#124 Added by Yaandor 6 years ago
Teleportation technology is based on the seed of life, and mektoubs don't have one.
#125 Added by Gidget 6 years ago
Teleportation technology is based on the seed of life, and mektoubs don't have one.Daily mission will use server time but the change won't be midnight UTC. More something like morning in Europe. It is yet to define.
#126 Added by Namcha 6 years ago
Last edited by Namcha (6 years ago)
#127 Added by Moniq 6 years ago
Here is the agenda:1 - Classical missions, occupations and NH2 - Marauder gameplay3 - Ranger rite4 - Recruitment
During the JY2603 patch, we started the implementation of a project to (re)highlight the game's 11,000 missions ( https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/29797/1 ).However, it turned out that through overenthusiasm, we went a little too fast and withdrew the rewards of the old NH version a little too early, before we had properly upgraded and balanced the missions and occupations.As a result, we have decided to bring the old version of NH back into play *temporarily*, which will allow us to:no longer penalize players because of a release of the new version of NH made before missions and occupations are revalued and balancedto give us time to revalue and properly balance the traditional missions and occupations.Then we will put back in place the current version of NH. Riasan (dev) is working this week to recode the old version of NH and it will be tested this weekend.
Don't know if my question is relevant for missions modifications, but it seems to me that when the merge occurred, the idea was to boost economy again. Namely give to dappers a value. It seems we come back to MP as means of exchange in Ryzom. That I link to missions, among other features.
Nation points have to be given again. Because no points means no crystals, and no crystals means no pex.Or the loss of nation points from NH have to be replaced by some counterpart.
To be unable to pex without crystals is an other issue than that of economy.
No. Thats just a commodity, not a goal per se.
It seems to me missions give too much dappers (not enough at low level, too much at high level).
To be precise, the most valuable advantage of NH was nation points, not dappers, useful to buy crystals or generic materials. We take on an enhancement of Atys missions which NH is part of. But as long as rebalancing is not completed, players miss nation points badly.
maybe reward points could be given as it doesn't effect nation fame anymore
i'm talking about individual rp mechanism (without reroll) not for me
@Shylai, gameplay mechanism not rp mechanism :)
Tykus 19:52 UTC: To be precise, the most valuable advantage of NH was nation points, not dappers, useful to buy crystals or generic materials. We take on an enhancement of Atys missions which NH is part of. But as long as rebalancing is not completed, palayers miss nation points badly.I disagree
To be precise, the most valuable advantage of NH was nation points, not dappers, useful to buy crystals or generic materials. We take on an enhancement of Atys missions which NH is part of. But as long as rebalancing is not completed, palayers miss nation points badly.
I remind that the move back to the old version of NH is temporary only. As soon as the missions and occupations will be revalued and balanced, we'll put again the current version of NH.
The rewards in nation points or dappers should depend of time spent, the one in fame only of completed missions.
Another reaction before to move to next topic?An official announcement on this first topic will be made in a few days.
ok, on the subject of NH and an earlier comment that suggested the main benefit to the old way of working was faction points (for Crystals or Generic Materials). This statement is incorrect in part. Actually, players preferred the old way of working because it meant that, for perhaps 30 minutes, they could do occupations to gain dapper + factions points, after which they were free to enjoy their time on Atys doing whatever they pleasedSo, actually, the old way of working supported freedom of choiceBut, my question is this:
if there are missions for the occupations, there is no need to do step 4, because no one will use this step if there is a better one than the actual NH, so if there are missions for occupations, the nh needs a new system or he diesthe old one is overpowered maybe..the new one is Under powered
If I may, think 4 means a modified version whereby you can't get 50 fame in a few hours effort
Hm, I don't see how that will work because mostly, it seems that players preferred the rewards from NH + the freedom of choice it gives them. The re-balanced missions take too much time.
i have listened attentively to this discussion: a suggestion i already made in the foren might be here worth repeating: when all has been balanced and tested and found to be goodadditionally the missions results (occupational) could be given new value as ingredients needed to other accomplishments those improved occupational missions perhaps already do this? if so then the problems here feared do not come into being
hmm i think the translater doesnt work correctly, but yea, the nh doesnt have to get out" he will die, because no one will use it with the actual state the old status forces you to porten when the limit is reached so you can give up.The new system brings a bad yield. both are not balanced systems.
I will try to answer all questions yes It's why when we recoded the NH we made the change, but it was a emergency case, recoding NH like it was took more time than recode without rewards. But doing like this created a hole in the rewards for players :)This Nh system remains sensitive, it often remains blocked and is not very accessible to the CSR to see who gave what...
the old system without caps of 3000 and a little less reward, then everyone has the free choice, is not permanently restricted if 3-4 people give at the same time and still gets a usable reward
Triplex: I encourage you to join dev team and help!
To freddy: there is many way to up your fame to 50, NH was so easy,it was used to the detriment of all the missions dedicated to fame :p
The new Marauder region under creation will be located near the Nexus and will be connected to it by a vortex. The working group is in the process of adding vegetation to this new area, which is empty by default. Important note: this new map is the first one we are creating from scratch, which is very promising for the future!So we managed to reach the ultimate stage dreamed of when Ryzom Forge was created: "The last stage, called the New Zone project, will consist in the creation of a new game zone."
Congratulation for the work done !
OK. I'm ready to help if needed (not so bad at understanding :-)… and congrats, of course.
It has been fixed and is now operational again.
i am very happy to hear of the RR having been repaired and being now operationalTo whom does one (Trytrytry for example) turn in order to participate in that rite please?
Thanks all for the Rite :-)
You may as well finish your discussion now since we moved on.
The clock is ticking and it's time to move on to the last topic. We will come back to this at the next meeting. In addition, an official announcement will be made, so you can also react on the forum.
Translation team recruits volunteers!To translate / proofread into SpanishTo translate / proofread into RussianTo translate / proofread into German Support team recruits volunteers!From North AmericaFrom South America (speaking Spanish and English)From Australia timezoneFrom SpainAnimation team recruits volunteers!From North AmericaFrom South America (speaking Spanish and English)From Australia timezoneFrom SpainIn particular, we need American animators in order to be able to play roleplay events in US time slots.For any questions or applications, please send an email to tamarea@ryzom.com
Last edited by Moniq (6 years ago)
#128 Added by Revvy 6 years ago
Q: Why do I raise my hand, and still get ignored?A: (not answered)
#129 Added by Jorgensen 6 years ago
#130 Added by Revvy 6 years ago
if there was a reasonable way to get crystals again would start subscribing again
#131 Added by Arcueid 6 years ago
#132 Added by Revvy 6 years ago
Slightly offtopic, but you make some awesome solo hunting videos Revvy! Ryzom has so much to offer, a true sandbox with lots of goals for every play style.arc
#133 Added by Gidget 6 years ago
Jorgensenif there was a reasonable way to get crystals again would start subscribing againBlackmail? How low :P
Ryzom has so much to offer, a true sandbox with lots of goals for every play style.
#134 Added by Tamarea 6 years ago
AgendaIn-game auto-translation via DeepLAugust Promotion and Atys GamesBack to the game's roots: Storyline projectImprovement and enrichment of Ryzom WikiSwitch to open source for translation filesReturn of the old version of NHRecruitment
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)
#135 Added by Moniq 6 years ago
The integration of the DeepL translator in play will be done in 5 steps:Step 1: test in the around channel (in progress)DeepL is currently being tested in the "around" channel. It automatically translates into the interface language what is said on the channel. Supported languages: English, German, Spanish, Russian and French.Step 2:"dev" work for DeepL to manage the translation between the game channels and chat.ryzom.com.Step 3: Create the configuration interface and add options in the chat window The interface should allow you to:choose if you accept to be translated (see GDPR)choose the channels to translate (example: surroundings, guild...)choose the languages to be translated.choose the language in which you want the translation to be done.The options in the chat window will allow you to:enable / disable translations (on/off)identify the translated sentences (different color?)display the original version of the translated sentences(subject to) see the translation of a sentence initially displayed in its original languageStep 4: DeepL integration on dynamic and regional channelsThis includes universe channels.We will certainly take this opportunity to remove language-specific uni-universe channels, which will no longer be useful.Step 5: DeepL integration on guild, team, league and private message channels.Please note that we will then be able to activate automatic translation into all languages supported by DeepL (currently Portuguese, Polish, Dutch, Italian) if necessary. Now it's your turn to talk: what do you think about the addition of DeepL in game and the ongoing test on the around channel?
i understand that for normal purposes no language specific channels be in case of DeepL success and ingame integration as proposed, but i would nevertheless welcome having the possiblility of splitting off of the one language origin chat to an own channel tab within the main chat for special purposes, naturally, while still allowing and following the chat originating out of all other languages within the uni chat
Do you mean that there should be a translated channel and an untranslated channel ingame?
Not really, but there is yet a need as i see it, for me to at times isolate the chat originating in the one language into its own channel, otherwise the other conversation might / would stretch out the particular thought thread out of recognition (fifo principle)
ok, simply a hint, or as a overlay, as with the items, of the original text, would suffice, wouldn't it?
The problem of double translation. Can the translator determine the language in which the phrase is spoken? Now the language from which the text is translated and the language into which the text is translated is tied to the interface languageBut the player uses one interface language, and can speak severalIn this case, I noticed that if the language of what was said differs from the interface language, then the translator first translates the text into the interface language, and then only further
From my experience on https://www.deepl.com, DeepL usually determines the language of the text on its own. This is not yet the case during the test, because for the moment it is the language of the interface of the writer that is taken into account.
What do you think (briefly) about the integration of DeepL into the game?
Very convenient, especially for those who do not speak other languages than their own.
If you use no native slang, write full sentences and don't make mistakes while writing... it could be usefull, otherwise there could be a lot of misunderstandings. Well also lets say... "Rendor" will be translate into "Verkäufer" (Reseller) in german. Or Ranger > "Waldläufer" (Forestrunner) ... ^^ But overall, a good thing for communication, so it is far from perfect.
Thank you for your feedback. Let's move on to the next topic!
Announcements on the forumAnnouncement of the August promotionExplanations on the August promotionPlanning and rules of the Atys gamesOther publicationsFacebookTwitterSteamReddit/MMORPGReddit/Linux_GamingWhat are your feedback on the promotion and games? Who wants to speak?
As for me, I think 5,000 choice tokens is very very much for an earning. The water bombs had very good press :)
Great, the water bombs! The ultimate weapon of Rangers!
5000 tokens sounds big quantity, but it's only 141/200 of plushie and 0/250 of zig and it's imposible to waterbomb bosses
I just want to say a big thank you to the ryzom team for the August event, memorable evening with players from all nations and factions on the rendors :)
We return to the basics of Ryzom by placing the advance of history at the centre of the game.Thus, instead of having on one side events, and on the other side heterogeneous additions, we will have regular gameplay additions that will logically follow the progress of History, over the events. With, of course, a role for the "Power to Players", since the turn of events will depend in part on your actions!Before embarking on a Season that will bring many new features (we already have a number of them in mind!), we chose to start with a Season allowing us to finally finish the unfinished gameplay content. You'll learn more soon!
We will call for players to help with Outpost battle changes and Ranged weapon changes in some time. We need to finish many other changes and fixing and also well prepare a series of tests.
I have followed with some interest the discussion in the forums about just what roleplay actually is on Atys. One aspect that I feel has been in the past but seems nowadays completely absent: one's own personal rp history ingame. I hope that such become respected again where and by whomever practiced
DeepL could contribute to this by facilitating roleplay between players from different languages.
I give the floor to the contributors!
What I can say about the wiki, is that I published 231 articles about the plants of Atys since a month from a document provided by Namcha. But Dorothée, Heernis and Zorroargh are working hard, too.
hm... the wiki is accessible through mobile phones, but a mobile css layout is not available for it (for better view)
The largest translation files of the ingame text, which were still private, have just switched to open source. So much so that all translations are now in open source! You can find them here: https://bitbucket.org/ryzom/ryzomdatas/src/default/translations/
It is imminent... provided we find a tester on Windows!Which introduces the last topic: recruitment!
We are looking for volunteer testers (Windows, Linux, Mac). Indeed, the current lack of testers means that features and patches remain in test for a long time, which delays their application. In particular, we are looking for players who are familiar with OP battles in order to test "OP refactoring". For more information, please contact Moniq or Tamarea. To apply, please contact Tamarea (on chat.ryzom.com or by email to tamarea@ryzom.com). Currently, future additions and maintenance are blocked for far too long in the test phase due to a lack of testers. Which is a pity! (This is currently the case for NH.) We need testers on all 3 platforms: Windows, Linux and Mac. We are looking for two types of testers:"Generalist" testers for general tests."Specialist" testers for precise tests. For example, tests on OPs, or on shooting weapons, or on PvP....
You can contact me on Ryzom's chat or by email at tamarea@ryzom.com when you feel ready. :)
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Maupas (6 years ago) | Reason: Some typos in FR text
#136 Added by Tamarea 6 years ago
AgendaOP refactoring: recruitment of testersRange weapon balancing: recruitment of testersDeepL: give your feedbacks on external sites and social networks!Publications of websitesRyzom wiki (maybe)
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tykus (5 years ago)
#137 Added by Nilstilar 6 years ago
L'étape 1 du projet de modification des batailles d'avant-poste est en cours de test. Nous cherchons davantage de testeurs pour rejoindre le groupe, que ce soit en tant que testeurs experts en bataille d'’avant-poste ou en tant que simples participants.Les tests ont lieu sur le serveur de test (logique !), directement avec le compte joueur qui reçoit alors un accès spécial de "bêta testeur" et un équipement ad hoc.Si vous aimez le JcJ, venez tester tout en vous amusant ! Pour postuler, contactez Tamarea (par message direct RC ou courriel adressé à tamarea@ryzom.com).
Vous êtes experts en armes de tir et rêvez de les voir enfin équilibrées ?Venez rejoindre le groupe de testeurs ! Vous pourrez tester les différentes armes de tir en JcE ainsi qu’en JcJ classique et/ou en bataille d’’avant-poste.Vous aurez accès au serveur de test avec votre compte joueur en tant que bêta testeur.Pour postuler, contactez Tamarea (par message direct RC ou courriel adressé à tamarea@ryzom.com).
L'intégration du traducteur DeepL à Ryzom est toujours en test. La traduction est pour le moment limitée au canal ALENTOURS et n'est pas encore paramétrable, mais comme le test est très concluant, nous passerons bientôt aux étapes suivantes, comme annoncé ici : https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/28116/1 35#135Résumé :• Étape 2 :Travail de développement pour que DeepL gère la traduction entre les canaux du jeu et chat.ryzom.com.• Étape 3 : Création de l'interface de configuration et ajout d'options dans la fenêtre de chat.• Étape 4 : Intégration de DeepL sur les canaux dynamiques, univers et de région.• Étape 5 : Intégration de DeepL sur les canaux de guilde, d'équipe, de ligue et dans les échanges privés.• Étape 6 : Ajout d'exceptions pour les mots et noms spécifiques à Atys, comme les noms de lieu etc.Cette intégration intéresse et est très suivie hors de Ryzom, aussi bien sur les réseaux sociaux que sur les sites web.Aussi, je fais appel à vous pour contribuer à diffuser la nouvelle en publiant, commentant, donnant votre avis sur cet ajout sur les réseaux sociaux et sites web.
Ci-après les publications de deux sites web :• https://massivelyop.com/2019/08/16/ryzom-tests-multi-language-chat-tran slator-and-whips-up-a-new-map• https://mmo.jeuxonline.info/actualite/56716/ryzom-veut-integrer-traduct eur-automatiqueN'hésitez pas à les commenter et/ou les partager ! Votre défi, si vous le relevez : faire plus de commentaires et de publications sur Ryzom qu'il n'y a de bières bues par les Trykers !Alors ne perdez pas de temps ! À vos doigts, prêts, partez !Mais pensez à m'envoyer d’abord un message pour postuler comme testeur ! C'est la réunion des défis aujourd'hui ! ;)
Je suis très content et honoré de voir augmenter ce qui est le plus important pour un wiki : sa fréquentation.Je constate en effet qu’il est de plus en plus consulté, et cela grâce à tous les bénévoles qui y contribuent.Je passe la parole à Tryroamer, non sans vous demander d'applaudir toute la petite équipe, dont Tryroamer fait lui-même partie.
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Maupas (6 years ago)
#138 Added by Tykus 5 years ago
Agenda:- Celebrations of Ryzom's 15th anniversary: summary.- Update on the progress of the projects under test: daily missions, OP refactoring, shooting weapons.- Coming soon: launch of Season 2 of the Storyline.
Edited 11 times | Last edited by Tykus (5 years ago)
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