#149 Added by Sinvaders 5 years ago
#150 Added by Gidget 5 years ago
Because most of the ryzom team members are from EU timezone, they give their time as volunteer, and is diiffcult to program meeting when they are sleeping, but please, if you are in US timezone, join us, and maybe we will be able to change thinks :)
#151 Added by Northstar 5 years ago
Last edited by Maupas (5 years ago) | Reason: Fixes of FR text
#152 Added by Moniq 5 years ago
1 - Review of the celebrations of Ryzom's 15th anniversary2 - Progress of projects under test3 - Coming soon: Launch of Season 2 of the Storyline
In order not to put the current projects on hold for several weeks, we have chosen to reuse the 10th-Birthday island. What we didn't anticipate was that in five years the ARK has changed a lot, so we had to rewrite a number of scripts with the new code (thanks to PtitBill!). As we also had to add the Ranger Camp which did not exist five years ago, we were limited in time. Ryzom's 15th anniversary certainly did not have the dimension it deserved, but the teams mobilized, in particular the Event team to animate this event, and the Infographics team to create the cake (Aileya) and the “confettis” effect (Xelios). Lessons have been learned and a debriefing took place internally, to better anticipate future events. If you have some question, I am listening :)
I fully agree with Azileth. Why organizing events whom you can get some rewards, if these are removed afterwards? These rewards are the little bonusses which make the difference whith the players who never participate to events. And if rewards are interesting, they could attract more players in future events. Same for old titles given again several years after their first award. By doing so you devalue them.
I understand Imotep and Azileth's points of view, but I still wanted to thank and congratulate the teams in charge of the events of the 15th birthday. Everything didn't go as planned, but I still had a great time with really nice people :)
I didn't say 15th Birthday was bad, just that I didn't like it. That'all.
The tests are still ongoing, some fixes still need to be coded. We will publish a manual to answer any questions you may have.
Unuseful points? Implication points are already useful, huh! They can be used as faction points, by the same NPC!
The system is ready, but we still need testers to balance the feasibility (not too hard, not too easy). So if you are interested: https://chat.ryzom.com/direct/Tamarea
We started the testing on Yubo (the Test&Dev server) of the new outpost battles system (as a reminder : one phase only, lasting one hour). We have to test that in order to balance it. During our first test, we tried a pop rythm two times higher than the one used on Atys for now. Then, as we have no more outpost battles every day, we had a test on Gingo (Test server, whose operation is more like Atys) for us to have an idea of how it would work in real. The next steps will allow us to determine the right rythms of pop of NPCs. For the outpost battles to be more dynamic (that's the goal) but not too easy to win. In order to test high rythms, we need more palyer-testers. So, Is you are interested, you can send a /tell or an email to Tamarea.
On Yubo, the rythm has to be reduced then. But duration was set to one hour.
This addition takes time, you have to make these weapons attractive without making the rest of the game obsolete. A new test session is about to start; all the necessary tools are created to finalize the settings. Riasan (and Ulu) created some tools which allow the spawning of all the materials needed for testing.
That would be great if I could defend thanks to something else than axe or magic!
Phase 2 of the “development work for DeepL to manage translation between game channels and chat.ryzom.com”, is currently underway. This is only for information: I don't know more about. But maybe, soon, automatic translation will be available in this channel for RF meetings? That would be great :)
The various teams continue to prepare for Season 2, the first episode of which should begin in January.Each episode, which will advance the ongoing Atys Planet History, will include a series of events played and scripted and will end with a permanent gameplay addition. The current projects are largely integrated into Season 2 (Dynamic Events, Pocket worlds, Collections, Boss in a Box, Nexus Reloaded, Marauders' map and gameplay…), even if some of them, which cannot be integrated, will be implemented in parallel (outpost battles refactoring, rebalancing of ranged weapons). We are not yet revealing the themes of this Season, so as not to spoil for you the pleasure of surprise!
Edited 10 times | Last edited by Maupas (5 years ago) | Reason: Fixes in EN text
#153 Added by Tamarea 5 years ago
AgendaÉtat d'avancement des projets en coursMise en lumière : projet Storyline
Last edited by Tamarea (5 years ago)
#154 Added by Gidget 5 years ago
Date: monday, October 28th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)
#155 Added by Nilstilar 5 years ago
Anlor Winn's HRP events will begin on Thursday, October 31st, 20:00 UTC and will end on Monday, November 11th.We will reactivate for the occasion the scenery as well as the special events (The Perilous Maze, Kill the Pumpkins!, Yubo zombies) and will offer you various little games.The announcement is available here.
We are now in the balancing process required by the reduction to one hour of the attack phase (calibration of the number of rounds, squads, etc.). We will then move on to the withdrawal of the defence phase.In order to test with more characters, the final tests will be carried out on Atys.
The last test, carried out in PvP on an outpost, revealed that the values have been increased too much, so the weapons are too... efficient. Further tests will be carried out shortly.
The tests are almost finished, there are only minor bugs to fix and translations to complete. The implementation in game is scheduled for just after Anlor Winn, around mid-November.
Its release is scheduled for November.
A new billing system is under development. Ulukyn will present it to you at a future meeting.
The new Ryzom website is being created. SirCotare will present it to you at a future meeting.Its launch is planned before the end of the year.
Purpose of the project(Tamarea (RT) – 21:12 UTC)In order to improve your gaming experience, we must offer you a lively game with regular and varied events, but also a gameplay neat and enriched by regular additions of new features.However, our small team does not allow us to work with the ambitions of a large company.So we have chosen to "settle down" and refocus on a common project: Storyline. This will serve as a roleplay base to lead to gameplay content, focusing on content already under development and taking the opportunity to complete some of the gameplay that has been in game for years but not yet completed.Thus, the Storyline project aims to make the game more lively and interesting and thus enlarge our community, as well as to revitalize the Ryzom team by putting into play much more quickly the additions on which it works.The philosophy behind this approach is more than simply conserving the current fragmented community, bringing it together and transforming it into a community that shapes (and is shaped by) events, where everyone can come together for fun.Principle of the project(Tamarea (RT) – 21:17 UTC)All events played from the beginning of the game to the upcoming completion of the "Empire's Shield" are now grouped under the name "Season 1".The next season, called "Season 2", will have two main themes that I will keep secret in order to preserve the surprise.The two themes will be played alternately, each in several episodes. Each episode will start with an event played by the Event team, continue with a series of events played and scripted, and conclude with a permanent gameplay addition.The themes chosen for Season 2 will allow developers to complete part of the unfinished gameplay: Pocket Worlds (Scenographic Editor, Guild Islands), Kitinlair, Marauder Gameplay, (advanced) Occupations, Involvements...They will also allow them to implement several projects under development: Nexus Reloaded, Collections, Bosses in a Box, New Marauders Map, New Dynamic Events...Because they will lead to permanent gameplay additions (depending in part on the actions of the players during the episode), events and role-playing will gain in interest.The launch of Season 2 is scheduled for January 2020.
The Comm-Marketing team is growing with three new members:• Margote to take care of broadcasts;• Drumel and Mideo to create videos.
Edited 7 times | Last edited by Maupas (5 years ago) | Reason: Unresponding link
#156 Added by Tykus 5 years ago
Ordre du jourÉtat d'avancement des projets en cours: Armes de tirMise en lumière : projet Site web https://cloud.ryzom.com/s/5QtbTr96a97Wk4p
#157 Added by Nilstilar 5 years ago
The balancing of the range weapons is very advanced. It is however difficult to test because it is necessary to have access to raw materials, and especially it is difficult to reproduce the conditions of the Atys server (Outpost battles, PvP, hunting). That's why we chose an alternative solution, to make sure that this branch takes its place in the gameplay again, without making the magic and the classic melee obsolete. Make no mistake, the change will have a significant impact on the armed strategy, but it should not make your master axe level unecessary.We have therefore planned a three-phase implementation: • addition of basic ammunition to the gun dealer, patch of the modification of the space taken by the ammunition in the bag (bulk); • patch of the modifications tested on Outpost battles and evaluation on Atys (a topic will be created on the forum to collect your feedback); • final adjustment patch after analysis of forum feedback.We do not yet have a precise timetable for these phases, but we will communicate them later.
We've been working on Ryzom's new website for quite a while now. It will replace the old website on www.ryzom.com some time in december. We have come along pretty well and we want to show you a preview and ask for your opinions.A few more words: the preview is not yet translated and therefore will only show english text. Also, some links (especially to account-management, signin, registration, etc.) are not yet functional. The "events" section is not yet fully functional too and shows placeholders.So, let's have a look together: https://ryweb.larboard.net/For those who are joining us ingame: you'll have to use your regular webbrowser to visit the site. It is not available in Ryzom's ingame browser.Now, feel free to ask questions and give us your suggestions and other feedback.
#158 Added by Tykus 5 years ago
Agenda1- Feedbacks -Feedback on Atysmas events -Feedback on daily missions2- Storyline:Introduction3- Deepl: following test4- Recruitment of volunteers:Translation Team: We are first of all looking for DE, ES, RU translators/proofreaders and of EN proofreaders.Of course FR translators/proofreaders will be appreciated too!We would also need graphic creators (gfx) Dev/Ark, Level-designers and new members into Event Team..
#159 Added by Gidget 5 years ago
#160 Added by Sinvaders 5 years ago
#161 Added by Moniq 5 years ago
1 - Feedbacks- Feedback on Atysmas events- Feedback on daily missions2 - Storyline: Introduction3 - Deepl: following test4 - Recruitment of volunteer
I would ask you not to speak during my speaking phases, and then to raise your hand if you wish to speak. I will note your request and give you the floor when it is your turn.
Raise your hand, I'll give you the floor. Someone?
I wanted to say that the puzzle fragments was a fantastic idea
Puzzle great idea and gift to the city too, for all people can have the gift, think to the guards.They kill my gifts, they don't have cookies :)
I spent hours killing snowmen but was unable to participate in killing yubohoho due to cooldown I thinkwhile I understand there are reasons for the timing of yubhoho, not receiving anything for killing the snowmen was disappointing
yuboho was nice but also reward system should be reworked. some people just camped at arena and did nothing. so rewards should also be related to killed snowmen
Ok, Yubohoho will be reviewed in order to remove all bugs :)
gifts in city and around should be a surprise and random. hitting big presents and know there is a for speed eggs was a bit boring. i can also imagine "harder" gifts in q250 areas for more experienced playersthe treehunting was not done very often because ppl thought it is not worthso idea good but rewards need rework here.
i ask that who kills snowmen be shown how many still needed to be killed for that region ...that way i would be able to aid in other regions as soon as done with 100% filling
The atysmas tree was a nice idea but I think there was a problem with the loots, some helped to kill the tree and received nothing beacause others didn't think to share the loots. I think it should be better to set the same loot for each person that helped to kill the tree
The rumor system is going to be set up on atys, namely that all the npcs of atys will answer your questions about what's going on and believe me, they have things to tell you (some more than others).We will add the first phase for the range weapons change (patch scheduled around the january 27th)
Update: Ulu tells me in the ear that all non-attackable npcs will be concerned, even those who move :)
Just a reminder: the first phase for the range weapons is, bulk modification for ammos and gezneric ammos added to the range weapons merchants :)
The translation tests are still in progress, we have implemented the translation exclusion command (/a setDontTranslateLangs [en, fr, de, es] ) that will allow you to not translate a language. For the moment, the tests are not extended to other channels than the around area.
I suggest that DeepL be suggested to be used at these meetings by those giving comments to facilitate the immediate translation of questions one gives etc
Dynanics channel need a bit (lot) coding to be aviable for deepl, so We will have to wait to use it on Pub forge :P
The translation team: We are primarily looking for DE, ES, RU translators/proofreaders and EN proofreaders. Of course, FR translators/revisers will also be appreciated!We also need graphic designers (gfx) Dev/Ark, LD and anims. If you are interested, ask Tam on RC or by email tamarea@ryzom.com :)
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Margote (5 years ago)
#162 Added by Tamarea 5 years ago
Agenda1- Storyline release2- Next patch (february 19th)3- New Ryzom website4- Recruitment
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (5 years ago)
#163 Added by Gidget 5 years ago
Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.
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