)Just know that the rumors (and thus the progress bars) will remain active even after the end of the prologue.It's up to you if you want to take the floor on this topic!
A client, data and server patch and a restart of the game server are planned on February 19th, 2020 in order to implement the following additions and fixes.Change • A new loading screen will be used with the name of the Storyline season episode and the latest news about it.Improvements & bug fixes:• fixes on webig;• teleport pacts have now a label to easily identify the destination;• fixes on French translations for some occupations products;• improvements and new option (in beta test) to locate fight Daily Missions objectives.Adds• new Rewards Delivery System (izams getting a boost and can now deliver more than letters!);• lot of menus items (when you right click to made an action) have now an icon.Storyline• addition of a Storyline window information with current season and episode and the objectives;• new loading screen displaying the name of the Storyline season episode and the latest news about it;• new option to ask politely NPCs (or question roughly them if your fame with the nation is lower than – 30) which will open dialogs that will give you information sometimes useful, sometimes false or forgivable.I give you the floor if you want to react!
The new Ryzom website is being tested at this address: https://ryweb.larboard.net.Some German translations and some links are still missing, but most of the job is done!It is scheduled to go into operation in March.If you have feedbacks and suggestions for improvement, you can share them now or later on the forum.Your turn to have the floor!
We are looking for volunteers to join :• Translation team: ES and RU translators/proofreaders;• Computer Graphics team: graphic designers (3D / 2D);• Support team: EN and FR CSRs;• Dev/Ark team: developers, as well as volunteers who will be trained on the ARK creation tool;• Level Design team;• Event Animation team: to write and/or animate IG events.That was the last topic for today! Next time, we'll tell you about the future billing service.
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (5 years ago)
#166 Added by Magez 5 years ago
#167 Added by Azazor 5 years ago
#168 Added by Gidget 5 years ago
Je pense que les réunions ne se font pas le dimanche car le dimanche est le moment privilégié pour les event ou n'importe quelle rencontre informelle entre joueur sur atys (OP, réunion entre joueur etc). Donc oui, c'est dommage que les réunions ryzom forge ne se fassent pas un dimanche, mais si c'était le cas, ça bloquerait un créneau pour le reste.
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