

#136 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (August 19th, 2019)

Date: monday, August 19th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public channel Forge (open the WebIG (Ctrl+W) and click on the "RF" button next to the language flags)
  • chat.ryzom, channel #pub-forge (


Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • OP refactoring: recruitment of testers
  • Range weapon balancing: recruitment of testers
  • DeepL: give your feedbacks on external sites and social networks!
  • Publications of websites
  • Ryzom wiki (maybe)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tykus (5 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#137 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]

Compte-Rendu de la réunion de Ryzom Forge – 19 août 2019

Refonte des batailles d’avant-poste : recrutement de testeurs

Tamarea (RT) – 19:39 UTC
L'étape 1 du projet de modification des batailles d'avant-poste est en cours de test.
Nous cherchons davantage de testeurs pour rejoindre le groupe, que ce soit en tant que testeurs experts en bataille d'’avant-poste ou en tant que simples participants.
Les tests ont lieu sur le serveur de test (logique !), directement avec le compte joueur qui reçoit alors un accès spécial de "bêta testeur" et un équipement ad hoc.
Si vous aimez le JcJ, venez tester tout en vous amusant ! Pour postuler, contactez Tamarea (par message direct RC ou courriel adressé à

S'ensuit un échange entre ceux de l'assistance ayant déjà participé à ces tests, qui confirme le plaisir qu'on y prend et que Tamarea conclut d'un « Rejoignez-nous, nous avons besoin de vous ! Et venez me protéger d'eux. Au secours ! »

Équilibrage des armes de tir : recrutement de testeurs

Tamarea (RT) – 19:49 UTC
Vous êtes experts en armes de tir et rêvez de les voir enfin équilibrées ?
Venez rejoindre le groupe de testeurs ! Vous pourrez tester les différentes armes de tir en JcE ainsi qu’en JcJ classique et/ou en bataille d’’avant-poste.
Vous aurez accès au serveur de test avec votre compte joueur en tant que bêta testeur.
Pour postuler, contactez Tamarea (par message direct RC ou courriel adressé à

DeepL : donnez votre avis sur les sites externes et les réseaux sociaux !

Tamarea (RT) – 19:57 UTC
L'intégration du traducteur DeepL à Ryzom est toujours en test. La traduction est pour le moment limitée au canal ALENTOURS et n'est pas encore paramétrable, mais comme le test est très concluant, nous passerons bientôt aux étapes suivantes, comme annoncé ici : 35#135
Résumé :
• Étape 2 :Travail de développement pour que DeepL gère la traduction entre les canaux du jeu et
• Étape 3 : Création de l'interface de configuration et ajout d'options dans la fenêtre de chat.
• Étape 4 : Intégration de DeepL sur les canaux dynamiques, univers et de région.
• Étape 5 : Intégration de DeepL sur les canaux de guilde, d'équipe, de ligue et dans les échanges privés.
• Étape 6 : Ajout d'exceptions pour les mots et noms spécifiques à Atys, comme les noms de lieu etc.
Cette intégration intéresse et est très suivie hors de Ryzom, aussi bien sur les réseaux sociaux que sur les sites web.
Aussi, je fais appel à vous pour contribuer à diffuser la nouvelle en publiant, commentant, donnant votre avis sur cet ajout sur les réseaux sociaux et sites web.

S'ensuivent plusieurs appréciations favorables des participants et une précision de Tamarea : si la traduction du canal emotes (/em) est elle aussi prévue, DeepL ne permettra pas la production automatique de compte-rendus de réunion en cinq langues !

Publications de sites web

Tamarea (RT) – 20:08 UTC
Ci-après les publications de deux sites web :
• slator-and-whips-up-a-new-map
• eur-automatique
N'hésitez pas à les commenter et/ou les partager ! Votre défi, si vous le relevez : faire plus de commentaires et de publications sur Ryzom qu'il n'y a de bières bues par les Trykers !
Alors ne perdez pas de temps ! À vos doigts, prêts, partez !
Mais pensez à m'envoyer d’abord un message pour postuler comme testeur ! C'est la réunion des défis aujourd'hui ! ;)

Ryzom Wiki

Zorroargh (WT) – 20:24 UTC
Je suis très content et honoré de voir augmenter ce qui est le plus important pour un wiki : sa fréquentation.
Je constate en effet qu’il est de plus en plus consulté, et cela grâce à tous les bénévoles qui y contribuent.
Je passe la parole à Tryroamer, non sans vous demander d'applaudir toute la petite équipe, dont Tryroamer fait lui-même partie.

Tryroamer propose alors qu'un titre particulier (une sorte de "grade universitaire" – de Bachelier à Docteur) vienne reconnaître la plus ou moins grande connaissance de la Lore par les personnages-joueurs. L'idée est que le désir de monter en grade des joueurs ainsi titrés les motiverait puissamment pour contribuer au Ryzom Wiki.
Sur quoi Namcha rappelle que l'Équipe Lore (dont il fait partie) a d'ores et déjà proposé une liste de titres destinés à reconnaître l'implication des volontaires dans leur personnage (donc dans la Lore).
D'autres posent ensuite la question des examens à organiser pour l'obtention de tels grades, de leur affichage en jeu, etc....
La réunion tourne au remue-méninges (Moniq
dixit) et se clôt dans le brouhaha à 21:09 UTC alors que Thols et Tryroamer conviennent de continuer en privé la conversation.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Maupas (5 years ago)


#138 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

Ryzom Forge Meeting (30 september 2019 - 19:30 UTC / 21:30 CEST)

Location: Atys, on the public channel Ryzomforge (open the WebIG (Ctrl+W) and click on the "RF" button next to the language flags), or on chat.ryzom, channel #pub-forge ( )

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.

- Celebrations of Ryzom's 15th anniversary: summary.

- Update on the progress of the projects under test: daily missions, OP refactoring, shooting weapons.

- Coming soon: launch of Season 2 of the Storyline.

Edited 11 times | Last edited by Tykus (5 years ago)

#139 [en] 


Ryzom Forge Meeting (30 september 2019 - 19:30 UTC / 21:30 CEST)

15:30 EDT / 12:30 PDT on a Monday... why are these things never when any non-EU player with a day job can attend?

Last edited by Gidget (5 years ago)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#140 [fr] 

Sorry Gidget, our agenda is really full, we have not really other place in :)

#141 Multilingual 

Why would the agenda be any more or less full if the meeting time was scheduled to accommodate non-EU players?



Everone has an opinion, and of course are entitled to have one, but others are equally entitled to decide whether they choose to agree or disagree. Acting like a complete Muppet isn't likely going to change minds or win support :)

#142 [en] 

Sorry Gidget, our agenda is really full, we have not really other place in :)

Apology not accepted; it's years too late for a simple "Sorry" to suffice.

The entire time I've been here, nearly 7 years, it seems like the agenda has ALWAYS been too full to listen to non-EU players. It's bad enough that we get shouted down in the forums for not being deep-immersion RP, but to be flat-out told that we have no place at the table is a slap in the face... and also expected since it's gone on so long that quite a number of us have been left with no choice but to feel that there is an active dislike of non-EU players.

If you truly are sorry then don't tell us; show us. Even a token gesture at intercontintental coordination, like simply moving the meeting back a day to Sunday where there is at least a chance that players from both sides of the Atlantic can attend without having to quit our day jobs, would go a long way.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#143 [en] 

... but to feel that there is an active dislike of non-EU players.

Hi Gidget,

It's not a "dislike of non-EU players"... It's rather a time range issue - even rather a lack of time at all.

Most of people from the team are volontiers. Some of them are working (night for US).
I am French, I am in France - no time range issue - and I feel like they need help... but the fact is: it's not easy to help them...
The code is very complex: when you touch here, it break there... and worse I heard that some (volontiers) dev players used the code to cheat :/

Only homins who know very very well Atys can help.
It gives me the impression that the game is held together with bits of string and a piece of tape.

But I don't see any "dislike of non-EU players"...

The series of "Please wait" (at 5 am French time) is still ongoing ?


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#144 [en] 

Why would the agenda be any more or less full if the meeting time was scheduled to accommodate non-EU players?


I think Tykus means their calendar is too full, not the agenda for the meeting - which is how I read it at first and I think you did too Bubbason.

I also would much rather this had been on a weekend as, predictably, I was unable to make it last night due to work. Please can the next one be arranged for a weekend? Fix it in the diary now?

#145 [en] 

IMHO the meeting should be held by the support from NA.
don't understand why it isn't the case yet, been a while the server's merged.

You do one meeting with the EU support, and same day a meeting with NA support + (optional) EU that do not sleep yet.


#146 [en] 

Hi Gidget,

It's not a "dislike of non-EU players"... It's rather a time range issue - even rather a lack of time at all.

Most of people from the team are volontiers. Some of them are working (night for US).
I am French, I am in France - no time range issue -
Are you saying the majority of the team work at their day jobs on Sundays? I mean, I've worked a lot of weird schedules before in my life, but I find the odds of that rather unlikely considering how many cultures consider Sunday a day of rest. In fact, a little research into French labor laws lowers the odds even further.
... but the fact is: it's not easy to help them...The code is very complex: when you touch here, it break there...
Naturally. That is how code works.

But it's not entirely coding; you need a goal to code towards. Part of the reason for dialog is to find a middle ground between what the design team wants and what the code team says is possible. There's some game design elements, and you don't need to be a code monkey to have ideas about game design. Ideas some may want to discuss in real-time with those that may be able to refine and/or implement those ideas but can't.
Only homins who know very very well Atys can help...
I will give you the benefit of a doubt, but how that came across was that you are saying that anyone who can't even read most of the lore because it is in a language we can't read and has not been translated cannot help and thus need not be considered.

Think about the implications of that. Think how nationalistic that sounds, and ask yourself it that is the image you want to continue to project. (I say "continue to" because I am far from the only one who thinks that.) Then ask yourself how much has happened over the last 7 years to make people like me have the views that we do. Think long and hard. And while you're thinking, read my sig-block a few times and realize that I am speaking for more people than just myself.
But I don't see any "dislike of non-EU players"...
I am not saying there is outright malice. In fact, I doubt there is any ill intent. But a lot of folks who never experience racism deny it even exists because they were never on the receiving end. They don't realize their privilege, or the damage they do by perpetuating bad behavior.

Do you see how, "Only homins who know very very well Atys can help.", is insulting? Whether you see it or not does not change the fact that it is. And continuing to have the meetings at a time that excludes those that already feel insulted is just rubbing salt in the wound. If that is not the intent, then lets work towards a compromise that makes it feel like Ryzom is more of a global game by admitting that the EU is not the only place that has good ideas, coding skill, or opinions that matter.
IMHO the meeting should be held by the support from NA.
don't understand why it isn't the case yet, been a while the server's merged.

You do one meeting with the EU support, and same day a meeting with NA support + (optional) EU that do not sleep yet.
Honestly, a great compromise. If moving the meetings to a day that most people on both sides of the Atlantic have off isn't practical, then multiple meetings would work.(I still wonder what it is about Sunday evenings in the EU that's more important than the ability to pay rent or eat is for us that makes moving the meetings impossible, but c'est la vie :/) My only worry there is that enough damage has been done over the course of a number of years that a lot of NA folks won't even bother since they've been so conditioned to being ignored. I would love to be proven wrong on that though.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#147 [en] 

Yes it would be nice to have meetings in other time frames. But to compare the absence thereof with racism is a bit overdoing it as usual.

I'm sure Ryzom Team loves Americans as much as we all do, but understand that the Ryzom Team is mostly volunteers in EU time. Don't expect them to sacrifice their little non-ryzom free time (Sundays? please -_-) to please you. It is how it is, don't take it personal.

The reality is you're playing a game with a mostly EU support team and with insufficient human resources to hold +24 meetings (one for each time zone). Sorry to break it to you.

Thanks for the giggles.

Last edited by Victoriacamper (5 years ago)

#148 [en] 

Why would the agenda be any more or less full if the meeting time was scheduled to accommodate non-EU players?


Because most of the ryzom team members are from EU timezone, they give their time as volunteer, and is diiffcult to program meeting when they are sleeping, but please, if you are in US timezone, join us, and maybe we will be able to change thinks :)

#149 [fr] 

So you are asking people that can't come to come before thinking about changes on your side?

#150 [en] 

Because most of the ryzom team members are from EU timezone, they give their time as volunteer, and is diiffcult to program meeting when they are sleeping, but please, if you are in US timezone, join us, and maybe we will be able to change thinks :)

Are you willing to pay our rent and feed us? Not all of us enjoy the luxury of being able to take Mondays off from our day jobs. If you had to choose between Ryzom or survival, which would you choose? It's not a matter of wanting change, but of necessity.

Why can't the meetings be moved to Sundays around 1900 UTC? Same time, only on a day when those in the NA time zoneS (yes, plural; there's a 3 hour difference between our coasts) are not stuck at work/school.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

Last visit Friday, 7 June 13:09:06 UTC

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