Technical Support


#1 Multilingual 

I have this error when using Direct3D.

A failed assertion occurs
ProcName: ryzom_client_r.exe
Date: 2018/01/27 08:34:36
File: Z:\home\nevrax\ryzomcore\code\nel\src\misc\bitmap.cpp
Line: 1841
FuncName: NLMISC::CBitmap::resample
Reason: "PixelFormat == RGBA || PixelFormat == Luminance || PixelFormat == AlphaLuminance

If anyone can help me on this that would be awesome. By the way I dunno why it says "Z:\home\nevrax\ryzomcore\code\nel\src\misc\bitmap.cpp" , I don't have Z drive in my computer and nevrax as far as I know is the former owner of Ryzom.


Last visit Monday, 17 February 08:54:06 UTC

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