
#1 [en] 

summary version:
Feature: "Sell to others"

: After 7 day timer expires, items are stored in limbo where they can be recovered. Like many other MMOs.

Rationale: stressful to keep up with 7 day timer for items, especially things like jewels, weapons, non -stackables 

Hi all!

I was discussing with a Homin today and , he presented a very interesting , good, idea (imo).

So I have posted before, asking for things like, less slots, but longer expiration timer, etc , on merchant. The post was met with much opposition. I understand some people want all 128 slots on the merchant. I understand some people want longer timers.

What if... WHAT IF....

After the 7 day timer expires, your materials/items are not just sold/taken off shelves. What if....

What if! The items were placed in some form of temporary storage (perhaps with it's own 30 day timer (etc))

I have a very hectic life, and I cannot always keep up with a 7 day timer. I try hard to stock the merchants, and it's been very effective this week, but it's a stress to remember, to remove all the items, log out, log in, relist.

What say, 7 day timer, 128 slots, but after 7 days, it gets stuck in limbo for a while longer?

I wouldn't mind paying a monthly upkeep for that extended timer. There are lots of ways to balance this.

I've also thought of "pay a fee to extend timer back to 7"
But for now, I really like the idea that you can take your items if they do not sell, instead of losing them. Many other mmo's do this.


I'm not putting a poll, it's depressing how many no's this forum has :)

Last edited by Loved (6 years ago)


#2 [en] 

Definately a +1.

Additional balancing points could be:
-An extra fee to remove items if you dont catch them before the 7day timer (maybe twice the usual fee?). This would encourage the old method to please the homins who hold strong to that rythum, and give them vindication for doing so, but not leave a homin who has other commitments with no stock if he misses his window.

-Optional extensions of the reclaim window/unsold inventory timer limit from say, a modest 7 days, to maybe four weeks, perhaps these cost dappers, perhaps require citizenshizenship in the region you are selling in to extend beyond the initial timeframe for reclaim.

In any case, this could really help to stimulate the economy, afterall, with the risk of wasted time and mats, a lot of crafters seem to be, perhaps rightfully, too timid to sell a decent selection of stock and the market system is underused as a result.

Hope this makes the cut :)

#3 [en] 

I really like the idea of fame-unlocks

So let's say I have 50 fame with trykers, I get an auto extension of 7 days
100 fame = 28 days? :)


#4 [en] 

That banding of 50 Tier One and 100 Tier Two also has the merit of giving rangers that 'liked by everyone' vibe rather than 'treated like a random neutral', which is a nice extra boon for them to work towards on their journey :)

In any case it bears mentioning, the MMO market is heavily saturated and some functions have, in the last decade or so, become a given for many. Some QoL features a player, who has probably played more MMOs than just Ryzom, on average, cannot help but note by there absense.

Here is to making Ryzom's economy more stable and active, afterall, if I, as a crafter in real life make something and pay a broker an upfront fee to sell my goods for a certain price, I expect him to either deliver on that sale or 'make good' on the contract as I would expect under the law. I dont know who these crafters think they are but someone needs to start a Union or something because those are predatory bussiness practices if I ever saw them XD

#5 [en] 

If you have to re-new your offers every 7 days, its probably not wanted much...

#6 [en] 

I really like the idea of fame-unlocks

So let's say I have 50 fame with trykers, I get an auto extension of 7 days
100 fame = 28 days? :)

Would this 'punish' Maras and Rangers if they are truly unaligned to any nation?

Last edited by Nudge (6 years ago)

#7 [en] 

With that approach Rangers would gain some benefit everywhere, rather than a lot of benefit somewhere in particular, Maras kind of sign up to poor trading with everyone, but yes, they wouldnt benefit and would go on like before.

#8 [en] 

@Nudge Marauders don't have access to the regional merchant. They refuses to sell us anything (and to talk to us).
But we can sell to the land (forest only) from our own merchants as far as I know.
The marauder merchant system should be revamped imho. But yeah being able to increase the reselling time based on your fames (and why not an mission to validate it) sound good to me.
Still talking about marauders, the same could be nice (for those who store mats in merchant) and could be based on other fame (yeah marauder fame doesn't exist at the moment) or tribes mission (since tribes are enchored in region it might make sense for them to know the secret of selling things).

My 2 cents.

Last edited by Sinvaders (6 years ago)

#9 [en] 

For example, my amps sold about 2-8 per week, some week none and next week I had to resuply every other day, so 1 week is bit too quick for conclusions.

For Marauders it could be the less fame, the more days (and the less merchants take for themselfs per sell or something).

Anyway, I would love this. 7 days and merchant destroys is bit too hectic for me too. Atleast for now.

It could cost tho, many times merchant share is ok (imo), if he has to keep your goods stored. The more he has stored, the more it could costs to recover?


#10 [en] 

@Jahuu : well it doesn't make much sense to use the highest (not lowest cause lowest is -100 and highest is -42 at the moment) fame for marauder. For the following reason: all our fames make us being ennemies of the nations and religions (powers) even if it's the highest possible national merchants won't talk to us.
So for marauders either we use some tribes fame (means tribes service to resell our stuff) or use an non-existent marauder fame.
To be honest I would prefer the second option: it's just one more reason to add a proper fame to marauder faction.

- Maybe an another point could be: make this "functionality" available per land. I mean like you have to have X in Matis to be able to sell for more than 7 days but this will not be the case for others countries until you reach the condition.
This also solve the issue with rangers (who are friends with everyone (nearly) on Atys).

#11 [en] 

For example, my amps sold about 2-8 per week, some week none and next week I had to resuply every other day, so 1 week is bit too quick for conclusions.

So no problem to re-new once again your offer in case its not selling well this week. You should care about your business, not to flood markets once in 4 weeks and than do nothing idle.

Maybe if your offer loose 50% of prize for every started week over first 7 days. If no one wants it for a long time, I would bed the merchant will lower the prize to get rid of it and make space for better items... Or something else. But I can't vote for any feature that only makes life easier and brings no consequences or effort.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Moniq (6 years ago)

#12 [en] 


1) longer than 7 day timers exist in other mmo's and it's not considered flooding

2) guess what... I'm flooding the market any way for 1 month , I WILL remove my wares and I WILL put them back up again, this is because... I... the user of the mechanic... have my own wants.

3) I will just become like Jahuu and stop selling when it becomes too annoying to keep resetting every 7 days

4) I didn't say anything about "no effort or consequence" nor did most posters who replied. I am fine with it being fairly balanced. A commission, fame requirements, etc


#13 [en] 

But I can't vote for any feature that only makes life easier and brings no consequences or effort.
I don't think ryzom is the pinnacle of interface design, game mechanics or user friendliness. The economy was never thought through enough. Merchants should be more useful, many new player have learned about auction houses and similar mechanics from other games.

It's not about what a dedicated player has to do right now to keep the market saturated and merchants meaningful, I believe it is about a broken mechanic which should at least be looked over again.



#14 [en] 

@Arcueid: There is just no economy :) But I don't have any idea for a good proposal on that matter.

#15 [en] 


this is another topic entirely buuuuut, rest assured some of us are actively working on this. I am greatly surprised that many newbies ARE actually using the merchant and are sending tells, mails, requesting items

It's difficult to keep restocking but we've been working on it
If we get more people involved it isn't impossible to have a nice flow of goods and services

some initiatives include selling q250 ex surface mats at lower markup, low enough that people are actually buying them (hopefully also they will sell) and similar with grind mats

when I ask for mats of another lands i offer grind mats in return, we list them on merchant when we afk, it's slow but starting

back on topic - more time on the items will help people who are really making an effort to stock good items. there are many of us but it's tedious


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